* Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
#include "jvm_io.h"
#include "jvmci/jvmci.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmciExceptions.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmciObject.hpp"
#include "utilities/linkedlist.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CardTable.hpp"
#endif // INCLUDE_G1GC
class JVMCIEnv;
class JVMCICompiler;
class JVMCICompileState;
class MetadataHandles;
// Encapsulates the JVMCI metadata for an nmethod.
// JVMCINMethodData objects are inlined into nmethods
// at nmethod::_jvmci_data_offset.
class JVMCINMethodData {
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
// Index for the HotSpotNmethod mirror in the nmethod's oops table.
// This is -1 if there is no mirror in the oops table.
int _nmethod_mirror_index;
// Is HotSpotNmethod.name non-null? If so, the value is
// embedded in the end of this object.
bool _has_name;
// Address of the failed speculations list to which a speculation
// is appended when it causes a deoptimization.
FailedSpeculation** _failed_speculations;
// A speculation id is a length (low 5 bits) and an index into
// a jbyte array (i.e. 31 bits for a positive Java int).
enum {
// Keep in sync with HotSpotSpeculationEncoding.
// Computes the size of a JVMCINMethodData object
static int compute_size(const char* nmethod_mirror_name) {
int size = sizeof(JVMCINMethodData);
if (nmethod_mirror_name != NULL) {
size += (int) strlen(nmethod_mirror_name) + 1;
return size;
void initialize(int nmethod_mirror_index,
const char* name,
FailedSpeculation** failed_speculations);
// Adds `speculation` to the failed speculations list.
void add_failed_speculation(nmethod* nm, jlong speculation);
// Gets the JVMCI name of the nmethod (which may be NULL).
const char* name() { return _has_name ? (char*)(((address) this) + sizeof(JVMCINMethodData)) : NULL; }
// Clears the HotSpotNmethod.address field in the mirror. If nm
// is dead, the HotSpotNmethod.entryPoint field is also cleared.
void invalidate_nmethod_mirror(nmethod* nm);
// Gets the mirror from nm's oops table.
oop get_nmethod_mirror(nmethod* nm, bool phantom_ref);
// Sets the mirror in nm's oops table.
void set_nmethod_mirror(nmethod* nm, oop mirror);
// A top level class that represents an initialized JVMCI runtime.
// There is one instance of this class per HotSpotJVMCIRuntime object.
class JVMCIRuntime: public CHeapObj<mtJVMCI> {
friend class JVMCI;
friend class JavaVMRefsInitialization;
// Constants describing whether JVMCI wants to be able to adjust the compilation
// level selected for a method by the VM compilation policy and if so, based on
// what information about the method being schedule for compilation.
enum CompLevelAdjustment {
none = 0, // no adjustment
by_holder = 1, // adjust based on declaring class of method
by_full_signature = 2 // adjust based on declaring class, name and signature of method
enum InitState {
// Initialization state of this JVMCIRuntime.
InitState _init_state;
// Initialization state of the references to classes, methods
// and fields in the JVMCI shared library.
static InitState _shared_library_javavm_refs_init_state;
// Initialization state of the references to classes, methods
// and fields in HotSpot metadata.
static InitState _hotspot_javavm_refs_init_state;
// A wrapper for a VM scoped JNI global handle (i.e. JVMCIEnv::make_global)
// to a HotSpotJVMCIRuntime instance. This JNI global handle must never
// be explicitly destroyed as it can be accessed in a racy way during
// JVMCI shutdown. Furthermore, it will be reclaimed when
// the VM or shared library JavaVM managing the handle dies.
JVMCIObject _HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_instance;
// Lock for operations that may be performed by
// any thread attached this runtime. To avoid deadlock,
// this lock must always be acquired before JVMCI_lock.
Monitor* _lock;
// Result of calling JNI_CreateJavaVM in the JVMCI shared library.
// Must only be mutated under _lock.
JavaVM* _shared_library_javavm;
// Id for _shared_library_javavm.
int _shared_library_javavm_id;
// Position and link in global list of JVMCI shared library runtimes.
