* Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "ci/ciMethodData.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.inline.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
#include "interpreter/bytecode.hpp"
#include "interpreter/bytecodeStream.hpp"
#include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceClosure.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/methodData.inline.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiRedefineClasses.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepointVerifiers.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"
// ==================================================================
// DataLayout
// Overlay for generic profiling data.
// Some types of data layouts need a length field.
bool DataLayout::needs_array_len(u1 tag) {
return (tag == multi_branch_data_tag) || (tag == arg_info_data_tag) || (tag == parameters_type_data_tag);
// Perform generic initialization of the data. More specific
// initialization occurs in overrides of ProfileData::post_initialize.
void DataLayout::initialize(u1 tag, u2 bci, int cell_count) {
_header._bits = (intptr_t)0;
_header._struct._tag = tag;
_header._struct._bci = bci;
for (int i = 0; i < cell_count; i++) {
set_cell_at(i, (intptr_t)0);
if (needs_array_len(tag)) {
set_cell_at(ArrayData::array_len_off_set, cell_count - 1); // -1 for header.
if (tag == call_type_data_tag) {
CallTypeData::initialize(this, cell_count);
} else if (tag == virtual_call_type_data_tag) {
VirtualCallTypeData::initialize(this, cell_count);
void DataLayout::clean_weak_klass_links(bool always_clean) {
ResourceMark m;
// ==================================================================
// ProfileData
// A ProfileData object is created to refer to a section of profiling
// data in a structured way.
// Constructor for invalid ProfileData.
ProfileData::ProfileData() {
_data = NULL;
char* ProfileData::print_data_on_helper(const MethodData* md) const {
DataLayout* dp = md->extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = md->args_data_limit();
stringStream ss;
for (;; dp = MethodData::next_extra(dp)) {
assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
if (dp->bci() == bci()) {
SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
int trap = data->trap_state();
char buf[100];
ss.print("(%s) ", Deoptimization::format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), trap));
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
case DataLayout::no_tag:
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
return ss.as_string();
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
return NULL;
void ProfileData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const MethodData* md) const {
print_data_on(st, print_data_on_helper(md));
void ProfileData::print_shared(outputStream* st, const char* name, const char* extra) const {
st->print("bci: %d", bci());
st->print("%s", name);
int trap = trap_state();
if (trap != 0) {
char buf[100];
st->print("trap(%s) ", Deoptimization::format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), trap));
if (extra != NULL) {
st->print("%s", extra);
int flags = data()->flags();
if (flags != 0) {
st->print("flags(%d) ", flags);
void ProfileData::tab(outputStream* st, bool first) const {
st->fill_to(first ? tab_width_one : tab_width_two);
// ==================================================================
// BitData
// A BitData corresponds to a one-bit flag. This is used to indicate
// whether a checkcast bytecode has seen a null value.
void BitData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "BitData", extra);
// ==================================================================
// CounterData
// A CounterData corresponds to a simple counter.
void CounterData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "CounterData", extra);
st->print_cr("count(%u)", count());
// ==================================================================
// JumpData
// A JumpData is used to access profiling information for a direct
// branch. It is a counter, used for counting the number of branches,
// plus a data displacement, used for realigning the data pointer to
// the corresponding target bci.
void JumpData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
assert(stream->bci() == bci(), "wrong pos");
int target;
Bytecodes::Code c = stream->code();
if (c == Bytecodes::_goto_w || c == Bytecodes::_jsr_w) {
target = stream->dest_w();
} else {
target = stream->dest();
int my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
int target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
int offset = target_di - my_di;
void JumpData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "JumpData", extra);
st->print_cr("taken(%u) displacement(%d)", taken(), displacement());
int TypeStackSlotEntries::compute_cell_count(Symbol* signature, bool include_receiver, int max) {
// Parameter profiling include the receiver
int args_count = include_receiver ? 1 : 0;
ResourceMark rm;
ReferenceArgumentCount rac(signature);
args_count += rac.count();
args_count = MIN2(args_count, max);
return args_count * per_arg_cell_count;
int TypeEntriesAtCall::compute_cell_count(BytecodeStream* stream) {
assert(Bytecodes::is_invoke(stream->code()), "should be invoke");
assert(TypeStackSlotEntries::per_arg_count() > ReturnTypeEntry::static_cell_count(), "code to test for arguments/results broken");
const methodHandle m = stream->method();
int bci = stream->bci();
Bytecode_invoke inv(m, bci);
int args_cell = 0;
if (MethodData::profile_arguments_for_invoke(m, bci)) {
args_cell = TypeStackSlotEntries::compute_cell_count(inv.signature(), false, TypeProfileArgsLimit);
int ret_cell = 0;
if (MethodData::profile_return_for_invoke(m, bci) && is_reference_type(inv.result_type())) {
ret_cell = ReturnTypeEntry::static_cell_count();
int header_cell = 0;
if (args_cell + ret_cell > 0) {
header_cell = header_cell_count();
return header_cell + args_cell + ret_cell;
class ArgumentOffsetComputer : public SignatureIterator {
int _max;
int _offset;
GrowableArray<int> _offsets;
friend class SignatureIterator; // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
void do_type(BasicType type) {
if (is_reference_type(type) && _offsets.length() < _max) {
_offset += parameter_type_word_count(type);
ArgumentOffsetComputer(Symbol* signature, int max)
: SignatureIterator(signature),
_max(max), _offset(0),
_offsets(max) {
do_parameters_on(this); // non-virtual template execution
int off_at(int i) const { return _offsets.at(i); }
void TypeStackSlotEntries::post_initialize(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, bool include_receiver) {
ResourceMark rm;
int start = 0;
// Parameter profiling include the receiver
if (include_receiver && has_receiver) {
set_stack_slot(0, 0);
set_type(0, type_none());
start += 1;
ArgumentOffsetComputer aos(signature, _number_of_entries-start);
for (int i = start; i < _number_of_entries; i++) {
