(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Configwin
let pref_file = Filename.concat (Minilib.coqide_config_home ()) "coqiderc"
let accel_file = Filename.concat (Minilib.coqide_config_home ()) "coqide.keys"
let lang_manager = GSourceView3.source_language_manager ~default:true
let () = lang_manager#set_search_path
((Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ())@lang_manager#search_path)
let style_manager = GSourceView3.source_style_scheme_manager ~default:true
let () = style_manager#set_search_path
((Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ())@style_manager#search_path)
type tag = {
tag_fg_color : string option;
tag_bg_color : string option;
tag_bold : bool;
tag_italic : bool;
tag_underline : bool;
tag_strikethrough : bool;
(** Generic preferences *)
type obj = {
set : string list -> unit;
get : unit -> string list;
let preferences : obj Util.String.Map.t ref = ref Util.String.Map.empty
let unknown_preferences : string list Util.String.Map.t ref = ref Util.String.Map.empty
class type ['a] repr =
method into : string list -> 'a option
method from : 'a -> string list
class ['a] preference_signals ~(changed : 'a GUtil.signal) =
inherit GUtil.ml_signals [changed#disconnect]
method changed = changed#connect ~after
class ['a] preference ~(name : string list) ~(init : 'a) ~(repr : 'a repr) =
object (self)
let set v = match repr#into v with None -> () | Some s -> self#set s in
let get () = repr#from self#get in
let obj = { set = set; get = get; } in
let name = String.concat "." name in
if Util.String.Map.mem name !preferences then
invalid_arg ("Preference " ^ name ^ " already exists")
preferences := Util.String.Map.add name obj !preferences
val default = init
val mutable data = init
val changed : 'a GUtil.signal = new GUtil.signal ()
val name : string list = name
method connect = new preference_signals ~changed
method get = data
method set (n : 'a) = data <- n; changed#call n
method reset () = self#set default
method default = default
let stick (pref : 'a preference) (obj : < connect : #GObj.widget_signals ; .. >)
(cb : 'a -> unit) =
let _ = cb pref#get in
let p_id = pref#connect#changed ~callback:(fun v -> cb v) in
let _ = obj#connect#destroy ~callback:(fun () -> pref#connect#disconnect p_id) in
(** Useful marshallers *)
let mod_to_str m =
match m with
| `MOD1 -> ""
| `MOD2 -> ""
| `MOD3 -> ""
| `MOD4 -> ""
| `MOD5 -> ""
| `CONTROL -> ""
| `SHIFT -> ""
| `HYPER -> ""
| `META -> ""
| `RELEASE -> ""
| `SUPER -> ""
let mod_list_to_str l = List.fold_left (fun s m -> (mod_to_str m)^s) "" l
let str_to_mod_list s = snd (GtkData.AccelGroup.parse s)
type project_behavior = Ignore_args | Append_args | Subst_args
let string_of_project_behavior = function
|Ignore_args -> "ignored"
|Append_args -> "appended to arguments"
|Subst_args -> "taken instead of arguments"
let project_behavior_of_string s =
if s = "taken instead of arguments" then Subst_args
else if s = "appended to arguments" then Append_args
else Ignore_args
type inputenc = Elocale | Eutf8 | Emanual of string
let string_of_inputenc = function
|Elocale -> "LOCALE"
|Eutf8 -> "UTF-8"
|Emanual s -> s
let inputenc_of_string s =
(if s = "UTF-8" then Eutf8
else if s = "LOCALE" then Elocale
else Emanual s)
type line_ending = [ `DEFAULT | `WINDOWS | `UNIX ]
let line_end_of_string = function
| "unix" -> `UNIX
| "windows" -> `WINDOWS
| _ -> `DEFAULT
let line_end_to_string = function
| `UNIX -> "unix"
| `WINDOWS -> "windows"
| `DEFAULT -> "default"
let use_default_doc_url = "(automatic)"
module Repr =
let string : string repr =
method from s = [s]
method into = function [s] -> Some s | _ -> None
let string_pair : (string * string) repr =
method from (s1, s2) = [s1; s2]
method into = function [s1; s2] -> Some (s1, s2) | _ -> None
let string_list : string list repr =
method from s = s
method into s = Some s
let string_pair_list (sep : char) : (string * string) list repr =
val sep' = String.make 1 sep
method from = CList.map (fun (s1, s2) -> CString.concat sep' [s1; s2])
method into l =
Some (CList.map (fun s ->
let split = String.split_on_char sep s in
CList.nth split 0, CList.nth split 1) l)
with Failure _ -> None
let bool : bool repr =
method from s = [string_of_bool s]
method into = function
