(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Adapted from Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt,
OCaml stdlib. *)
(** The following functor is a specialized version of [Weak.Make].
Here, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
given to the caller, which makes possible the interleaving of the
hash key computation and the hash-consing. *)
module type EqType = sig
type t
val eq : t -> t -> bool
type statistics = {
num_bindings: int;
num_buckets: int;
max_bucket_length: int;
bucket_histogram: int array
module type S = sig
type elt
type t
val create : int -> t
val clear : t -> unit
val repr : int -> elt -> t -> elt
val stats : t -> statistics
module Make (E : EqType) =
type elt = E.t
let emptybucket = Weak.create 0
type t = {
mutable table : elt Weak.t array;
mutable hashes : int array array;
mutable limit : int; (* bucket size limit *)
mutable oversize : int; (* number of oversize buckets *)
mutable rover : int; (* for internal bookkeeping *)
let get_index t h = (h land max_int) mod (Array.length t.table)
let limit = 7
let over_limit = 2
let create sz =
let sz = if sz < 7 then 7 else sz in
let sz = if sz > Sys.max_array_length then Sys.max_array_length else sz in
table = Array.make sz emptybucket;
hashes = Array.make sz [| |];
limit = limit;
oversize = 0;
rover = 0;
let clear t =
for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
t.table.(i) <- emptybucket;
t.hashes.(i) <- [| |];
t.limit <- limit;
t.oversize <- 0
let iter_weak f t =
let rec iter_bucket i j b =
if i >= Weak.length b then () else
match Weak.check b i with
| true -> f b t.hashes.(j) i; iter_bucket (i+1) j b
| false -> iter_bucket (i+1) j b
for i = 0 to pred (Array.length t.table) do
iter_bucket 0 i (Array.unsafe_get t.table i)
let rec count_bucket i b accu =
if i >= Weak.length b then accu else
count_bucket (i+1) b (accu + (if Weak.check b i then 1 else 0))
let min x y = if x - y < 0 then x else y
let next_sz n = min (3 * n / 2 + 3) Sys.max_array_length
let prev_sz n = ((n - 3) * 2 + 2) / 3
let test_shrink_bucket t =
let bucket = t.table.(t.rover) in
let hbucket = t.hashes.(t.rover) in
let len = Weak.length bucket in
let prev_len = prev_sz len in
let live = count_bucket 0 bucket 0 in
if live <= prev_len then begin
let rec loop i j =
if j >= prev_len then begin
if Weak.check bucket i then loop (i + 1) j
else if Weak.check bucket j then begin
Weak.blit bucket j bucket i 1;
hbucket.(i) <- hbucket.(j);
loop (i + 1) (j - 1);
end else loop i (j - 1);
loop 0 (Weak.length bucket - 1);
if prev_len = 0 then begin
t.table.(t.rover) <- emptybucket;
t.hashes.(t.rover) <- [| |];
end else begin
Obj.truncate (Obj.repr bucket) (prev_len + 1);
Obj.truncate (Obj.repr hbucket) prev_len;
if len > t.limit && prev_len <= t.limit then t.oversize <- t.oversize - 1;
t.rover <- (t.rover + 1) mod (Array.length t.table)
let rec resize t =
let oldlen = Array.length t.table in
let newlen = next_sz oldlen in
if newlen > oldlen then begin
let newt = create newlen in
let add_weak ob oh oi =
let setter nb ni _ = Weak.blit ob oi nb ni 1 in
let h = oh.(oi) in
add_aux newt setter None h (get_index newt h);
iter_weak add_weak t;
t.table <- newt.table;
t.hashes <- newt.hashes;
t.limit <- newt.limit;
t.oversize <- newt.oversize;
t.rover <- t.rover mod Array.length newt.table;
end else begin
t.limit <- max_int; (* maximum size already reached *)
t.oversize <- 0;
and add_aux t setter d h index =
let bucket = t.table.(index) in
let hashes = t.hashes.(index) in
let sz = Weak.length bucket in
let rec loop i =
if i >= sz then begin
let newsz = min (3 * sz / 2 + 3) (Sys.max_array_length - 1) in
if newsz <= sz then failwith "Weak.Make: hash bucket cannot grow more";
let newbucket = Weak.create newsz in
let newhashes = Array.make newsz 0 in
Weak.blit bucket 0 newbucket 0 sz;
Array.blit hashes 0 newhashes 0 sz;
setter newbucket sz d;
newhashes.(sz) <- h;
t.table.(index) <- newbucket;
t.hashes.(index) <- newhashes;
if sz <= t.limit && newsz > t.limit then begin
t.oversize <- t.oversize + 1;
for _i = 0 to over_limit do test_shrink_bucket t done;
if t.oversize > Array.length t.table / over_limit then resize t
end else if Weak.check bucket i then begin
loop (i + 1)
end else begin
setter bucket i d;
hashes.(i) <- h
loop 0
let find_or h t d ifnotfound =
let index = get_index t h in
let bucket = t.table.(index) in
let hashes = t.hashes.(index) in
let sz = Weak.length bucket in
let rec loop i =
if i >= sz then ifnotfound index
else if Int.equal h hashes.(i) then begin
match Weak.get bucket i with
| Some v when E.eq v d -> v
| _ -> loop (i + 1)
end else loop (i + 1)
loop 0
let repr h d t =
let ifnotfound index = add_aux t Weak.set (Some d) h index; d in
find_or h t d ifnotfound
let stats t =
let fold accu bucket = max (count_bucket 0 bucket 0) accu in
let max_length = Array.fold_left fold 0 t.table in
let histogram = Array.make (max_length + 1) 0 in
let iter bucket =
let len = count_bucket 0 bucket 0 in
histogram.(len) <- succ histogram.(len)
let () = Array.iter iter t.table in
let fold (num, len, i) k = (num + k * i, len + k, succ i) in
let (num, len, _) = Array.fold_left fold (0, 0, 0) histogram in
num_bindings = num;
num_buckets = len;
max_bucket_length = Array.length histogram;
bucket_histogram = histogram;
module Combine = struct
(* These are helper functions to combine the hash keys in a similar
way as [Hashtbl.hash] does. The constants [alpha] and [beta] must
be prime numbers. There were chosen empirically. Notice that the
problem of hashing trees is hard and there are plenty of study on
this topic. Therefore, there must be room for improvement here. *)
let alpha = 65599
let beta = 7
let combine x y = x * alpha + y
let combine3 x y z = combine x (combine y z)
let combine4 x y z t = combine x (combine3 y z t)
let combine5 x y z t u = combine x (combine4 y z t u)
let combinesmall x y = beta * x + y
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