set_stack_slot(i, aos.off_at(i-start) + (has_receiver ? 1 : 0));
set_type(i, type_none());
void CallTypeData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
assert(Bytecodes::is_invoke(stream->code()), "should be invoke");
Bytecode_invoke inv(stream->method(), stream->bci());
if (has_arguments()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
ResourceMark rm;
ReferenceArgumentCount rac(inv.signature());
int count = MIN2(rac.count(), (int)TypeProfileArgsLimit);
assert(count > 0, "room for args type but none found?");
_args.post_initialize(inv.signature(), inv.has_receiver(), false);
if (has_return()) {
assert(is_reference_type(inv.result_type()), "room for a ret type but doesn't return obj?");
void VirtualCallTypeData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
assert(Bytecodes::is_invoke(stream->code()), "should be invoke");
Bytecode_invoke inv(stream->method(), stream->bci());
if (has_arguments()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
ResourceMark rm;
ReferenceArgumentCount rac(inv.signature());
int count = MIN2(rac.count(), (int)TypeProfileArgsLimit);
assert(count > 0, "room for args type but none found?");
_args.post_initialize(inv.signature(), inv.has_receiver(), false);
if (has_return()) {
assert(is_reference_type(inv.result_type()), "room for a ret type but doesn't return obj?");
void TypeStackSlotEntries::clean_weak_klass_links(bool always_clean) {
for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_entries; i++) {
intptr_t p = type(i);
Klass* k = (Klass*)klass_part(p);
if (k != NULL && (always_clean || !k->is_loader_alive())) {
set_type(i, with_status((Klass*)NULL, p));
void ReturnTypeEntry::clean_weak_klass_links(bool always_clean) {
intptr_t p = type();
Klass* k = (Klass*)klass_part(p);
if (k != NULL && (always_clean || !k->is_loader_alive())) {
set_type(with_status((Klass*)NULL, p));
bool TypeEntriesAtCall::return_profiling_enabled() {
return MethodData::profile_return();
bool TypeEntriesAtCall::arguments_profiling_enabled() {
return MethodData::profile_arguments();
void TypeEntries::print_klass(outputStream* st, intptr_t k) {
if (is_type_none(k)) {
} else if (is_type_unknown(k)) {
} else {
if (was_null_seen(k)) {
st->print(" (null seen)");
void TypeStackSlotEntries::print_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
for (int i = 0; i < _number_of_entries; i++) {
st->print("%d: stack(%u) ", i, stack_slot(i));
print_klass(st, type(i));
void ReturnTypeEntry::print_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
print_klass(st, type());
void CallTypeData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
CounterData::print_data_on(st, extra);
if (has_arguments()) {
tab(st, true);
st->print("argument types");
if (has_return()) {
tab(st, true);
st->print("return type");
void VirtualCallTypeData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
VirtualCallData::print_data_on(st, extra);
if (has_arguments()) {
tab(st, true);
st->print("argument types");
if (has_return()) {
tab(st, true);
st->print("return type");
// ==================================================================
// ReceiverTypeData
// A ReceiverTypeData is used to access profiling information about a
// dynamic type check. It consists of a counter which counts the total times
// that the check is reached, and a series of (Klass*, count) pairs
// which are used to store a type profile for the receiver of the check.
void ReceiverTypeData::clean_weak_klass_links(bool always_clean) {
for (uint row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
Klass* p = receiver(row);
if (p != NULL && (always_clean || !p->is_loader_alive())) {
void ReceiverTypeData::print_receiver_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
uint row;
int entries = 0;
for (row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (receiver(row) != NULL) entries++;
st->print_cr("count(%u) nonprofiled_count(%u) entries(%u)", count(), nonprofiled_count(), entries);
st->print_cr("count(%u) entries(%u)", count(), entries);
int total = count();
for (row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (receiver(row) != NULL) {
total += receiver_count(row);
for (row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (receiver(row) != NULL) {
st->print_cr("(%u %4.2f)", receiver_count(row), (float) receiver_count(row) / (float) total);
void ReceiverTypeData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "ReceiverTypeData", extra);
void VirtualCallData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "VirtualCallData", extra);
// ==================================================================
// RetData
// A RetData is used to access profiling information for a ret bytecode.
// It is composed of a count of the number of times that the ret has
// been executed, followed by a series of triples of the form
// (bci, count, di) which count the number of times that some bci was the
// target of the ret and cache a corresponding displacement.
void RetData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
for (uint row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
set_bci_displacement(row, -1);
set_bci(row, no_bci);
// release so other threads see a consistent state. bci is used as
// a valid flag for bci_displacement.
// This routine needs to atomically update the RetData structure, so the
// caller needs to hold the RetData_lock before it gets here. Since taking
// the lock can block (and allow GC) and since RetData is a ProfileData is a
// wrapper around a derived oop, taking the lock in _this_ method will
// basically cause the 'this' pointer's _data field to contain junk after the
// lock. We require the caller to take the lock before making the ProfileData
// structure. Currently the only caller is InterpreterRuntime::update_mdp_for_ret
address RetData::fixup_ret(int return_bci, MethodData* h_mdo) {
// First find the mdp which corresponds to the return bci.
address mdp = h_mdo->bci_to_dp(return_bci);
// Now check to see if any of the cache slots are open.
for (uint row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (bci(row) == no_bci) {
set_bci_displacement(row, mdp - dp());
set_bci_count(row, DataLayout::counter_increment);
// Barrier to ensure displacement is written before the bci; allows
// the interpreter to read displacement without fear of race condition.
release_set_bci(row, return_bci);
return mdp;
void RetData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "RetData", extra);
uint row;
int entries = 0;
for (row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (bci(row) != no_bci) entries++;
st->print_cr("count(%u) entries(%u)", count(), entries);
for (row = 0; row < row_limit(); row++) {
if (bci(row) != no_bci) {
st->print_cr("bci(%d: count(%u) displacement(%d))",
bci(row), bci_count(row), bci_displacement(row));
// ==================================================================
// BranchData
// A BranchData is used to access profiling data for a two-way branch.