| ["true"] -> Some true
| ["false"] -> Some false
| _ -> None
let int : int repr =
method from s = [string_of_int s]
method into = function
| [i] -> (try Some (int_of_string i) with _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let option (r : 'a repr) : 'a option repr =
method from = function None -> [] | Some v -> "" :: r#from v
method into = function
| [] -> Some None
| "" :: s -> Some (r#into s)
| _ -> None
let custom (from : 'a -> string) (into : string -> 'a) : 'a repr =
method from x = try [from x] with _ -> []
method into = function
| [s] -> (try Some (into s) with _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let tag : tag repr =
let _to s = if s = "" then None else Some s in
let _of = function None -> "" | Some s -> s in
method from tag = [
_of tag.tag_fg_color;
_of tag.tag_bg_color;
string_of_bool tag.tag_bold;
string_of_bool tag.tag_italic;
string_of_bool tag.tag_underline;
string_of_bool tag.tag_strikethrough;
method into = function
| [fg; bg; bd; it; ul; st] ->
(try Some {
tag_fg_color = _to fg;
tag_bg_color = _to bg;
tag_bold = bool_of_string bd;
tag_italic = bool_of_string it;
tag_underline = bool_of_string ul;
tag_strikethrough = bool_of_string st;
with _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let get_config_file name =
let find_config dir = Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat dir name) in
let config_dir = List.find find_config (Minilib.coqide_config_dirs ()) in
Filename.concat config_dir name
(* Small hack to handle v8.3 to v8.4 change in configuration file *)
let loaded_pref_file =
try get_config_file "coqiderc"
with Not_found -> Filename.concat (Option.default "" (Glib.get_home_dir ())) ".coqiderc"
let loaded_accel_file =
try get_config_file "coqide.keys"
with Not_found -> Filename.concat (Option.default "" (Glib.get_home_dir ())) ".coqide.keys"
let get_unicode_bindings_local_file () =
try Some (get_config_file "coqide.bindings")
with Not_found -> None
let get_unicode_bindings_default_file () =
let name = "default.bindings" in
let chk d = Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat d name) in
let dir = List.find chk (Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ()) in
Some (Filename.concat dir name)
with Not_found -> None
(** Hooks *)
let cmd_coqtop =
new preference ~name:["cmd_coqtop"] ~init:None ~repr:Repr.(option string)
let cmd_coqc =
new preference ~name:["cmd_coqc"] ~init:"coqc" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let cmd_make =
new preference ~name:["cmd_make"] ~init:"make" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let cmd_coqmakefile =
new preference ~name:["cmd_coqmakefile"] ~init:"coq_makefile -o makefile *.v" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let cmd_coqdoc =
new preference ~name:["cmd_coqdoc"] ~init:"coqdoc -q -g" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let source_language =
new preference ~name:["source_language"] ~init:"coq" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let source_style =
new preference ~name:["source_style"] ~init:"coq_style" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let global_auto_revert =
new preference ~name:["global_auto_revert"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let global_auto_revert_delay =
new preference ~name:["global_auto_revert_delay"] ~init:10000 ~repr:Repr.(int)
let auto_save =
new preference ~name:["auto_save"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let auto_save_delay =
new preference ~name:["auto_save_delay"] ~init:10000 ~repr:Repr.(int)
let auto_save_name =
new preference ~name:["auto_save_name"] ~init:("#","#") ~repr:Repr.(string_pair)
let read_project =
let repr = Repr.custom string_of_project_behavior project_behavior_of_string in
new preference ~name:["read_project"] ~init:Append_args ~repr
let project_file_name =
new preference ~name:["project_file_name"] ~init:"_CoqProject" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let project_path =
new preference ~name:["project_path"] ~init:None ~repr:Repr.(option string)
let encoding =
let repr = Repr.custom string_of_inputenc inputenc_of_string in
let init = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then Eutf8 else Elocale in
new preference ~name:["encoding"] ~init ~repr
