(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Pp
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open Globnames
open Declarations
open Decl_kinds
open Lib
open Libobject
open EConstr
open Reductionops
open Constrexpr
open Namegen
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
(*s Flags governing the computation of implicit arguments *)
type implicits_flags = {
auto : bool; (* automatic or manual only *)
strict : bool; (* true = strict *)
strongly_strict : bool; (* true = strongly strict *)
reversible_pattern : bool;
contextual : bool; (* true = contextual *)
maximal : bool
let implicit_args = ref {
auto = false;
strict = true;
strongly_strict = false;
reversible_pattern = false;
contextual = false;
maximal = false;
let make_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with auto = flag }
let make_strict_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with strict = flag }
let make_strongly_strict_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with strongly_strict = flag }
let make_reversible_pattern_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with reversible_pattern = flag }
let make_contextual_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with contextual = flag }
let make_maximal_implicit_args flag =
implicit_args := { !implicit_args with maximal = flag }
let is_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.auto
let is_strict_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.strict
let is_strongly_strict_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.strongly_strict
let is_reversible_pattern_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.reversible_pattern
let is_contextual_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.contextual
let is_maximal_implicit_args () = !implicit_args.maximal
let with_implicit_protection f x =
let oflags = !implicit_args in
let rslt = f x in
implicit_args := oflags;
with reraise ->
let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in
let () = implicit_args := oflags in
iraise reraise
let set_maximality imps b =
(* Force maximal insertion on ending implicits (compatibility) *)
let is_set x = match x with None -> false | _ -> true in
b || List.for_all is_set imps
(*s Computation of implicit arguments *)
(* We remember various information about why an argument is
inferable as implicit
- [DepRigid] means that the implicit argument can be found by
unification along a rigid path (we do not print the arguments of
this kind if there is enough arguments to infer them)
- [DepFlex] means that the implicit argument can be found by unification
along a collapsible path only (e.g. as x in (P x) where P is another
argument) (we do (defensively) print the arguments of this kind)
- [DepFlexAndRigid] means that the least argument from which the
implicit argument can be inferred is following a collapsible path
but there is a greater argument from where the implicit argument is
inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a
partial application)
- [Manual] means the argument has been explicitly set as implicit.
We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is
operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true.
type argument_position =
| Conclusion
| Hyp of int
let argument_position_eq p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
| Conclusion, Conclusion -> true
| Hyp h1, Hyp h2 -> Int.equal h1 h2
| _ -> false
let explicitation_eq = Constrexpr_ops.explicitation_eq
type implicit_explanation =
| DepRigid of argument_position
| DepFlex of argument_position
| DepFlexAndRigid of (*flex*) argument_position * (*rig*) argument_position
| Manual
let argument_less = function
| Hyp n, Hyp n' -> n
| Hyp _, Conclusion -> true
| Conclusion, _ -> false
let update pos rig st =
let e =
if rig then
match st with
| None -> DepRigid pos
| Some (DepRigid n as x) ->
if argument_less (pos,n) then DepRigid pos else x
| Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) ->
if argument_less (pos,fpos) || argument_position_eq pos fpos then DepRigid pos else
if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos) else x
| Some (DepFlex fpos) ->
if argument_less (pos,fpos) || argument_position_eq pos fpos then DepRigid pos
else DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos)
| Some Manual -> assert false
match st with
| None -> DepFlex pos
| Some (DepRigid rpos as x) ->
if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x
| Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) ->
if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x
| Some (DepFlex fpos as x) ->
if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlex pos else x
| Some Manual -> assert false
in Some e
(* modified is_rigid_reference with a truncated env *)
let is_flexible_reference env sigma bound depth f =
match kind sigma f with
| Rel n when n >= bound+depth -> (* inductive type *) false
| Rel n when n >= depth -> (* previous argument *) true
| Rel n -> (* since local definitions have been expanded *) false
| Const (kn,_) ->
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
(match cb.const_body with Def _ -> true | _ -> false)