// It consists of taken and not_taken counts as well as a data displacement
// for the taken case.
void BranchData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
assert(stream->bci() == bci(), "wrong pos");
int target = stream->dest();
int my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
int target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
int offset = target_di - my_di;
void BranchData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "BranchData", extra);
st->print_cr("taken(%u) displacement(%d)",
taken(), displacement());
st->print_cr("not taken(%u)", not_taken());
// ==================================================================
// MultiBranchData
// A MultiBranchData is used to access profiling information for
// a multi-way branch (*switch bytecodes). It consists of a series
// of (count, displacement) pairs, which count the number of times each
// case was taken and specify the data displacement for each branch target.
int MultiBranchData::compute_cell_count(BytecodeStream* stream) {
int cell_count = 0;
if (stream->code() == Bytecodes::_tableswitch) {
Bytecode_tableswitch sw(stream->method()(), stream->bcp());
cell_count = 1 + per_case_cell_count * (1 + sw.length()); // 1 for default
} else {
Bytecode_lookupswitch sw(stream->method()(), stream->bcp());
cell_count = 1 + per_case_cell_count * (sw.number_of_pairs() + 1); // 1 for default
return cell_count;
void MultiBranchData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream,
MethodData* mdo) {
assert(stream->bci() == bci(), "wrong pos");
int target;
int my_di;
int target_di;
int offset;
if (stream->code() == Bytecodes::_tableswitch) {
Bytecode_tableswitch sw(stream->method()(), stream->bcp());
int len = sw.length();
assert(array_len() == per_case_cell_count * (len + 1), "wrong len");
for (int count = 0; count < len; count++) {
target = sw.dest_offset_at(count) + bci();
my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
offset = target_di - my_di;
set_displacement_at(count, offset);
target = sw.default_offset() + bci();
my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
offset = target_di - my_di;
} else {
Bytecode_lookupswitch sw(stream->method()(), stream->bcp());
int npairs = sw.number_of_pairs();
assert(array_len() == per_case_cell_count * (npairs + 1), "wrong len");
for (int count = 0; count < npairs; count++) {
LookupswitchPair pair = sw.pair_at(count);
target = pair.offset() + bci();
my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
offset = target_di - my_di;
set_displacement_at(count, offset);
target = sw.default_offset() + bci();
my_di = mdo->dp_to_di(dp());
target_di = mdo->bci_to_di(target);
offset = target_di - my_di;
void MultiBranchData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "MultiBranchData", extra);
st->print_cr("default_count(%u) displacement(%d)",
default_count(), default_displacement());
int cases = number_of_cases();
for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++) {
st->print_cr("count(%u) displacement(%d)",
count_at(i), displacement_at(i));
void ArgInfoData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "ArgInfoData", extra);
int nargs = number_of_args();
for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
st->print(" 0x%x", arg_modified(i));
int ParametersTypeData::compute_cell_count(Method* m) {
if (!MethodData::profile_parameters_for_method(methodHandle(Thread::current(), m))) {
return 0;
int max = TypeProfileParmsLimit == -1 ? INT_MAX : TypeProfileParmsLimit;
int obj_args = TypeStackSlotEntries::compute_cell_count(m->signature(), !m->is_static(), max);
if (obj_args > 0) {
return obj_args + 1; // 1 cell for array len
return 0;
void ParametersTypeData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream, MethodData* mdo) {
_parameters.post_initialize(mdo->method()->signature(), !mdo->method()->is_static(), true);
bool ParametersTypeData::profiling_enabled() {
return MethodData::profile_parameters();
void ParametersTypeData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "ParametersTypeData", extra);
void SpeculativeTrapData::print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra) const {
print_shared(st, "SpeculativeTrapData", extra);
// ==================================================================
// MethodData*
// A MethodData* holds information which has been collected about
// a method.
MethodData* MethodData::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, const methodHandle& method, TRAPS) {
assert(!THREAD->owns_locks(), "Should not own any locks");
int size = MethodData::compute_allocation_size_in_words(method);
return new (loader_data, size, MetaspaceObj::MethodDataType, THREAD)
int MethodData::bytecode_cell_count(Bytecodes::Code code) {
if (CompilerConfig::is_c1_simple_only() && !ProfileInterpreter) {
return no_profile_data;
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_checkcast:
case Bytecodes::_instanceof:
case Bytecodes::_aastore:
if (TypeProfileCasts) {
return ReceiverTypeData::static_cell_count();
} else {
return BitData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
if (MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return()) {
return variable_cell_count;
} else {
return CounterData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_goto:
case Bytecodes::_goto_w:
case Bytecodes::_jsr:
case Bytecodes::_jsr_w:
return JumpData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
if (MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return()) {
return variable_cell_count;
} else {
return VirtualCallData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
if (MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return()) {
return variable_cell_count;
} else {
return CounterData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_ret:
return RetData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_ifeq:
case Bytecodes::_ifne:
case Bytecodes::_iflt:
case Bytecodes::_ifge:
case Bytecodes::_ifgt:
case Bytecodes::_ifle:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmple:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne:
case Bytecodes::_ifnull:
case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull:
return BranchData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch:
case Bytecodes::_tableswitch:
return variable_cell_count;
return no_profile_data;
// Compute the size of the profiling information corresponding to
// the current bytecode.