let automatic_tactics =
let init = ["trivial"; "tauto"; "auto"; "omega"; "auto with *"; "intuition" ] in
new preference ~name:["automatic_tactics"] ~init ~repr:Repr.(string_list)
let cmd_print =
new preference ~name:["cmd_print"] ~init:"lpr" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let attach_modifiers (pref : string preference) prefix =
let cb mds =
let mds = str_to_mod_list mds in
let change ~path ~key ~modi ~changed =
if CString.is_sub prefix path 0 then
ignore (GtkData.AccelMap.change_entry ~key ~modi:mds ~replace:true path)
GtkData.AccelMap.foreach change
pref#connect#changed ~callback:cb
let modifier_for_navigation =
new preference ~name:["modifier_for_navigation"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let modifier_for_templates =
new preference ~name:["modifier_for_templates"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let modifier_for_tactics =
new preference ~name:["modifier_for_tactics"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let modifier_for_display =
new preference ~name:["modifier_for_display"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let modifier_for_queries =
new preference ~name:["modifier_for_queries"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let _ = attach_modifiers modifier_for_navigation "/Navigation/"
let _ = attach_modifiers modifier_for_templates "/Templates/"
let _ = attach_modifiers modifier_for_tactics "/Tactics/"
let _ = attach_modifiers modifier_for_display "/View/"
let _ = attach_modifiers modifier_for_queries "/Queries/"
let modifiers_valid =
new preference ~name:["modifiers_valid"] ~init:"" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let browser_cmd_fmt =
let coq_netscape_remote_var = "COQREMOTEBROWSER" in
Sys.getenv coq_netscape_remote_var
Not_found -> Coq_config.browser
let cmd_browse =
new preference ~name:["cmd_browse"] ~init:browser_cmd_fmt ~repr:Repr.(string)
let cmd_editor =
let init = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then "NOTEPAD %s" else "emacs %s" in
new preference ~name:["cmd_editor"] ~init ~repr:Repr.(string)
let text_font =
let init = match Coq_config.gtk_platform with
| `QUARTZ -> "Arial Unicode MS 11"
| _ -> "Monospace 10"
new preference ~name:["text_font"] ~init ~repr:Repr.(string)
let show_toolbar =
new preference ~name:["show_toolbar"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let contextual_menus_on_goal =
new preference ~name:["contextual_menus_on_goal"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let window_width =
new preference ~name:["window_width"] ~init:800 ~repr:Repr.(int)
let window_height =
new preference ~name:["window_height"] ~init:600 ~repr:Repr.(int)
let auto_complete =
new preference ~name:["auto_complete"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let stop_before =
new preference ~name:["stop_before"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let reset_on_tab_switch =
new preference ~name:["reset_on_tab_switch"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let line_ending =
let repr = Repr.custom line_end_to_string line_end_of_string in
new preference ~name:["line_ending"] ~init:`DEFAULT ~repr
let vertical_tabs =
new preference ~name:["vertical_tabs"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let opposite_tabs =
new preference ~name:["opposite_tabs"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
(* let background_color = *)
(* new preference ~name:["background_color"] ~init:"cornsilk" ~repr:Repr.(string) *)
let attach_tag (pref : string preference) (tag : GText.tag) f =
tag#set_property (f pref#get);
pref#connect#changed ~callback:(fun c -> tag#set_property (f c))
let attach_bg (pref : string preference) (tag : GText.tag) =
attach_tag pref tag (fun c -> `BACKGROUND c)
let attach_fg (pref : string preference) (tag : GText.tag) =
attach_tag pref tag (fun c -> `FOREGROUND c)
let processing_color =
new preference ~name:["processing_color"] ~init:"light blue" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let incompletely_processed_color =
new preference ~name:["incompletely_processed_color"] ~init:"light sky blue" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let _ = attach_bg processing_color Tags.Script.to_process
