(* copied from https://github.com/leque/ocaml-diff.git and renamed from "diff.mli" *)
An implementation of Eugene Myers' O(ND) Difference Algorithm\[1\].
This implementation is a port of util.lcs module of
{{:http://practical-scheme.net/gauche} Gauche Scheme interpreter}.
- \[1\] Eugene Myers, An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations, Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 251-266, 1986.
type 'a common = [
`Common of int * int * 'a
(** an element of lcs of seq1 and seq2 *)
type 'a edit =
[ `Removed of int * 'a
| `Added of int * 'a
| 'a common
(** an element of diff of seq1 and seq2. *)
module type SeqType = sig
type t
(** The type of the sequence. *)
type elem
(** The type of the elements of the sequence. *)
val get : t -> int -> elem
(** [get t n] returns [n]-th element of the sequence [t]. *)
val length : t -> int
(** [length t] returns the length of the sequence [t]. *)
(** Input signature of {!Diff.Make}. *)
module type S = sig
type t
(** The type of input sequence. *)
type elem
(** The type of the elements of result / input sequence. *)
val lcs :
?equal:(elem -> elem -> bool) ->
t -> t -> elem common list
[lcs ~equal seq1 seq2] computes the LCS (longest common sequence) of
[seq1] and [seq2].
Elements of [seq1] and [seq2] are compared with [equal].
[equal] defaults to [Pervasives.(=)].
Elements of lcs are [`Common (pos1, pos2, e)]
where [e] is an element, [pos1] is a position in [seq1],
and [pos2] is a position in [seq2].
val diff :
?equal:(elem -> elem -> bool) ->
t -> t -> elem edit list
[diff ~equal seq1 seq2] computes the diff of [seq1] and [seq2].
Elements of [seq1] and [seq2] are compared with [equal].
Elements only in [seq1] are represented as [`Removed (pos, e)]
where [e] is an element, and [pos] is a position in [seq1];
those only in [seq2] are represented as [`Added (pos, e)]
where [e] is an element, and [pos] is a position in [seq2];
those common in [seq1] and [seq2] are represented as
[`Common (pos1, pos2, e)]
where [e] is an element, [pos1] is a position in [seq1],
and [pos2] is a position in [seq2].
val fold_left :
?equal:(elem -> elem -> bool) ->
f:('a -> elem edit -> 'a) ->
init:'a ->
t -> t -> 'a
[fold_left ~equal ~f ~init seq1 seq2] is same as
[diff ~equal seq1 seq2 |> ListLabels.fold_left ~f ~init],
but does not create an intermediate list.
val iter :
?equal:(elem -> elem -> bool) ->
f:(elem edit -> unit) ->
t -> t -> unit
[iter ~equal ~f seq1 seq2] is same as
[diff ~equal seq1 seq2 |> ListLabels.iter ~f],
but does not create an intermediate list.
(** Output signature of {!Diff.Make}. *)
module Make :
functor (M : SeqType) -> (S with type t = M.t and type elem = M.elem)
(** Functor building an implementation of the diff structure
given a sequence type. *)
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