// The HotSpot heap based runtime will have an id of -1 and the
// runtime reserved for threads attaching during JVMCI shutdown
// will have an id of -2.
int _id;
JVMCIRuntime* _next;
// Handles to Metadata objects.
MetadataHandles* _metadata_handles;
// List of oop handles allocated via make_oop_handle. This is to support
// destroying remaining oop handles when the JavaVM associated
// with this runtime is shutdown.
GrowableArray<oop*> _oop_handles;
// Number of threads attached or about to be attached to this runtime.
// Must only be mutated under JVMCI_lock to facilitate safely moving
// threads between JVMCI runtimes. A value of -1 implies this runtime is
// not available to be attached to another thread because it is in the
// process of shutting down and destroying its JavaVM.
int _num_attached_threads;
static const int cannot_be_attached = -1;
// Is this runtime for threads managed by the CompileBroker?
// Examples of non-CompileBroker threads are CompileTheWorld threads
// or Truffle compilation threads.
bool _for_compile_broker;
JVMCIObject create_jvmci_primitive_type(BasicType type, JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Implementation methods for loading and constant pool access.
static Klass* get_klass_by_name_impl(Klass*& accessing_klass,
const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
Symbol* klass_name,
bool require_local);
static Klass* get_klass_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int klass_index,
bool& is_accessible,
Klass* loading_klass);
static void get_field_by_index_impl(InstanceKlass* loading_klass, fieldDescriptor& fd,
int field_index);
static Method* get_method_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int method_index, Bytecodes::Code bc,
InstanceKlass* loading_klass);
// Helper methods
static bool check_klass_accessibility(Klass* accessing_klass, Klass* resolved_klass);
static Method* lookup_method(InstanceKlass* accessor,
Klass* holder,
Symbol* name,
Symbol* sig,
Bytecodes::Code bc,
constantTag tag);
// Helpers for `for_thread`.
// Selects an existing runtime (except for `skip`) that has
// fewer than JVMCI::max_threads_per_runtime() attached threads.
// If such a runtime exists, its _num_attached_threads is incremented
// and the caller must subsequently attach `thread` to it.
// JVMCI_lock must be held by current thread.
// If nullptr is returned, then `*count` contains the number of JVMCIRuntimes
// currently allocated.
static JVMCIRuntime* select_runtime(JavaThread* thread, JVMCIRuntime* skip, int* count);
// Selects an existing runtime for `thread` or creates a new one if
// no applicable runtime exists.
// JVMCI_lock must be held by current thread
static JVMCIRuntime* select_or_create_runtime(JavaThread* thread);
// Selects an existing runtime for `thread` when in JVMCI shutdown.
// JVMCI_lock must be held by current thread
static JVMCIRuntime* select_runtime_in_shutdown(JavaThread* thread);
// Releases all the non-null entries in _oop_handles and then clears
// the list. Returns the number released handles.
int release_and_clear_oop_handles();
JVMCIRuntime(JVMCIRuntime* next, int id, bool for_compile_broker);
int id() const { return _id; }
Monitor* lock() const { return _lock; }
// Ensures that a JVMCI shared library JavaVM exists for this runtime.
// If the JavaVM was created by this call, then the thread-local JNI
// interface pointer for the JavaVM is returned otherwise nullptr is returned.
JNIEnv* init_shared_library_javavm();
// Determines if the JVMCI shared library JavaVM exists for this runtime.
bool has_shared_library_javavm() { return _shared_library_javavm != nullptr; }
// Gets an ID for the JVMCI shared library JavaVM associated with this runtime.
int get_shared_library_javavm_id() { return _shared_library_javavm_id; }
// Copies info about the JVMCI shared library JavaVM associated with this
// runtime into `info` as follows:
// {
// javaVM, // the {@code JavaVM*} value
// javaVM->functions->reserved0,
// javaVM->functions->reserved1,
// javaVM->functions->reserved2
// }
void init_JavaVM_info(jlongArray info, JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Wrappers for calling Invocation Interface functions on the
// JVMCI shared library JavaVM associated with this runtime.
