Spracherkennung für: .cls vermutete Sprache: Text {Text[84] PVS[106] Pl1[195]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
%%%% Start of file revtex.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% This file allows REVTeX v3.1 to function correctly under
%% the 12/94 release of LaTeX 2e. Put this file wherever
%% revtex.sty is. Continue to use \documentstyle{revtex}
%% (with the correct options) and REVTeX will run normally
%% in compatibility mode. Thanks to David Carlisle for
%% pointing out this fix.
\typeout{Marc's revtex class file}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
\PackageWarning{revtex}{Ignoring LaTeX option \CurrentOption}
%%%% End of file revtex.cls
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.100 Sekunden