trig_full: THEORY
% A Theory of Trigonometry
% by Cesar Munoz
% Victor Carreno
% Ricky Butler
% Gilles Dowek
% Alfons Geser
% Ben Di Vito
% David Lester
trig_basic, % basic properties
trig_values, % values of functions for special arguments
trig_ineq, % trig inequalities
trig_extra, % sum and product, half-angle, reductions and zeros
trig_approx, % taylor series approximations to trig functions:
tan_approx, % approximatan2_propsations for tangent
law_cosines, % law of cosines
trig_degree, % conversions to degrees
trig_inverses, % interface to atan, asin, acos, atan2
trig_rew, % auto-rewrites
asin, % asin properties
acos, % acos properties
atan, % atan properties
atan_values, % atan for specific values
atan2, % two-argument arc tangent
atan2_props, % additional properties of atan2 and values
jatan2 % Java atan2
END trig_full
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