Untersuchungsergebnis.Documentation Download desHaskell {Haskell[196] Ada[418] Abap[503]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
by John Weiss [5/97] [email protected]
The purpose of this file is, primarily, to provide a style sheet
and helpful hints to those wishing to help with the documentation
project. If you're actually looking for documentation, there are
7 files in LyX format which you can read from within LyX. Check
out the Help menu to read the Introduction. It's a good place to
Why a separate documentation project? Can't the developers do it?
In a word, no. They're too busy adding features and squishing
Also, g++ is far more forgiving of style changes than a human
brain. As long as the code is correct, g++ will happilly compile
it, and compile it the same way from machine to machine. Human
brains are far less forgiving and far more individualized. So,
the documentation needs to all be in a uniform style, in addition
to being grammatically correct and easily readable. That's a
pretty big undertaking - which is why I volunteered to
administrate the docs in the first place! Lars has enough to do
maintaining the code, anyways!
Helping Out
If you'd like to contribute to the Documentation Project, please
read the file Intro.lyx. It now contains all of the information
you'll need to get started.
John Weiss
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