int MethodData::compute_data_size(BytecodeStream* stream) {
int cell_count = bytecode_cell_count(stream->code());
if (cell_count == no_profile_data) {
return 0;
if (cell_count == variable_cell_count) {
switch (stream->code()) {
case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch:
case Bytecodes::_tableswitch:
cell_count = MultiBranchData::compute_cell_count(stream);
case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
assert(MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return(), "should be collecting args profile");
if (profile_arguments_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci()) ||
profile_return_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci())) {
cell_count = CallTypeData::compute_cell_count(stream);
} else {
cell_count = CounterData::static_cell_count();
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: {
assert(MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return(), "should be collecting args profile");
if (profile_arguments_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci()) ||
profile_return_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci())) {
cell_count = VirtualCallTypeData::compute_cell_count(stream);
} else {
cell_count = VirtualCallData::static_cell_count();
fatal("unexpected bytecode for var length profile data");
// Note: cell_count might be zero, meaning that there is just
// a DataLayout header, with no extra cells.
assert(cell_count >= 0, "sanity");
return DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(cell_count);
bool MethodData::is_speculative_trap_bytecode(Bytecodes::Code code) {
// Bytecodes for which we may use speculation
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_checkcast:
case Bytecodes::_instanceof:
case Bytecodes::_aastore:
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne:
case Bytecodes::_ifnull:
case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull:
case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
#ifdef COMPILER2
if (CompilerConfig::is_c2_enabled()) {
return UseTypeSpeculation;
return false;
return false;
void* FailedSpeculation::operator new(size_t size, size_t fs_size) throw() {
return CHeapObj<mtCompiler>::operator new(fs_size, std::nothrow);
FailedSpeculation::FailedSpeculation(address speculation, int speculation_len) : _data_len(speculation_len), _next(NULL) {
memcpy(data(), speculation, speculation_len);
// A heuristic check to detect nmethods that outlive a failed speculations list.
static void guarantee_failed_speculations_alive(nmethod* nm, FailedSpeculation** failed_speculations_address) {
jlong head = (jlong)(address) *failed_speculations_address;
if ((head & 0x1) == 0x1) {
stringStream st;
if (nm != NULL) {
st.print("%d", nm->compile_id());
Method* method = nm->method();
if (method != NULL) {
} else {
const char* jvmci_name = nm->jvmci_name();
if (jvmci_name != NULL) {
} else {
fatal("Adding to failed speculations list that appears to have been freed. Source: %s", st.as_string());
bool FailedSpeculation::add_failed_speculation(nmethod* nm, FailedSpeculation** failed_speculations_address, address speculation, int speculation_len) {
assert(failed_speculations_address != NULL, "must be");
size_t fs_size = sizeof(FailedSpeculation) + speculation_len;
FailedSpeculation* fs = new (fs_size) FailedSpeculation(speculation, speculation_len);
if (fs == NULL) {
// no memory -> ignore failed speculation
return false;
guarantee(is_aligned(fs, sizeof(FailedSpeculation*)), "FailedSpeculation objects must be pointer aligned");
guarantee_failed_speculations_alive(nm, failed_speculations_address);
FailedSpeculation** cursor = failed_speculations_address;
do {
if (*cursor == NULL) {
FailedSpeculation* old_fs = Atomic::cmpxchg(cursor, (FailedSpeculation*) NULL, fs);
if (old_fs == NULL) {
// Successfully appended fs to end of the list
return true;
cursor = old_fs->next_adr();
} else {
cursor = (*cursor)->next_adr();
} while (true);
void FailedSpeculation::free_failed_speculations(FailedSpeculation** failed_speculations_address) {
assert(failed_speculations_address != NULL, "must be");
FailedSpeculation* fs = *failed_speculations_address;
while (fs != NULL) {
FailedSpeculation* next = fs->next();
delete fs;
fs = next;
// Write an unaligned value to failed_speculations_address to denote
// that it is no longer a valid pointer. This is allows for the check
// in add_failed_speculation against adding to a freed failed
// speculations list.
long* head = (long*) failed_speculations_address;
(*head) = (*head) | 0x1;
int MethodData::compute_extra_data_count(int data_size, int empty_bc_count, bool needs_speculative_traps) {
if (ProfileTraps) {
// Assume that up to 30% of the possibly trapping BCIs with no MDP will need to allocate one.
int extra_data_count = MIN2(empty_bc_count, MAX2(4, (empty_bc_count * 30) / 100));
// Make sure we have a minimum number of extra data slots to
// allocate SpeculativeTrapData entries. We would want to have one
// entry per compilation that inlines this method and for which
// some type speculation assumption fails. So the room we need for
// the SpeculativeTrapData entries doesn't directly depend on the
// size of the method. Because it's hard to estimate, we reserve
// space for an arbitrary number of entries.
int spec_data_count = (needs_speculative_traps ? SpecTrapLimitExtraEntries : 0) *
(SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count() + DataLayout::header_size_in_cells());
return MAX2(extra_data_count, spec_data_count);
} else {
return 0;
if (ProfileTraps) {
// Assume that up to 3% of BCIs with no MDP will need to allocate one.
int extra_data_count = (uint)(empty_bc_count * 3) / 128 + 1;
// If the method is large, let the extra BCIs grow numerous (to ~1%).
int one_percent_of_data
= (uint)data_size / (DataLayout::header_size_in_bytes()*128);
if (extra_data_count < one_percent_of_data)
extra_data_count = one_percent_of_data;
if (extra_data_count > empty_bc_count)
extra_data_count = empty_bc_count; // no need for more
// Make sure we have a minimum number of extra data slots to
// allocate SpeculativeTrapData entries. We would want to have one
// entry per compilation that inlines this method and for which
// some type speculation assumption fails. So the room we need for
// the SpeculativeTrapData entries doesn't directly depend on the
// size of the method. Because it's hard to estimate, we reserve
// space for an arbitrary number of entries.
