(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Sorts
open Util
open Pp
open Constr
open Univ
let enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,v) =
match d with
| Eq -> enforce_eq u v
| Le -> enforce_leq u v
| Lt -> enforce_leq (super u) v
let subst_univs_level fn l =
try Some (fn l)
with Not_found -> None
let subst_univs_constraint fn (u,d,v as c) cstrs =
let u' = subst_univs_level fn u in
let v' = subst_univs_level fn v in
match u', v' with
| None, None -> Constraint.add c cstrs
| Some u, None -> enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,Universe.make v) cstrs
| None, Some v -> enforce_univ_constraint (Universe.make u,d,v) cstrs
| Some u, Some v -> enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,v) cstrs
let subst_univs_constraints subst csts =
(fun c cstrs -> subst_univs_constraint subst c cstrs)
csts Constraint.empty
let level_subst_of f =
fun l ->
try let u = f l in
match Universe.level u with
| None -> l
| Some l -> l
with Not_found -> l
let subst_univs_fn_constr f c =
let changed = ref false in
let fu = Univ.subst_univs_universe f in
let fi = Univ.Instance.subst_fn (level_subst_of f) in
let rec aux t =
match kind t with
| Sort (Sorts.Type u) ->
let u' = fu u in
if u' == u then t else
(changed := true; mkSort (Sorts.sort_of_univ u'))
| Const (c, u) ->
let u' = fi u in
if u' == u then t
else (changed := true; mkConstU (c, u'))
| Ind (i, u) ->
let u' = fi u in
if u' == u then t
else (changed := true; mkIndU (i, u'))
| Construct (c, u) ->
let u' = fi u in
if u' == u then t
else (changed := true; mkConstructU (c, u'))
| _ -> map aux t
let c' = aux c in
if !changed then c' else c
let subst_univs_constr subst c =
if Univ.is_empty_subst subst then c
let f = Univ.make_subst subst in
subst_univs_fn_constr f c
let subst_univs_constr =
if Flags.profile then
let subst_univs_constr_key = CProfile.declare_profile "subst_univs_constr" in
CProfile.profile2 subst_univs_constr_key subst_univs_constr
else subst_univs_constr
let normalize_univ_variable ~find =
let rec aux cur =
let b = find cur in
let b' = subst_univs_universe aux b in
if Universe.equal b' b then b
else b'
in aux
let normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst ectx =
let find l =
match Univ.LMap.find l ectx with
| Some b -> b
| None -> raise Not_found
normalize_univ_variable ~find
let normalize_univ_variable_subst subst =
let find l = Univ.LMap.find l subst in
normalize_univ_variable ~find
let normalize_universe_opt_subst subst =
let normlevel = normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst subst in
subst_univs_universe normlevel
let normalize_universe_subst subst =
let normlevel = normalize_univ_variable_subst subst in
subst_univs_universe normlevel
let normalize_opt_subst ctx =
let normalize = normalize_universe_opt_subst ctx in
Univ.LMap.mapi (fun u -> function
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (normalize v)) ctx
type universe_opt_subst = Universe.t option universe_map
let subst_univs_fn_puniverses f (c, u as cu) =
let u' = Instance.subst_fn f u in
if u' == u then cu else (c, u')
let nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst f subst =
let subst = normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst subst in
let lsubst = level_subst_of subst in
let rec aux c =
match kind c with
| Evar (evk, args) ->
let args = Array.map aux args in
(match try f (evk, args) with Not_found -> None with
| None -> mkEvar (evk, args)
| Some c -> aux c)
| Const pu ->
let pu' = subst_univs_fn_puniverses lsubst pu in
if pu' == pu then c else mkConstU pu'
| Ind pu ->
let pu' = subst_univs_fn_puniverses lsubst pu in
if pu' == pu then c else mkIndU pu'
| Construct pu ->
let pu' = subst_univs_fn_puniverses lsubst pu in
if pu' == pu then c else mkConstructU pu'
| Sort (Type u) ->
let u' = Univ.subst_univs_universe subst u in
if u' == u then c else mkSort (sort_of_univ u')
| _ -> Constr.map aux c
in aux
let make_opt_subst s =
fun x ->
(match Univ.LMap.find x s with
| Some u -> u
| None -> raise Not_found)
let subst_opt_univs_constr s =
let f = make_opt_subst s in
subst_univs_fn_constr f
let normalize_univ_variables ctx =
let ctx = normalize_opt_subst ctx in
let def, subst =
Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v (def, subst) ->
match v with
| None -> (def, subst)
| Some b -> (Univ.LSet.add u def, Univ.LMap.add u b subst))
ctx (Univ.LSet.empty, Univ.LMap.empty)
in ctx, def, subst
let pr_universe_body = function
| None -> mt ()
| Some v -> str" := " ++ Univ.Universe.pr v
let pr_universe_opt_subst = Univ.LMap.pr pr_universe_body
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