| Var id ->
env |> Environ.lookup_named id |> NamedDecl.is_local_def
| Ind _ | Construct _ -> false
| _ -> true
let push_lift d (e,n) = (push_rel d e,n+1)
let is_reversible_pattern sigma bound depth f l =
isRel sigma f && let n = destRel sigma f in (n < bound+depth) && (n >= depth) &&
Array.for_all (fun c -> isRel sigma c && destRel sigma c < depth) l &&
Array.distinct l
(* Precondition: rels in env are for inductive types only *)
let add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat bound env sigma m pos acc =
let rec frec rig (env,depth as ed) c =
let hd = if strict then whd_all env sigma c else c in
let c = if strongly_strict then hd else c in
match kind sigma hd with
| Rel n when (n < bound+depth) && (n >= depth) ->
let i = bound + depth - n - 1 in
acc.(i) <- update pos rig acc.(i)
| App (f,l) when revpat && is_reversible_pattern sigma bound depth f l ->
let i = bound + depth - EConstr.destRel sigma f - 1 in
acc.(i) <- update pos rig acc.(i)
| App (f,_) when rig && is_flexible_reference env sigma bound depth f ->
if strict then () else
iter_with_full_binders sigma push_lift (frec false) ed c
| Proj (p, _) when rig ->
if strict then () else
iter_with_full_binders sigma push_lift (frec false) ed c
| Case _ when rig ->
if strict then () else
iter_with_full_binders sigma push_lift (frec false) ed c
| Evar _ -> ()
| _ ->
iter_with_full_binders sigma push_lift (frec rig) ed c
let () = if not (Vars.noccur_between sigma 1 bound m) then frec true (env,1) m in
(* compute the list of implicit arguments *)
let rec is_rigid_head sigma t = match kind sigma t with
| Rel _ | Evar _ -> false
| Ind _ | Const _ | Var _ | Sort _ -> true
| Case (_,_,f,_) -> is_rigid_head sigma f
| Proj (p,c) -> true
| App (f,args) ->
(match kind sigma f with
| Fix ((fi,i),_) -> is_rigid_head sigma (args.(fi.(i)))
| _ -> is_rigid_head sigma f)
| Lambda _ | LetIn _ | Construct _ | CoFix _ | Fix _
| Prod _ | Meta _ | Cast _ | Int _ -> assert false
let is_rigid env sigma t =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
let t = whd_all env sigma t in
match kind sigma t with
| Prod (na,a,b) ->
let (_,t) = splay_prod (push_rel (LocalAssum (na,a)) env) sigma b in
is_rigid_head sigma t
| _ -> true
let find_displayed_name_in sigma all avoid na (env, b) =
let envnames_b = (env, b) in
let flag = RenamingElsewhereFor envnames_b in
if all then compute_and_force_displayed_name_in sigma flag avoid na b
else compute_displayed_name_in sigma flag avoid na b
let compute_implicits_names_gen all env sigma t =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
let rec aux env avoid names t =
let t = whd_all env sigma t in
match kind sigma t with
| Prod (na,a,b) ->
let na',avoid' = find_displayed_name_in sigma all avoid na.Context.binder_name (names,b) in
aux (push_rel (LocalAssum (na,a)) env) avoid' (na'::names) b
| _ -> List.rev names
in aux env Id.Set.empty [] t
let compute_implicits_names = compute_implicits_names_gen true
let compute_implicits_explanation_gen strict strongly_strict revpat contextual env sigma t =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
let rec aux env n t =
let t = whd_all env sigma t in
match kind sigma t with
| Prod (na,a,b) ->
add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat n env sigma a (Hyp (n+1))
(aux (push_rel (LocalAssum (na,a)) env) (n+1) b)
| _ ->
let v = Array.make n None in
if contextual then
add_free_rels_until strict strongly_strict revpat n env sigma t Conclusion v
else v
match kind sigma (whd_all env sigma t) with
| Prod (na,a,b) ->
let v = aux (push_rel (LocalAssum (na,a)) env) 1 b in
Array.to_list v
| _ -> []
let compute_implicits_explanation_flags env sigma f t =
(f.strict || f.strongly_strict) f.strongly_strict
f.reversible_pattern f.contextual env sigma t
let compute_implicits_flags env sigma f all t =
(compute_implicits_names_gen all env sigma t)
(compute_implicits_explanation_flags env sigma f t)
let compute_auto_implicits env sigma flags enriching t =
(compute_implicits_names env sigma t)
(if enriching then compute_implicits_explanation_flags env sigma flags t
else compute_implicits_explanation_gen false false false true env sigma t)
(* Extra information about implicit arguments *)
type maximal_insertion = bool (* true = maximal contextual insertion *)
type force_inference = bool (* true = always infer, never turn into evar/subgoal *)
type implicit_status =
(* None = Not implicit *)
(Id.t * implicit_explanation * (maximal_insertion * force_inference)) option
type implicit_side_condition = DefaultImpArgs | LessArgsThan of int
type implicits_list = implicit_side_condition * implicit_status list
let is_status_implicit = function
| None -> false
| _ -> true
let name_of_implicit = function
| None -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not an implicit argument.")
| Some (id,_,_) -> id
let maximal_insertion_of = function
| Some (_,_,(b,_)) -> b
| None -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not an implicit argument.")
let force_inference_of = function
| Some (_, _, (_, b)) -> b
| None -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not an implicit argument.")