let _ = attach_bg incompletely_processed_color Tags.Script.incomplete
let tags = ref Util.String.Map.empty
let list_tags () = !tags
let make_tag ?fg ?bg ?(bold = false) ?(italic = false) ?(underline = false) ?(strikethrough = false) () = {
tag_fg_color = fg;
tag_bg_color = bg;
tag_bold = bold;
tag_italic = italic;
tag_underline = underline;
tag_strikethrough = strikethrough;
let create_tag name default =
let pref = new preference ~name:[name] ~init:default ~repr:Repr.(tag) in
let set_tag tag =
begin match pref#get.tag_bg_color with
| None -> tag#set_property (`BACKGROUND_SET false)
| Some c ->
tag#set_property (`BACKGROUND_SET true);
tag#set_property (`BACKGROUND c)
begin match pref#get.tag_fg_color with
| None -> tag#set_property (`FOREGROUND_SET false)
| Some c ->
tag#set_property (`FOREGROUND_SET true);
tag#set_property (`FOREGROUND c)
begin match pref#get.tag_bold with
| false -> tag#set_property (`WEIGHT_SET false)
| true ->
tag#set_property (`WEIGHT_SET true);
tag#set_property (`WEIGHT `BOLD)
begin match pref#get.tag_italic with
| false -> tag#set_property (`STYLE_SET false)
| true ->
tag#set_property (`STYLE_SET true);
tag#set_property (`STYLE `ITALIC)
begin match pref#get.tag_underline with
| false -> tag#set_property (`UNDERLINE_SET false)
| true ->
tag#set_property (`UNDERLINE_SET true);
tag#set_property (`UNDERLINE `SINGLE)
begin match pref#get.tag_strikethrough with
| false -> tag#set_property (`STRIKETHROUGH_SET false)
| true ->
tag#set_property (`STRIKETHROUGH_SET true);
tag#set_property (`STRIKETHROUGH true)
let iter table =
let tag = GText.tag ~name () in
table#add tag#as_tag;
ignore (pref#connect#changed ~callback:(fun _ -> set_tag tag));
set_tag tag;
List.iter iter [Tags.Script.table; Tags.Proof.table; Tags.Message.table];
tags := Util.String.Map.add name pref !tags
(* note these appear to only set the defaults; they don't override
the user selection from the Edit/Preferences/Tags dialog *)
let () =
let iter (name, tag) = create_tag name tag in
List.iter iter [
("constr.evar", make_tag ());
("constr.keyword", make_tag ~fg:"dark green" ());
("constr.notation", make_tag ());
("constr.path", make_tag ());
("constr.reference", make_tag ~fg:"navy"());
("constr.type", make_tag ~fg:"#008080" ());
("constr.variable", make_tag ());
("message.debug", make_tag ());
("message.error", make_tag ());
("message.warning", make_tag ());
("module.definition", make_tag ~fg:"orange red" ~bold:true ());
("module.keyword", make_tag ());
("tactic.keyword", make_tag ());
("tactic.primitive", make_tag ());
("tactic.string", make_tag ());
("diff.added", make_tag ~bg:"#b6f1c0" ~underline:true ());
("diff.removed", make_tag ~bg:"#f6b9c1" ~strikethrough:true ());
("diff.added.bg", make_tag ~bg:"#e9feee" ());
("diff.removed.bg", make_tag ~bg:"#fce9eb" ());
let processed_color =
new preference ~name:["processed_color"] ~init:"light green" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let _ = attach_bg processed_color Tags.Script.processed
let _ = attach_bg processed_color Tags.Proof.highlight
let error_color =
new preference ~name:["error_color"] ~init:"#FFCCCC" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let _ = attach_bg error_color Tags.Script.error_bg
let error_fg_color =
new preference ~name:["error_fg_color"] ~init:"red" ~repr:Repr.(string)
let _ = attach_fg error_fg_color Tags.Script.error
let dynamic_word_wrap =
new preference ~name:["dynamic_word_wrap"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let show_line_number =
new preference ~name:["show_line_number"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let auto_indent =
new preference ~name:["auto_indent"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let show_spaces =
new preference ~name:["show_spaces"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let show_right_margin =
new preference ~name:["show_right_margin"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let show_progress_bar =
new preference ~name:["show_progress_bar"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let spaces_instead_of_tabs =
new preference ~name:["spaces_instead_of_tabs"] ~init:true ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let tab_length =
new preference ~name:["tab_length"] ~init:2 ~repr:Repr.(int)