// These wrappers ensure all required thread state transitions are performed.
jint AttachCurrentThread(JavaThread* thread, void **penv, void *args);
jint AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(JavaThread* thread, void **penv, void *args);
jint DetachCurrentThread(JavaThread* thread);
jint GetEnv(JavaThread* thread, void **penv, jint version);
// Compute offsets and construct any state required before executing JVMCI code.
void initialize(JVMCIEnv* jvmciEnv);
// Allocation and management of handles to HotSpot heap objects
// whose lifetime is scoped by this JVMCIRuntime. The max lifetime
// of these handles is the same as the JVMCI shared library JavaVM
// associated with this JVMCIRuntime. These JNI handles are
// used when creating an IndirectHotSpotObjectConstantImpl in the
// shared library JavaVM.
jlong make_oop_handle(const Handle& obj);
// Releases all the non-null entries in _oop_handles whose referent is null.
// Returns the number of handles released by this call.
// The method also resets _last_found_oop_handle_index to -1
// and _null_oop_handles to 0.
int release_cleared_oop_handles();
// Allocation and management of metadata handles.
jmetadata allocate_handle(const methodHandle& handle);
jmetadata allocate_handle(const constantPoolHandle& handle);
void release_handle(jmetadata handle);
// Finds a JVMCI runtime for `thread`. A new JVMCI runtime is created if
// there are none currently available with JVMCI::max_threads_per_runtime()
// or fewer attached threads.
static JVMCIRuntime* for_thread(JavaThread* thread);
// Finds the JVMCI runtime owning `javavm` and attaches `thread` to it.
// Returns an error message if attaching fails.
static const char* attach_shared_library_thread(JavaThread* thread, JavaVM* javaVM);
// Reserves a slot in this runtime for `thread` to prevent it being
// shutdown before `thread` is attached. JVMCI_lock must be held
// and the caller must call `attach_thread` upon releasing it.
void pre_attach_thread(JavaThread* thread);
// Attaches `thread` to this runtime.
void attach_thread(JavaThread* thread);
// Detaches `thread` from this runtime.
// Returns whether DestroyJavaVM was called on the JavaVM associated
// with this runtime as a result of detaching.
// The `can_destroy_javavm` is false when in the scope of
// a down call from the JVMCI shared library JavaVM. Since the scope
// will return to the shared library JavaVM, the JavaVM must not be destroyed.
bool detach_thread(JavaThread* thread, const char* reason, bool can_destroy_javavm=true);
// If `thread` is the last thread attached to this runtime,
// move it to another runtime with an existing JavaVM and available capacity
// if possible, thus allowing this runtime to release its JavaVM.
void repack(JavaThread* thread);
// Gets the HotSpotJVMCIRuntime instance for this runtime,
// initializing it first if necessary.
JVMCIObject get_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime(JVMCI_TRAPS);
bool is_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_initialized() {
return _HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_instance.is_non_null();
// Gets the current HotSpotJVMCIRuntime instance for this runtime which
// may be a "null" JVMCIObject value.
JVMCIObject probe_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime() {
return _HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_instance;
// Trigger initialization of HotSpotJVMCIRuntime through JVMCI.getRuntime()
void initialize_JVMCI(JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Explicitly initialize HotSpotJVMCIRuntime itself
void initialize_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime(JVMCI_TRAPS);
void call_getCompiler(TRAPS);
// Shuts down this runtime by calling HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.shutdown().
// If this is the last thread attached to this runtime, then
// `_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_instance` is set to nullptr and `_init_state`
// to uninitialized.
void shutdown();
// Destroys the JVMCI shared library JavaVM attached to this runtime.
// Return true iff DestroyJavaVM was called on the JavaVM.
bool destroy_shared_library_javavm();
void bootstrap_finished(TRAPS);
// Look up a klass by name from a particular class loader (the accessor's).
// If require_local, result must be defined in that class loader, or NULL.
