(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Xml_datatype
type 'annotation located = {
annotation : 'annotation option;
startpos : int;
endpos : int
type 'a stack =
| Leaf
| Node of string * 'a located gxml list * int * 'a stack
type 'a context = {
mutable stack : 'a stack;
(** Pending opened nodes *)
mutable offset : int;
(** Quantity of characters printed so far *)
(** We use Format to introduce tags inside the pretty-printed document.
Each inserted tag is a fresh index that we keep in sync with the contents
of annotations.
We build an XML tree on the fly, by plugging ourselves in Format tag
marking functions. As those functions are called when actually writing to
the device, the resulting tree is correct.
let rich_pp width ppcmds =
let context = {
stack = Leaf;
offset = 0;
} in
let pp_buffer = Buffer.create 180 in
let push_pcdata () =
(* Push the optional PCData on the above node *)
let len = Buffer.length pp_buffer in
if len = 0 then ()
else match context.stack with
| Leaf -> assert false
| Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
let data = Buffer.contents pp_buffer in
let () = Buffer.clear pp_buffer in
let () = context.stack <- Node (node, PCData data :: child, pos, ctx) in
context.offset <- context.offset + len
let open_xml_tag tag =
let () = push_pcdata () in
context.stack <- Node (tag, [], context.offset, context.stack)
let close_xml_tag tag =
let () = push_pcdata () in
match context.stack with
| Leaf -> assert false
| Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
let () = assert (String.equal tag node) in
let annotation = {
annotation = Some tag;
startpos = pos;
endpos = context.offset;
} in
let xml = Element (node, annotation, List.rev child) in
match ctx with
| Leaf ->
(* Final node: we keep the result in a dummy context *)
context.stack <- Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf)
| Node (node, child, pos, ctx) ->
context.stack <- Node (node, xml :: child, pos, ctx)
let open Format in
let ft = formatter_of_buffer pp_buffer in
let tag_functions = {
mark_open_tag = (fun tag -> let () = open_xml_tag tag in "");
mark_close_tag = (fun tag -> let () = close_xml_tag tag in "");
print_open_tag = ignore;
print_close_tag = ignore;
} in
pp_set_formatter_tag_functions ft tag_functions;
pp_set_mark_tags ft true;
(* Setting the formatter *)
pp_set_margin ft width;
let m = max (64 * width / 100) (width-30) in
pp_set_max_indent ft m;
pp_set_max_boxes ft 50 ;
pp_set_ellipsis_text ft "...";
(* The whole output must be a valid document. To that
end, we nest the document inside <pp> tags. *)
pp_open_box ft 0;
pp_open_tag ft "pp";
Pp.(pp_with ft ppcmds);
pp_close_tag ft ();
pp_close_box ft ();
(* Get the resulting XML tree. *)
let () = pp_print_flush ft () in
let () = assert (Buffer.length pp_buffer = 0) in
match context.stack with
| Node ("", [xml], 0, Leaf) -> xml
| _ -> assert false
let annotations_positions xml =
let rec node accu = function
| Element (_, { annotation = Some annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) ->
children ((annotation, (startpos, endpos)) :: accu) cs
| Element (_, _, cs) ->
children accu cs
| _ ->
and children accu cs =
List.fold_left node accu cs
node [] xml
let xml_of_rich_pp tag_of_annotation attributes_of_annotation xml =
let rec node = function
| Element (index, { annotation; startpos; endpos }, cs) ->
let attributes =
[ "startpos", string_of_int startpos;
"endpos", string_of_int endpos
@ (match annotation with
| None -> []
| Some annotation -> attributes_of_annotation annotation
let tag =
match annotation with
| None -> index
| Some annotation -> tag_of_annotation annotation
Element (tag, attributes, List.map node cs)
| PCData s ->
PCData s
node xml
type richpp = xml
let richpp_of_pp width pp =
let rec drop = function
| PCData s -> [PCData s]
| Element (_, annotation, cs) ->
let cs = List.concat (List.map drop cs) in
match annotation.annotation with
| None -> cs
| Some s -> [Element (s, [], cs)]
let xml = rich_pp width pp in
Element ("_", [], drop xml)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.