int spec_data_count = (needs_speculative_traps ? SpecTrapLimitExtraEntries : 0) *
(SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count() + DataLayout::header_size_in_cells());
return MAX2(extra_data_count, spec_data_count);
} else {
return 0;
// Compute the size of the MethodData* necessary to store
// profiling information about a given method. Size is in bytes.
int MethodData::compute_allocation_size_in_bytes(const methodHandle& method) {
int data_size = 0;
BytecodeStream stream(method);
Bytecodes::Code c;
int empty_bc_count = 0; // number of bytecodes lacking data
bool needs_speculative_traps = false;
while ((c = stream.next()) >= 0) {
int size_in_bytes = compute_data_size(&stream);
data_size += size_in_bytes;
if (size_in_bytes == 0 JVMCI_ONLY(&& Bytecodes::can_trap(c))) empty_bc_count += 1;
needs_speculative_traps = needs_speculative_traps || is_speculative_trap_bytecode(c);
int object_size = in_bytes(data_offset()) + data_size;
// Add some extra DataLayout cells (at least one) to track stray traps.
int extra_data_count = compute_extra_data_count(data_size, empty_bc_count, needs_speculative_traps);
object_size += extra_data_count * DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(0);
// Add a cell to record information about modified arguments.
int arg_size = method->size_of_parameters();
object_size += DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(arg_size+1);
// Reserve room for an area of the MDO dedicated to profiling of
// parameters
int args_cell = ParametersTypeData::compute_cell_count(method());
if (args_cell > 0) {
object_size += DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(args_cell);
return object_size;
// Compute the size of the MethodData* necessary to store
// profiling information about a given method. Size is in words
int MethodData::compute_allocation_size_in_words(const methodHandle& method) {
int byte_size = compute_allocation_size_in_bytes(method);
int word_size = align_up(byte_size, BytesPerWord) / BytesPerWord;
return align_metadata_size(word_size);
// Initialize an individual data segment. Returns the size of
// the segment in bytes.
int MethodData::initialize_data(BytecodeStream* stream,
int data_index) {
if (CompilerConfig::is_c1_simple_only() && !ProfileInterpreter) {
return 0;
int cell_count = -1;
int tag = DataLayout::no_tag;
DataLayout* data_layout = data_layout_at(data_index);
Bytecodes::Code c = stream->code();
switch (c) {
case Bytecodes::_checkcast:
case Bytecodes::_instanceof:
case Bytecodes::_aastore:
if (TypeProfileCasts) {
cell_count = ReceiverTypeData::static_cell_count();
tag = DataLayout::receiver_type_data_tag;
} else {
cell_count = BitData::static_cell_count();
tag = DataLayout::bit_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
case Bytecodes::_invokestatic: {
int counter_data_cell_count = CounterData::static_cell_count();
if (profile_arguments_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci()) ||
profile_return_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci())) {
cell_count = CallTypeData::compute_cell_count(stream);
} else {
cell_count = counter_data_cell_count;
if (cell_count > counter_data_cell_count) {
tag = DataLayout::call_type_data_tag;
} else {
tag = DataLayout::counter_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_goto:
case Bytecodes::_goto_w:
case Bytecodes::_jsr:
case Bytecodes::_jsr_w:
cell_count = JumpData::static_cell_count();
tag = DataLayout::jump_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: {
int virtual_call_data_cell_count = VirtualCallData::static_cell_count();
if (profile_arguments_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci()) ||
profile_return_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci())) {
cell_count = VirtualCallTypeData::compute_cell_count(stream);
} else {
cell_count = virtual_call_data_cell_count;
if (cell_count > virtual_call_data_cell_count) {
tag = DataLayout::virtual_call_type_data_tag;
} else {
tag = DataLayout::virtual_call_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: {
// %%% should make a type profile for any invokedynamic that takes a ref argument
int counter_data_cell_count = CounterData::static_cell_count();
if (profile_arguments_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci()) ||
profile_return_for_invoke(stream->method(), stream->bci())) {
cell_count = CallTypeData::compute_cell_count(stream);
} else {
cell_count = counter_data_cell_count;
if (cell_count > counter_data_cell_count) {
tag = DataLayout::call_type_data_tag;
} else {
tag = DataLayout::counter_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_ret:
cell_count = RetData::static_cell_count();
tag = DataLayout::ret_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_ifeq:
case Bytecodes::_ifne:
case Bytecodes::_iflt:
case Bytecodes::_ifge:
case Bytecodes::_ifgt:
case Bytecodes::_ifle:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt:
case Bytecodes::_if_icmple:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq:
case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne:
case Bytecodes::_ifnull:
case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull:
cell_count = BranchData::static_cell_count();
tag = DataLayout::branch_data_tag;
case Bytecodes::_lookupswitch:
case Bytecodes::_tableswitch:
cell_count = MultiBranchData::compute_cell_count(stream);
tag = DataLayout::multi_branch_data_tag;
assert(tag == DataLayout::multi_branch_data_tag ||
((MethodData::profile_arguments() || MethodData::profile_return()) &&
(tag == DataLayout::call_type_data_tag ||
tag == DataLayout::counter_data_tag ||
tag == DataLayout::virtual_call_type_data_tag ||
tag == DataLayout::virtual_call_data_tag)) ||
cell_count == bytecode_cell_count(c), "cell counts must agree");
if (cell_count >= 0) {
assert(tag != DataLayout::no_tag, "bad tag");
assert(bytecode_has_profile(c), "agree w/ BHP");
data_layout->initialize(tag, stream->bci(), cell_count);
return DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(cell_count);
} else {
assert(!bytecode_has_profile(c), "agree w/ !BHP");
return 0;
// Get the data at an arbitrary (sort of) data index.