let highlight_current_line =
new preference ~name:["highlight_current_line"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let microPG =
(* Legacy name in preference is "nanoPG" *)
new preference ~name:["nanoPG"] ~init:false ~repr:Repr.(bool)
let user_queries =
new preference ~name:["user_queries"] ~init:[] ~repr:Repr.(string_pair_list '$')
let diffs =
new preference ~name:["diffs"] ~init:"off" ~repr:Repr.(string)
class tag_button (box : Gtk.box Gtk.obj) =
object (self)
inherit GObj.widget box
val fg_color = GButton.color_button ()
val fg_unset = GButton.toggle_button ()
val bg_color = GButton.color_button ()
val bg_unset = GButton.toggle_button ()
val bold = GButton.toggle_button ()
val italic = GButton.toggle_button ()
val underline = GButton.toggle_button ()
val strikethrough = GButton.toggle_button ()
method set_tag tag =
let track c but set = match c with
| None -> set#set_active true
| Some c ->
set#set_active false;
but#set_color (Gdk.Color.color_parse c)
track tag.tag_bg_color bg_color bg_unset;
track tag.tag_fg_color fg_color fg_unset;
bold#set_active tag.tag_bold;
italic#set_active tag.tag_italic;
underline#set_active tag.tag_underline;
strikethrough#set_active tag.tag_strikethrough;
method tag =
let get but set =
if set#active then None
else Some (Gdk.Color.color_to_string but#color)
tag_bg_color = get bg_color bg_unset;
tag_fg_color = get fg_color fg_unset;
tag_bold = bold#active;
tag_italic = italic#active;
tag_underline = underline#active;
tag_strikethrough = strikethrough#active;
let box = new GPack.box box in
let set_stock button stock =
let stock = GMisc.image ~stock ~icon_size:`BUTTON () in
button#set_image stock#coerce
set_stock fg_unset `CANCEL;
set_stock bg_unset `CANCEL;
set_stock bold `BOLD;
set_stock italic `ITALIC;
set_stock underline `UNDERLINE;
set_stock strikethrough `STRIKETHROUGH;
box#pack fg_color#coerce;
box#pack fg_unset#coerce;
box#pack bg_color#coerce;
box#pack bg_unset#coerce;
box#pack bold#coerce;
box#pack italic#coerce;
box#pack underline#coerce;
box#pack strikethrough#coerce;
let cb but obj = obj#set_sensitive (not but#active) in
let _ = fg_unset#connect#toggled ~callback:(fun () -> cb fg_unset fg_color#misc) in
let _ = bg_unset#connect#toggled ~callback:(fun () -> cb bg_unset bg_color#misc) in
let tag_button () =
let box = GPack.hbox () in
new tag_button (Gobject.unsafe_cast box#as_widget)
let save_pref () =
if not (Sys.file_exists (Minilib.coqide_config_home ()))
then Unix.mkdir (Minilib.coqide_config_home ()) 0o700;
let () = try GtkData.AccelMap.save accel_file with _ -> () in
let add = Util.String.Map.add in
let fold key obj accu = add key (obj.get ()) accu in
let prefs = Util.String.Map.fold fold !preferences Util.String.Map.empty in
let prefs = Util.String.Map.fold Util.String.Map.add !unknown_preferences prefs in
Config_lexer.print_file pref_file prefs
let load_pref () =
(* Load main preference file *)
let () =
let m = Config_lexer.load_file loaded_pref_file in
let iter name v =
if Util.String.Map.mem name !preferences then
try (Util.String.Map.find name !preferences).set v with _ -> ()
else unknown_preferences := Util.String.Map.add name v !unknown_preferences
Util.String.Map.iter iter m in
(* Load file for bindings *)
let () = try GtkData.AccelMap.load loaded_accel_file with _ -> () in
let pstring name p = string ~f:p#set name p#get
let pbool name p = bool ~f:p#set name p#get
let pmodifiers ?(all = false) name p = modifiers
?allow:(if all then None else Some (str_to_mod_list modifiers_valid#get))
~f:(fun l -> p#set (mod_list_to_str l))
~help:"restart to apply"
(str_to_mod_list p#get)
let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) parent =
let cmd_coqtop =
~f:(fun s -> cmd_coqtop#set (if s = "AUTO" then None else Some s))
" coqidetop" (match cmd_coqtop#get with |None -> "AUTO" | Some x -> x) in
let cmd_coqc = pstring " coqc" cmd_coqc in
let cmd_make = pstring " make" cmd_make in
let cmd_coqmakefile = pstring "coqmakefile" cmd_coqmakefile in
let cmd_coqdoc = pstring " coqdoc" cmd_coqdoc in
let cmd_print = pstring " Print ps" cmd_print in
let config_font =
let box = GPack.hbox () in
let w = GMisc.font_selection () in
"Goal (∃n : nat, n ≤ 0)∧(∀x,y,z, x∈y⋃z↔x∈y∨x∈z).";
box#pack ~expand:true w#coerce;
