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Sprache: XML
This suite contains automated client sanity tests which can be run using JTReg.
Contact [email protected] in case of issues.
How to run:
1) Download/Install the JDK to be tested in the system.
(For example C:/java/jdk1.9.0 in windows or
/export/jdk/jdk1.9.0 in linux/mac/solaris)
2) Download/Install JTReg harness.
3) Open terminal(cmd in windows, *not* cygwin) and go to the this directory.
4) To run
- see the notes below on how to prepare for the test run
- set JT_HOME to <path/to/jtreg>, for example
set JT_HOME=C:\Java\client\jtreg (Windows)
- run the command
'sh <path/to/jtreg/bin/jtreg> -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:<Path/to/JDK> SwingSet'
For example: 'sh C:/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:C:/java/jdk1.9.0 SwingSet' (Windows)
'sh /export/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:/export/jdk/jdk1.9.0 SwingSet' (Linux/Solaris)
'sh /export/jtreg/bin/jtreg -ea -k:\!screenshots -jdk:/export/jdk/jdk1.9.0/Contents/Home SwingSet' (Mac)
Try to minimize all the other windows for no interference and test stability.
Do not touch keyboard or mouse, open any window, nor lock the screen while the tests are running.
The tests will be executed, and the results will be displayed in the terminal.
A report will be generated under
a) JTReg: "JTReport/index.html".
The failure logs could be found under:
a) JTReg: "JTWork/<testname>/<testname>.jtr"
The following additional options might be useful:
-retain:all to keep work files for passed tests
-k:\!screenshots removal of this option will run tests that require full environment with Robot and screenshots
-g to run JavaTest GUI
The tests in the suite are based on SwingSet3 demo application. They use Jemmy to
operate on controls of the demo and verify that it is behaving as expected. Both
Jemmy and SwingSet3 sources are available as copies in lib folder.
Original Jemmy repository is https://jemmy.java.net
Original SwingSet3 repository is https://java.net/projects/swingset3
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Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse