* Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/locationPrinter.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/tlab_globals.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zAddress.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zArray.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zGlobals.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zHeapIterator.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zHeuristics.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMark.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPage.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPageTable.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zRelocationSet.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zRelocationSetSelector.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zResurrection.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zStat.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zThread.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zVerify.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zWorkers.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/iterator.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceUtils.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiTagMap.hpp"
#include "runtime/handshake.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
static const ZStatCounter ZCounterUndoPageAllocation("Memory", "Undo Page Allocation", ZStatUnitOpsPerSecond);
static const ZStatCounter ZCounterOutOfMemory("Memory", "Out Of Memory", ZStatUnitOpsPerSecond);
ZHeap* ZHeap::_heap = NULL;
ZHeap::ZHeap() :
_page_allocator(&_workers, MinHeapSize, InitialHeapSize, MaxHeapSize),
_mark(&_workers, &_page_table),
_serviceability(min_capacity(), max_capacity()) {
// Install global heap instance
assert(_heap == NULL, "Already initialized");
_heap = this;
// Update statistics
bool ZHeap::is_initialized() const {
return _page_allocator.is_initialized() && _mark.is_initialized();
size_t ZHeap::min_capacity() const {
return _page_allocator.min_capacity();
size_t ZHeap::max_capacity() const {
return _page_allocator.max_capacity();
size_t ZHeap::soft_max_capacity() const {
return _page_allocator.soft_max_capacity();
size_t ZHeap::capacity() const {
return _page_allocator.capacity();
size_t ZHeap::used() const {
return _page_allocator.used();
size_t ZHeap::unused() const {
return _page_allocator.unused();
size_t ZHeap::tlab_capacity() const {
return capacity();
size_t ZHeap::tlab_used() const {
return _object_allocator.used();
size_t ZHeap::max_tlab_size() const {
return ZObjectSizeLimitSmall;
size_t ZHeap::unsafe_max_tlab_alloc() const {
size_t size = _object_allocator.remaining();
if (size < MinTLABSize) {
// The remaining space in the allocator is not enough to
// fit the smallest possible TLAB. This means that the next
// TLAB allocation will force the allocator to get a new
// backing page anyway, which in turn means that we can then
// fit the largest possible TLAB.
size = max_tlab_size();
return MIN2(size, max_tlab_size());
bool ZHeap::is_in(uintptr_t addr) const {
// An address is considered to be "in the heap" if it points into
// the allocated part of a page, regardless of which heap view is
// used. Note that an address with the finalizable metadata bit set
// is not pointing into a heap view, and therefore not considered
// to be "in the heap".
if (ZAddress::is_in(addr)) {
const ZPage* const page = _page_table.get(addr);
if (page != NULL) {
return page->is_in(addr);
return false;
uint ZHeap::active_workers() const {
return _workers.active_workers();
void ZHeap::set_active_workers(uint nworkers) {
void ZHeap::threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) const {
void ZHeap::out_of_memory() {
ResourceMark rm;
log_info(gc)("Out Of Memory (%s)", Thread::current()->name());
ZPage* ZHeap::alloc_page(uint8_t type, size_t size, ZAllocationFlags flags) {
ZPage* const page = _page_allocator.alloc_page(type, size, flags);
if (page != NULL) {
// Insert page table entry
return page;
void ZHeap::undo_alloc_page(ZPage* page) {
assert(page->is_allocating(), "Invalid page state");
log_trace(gc)("Undo page allocation, thread: " PTR_FORMAT " (%s), page: " PTR_FORMAT ", size: " SIZE_FORMAT,
ZThread::id(), ZThread::name(), p2i(page), page->size());
free_page(page, false /* reclaimed */);
void ZHeap::free_page(ZPage* page, bool reclaimed) {
// Remove page table entry
// Free page
_page_allocator.free_page(page, reclaimed);
void ZHeap::free_pages(const ZArray<ZPage*>* pages, bool reclaimed) {
// Remove page table entries
ZArrayIterator<ZPage*> iter(pages);
for (ZPage* page; iter.next(&page);) {
// Free pages
_page_allocator.free_pages(pages, reclaimed);
void ZHeap::flip_to_marked() {
ZVerifyViewsFlip flip(&_page_allocator);
void ZHeap::flip_to_remapped() {
ZVerifyViewsFlip flip(&_page_allocator);
void ZHeap::mark_start() {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Should be at safepoint");
// Verification
if (ZHeap::heap()->has_alloc_stalled()) {
// If there are stalled allocations, ensure that regardless of the
// cause of the GC, we have to clear soft references, as we are just
// about to increment the sequence number, and all previous allocations
// will throw if not presented with enough memory.
// Flip address view
// Retire allocating pages
// Reset allocated/reclaimed/used statistics
// Reset encountered/dropped/enqueued statistics
// Enter mark phase
ZGlobalPhase = ZPhaseMark;
// Reset marking information and mark roots
// Update statistics
void ZHeap::mark(bool initial) {
void ZHeap::mark_flush_and_free(Thread* thread) {
bool ZHeap::mark_end() {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Should be at safepoint");
// Try end marking
if (!_mark.end()) {
// Marking not completed, continue concurrent mark
return false;
// Enter mark completed phase
ZGlobalPhase = ZPhaseMarkCompleted;
// Verify after mark
// Update statistics
// Block resurrection of weak/phantom references
// Prepare to unload stale metadata and nmethods
// Notify JVMTI that some tagmap entry objects may have died.
return true;
void ZHeap::mark_free() {
void ZHeap::keep_alive(oop obj) {
void ZHeap::set_soft_reference_policy(bool clear) {
class ZRendezvousClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
ZRendezvousClosure() :
HandshakeClosure("ZRendezvous") {}
void do_thread(Thread* thread) {}
void ZHeap::process_non_strong_references() {
// Process Soft/Weak/Final/PhantomReferences
// Process weak roots
// Unlink stale metadata and nmethods
// Perform a handshake. This is needed 1) to make sure that stale
// metadata and nmethods are no longer observable. And 2), to
// prevent the race where a mutator first loads an oop, which is
// logically null but not yet cleared. Then this oop gets cleared
// by the reference processor and resurrection is unblocked. At
// this point the mutator could see the unblocked state and pass
// this invalid oop through the normal barrier path, which would
// incorrectly try to mark the oop.