ignore (w#misc#connect#realize
~callback:(fun () -> w#set_font_name text_font#get));
~label:"Fonts for text"
(fun () ->
let fd = w#font_name in
text_font#set fd)
let config_color =
let box = GPack.vbox () in
let grid = GPack.grid
~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true) ()
let reset_button = GButton.button
~packing:box#pack ()
let iter i (text, pref) =
let label = GMisc.label
~text ~packing:(grid#attach (*~expand:`X*) ~left:0 ~top:i) ()
let () = label#set_xalign 0. in
let button = GButton.color_button
~color:(Gdk.Color.color_parse pref#get)
~packing:(grid#attach ~left:1 ~top:i) ()
let _ = button#connect#color_set ~callback:begin fun () ->
pref#set (Gdk.Color.color_to_string button#color)
end in
let reset _ =
pref#reset ();
button#set_color (Gdk.Color.color_parse pref#get)
let _ = reset_button#connect#clicked ~callback:reset in
let () = Util.List.iteri iter [
(* ("Background color", background_color); *)
("Background color of processed text", processed_color);
("Background color of text being processed", processing_color);
("Background color of incompletely processed Qed", incompletely_processed_color);
("Background color of errors", error_color);
("Foreground color of errors", error_fg_color);
] in
let label = "Color configuration" in
let callback () = () in
custom ~label box callback true
let config_tags =
let box = GPack.vbox () in
let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window
~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true)
let grid = GPack.grid
~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport ()
let i = ref 0 in
let cb = ref [] in
let iter text tag =
let label = GMisc.label
~text ~packing:(grid#attach (*~expand:`X*) ~left:0 ~top:!i) ()
let () = label#set_xalign 0. in
let button = tag_button () in
let callback () = tag#set button#tag in
button#set_tag tag#get;
grid#attach ~left:1 ~top:!i button#coerce;
incr i;
cb := callback :: !cb;
let () = Util.String.Map.iter iter !tags in
let label = "Tag configuration" in
let callback () = List.iter (fun f -> f ()) !cb in
custom ~label box callback true
let config_editor =
let label = "Editor configuration" in
let box = GPack.vbox () in
let button text (pref : bool preference) =
let active = pref#get in
let but = GButton.check_button ~label:text ~active ~packing:box#pack () in
ignore (but#connect#toggled ~callback:(fun () -> pref#set but#active))
let () = button "Dynamic word wrap" dynamic_word_wrap in
let () = button "Show line number" show_line_number in
let () = button "Auto indentation" auto_indent in
let () = button "Auto completion" auto_complete in
let () = button "Show spaces" show_spaces in
let () = button "Show right margin" show_right_margin in
let () = button "Show progress bar" show_progress_bar in
let () = button "Insert spaces instead of tabs" spaces_instead_of_tabs in
let () = button "Highlight current line" highlight_current_line in
let () = button "Emacs/PG keybindings (μPG mode)" microPG in
let callback () = () in
custom ~label box callback true
let window_height =
~f:(fun s -> try window_height#set (int_of_string s) with _ -> ())
"Default window height at starting time"
(string_of_int window_height#get)
let window_width =
~f:(fun s -> try window_width#set (int_of_string s) with _ -> ())
"Default window width at starting time"
(string_of_int window_width#get)
let global_auto_revert = pbool "Enable global auto revert" global_auto_revert in
let global_auto_revert_delay =
~f:(fun s -> global_auto_revert_delay#set
(try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
"Global auto revert delay (ms)"
(string_of_int global_auto_revert_delay#get)
let auto_save = pbool "Enable auto save" auto_save in
let auto_save_delay =
~f:(fun s -> auto_save_delay#set
(try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000))
"Auto save delay (ms)"
(string_of_int auto_save_delay#get)
let stop_before = pbool "Stop interpreting before the current point" stop_before in
let reset_on_tab_switch = pbool "Reset coqtop on tab switch" reset_on_tab_switch in
let vertical_tabs = pbool "Vertical tabs" vertical_tabs in
let opposite_tabs = pbool "Tabs on opposite side" opposite_tabs in
let encodings =
"File charset encoding "
~f:(fun s -> encoding#set (inputenc_of_string s))