// If !require_local, a result from remote class loader may be reported,
// if sufficient class loader constraints exist such that initiating
// a class loading request from the given loader is bound to return
// the class defined in the remote loader (or throw an error).
// Return an unloaded klass if !require_local and no class at all is found.
// The CI treats a klass as loaded if it is consistently defined in
// another loader, even if it hasn't yet been loaded in all loaders
// that could potentially see it via delegation.
static Klass* get_klass_by_name(Klass* accessing_klass,
Symbol* klass_name,
bool require_local);
// Constant pool access.
static Klass* get_klass_by_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int klass_index,
bool& is_accessible,
Klass* loading_klass);
static void get_field_by_index(InstanceKlass* loading_klass, fieldDescriptor& fd,
int field_index);
static Method* get_method_by_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int method_index, Bytecodes::Code bc,
InstanceKlass* loading_klass);
// converts the Klass* representing the holder of a method into a
// InstanceKlass*. This is needed since the holder of a method in
// the bytecodes could be an array type. Basically this converts
// array types into java/lang/Object and other types stay as they are.
static InstanceKlass* get_instance_klass_for_declared_method_holder(Klass* klass);
// Helper routine for determining the validity of a compilation
// with respect to concurrent class loading.
static JVMCI::CodeInstallResult validate_compile_task_dependencies(Dependencies* target, JVMCICompileState* task, char** failure_detail);
// Compiles `target` with the JVMCI compiler.
void compile_method(JVMCIEnv* JVMCIENV, JVMCICompiler* compiler, const methodHandle& target, int entry_bci);
// Determines if the GC identified by `name` is supported by the JVMCI compiler.
bool is_gc_supported(JVMCIEnv* JVMCIENV, CollectedHeap::Name name);
// Register the result of a compilation.
JVMCI::CodeInstallResult register_method(JVMCIEnv* JVMCIENV,
const methodHandle& target,
nmethod*& nm,
int entry_bci,
CodeOffsets* offsets,
int orig_pc_offset,
CodeBuffer* code_buffer,
int frame_words,
OopMapSet* oop_map_set,
ExceptionHandlerTable* handler_table,
ImplicitExceptionTable* implicit_exception_table,
AbstractCompiler* compiler,
DebugInformationRecorder* debug_info,
Dependencies* dependencies,
int compile_id,
bool has_monitors,
bool has_unsafe_access,
bool has_wide_vector,
JVMCIObject compiled_code,
JVMCIObject nmethod_mirror,
FailedSpeculation** failed_speculations,
char* speculations,
int speculations_len);
// Detach `thread` from this runtime and destroy this runtime's JavaVM
// if using one JavaVM per JVMCI compilation .
void post_compile(JavaThread* thread);
// Reports an unexpected exception and exits the VM with a fatal error.
static void fatal_exception(JVMCIEnv* JVMCIENV, const char* message);
static void describe_pending_hotspot_exception(JavaThread* THREAD, bool clear);
char buf[256]; \
jio_snprintf(buf, 256, "Uncaught exception at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
JVMCIRuntime::fatal_exception(NULL, buf); \
return; \
} \
#define CHECK_EXIT_(v) THREAD); \
char buf[256]; \
jio_snprintf(buf, 256, "Uncaught exception at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
JVMCIRuntime::fatal_exception(NULL, buf); \
return v; \
} \
if (JVMCIENV->has_pending_exception()) { \
char buf[256]; \
jio_snprintf(buf, 256, "Uncaught exception at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
JVMCIRuntime::fatal_exception(JVMCIENV, buf); \
return; \
} \
#define JVMCI_CHECK_EXIT_(result) JVMCIENV); \
if (JVMCIENV->has_pending_exception()) { \
char buf[256]; \
jio_snprintf(buf, 256, "Uncaught exception at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
JVMCIRuntime::fatal_exception(JVMCIENV, buf); \
return result; \
} \
static BasicType kindToBasicType(const Handle& kind, TRAPS);
static void new_instance_common(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass, bool null_on_fail);
static void new_array_common(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass, jint length, bool null_on_fail);
static void new_multi_array_common(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass, int rank, jint* dims, bool null_on_fail);
static void dynamic_new_array_common(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* element_mirror, jint length, bool null_on_fail);
static void dynamic_new_instance_common(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* type_mirror, bool null_on_fail);
// The following routines are called from compiled JVMCI code
// When allocation fails, these stubs:
// 1. Exercise -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError handling and also
// post a JVMTI_EVENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED event if the failure is an OutOfMemroyError
// 2. Return NULL with a pending exception.