ZRendezvousClosure cl;
// Unblock resurrection of weak/phantom references
// Purge stale metadata and nmethods that were unlinked
// Enqueue Soft/Weak/Final/PhantomReferences. Note that this
// must be done after unblocking resurrection. Otherwise the
// Finalizer thread could call Reference.get() on the Finalizers
// that were just enqueued, which would incorrectly return null
// during the resurrection block window, since such referents
// are only Finalizable marked.
// Clear old markings claim bits.
// Note: Clearing _claim_strong also clears _claim_finalizable.
void ZHeap::free_empty_pages(ZRelocationSetSelector* selector, int bulk) {
// Freeing empty pages in bulk is an optimization to avoid grabbing
// the page allocator lock, and trying to satisfy stalled allocations
// too frequently.
if (selector->should_free_empty_pages(bulk)) {
free_pages(selector->empty_pages(), true /* reclaimed */);
void ZHeap::select_relocation_set() {
// Do not allow pages to be deleted
// Register relocatable pages with selector
ZRelocationSetSelector selector;
ZPageTableIterator pt_iter(&_page_table);
for (ZPage* page; pt_iter.next(&page);) {
if (!page->is_relocatable()) {
// Not relocatable, don't register
if (page->is_marked()) {
// Register live page
} else {
// Register empty page
// Reclaim empty pages in bulk
free_empty_pages(&selector, 64 /* bulk */);
// Reclaim remaining empty pages
free_empty_pages(&selector, 0 /* bulk */);
// Allow pages to be deleted
// Select relocation set
// Install relocation set
// Setup forwarding table
ZRelocationSetIterator rs_iter(&_relocation_set);
for (ZForwarding* forwarding; rs_iter.next(&forwarding);) {
// Update statistics
void ZHeap::reset_relocation_set() {
// Reset forwarding table
ZRelocationSetIterator iter(&_relocation_set);
for (ZForwarding* forwarding; iter.next(&forwarding);) {
// Reset relocation set
void ZHeap::relocate_start() {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Should be at safepoint");
// Finish unloading stale metadata and nmethods
// Flip address view
// Enter relocate phase
ZGlobalPhase = ZPhaseRelocate;
// Update statistics
void ZHeap::relocate() {
// Relocate relocation set
// Update statistics
ZStatHeap::set_at_relocate_end(_page_allocator.stats(), _object_allocator.relocated());
bool ZHeap::is_allocating(uintptr_t addr) const {
const ZPage* const page = _page_table.get(addr);
return page->is_allocating();
void ZHeap::object_iterate(ObjectClosure* cl, bool visit_weaks) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Should be at safepoint");
ZHeapIterator iter(1 /* nworkers */, visit_weaks);
iter.object_iterate(cl, 0 /* worker_id */);
ParallelObjectIteratorImpl* ZHeap::parallel_object_iterator(uint nworkers, bool visit_weaks) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Should be at safepoint");
return new ZHeapIterator(nworkers, visit_weaks);
void ZHeap::pages_do(ZPageClosure* cl) {
ZPageTableIterator iter(&_page_table);
for (ZPage* page; iter.next(&page);) {
void ZHeap::serviceability_initialize() {
GCMemoryManager* ZHeap::serviceability_cycle_memory_manager() {
return _serviceability.cycle_memory_manager();
GCMemoryManager* ZHeap::serviceability_pause_memory_manager() {
return _serviceability.pause_memory_manager();
MemoryPool* ZHeap::serviceability_memory_pool() {
return _serviceability.memory_pool();
ZServiceabilityCounters* ZHeap::serviceability_counters() {
return _serviceability.counters();
void ZHeap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print_cr(" ZHeap used " SIZE_FORMAT "M, capacity " SIZE_FORMAT "M, max capacity " SIZE_FORMAT "M",
used() / M,
capacity() / M,
max_capacity() / M);
void ZHeap::print_extended_on(outputStream* st) const {
// Do not allow pages to be deleted
// Print all pages
st->print_cr("ZGC Page Table:");
ZPageTableIterator iter(&_page_table);
for (ZPage* page; iter.next(&page);) {
// Allow pages to be deleted
bool ZHeap::print_location(outputStream* st, uintptr_t addr) const {
if (LocationPrinter::is_valid_obj((void*)addr)) {
st->print(PTR_FORMAT " is a %s oop: ", addr, ZAddress::is_good(addr) ? "good" : "bad");
return true;
return false;
void ZHeap::verify() {
// Heap verification can only be done between mark end and
// relocate start. This is the only window where all oop are
// good and the whole heap is in a consistent state.
guarantee(ZGlobalPhase == ZPhaseMarkCompleted, "Invalid phase");
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.21 Sekunden
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