~new_allowed: true
("UTF-8"::"LOCALE":: match encoding#get with
|Emanual s -> [s]
|_ -> []
(string_of_inputenc encoding#get)
let line_ending =
"EOL character"
~f:(fun s -> line_ending#set (line_end_of_string s))
["unix"; "windows"; "default"]
(line_end_to_string line_ending#get)
let source_style =
combo "Highlighting style:"
~f:source_style#set ~new_allowed:false
style_manager#style_scheme_ids source_style#get
let source_language =
combo "Language:"
~f:source_language#set ~new_allowed:false
(fun x -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^coq") x 0)
let read_project =
"Project file options are"
~f:(fun s -> read_project#set (project_behavior_of_string s))
[string_of_project_behavior Subst_args;
string_of_project_behavior Append_args;
string_of_project_behavior Ignore_args]
(string_of_project_behavior read_project#get)
let project_file_name = pstring "Default name for project file" project_file_name in
let modifier_for_tactics =
pmodifiers "Modifiers for Tactics Menu" modifier_for_tactics
let modifier_for_templates =
pmodifiers "Modifiers for Templates Menu" modifier_for_templates
let modifier_for_navigation =
pmodifiers "Modifiers for Navigation Menu" modifier_for_navigation
let modifier_for_display =
pmodifiers "Modifiers for View Menu" modifier_for_display
let modifier_for_queries =
pmodifiers "Modifiers for Queries Menu" modifier_for_queries
let modifiers_valid =
pmodifiers ~all:true "Allowed modifiers" modifiers_valid
let cmd_editor =
let predefined = [ "emacs %s"; "vi %s"; "NOTEPAD %s" ] in
~help:"(%s for file name)"
"External editor"
~new_allowed: true
(predefined@[if List.mem cmd_editor#get predefined then ""
else cmd_editor#get])
let cmd_browse =
let predefined = [
"netscape -remote \"openURL(%s)\"";
"mozilla -remote \"openURL(%s)\"";
"firefox -remote \"openURL(%s,new-windows)\" || firefox %s &";
"seamonkey -remote \"openURL(%s)\" || seamonkey %s &"
] in
~help:"(%s for url)"
~new_allowed: true
(predefined@[if List.mem cmd_browse#get predefined then ""
else cmd_browse#get])
let contextual_menus_on_goal = pbool "Contextual menus on goal" contextual_menus_on_goal in
let misc = [contextual_menus_on_goal;stop_before;reset_on_tab_switch;
vertical_tabs;opposite_tabs] in
let add_user_query () =
let input_string l v =
match GToolbox.input_string ~title:l v with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> s
let q = input_string "User query" "Your query" in
let k = input_string "Shortcut key" "Shortcut (a single letter)" in
let q = CString.map (fun c -> if c = '$' then ' ' else c) q in
(* Anything that is not a simple letter will be ignored. *)
let k =
if Int.equal (CString.length k) 1 && Util.is_letter k.[0] then k
else "" in
let k = String.uppercase_ascii k in
[q, k]
let user_queries =
(* Disallow same query, key or empty query. *)
~eq:(fun (q1, k1) (q2, k2) -> k1 = k2 || q1 = "" || q2 = "" || q1 = q2)
~titles:["User query"; "Shortcut key"]
"User queries"
(fun (q, s) -> [q; s])
(* ATTENTION !!!!! L'onglet Fonts doit etre en premier pour eviter un bug !!!!
(shame on Benjamin) *)
let cmds =
[Section("Fonts", Some `SELECT_FONT,
Section("Colors", Some `SELECT_COLOR,
[config_color; source_language; source_style]);
Section("Tags", Some `SELECT_COLOR,
Section("Editor", Some `EDIT, [config_editor]);
Section("Files", Some `DIRECTORY,
auto_save; auto_save_delay; (* auto_save_name*)
encodings; line_ending;
Section("Project", Some (`STOCK "gtk-page-setup"),
Section("Appearance", Some `PREFERENCES, [window_width; window_height]);
Section("Externals", None,
[cmd_coqtop;cmd_coqc;cmd_make;cmd_coqmakefile; cmd_coqdoc;
Section("Shortcuts", Some `PREFERENCES,
[modifiers_valid; modifier_for_tactics;
modifier_for_templates; modifier_for_display; modifier_for_navigation;
modifier_for_queries (*; user_queries *)]);
Section("Misc", Some `ADD,
Format.printf "before edit: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font);
let x = edit ~apply "Customizations" ~parent cmds in
Format.printf "after edit: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font);
match x with
| Return_apply | Return_ok -> save_pref ()
| Return_cancel -> ()
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.35 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.