ProfileData* MethodData::data_at(int data_index) const {
if (out_of_bounds(data_index)) {
return NULL;
DataLayout* data_layout = data_layout_at(data_index);
return data_layout->data_in();
int DataLayout::cell_count() {
switch (tag()) {
case DataLayout::no_tag:
return 0;
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
return BitData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::counter_data_tag:
return CounterData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::jump_data_tag:
return JumpData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::receiver_type_data_tag:
return ReceiverTypeData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::virtual_call_data_tag:
return VirtualCallData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::ret_data_tag:
return RetData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::branch_data_tag:
return BranchData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::multi_branch_data_tag:
return ((new MultiBranchData(this))->cell_count());
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
return ((new ArgInfoData(this))->cell_count());
case DataLayout::call_type_data_tag:
return ((new CallTypeData(this))->cell_count());
case DataLayout::virtual_call_type_data_tag:
return ((new VirtualCallTypeData(this))->cell_count());
case DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag:
return ((new ParametersTypeData(this))->cell_count());
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
return SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count();
ProfileData* DataLayout::data_in() {
switch (tag()) {
case DataLayout::no_tag:
return NULL;
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
return new BitData(this);
case DataLayout::counter_data_tag:
return new CounterData(this);
case DataLayout::jump_data_tag:
return new JumpData(this);
case DataLayout::receiver_type_data_tag:
return new ReceiverTypeData(this);
case DataLayout::virtual_call_data_tag:
return new VirtualCallData(this);
case DataLayout::ret_data_tag:
return new RetData(this);
case DataLayout::branch_data_tag:
return new BranchData(this);
case DataLayout::multi_branch_data_tag:
return new MultiBranchData(this);
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
return new ArgInfoData(this);
case DataLayout::call_type_data_tag:
return new CallTypeData(this);
case DataLayout::virtual_call_type_data_tag:
return new VirtualCallTypeData(this);
case DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag:
return new ParametersTypeData(this);
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
return new SpeculativeTrapData(this);
// Iteration over data.
ProfileData* MethodData::next_data(ProfileData* current) const {
int current_index = dp_to_di(current->dp());
int next_index = current_index + current->size_in_bytes();
ProfileData* next = data_at(next_index);
return next;
DataLayout* MethodData::next_data_layout(DataLayout* current) const {
int current_index = dp_to_di((address)current);
int next_index = current_index + current->size_in_bytes();
if (out_of_bounds(next_index)) {
return NULL;
DataLayout* next = data_layout_at(next_index);
return next;
// Give each of the data entries a chance to perform specific
// data initialization.
void MethodData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream) {
ResourceMark rm;
ProfileData* data;
for (data = first_data(); is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
data->post_initialize(stream, this);
if (_parameters_type_data_di != no_parameters) {
parameters_type_data()->post_initialize(NULL, this);
// Initialize the MethodData* corresponding to a given method.
MethodData::MethodData(const methodHandle& method)
: _method(method()),
// Holds Compile_lock
_extra_data_lock(Mutex::safepoint-2, "MDOExtraData_lock"),
_parameters_type_data_di(parameters_uninitialized) {
void MethodData::initialize() {
Thread* thread = Thread::current();
NoSafepointVerifier no_safepoint; // init function atomic wrt GC
ResourceMark rm(thread);
// Go through the bytecodes and allocate and initialize the
// corresponding data cells.
int data_size = 0;
int empty_bc_count = 0; // number of bytecodes lacking data
_data[0] = 0; // apparently not set below.
BytecodeStream stream(methodHandle(thread, method()));
Bytecodes::Code c;
bool needs_speculative_traps = false;
while ((c = stream.next()) >= 0) {
int size_in_bytes = initialize_data(&stream, data_size);
data_size += size_in_bytes;
if (size_in_bytes == 0 JVMCI_ONLY(&& Bytecodes::can_trap(c))) empty_bc_count += 1;
needs_speculative_traps = needs_speculative_traps || is_speculative_trap_bytecode(c);
_data_size = data_size;
int object_size = in_bytes(data_offset()) + data_size;
// Add some extra DataLayout cells (at least one) to track stray traps.
int extra_data_count = compute_extra_data_count(data_size, empty_bc_count, needs_speculative_traps);
int extra_size = extra_data_count * DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(0);
// Let's zero the space for the extra data
if (extra_size > 0) {
Copy::zero_to_bytes(((address)_data) + data_size, extra_size);
// Add a cell to record information about modified arguments.
// Set up _args_modified array after traps cells so that
// the code for traps cells works.
DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size);
int arg_size = method()->size_of_parameters();
dp->initialize(DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, 0, arg_size+1);
int arg_data_size = DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(arg_size+1);
object_size += extra_size + arg_data_size;
int parms_cell = ParametersTypeData::compute_cell_count(method());
// If we are profiling parameters, we reserved an area near the end
// of the MDO after the slots for bytecodes (because there's no bci
// for method entry so they don't fit with the framework for the
// profiling of bytecodes). We store the offset within the MDO of
// this area (or -1 if no parameter is profiled)
if (parms_cell > 0) {
object_size += DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(parms_cell);
_parameters_type_data_di = data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size;
DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size);
dp->initialize(DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag, 0, parms_cell);
} else {
_parameters_type_data_di = no_parameters;
// Set an initial hint. Don't use set_hint_di() because
// first_di() may be out of bounds if data_size is 0.
// In that situation, _hint_di is never used, but at
// least well-defined.
