* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "foreignGlobals.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "prims/foreignGlobals.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
StubLocations::StubLocations() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < LOCATION_LIMIT; i++) {
_locs[i] = VMStorage::invalid();
void StubLocations::set(uint32_t loc, VMStorage storage) {
assert(loc < LOCATION_LIMIT, "oob");
_locs[loc] = storage;
void StubLocations::set_frame_data(uint32_t loc, int offset) {
set(loc, VMStorage(StorageType::FRAME_DATA, 8, offset));
VMStorage StubLocations::get(uint32_t loc) const {
assert(loc < LOCATION_LIMIT, "oob");
VMStorage storage = _locs[loc];
assert(storage.is_valid(), "not set");
return storage;
VMStorage StubLocations::get(VMStorage placeholder) const {
assert(placeholder.type() == StorageType::PLACEHOLDER, "must be");
return get(placeholder.index());
int StubLocations::data_offset(uint32_t loc) const {
VMStorage storage = get(loc);
assert(storage.type() == StorageType::FRAME_DATA, "must be");
return storage.offset();
#define FOREIGN_ABI "jdk/internal/foreign/abi/"
const CallRegs ForeignGlobals::parse_call_regs(jobject jconv) {
oop conv_oop = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jconv);
objArrayOop arg_regs_oop = jdk_internal_foreign_abi_CallConv::argRegs(conv_oop);
objArrayOop ret_regs_oop = jdk_internal_foreign_abi_CallConv::retRegs(conv_oop);
int num_args = arg_regs_oop->length();
int num_rets = ret_regs_oop->length();
CallRegs result(num_args, num_rets);
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_rets; i++) {
return result;
VMStorage ForeignGlobals::parse_vmstorage(oop storage) {
jbyte type = jdk_internal_foreign_abi_VMStorage::type(storage);
jshort segment_mask_or_size = jdk_internal_foreign_abi_VMStorage::segment_mask_or_size(storage);
jint index_or_offset = jdk_internal_foreign_abi_VMStorage::index_or_offset(storage);
return VMStorage(static_cast<StorageType>(type), segment_mask_or_size, index_or_offset);
int RegSpiller::compute_spill_area(const GrowableArray<VMStorage>& regs) {
int result_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < regs.length(); i++) {
result_size += pd_reg_size(regs.at(i));
return result_size;
void RegSpiller::generate(MacroAssembler* masm, int rsp_offset, bool spill) const {
assert(rsp_offset != -1, "rsp_offset should be set");
int offset = rsp_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < _regs.length(); i++) {
VMStorage reg = _regs.at(i);
if (spill) {
pd_store_reg(masm, offset, reg);
} else {
pd_load_reg(masm, offset, reg);
offset += pd_reg_size(reg);
void ArgumentShuffle::print_on(outputStream* os) const {
os->print_cr("Argument shuffle {");
for (int i = 0; i < _moves.length(); i++) {
Move move = _moves.at(i);
VMStorage from_reg = move.from;
VMStorage to_reg = move.to;
os->print("Move from ");
os->print(" to ");
os->print_cr("Stack argument bytes: %d", _out_arg_bytes);
int NativeCallingConvention::calling_convention(const BasicType* sig_bt, VMStorage* out_regs, int num_args) const {
int src_pos = 0;
uint32_t max_stack_offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
switch (sig_bt[i]) {
case T_CHAR:
case T_BYTE:
case T_SHORT:
case T_INT:
case T_FLOAT: {
VMStorage reg = _input_regs.at(src_pos++);
out_regs[i] = reg;
if (reg.is_stack())
max_stack_offset = MAX2(max_stack_offset, reg.offset() + reg.stack_size());
case T_LONG:
case T_DOUBLE: {
assert((i + 1) < num_args && sig_bt[i + 1] == T_VOID, "expecting half");
VMStorage reg = _input_regs.at(src_pos++);
out_regs[i] = reg;
if (reg.is_stack())
max_stack_offset = MAX2(max_stack_offset, reg.offset() + reg.stack_size());
case T_VOID: // Halves of longs and doubles
assert(i != 0 && (sig_bt[i - 1] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i - 1] == T_DOUBLE), "expecting half");
out_regs[i] = VMStorage::invalid();
return align_up(max_stack_offset, 8);
int JavaCallingConvention::calling_convention(const BasicType* sig_bt, VMStorage* regs, int num_args) const {
VMRegPair* vm_regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, num_args);
int slots = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, vm_regs, num_args);
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
VMRegPair pair = vm_regs[i];
// note, we ignore second here. Signature should consist of register-size values. So there should be
// no need for multi-register pairs.
//assert(!pair.first()->is_valid() || pair.is_single_reg(), "must be: %s");
regs[i] = as_VMStorage(pair.first());
return slots << LogBytesPerInt;
class ComputeMoveOrder: public StackObj {
class MoveOperation;
// segment_mask_or_size is not taken into account since
// VMStorages that differ only in mask or size can still
// conflict
static inline unsigned hash(const VMStorage& vms) {
return static_cast<unsigned int>(vms.type()) ^ vms.index_or_offset();
static inline bool equals(const VMStorage& a, const VMStorage& b) {
return a.type() == b.type() && a.index_or_offset() == b.index_or_offset();
using KillerTable = ResourceHashtable<
VMStorage, MoveOperation*,
32, // doesn't need to be big. don't have that many argument registers (in known ABIs)
class MoveOperation: public ResourceObj {
friend class ComputeMoveOrder;
VMStorage _src;
VMStorage _dst;
bool _processed;
MoveOperation* _next;
MoveOperation* _prev;
MoveOperation(VMStorage src, VMStorage dst):
_src(src), _dst(dst), _processed(false), _next(nullptr), _prev(nullptr) {}
const VMStorage& src() const { return _src; }
const VMStorage& dst() const { return _dst; }
MoveOperation* next() const { return _next; }
MoveOperation* prev() const { return _prev; }
void set_processed() { _processed = true; }
bool is_processed() const { return _processed; }
// insert
void break_cycle(VMStorage temp_register) {
// create a new store following the last store
// to move from the temp_register to the original
MoveOperation* new_store = new MoveOperation(temp_register, _dst);
// break the cycle of links and insert new_store at the end
// break the reverse link.
