(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Module implementing basic combinators for OCaml option type.
It tries follow closely the style of OCaml standard library.
Actually, some operations have the same name as [List] ones:
they actually are similar considering ['a option] as a type
of lists with at most one element. *)
(** [has_some x] is [true] if [x] is of the form [Some y] and [false]
otherwise. *)
let has_some = function
| None -> false
| _ -> true
let is_empty = function
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
(** Lifting equality onto option types. *)
let equal f x y = match x, y with
| None, None -> true
| Some x, Some y -> f x y
| _, _ -> false
let compare f x y = match x, y with
| None, None -> 0
| Some x, Some y -> f x y
| None, Some _ -> -1
| Some _, None -> 1
let hash f = function
| None -> 0
| Some x -> f x
exception IsNone
(** [get x] returns [y] where [x] is [Some y].
@raise IsNone if [x] equals [None]. *)
let get = function
| Some y -> y
| _ -> raise IsNone
(** [make x] returns [Some x]. *)
let make x = Some x
(** [bind x f] is [f y] if [x] is [Some y] and [None] otherwise *)
let bind x f = match x with Some y -> f y | None -> None
(** [init b x] returns [Some x] if [b] is [true] and [None] otherwise. *)
let init b x =
if b then
Some x
(** [flatten x] is [Some y] if [x] is [Some (Some y)] and [None] otherwise. *)
let flatten = function
| Some (Some y) -> Some y
| _ -> None
(** [append x y] is the first element of the concatenation of [x] and
[y] seen as lists. *)
let append o1 o2 =
match o1 with
| Some _ -> o1
| None -> o2
(** {6 "Iterators"} ***)
(** [iter f x] executes [f y] if [x] equals [Some y]. It does nothing
otherwise. *)
let iter f = function
| Some y -> f y
| _ -> ()
exception Heterogeneous
(** [iter2 f x y] executes [f z w] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
[Some w]. It does nothing if both [x] and [y] are [None]. And raises
[Heterogeneous] otherwise. *)
let iter2 f x y =
match x,y with
| Some z, Some w -> f z w
| None,None -> ()
| _,_ -> raise Heterogeneous
(** [map f x] is [None] if [x] is [None] and [Some (f y)] if [x] is [Some y]. *)
let map f = function
| Some y -> Some (f y)
| _ -> None
(** [fold_left f a x] is [f a y] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
let fold_left f a = function
| Some y -> f a y
| _ -> a
(** [fold_left2 f a x y] is [f z w] if [x] is [Some z] and [y] is [Some w].
It is [a] if both [x] and [y] are [None]. Otherwise it raises
[Heterogeneous]. *)
let fold_left2 f a x y =
match x,y with
| Some x, Some y -> f a x y
| None, None -> a
| _ -> raise Heterogeneous
(** [fold_right f x a] is [f y a] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
let fold_right f x a =
match x with
| Some y -> f y a
| _ -> a
(** [fold_left_map f a x] is [a, f y] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
let fold_left_map f a x =
match x with
| Some y -> let a, z = f a y in a, Some z
| _ -> a, None
let fold_right_map f x a =
match x with
| Some y -> let z, a = f y a in Some z, a
| _ -> None, a
(** [cata f a x] is [a] if [x] is [None] and [f y] if [x] is [Some y]. *)
let cata f a = function
| Some c -> f c
| None -> a
(** {6 More Specific operations} ***)
(** [default a x] is [y] if [x] is [Some y] and [a] otherwise. *)
let default a = function
| Some y -> y
| _ -> a
(** [lift f x] is the same as [map f x]. *)
let lift = map
(** [lift_right f a x] is [Some (f a y)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
let lift_right f a = function
| Some y -> Some (f a y)
| _ -> None
(** [lift_left f x a] is [Some (f y a)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
let lift_left f x a =
match x with
| Some y -> Some (f y a)
| _ -> None
(** [lift2 f x y] is [Some (f z w)] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
[Some w]. It is [None] otherwise. *)
let lift2 f x y =
match x,y with
| Some z, Some w -> Some (f z w)
| _,_ -> None
(** {6 Smart operations} *)
module Smart =
(** [Smart.map f x] does the same as [map f x] except that it tries to share
some memory. *)
let map f = function
| Some y as x -> let y' = f y in if y' == y then x else Some y'
| _ -> None
(** {6 Operations with Lists} *)
module List =
(** [List.cons x l] equals [y::l] if [x] is [Some y] and [l] otherwise. *)
let cons x l =
match x with
| Some y -> y::l
| _ -> l
(** [List.flatten l] is the list of all the [y]s such that [l] contains
[Some y] (in the same order). *)
let rec flatten = function
| x::l -> cons x (flatten l)
| [] -> []
let rec find f = function
| [] -> None
| h :: t -> match f h with
| None -> find f t
| x -> x
let map f l =
let rec aux f l = match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: l ->
match f x with
| None -> raise Exit
| Some y -> y :: aux f l
try Some (aux f l) with Exit -> None
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