_hint_di = first_di();
assert(object_size == compute_allocation_size_in_bytes(methodHandle(thread, _method)), "MethodData: computed size != initialized size");
void MethodData::init() {
_compiler_counters = CompilerCounters(); // reset compiler counters
_invocation_counter_start = 0;
_backedge_counter_start = 0;
// Set per-method invoke- and backedge mask.
double scale = 1.0;
methodHandle mh(Thread::current(), _method);
CompilerOracle::has_option_value(mh, CompileCommand::CompileThresholdScaling, scale);
_invoke_mask = right_n_bits(CompilerConfig::scaled_freq_log(Tier0InvokeNotifyFreqLog, scale)) << InvocationCounter::count_shift;
_backedge_mask = right_n_bits(CompilerConfig::scaled_freq_log(Tier0BackedgeNotifyFreqLog, scale)) << InvocationCounter::count_shift;
_tenure_traps = 0;
_num_loops = 0;
_num_blocks = 0;
_would_profile = unknown;
_jvmci_ir_size = 0;
_failed_speculations = NULL;
_rtm_state = NoRTM; // No RTM lock eliding by default
if (UseRTMLocking &&
!CompilerOracle::has_option(mh, CompileCommand::NoRTMLockEliding)) {
if (CompilerOracle::has_option(mh, CompileCommand::UseRTMLockEliding) || !UseRTMDeopt) {
// Generate RTM lock eliding code without abort ratio calculation code.
_rtm_state = UseRTM;
} else if (UseRTMDeopt) {
// Generate RTM lock eliding code and include abort ratio calculation
// code if UseRTMDeopt is on.
_rtm_state = ProfileRTM;
// Initialize escape flags.
// Get a measure of how much mileage the method has on it.
int MethodData::mileage_of(Method* method) {
return MAX2(method->invocation_count(), method->backedge_count());
bool MethodData::is_mature() const {
return CompilationPolicy::is_mature(_method);
// Translate a bci to its corresponding data index (di).
address MethodData::bci_to_dp(int bci) {
ResourceMark rm;
DataLayout* data = data_layout_before(bci);
DataLayout* prev = NULL;
for ( ; is_valid(data); data = next_data_layout(data)) {
if (data->bci() >= bci) {
if (data->bci() == bci) set_hint_di(dp_to_di((address)data));
else if (prev != NULL) set_hint_di(dp_to_di((address)prev));
return (address)data;
prev = data;
return (address)limit_data_position();
// Translate a bci to its corresponding data, or NULL.
ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_data(int bci) {
DataLayout* data = data_layout_before(bci);
for ( ; is_valid(data); data = next_data_layout(data)) {
if (data->bci() == bci) {
return data->data_in();
} else if (data->bci() > bci) {
return bci_to_extra_data(bci, NULL, false);
DataLayout* MethodData::next_extra(DataLayout* dp) {
int nb_cells = 0;
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
case DataLayout::no_tag:
nb_cells = BitData::static_cell_count();
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
nb_cells = SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count();
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
return (DataLayout*)((address)dp + DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(nb_cells));
ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data_helper(int bci, Method* m, DataLayout*& dp, bool concurrent) {
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
// No need for "Atomic::load_acquire" ops,
// since the data structure is monotonic.
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::no_tag:
return NULL;
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
dp = end;
return NULL; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
if (m == NULL && dp->bci() == bci) {
return new BitData(dp);
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
if (m != NULL) {
SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
// data->method() may be null in case of a concurrent
// allocation. Maybe it's for the same method. Try to use that
// entry in that case.
if (dp->bci() == bci) {
if (data->method() == NULL) {
assert(concurrent, "impossible because no concurrent allocation");
return NULL;
} else if (data->method() == m) {
return data;
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
return NULL;
// Translate a bci to its corresponding extra data, or NULL.
ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data(int bci, Method* m, bool create_if_missing) {
// This code assumes an entry for a SpeculativeTrapData is 2 cells
assert(2*DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(BitData::static_cell_count()) ==
"code needs to be adjusted");
// Do not create one of these if method has been redefined.
if (m != NULL && m->is_old()) {
return NULL;
DataLayout* dp = extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
// Allocation in the extra data space has to be atomic because not
// all entries have the same size and non atomic concurrent
// allocation would result in a corrupted extra data space.
ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, true);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
if (create_if_missing && dp < end) {
MutexLocker ml(&_extra_data_lock);
// Check again now that we have the lock. Another thread may
// have added extra data entries.
ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, false);
if (result != NULL || dp >= end) {
return result;
assert(dp->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || (dp->tag() == DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag && m != NULL), "should be free");
assert(next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, "should be free or arg info");
u1 tag = m == NULL ? DataLayout::bit_data_tag : DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag;
// SpeculativeTrapData is 2 slots. Make sure we have room.
if (m != NULL && next_extra(dp)->tag() != DataLayout::no_tag) {
return NULL;
DataLayout temp;
temp.initialize(tag, bci, 0);
assert(dp->tag() == tag, "sane");
assert(dp->bci() == bci, "no concurrent allocation");
if (tag == DataLayout::bit_data_tag) {
return new BitData(dp);
} else {
SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
return data;
return NULL;
ArgInfoData *MethodData::arg_info() {
DataLayout* dp = extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
if (dp->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag)
return new ArgInfoData(dp);
return NULL;
// Printing
void MethodData::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
st->print("method data for ");
void MethodData::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
st->print("method data for ");
void MethodData::print_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
ResourceMark rm;
ProfileData* data = first_data();
if (_parameters_type_data_di != no_parameters) {
for ( ; is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
st->print("%d", dp_to_di(data->dp()));
data->print_data_on(st, this);
st->print_cr("--- Extra data:");
DataLayout* dp = extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
// No need for "Atomic::load_acquire" ops,
// since the data structure is monotonic.