MoveOperation* p = prev();
assert(p->next() == this, "must be");
_prev = nullptr;
p->_next = new_store;
new_store->_prev = p;
// change the original store to save it's value in the temp.
_dst = temp_register;
void link(KillerTable& killer) {
// link this store in front the store that it depends on
MoveOperation** n = killer.get(_src);
if (n != nullptr) {
MoveOperation* src_killer = *n;
assert(_next == nullptr && src_killer->_prev == nullptr, "shouldn't have been set yet");
_next = src_killer;
src_killer->_prev = this;
Move as_move() {
return {_src, _dst};
int _total_in_args;
const VMStorage* _in_regs;
int _total_out_args;
const VMStorage* _out_regs;
const BasicType* _in_sig_bt;
VMStorage _tmp_vmreg;
GrowableArray<MoveOperation*> _edges;
GrowableArray<Move> _moves;
ComputeMoveOrder(int total_in_args, const VMStorage* in_regs, int total_out_args, VMStorage* out_regs,
const BasicType* in_sig_bt, VMStorage tmp_vmreg) :
_moves(total_in_args) {
void compute() {
assert(_total_out_args >= _total_in_args, "can only add prefix args");
// Note that total_out_args args can be greater than total_in_args in the case of upcalls.
// There will be a leading MH receiver arg in the out args in that case.
// Leading args in the out args will be ignored below because we iterate from the end of
// the register arrays until !(in_idx >= 0), and total_in_args is smaller.
// Stub code adds a move for the receiver to j_rarg0 (and potential other prefix args) manually.
for (int in_idx = _total_in_args - 1, out_idx = _total_out_args - 1; in_idx >= 0; in_idx--, out_idx--) {
BasicType bt = _in_sig_bt[in_idx];
assert(bt != T_ARRAY, "array not expected");
VMStorage in_reg = _in_regs[in_idx];
VMStorage out_reg = _out_regs[out_idx];
if (out_reg.is_stack() || out_reg.is_frame_data()) {
// Move operations where the dest is the stack can all be
// scheduled first since they can't interfere with the other moves.
// The input and output stack spaces are distinct from each other.
Move move{in_reg, out_reg};
} else if (in_reg == out_reg
|| bt == T_VOID) {
// 1. Can skip non-stack identity moves.
// 2. Upper half of long or double (T_VOID).
// Don't need to do anything.
} else {
_edges.append(new MoveOperation(in_reg, out_reg));
// Break any cycles in the register moves and emit the in the
// proper order.
// Walk the edges breaking cycles between moves. The result list
// can be walked in order to produce the proper set of loads
void compute_store_order(VMStorage temp_register) {
// Record which moves kill which registers
KillerTable killer; // a map of VMStorage -> MoveOperation*
for (int i = 0; i < _edges.length(); i++) {
MoveOperation* s = _edges.at(i);
"multiple moves with the same register as destination");
killer.put(s->dst(), s);
"make sure temp isn't in the registers that are killed");
// create links between loads and stores
for (int i = 0; i < _edges.length(); i++) {
// at this point, all the move operations are chained together
// in one or more doubly linked lists. Processing them backwards finds
// the beginning of the chain, forwards finds the end. If there's
// a cycle it can be broken at any point, so pick an edge and walk
// backward until the list ends or we end where we started.
for (int e = 0; e < _edges.length(); e++) {
MoveOperation* s = _edges.at(e);
if (!s->is_processed()) {
MoveOperation* start = s;
// search for the beginning of the chain or cycle
while (start->prev() != nullptr && start->prev() != s) {
start = start->prev();
if (start->prev() == s) {
// walk the chain forward inserting to store list
while (start != nullptr) {
start = start->next();
static GrowableArray<Move> compute_move_order(int total_in_args, const VMStorage* in_regs,
int total_out_args, VMStorage* out_regs,
const BasicType* in_sig_bt, VMStorage tmp_vmreg) {
ComputeMoveOrder cmo(total_in_args, in_regs, total_out_args, out_regs, in_sig_bt, tmp_vmreg);
return cmo._moves;
BasicType* in_sig_bt,
int num_in_args,
BasicType* out_sig_bt,
int num_out_args,
const CallingConventionClosure* input_conv,
const CallingConventionClosure* output_conv,
VMStorage shuffle_temp) {
VMStorage* in_regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMStorage, num_in_args);
input_conv->calling_convention(in_sig_bt, in_regs, num_in_args);
VMStorage* out_regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMStorage, num_out_args);
_out_arg_bytes = output_conv->calling_convention(out_sig_bt, out_regs, num_out_args);
_moves = ComputeMoveOrder::compute_move_order(num_in_args, in_regs,
num_out_args, out_regs,
in_sig_bt, shuffle_temp);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
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