// Compiled code must ensure these stubs are not called twice for the same allocation
// site due to the non-repeatable side effects in the case of OOME.
static void new_instance(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass) { new_instance_common(current, klass, false); }
static void new_array(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass, jint length) { new_array_common(current, klass, length, false); }
static void new_multi_array(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass, int rank, jint* dims) { new_multi_array_common(current, klass, rank, dims, false); }
static void dynamic_new_array(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* element_mirror, jint length) { dynamic_new_array_common(current, element_mirror, length, false); }
static void dynamic_new_instance(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* type_mirror) { dynamic_new_instance_common(current, type_mirror, false); }
// When allocation fails, these stubs return NULL and have no pending exception. Compiled code
// can use these stubs if a failed allocation will be retried (e.g., by deoptimizing and
// re-executing in the interpreter).
static void new_instance_or_null(JavaThread* thread, Klass* klass) { new_instance_common(thread, klass, true); }
static void new_array_or_null(JavaThread* thread, Klass* klass, jint length) { new_array_common(thread, klass, length, true); }
static void new_multi_array_or_null(JavaThread* thread, Klass* klass, int rank, jint* dims) { new_multi_array_common(thread, klass, rank, dims, true); }
static void dynamic_new_array_or_null(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* element_mirror, jint length) { dynamic_new_array_common(thread, element_mirror, length, true); }
static void dynamic_new_instance_or_null(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* type_mirror) { dynamic_new_instance_common(thread, type_mirror, true); }
static void vm_message(jboolean vmError, jlong format, jlong v1, jlong v2, jlong v3);
static jint identity_hash_code(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* obj);
static address exception_handler_for_pc(JavaThread* current);
static void monitorenter(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock);
static void monitorexit (JavaThread* current, oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock);
static jboolean object_notify(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* obj);
static jboolean object_notifyAll(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* obj);
static void vm_error(JavaThread* current, jlong where, jlong format, jlong value);
static oopDesc* load_and_clear_exception(JavaThread* thread);
static void log_printf(JavaThread* thread, const char* format, jlong v1, jlong v2, jlong v3);
static void log_primitive(JavaThread* thread, jchar typeChar, jlong value, jboolean newline);
// Print the passed in object, optionally followed by a newline. If
// as_string is true and the object is a java.lang.String then it
// printed as a string, otherwise the type of the object is printed
// followed by its address.
static void log_object(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* object, bool as_string, bool newline);
using CardValue = G1CardTable::CardValue;
static void write_barrier_pre(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj);
static void write_barrier_post(JavaThread* thread, volatile CardValue* card);
static jboolean validate_object(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* parent, oopDesc* child);
// used to throw exceptions from compiled JVMCI code
static int throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(JavaThread* current, const char* exception, const char* message);
// helper methods to throw exception with complex messages
static int throw_klass_external_name_exception(JavaThread* current, const char* exception, Klass* klass);
static int throw_class_cast_exception(JavaThread* current, const char* exception, Klass* caster_klass, Klass* target_klass);
// A helper to allow invocation of an arbitrary Java method. For simplicity the method is
// restricted to a static method that takes at most one argument. For calling convention
// simplicity all types are passed by being converted into a jlong
static jlong invoke_static_method_one_arg(JavaThread* current, Method* method, jlong argument);
// Test only function
static jint test_deoptimize_call_int(JavaThread* current, int value);
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