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::no_tag:
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
data = new BitData(dp);
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
data = new ArgInfoData(dp);
dp = end; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
st->print("%d", dp_to_di(data->dp()));
if (dp >= end) return;
// Verification
void MethodData::verify_on(outputStream* st) {
guarantee(is_methodData(), "object must be method data");
// guarantee(m->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
void MethodData::verify_data_on(outputStream* st) {
// not yet implemented.
bool MethodData::profile_jsr292(const methodHandle& m, int bci) {
if (m->is_compiled_lambda_form()) {
return true;
Bytecode_invoke inv(m , bci);
return inv.is_invokedynamic() || inv.is_invokehandle();
bool MethodData::profile_unsafe(const methodHandle& m, int bci) {
Bytecode_invoke inv(m , bci);
if (inv.is_invokevirtual()) {
Symbol* klass = inv.klass();
if (klass == vmSymbols::jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe() ||
klass == vmSymbols::sun_misc_Unsafe() ||
klass == vmSymbols::jdk_internal_misc_ScopedMemoryAccess()) {
Symbol* name = inv.name();
if (name->starts_with("get") || name->starts_with("put")) {
return true;
return false;
int MethodData::profile_arguments_flag() {
return TypeProfileLevel % 10;
bool MethodData::profile_arguments() {
return profile_arguments_flag() > no_type_profile && profile_arguments_flag() <= type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_arguments_jsr292_only() {
return profile_arguments_flag() == type_profile_jsr292;
bool MethodData::profile_all_arguments() {
return profile_arguments_flag() == type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_arguments_for_invoke(const methodHandle& m, int bci) {
if (!profile_arguments()) {
return false;
if (profile_all_arguments()) {
return true;
if (profile_unsafe(m, bci)) {
return true;
assert(profile_arguments_jsr292_only(), "inconsistent");
return profile_jsr292(m, bci);
int MethodData::profile_return_flag() {
return (TypeProfileLevel % 100) / 10;
bool MethodData::profile_return() {
return profile_return_flag() > no_type_profile && profile_return_flag() <= type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_return_jsr292_only() {
return profile_return_flag() == type_profile_jsr292;
bool MethodData::profile_all_return() {
return profile_return_flag() == type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_return_for_invoke(const methodHandle& m, int bci) {
if (!profile_return()) {
return false;
if (profile_all_return()) {
return true;
assert(profile_return_jsr292_only(), "inconsistent");
return profile_jsr292(m, bci);
int MethodData::profile_parameters_flag() {
return TypeProfileLevel / 100;
bool MethodData::profile_parameters() {
return profile_parameters_flag() > no_type_profile && profile_parameters_flag() <= type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_parameters_jsr292_only() {
return profile_parameters_flag() == type_profile_jsr292;
bool MethodData::profile_all_parameters() {
return profile_parameters_flag() == type_profile_all;
bool MethodData::profile_parameters_for_method(const methodHandle& m) {
if (!profile_parameters()) {
return false;
if (profile_all_parameters()) {
return true;
assert(profile_parameters_jsr292_only(), "inconsistent");
return m->is_compiled_lambda_form();
void MethodData::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {
log_trace(cds)("Iter(MethodData): %p", this);
void MethodData::clean_extra_data_helper(DataLayout* dp, int shift, bool reset) {
if (shift == 0) {
if (!reset) {
// Move all cells of trap entry at dp left by "shift" cells
intptr_t* start = (intptr_t*)dp;
intptr_t* end = (intptr_t*)next_extra(dp);
for (intptr_t* ptr = start; ptr < end; ptr++) {
*(ptr-shift) = *ptr;
} else {
// Reset "shift" cells stopping at dp
intptr_t* start = ((intptr_t*)dp) - shift;
intptr_t* end = (intptr_t*)dp;
for (intptr_t* ptr = start; ptr < end; ptr++) {
*ptr = 0;
// Check for entries that reference an unloaded method
class CleanExtraDataKlassClosure : public CleanExtraDataClosure {
bool _always_clean;
CleanExtraDataKlassClosure(bool always_clean) : _always_clean(always_clean) {}
bool is_live(Method* m) {
return !(_always_clean) && m->method_holder()->is_loader_alive();
// Check for entries that reference a redefined method
class CleanExtraDataMethodClosure : public CleanExtraDataClosure {
CleanExtraDataMethodClosure() {}
bool is_live(Method* m) { return !m->is_old(); }
// Remove SpeculativeTrapData entries that reference an unloaded or
// redefined method
void MethodData::clean_extra_data(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
DataLayout* dp = extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
int shift = 0;
for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
Method* m = data->method();
assert(m != NULL, "should have a method");
if (!cl->is_live(m)) {
// "shift" accumulates the number of cells for dead
// SpeculativeTrapData entries that have been seen so
// far. Following entries must be shifted left by that many
// cells to remove the dead SpeculativeTrapData entries.
shift += (int)((intptr_t*)next_extra(dp) - (intptr_t*)dp);
} else {
// Shift this entry left if it follows dead
// SpeculativeTrapData entries
clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
// Shift this entry left if it follows dead SpeculativeTrapData
// entries
clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
case DataLayout::no_tag:
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
// We are at end of the live trap entries. The previous "shift"
// cells contain entries that are either dead or were shifted
// left. They need to be reset to no_tag
clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift, true);
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
// Verify there's no unloaded or redefined method referenced by a
// SpeculativeTrapData entry
void MethodData::verify_extra_data_clean(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
#ifdef ASSERT
DataLayout* dp = extra_data_base();
DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
switch(dp->tag()) {
case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
Method* m = data->method();
assert(m != NULL && cl->is_live(m), "Method should exist");
case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
case DataLayout::no_tag:
case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
fatal("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag());
void MethodData::clean_method_data(bool always_clean) {
ResourceMark rm;
for (ProfileData* data = first_data();
data = next_data(data)) {
ParametersTypeData* parameters = parameters_type_data();
if (parameters != NULL) {
CleanExtraDataKlassClosure cl(always_clean);
// This is called during redefinition to clean all "old" redefined
// methods out of MethodData for all methods.
void MethodData::clean_weak_method_links() {
ResourceMark rm;
CleanExtraDataMethodClosure cl;
void MethodData::deallocate_contents(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
void MethodData::release_C_heap_structures() {
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