(* [in_ctx] means we know the expected type, [n] is the index of the argument *)
let is_inferable_implicit in_ctx n = function
| None -> false
| Some (_,DepRigid (Hyp p),_) -> in_ctx || n >= p
| Some (_,DepFlex (Hyp p),_) -> false
| Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Hyp q),_) -> in_ctx || n >= q
| Some (_,DepRigid Conclusion,_) -> in_ctx
| Some (_,DepFlex Conclusion,_) -> false
| Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Conclusion),_) -> in_ctx
| Some (_,Manual,_) -> true
let positions_of_implicits (_,impls) =
let rec aux n = function
[] -> []
| Some _ :: l -> n :: aux (n+1) l
| None :: l -> aux (n+1) l
in aux 1 impls
(* Manage user-given implicit arguments *)
let rec prepare_implicits f = function
| [] -> []
| (Anonymous, Some _)::_ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Unnamed implicit.")
| (Name id, Some imp)::imps ->
let imps' = prepare_implicits f imps in
Some (id,imp,(set_maximality imps' f.maximal,true)) :: imps'
| _::imps -> None :: prepare_implicits f imps
If found, returns Some (x,(b,fi,fo)) and l with the entry removed,
otherwise returns None and l unchanged.
let assoc_by_pos k l =
let rec aux = function
(ExplByPos (k', x), b) :: tl when Int.equal k k' -> Some (x,b), tl
| hd :: tl -> let (x, tl) = aux tl in x, hd :: tl
| [] -> raise Not_found
in try aux l with Not_found -> None, l
let check_correct_manual_implicits autoimps l =
List.iter (function
| ExplByName id,(b,fi,forced) ->
if not forced then
(str "Wrong or non-dependent implicit argument name: " ++ Id.print id ++ str ".")
| ExplByPos (i,_id),_t ->
if i<1 || i>List.length autoimps then
(str "Bad implicit argument number: " ++ int i ++ str ".")
(str "Cannot set implicit argument number " ++ int i ++
str ": it has no name.")) l
(* Take a list l of explicitations, and map them to positions. *)
let flatten_explicitations l autoimps =
let rec aux k l = function
| (Name id,_)::imps ->
let value, l' =
let eq = Constrexpr_ops.explicitation_eq in
let flags = List.assoc_f eq (ExplByName id) l in
Some (Some id, flags), List.remove_assoc_f eq (ExplByName id) l
with Not_found -> assoc_by_pos k l
in value :: aux (k+1) l' imps
| (Anonymous,_)::imps ->
let value, l' = assoc_by_pos k l
in value :: aux (k+1) l' imps
| [] when List.is_empty l -> []
| [] ->
check_correct_manual_implicits autoimps l;
in aux 1 l autoimps
let set_manual_implicits flags enriching autoimps l =
if not (List.distinct l) then
user_err Pp.(str "Some parameters are referred more than once.");
(* Compare with automatic implicits to recover printing data and names *)
let rec merge k autoimps explimps = match autoimps, explimps with
| autoimp::autoimps, explimp::explimps ->
let imps' = merge (k+1) autoimps explimps in
begin match autoimp, explimp with
| (Name id,_), Some (_, (b, fi, _)) ->
Some (id, Manual, (set_maximality imps' b, fi))
| (Name id,Some exp), None when enriching ->
Some (id, exp, (set_maximality imps' flags.maximal, true))
| (Name _,_), None -> None
| (Anonymous,_), Some (Some id, (b, fi, true)) ->
Some (id,Manual,(b,fi))
| (Anonymous,_), Some (None, (b, fi, true)) ->
let id = Id.of_string ("arg_" ^ string_of_int k) in
Some (id,Manual,(b,fi))
| (Anonymous,_), Some (_, (_, _, false)) -> None
| (Anonymous,_), None -> None
end :: imps'
| [], [] -> []
(* flatten_explicitations returns a list of the same length as autoimps *)
| _ -> assert false
in merge 1 autoimps (flatten_explicitations l autoimps)
let compute_semi_auto_implicits env sigma f t =
if not f.auto then [DefaultImpArgs, []]
else let l = compute_implicits_flags env sigma f false t in
[DefaultImpArgs, prepare_implicits f l]
(*s Constants. *)
let compute_constant_implicits flags cst =
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let cb = Environ.lookup_constant cst env in
let ty = of_constr cb.const_type in
let impls = compute_semi_auto_implicits env sigma flags ty in
(*s Inductives and constructors. Their implicit arguments are stored
in an array, indexed by the inductive number, of pairs $(i,v)$ where
$i$ are the implicit arguments of the inductive and $v$ the array of
implicit arguments of the constructors. *)
let compute_mib_implicits flags kn =
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
let ar =
(Array.mapi (* No need to lift, arities contain no de Bruijn *)
(fun i mip ->
(* No need to care about constraints here *)
let ty, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context env (IndRef (kn,i)) in
let r = Inductive.relevance_of_inductive env (kn,i) in
Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum (Context.make_annot (Name mip.mind_typename) r, ty))
mib.mind_packets) in
let env_ar = Environ.push_rel_context ar env in
let imps_one_inductive i mip =
let ind = (kn,i) in
let ar, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context env (IndRef ind) in
((IndRef ind,compute_semi_auto_implicits env sigma flags (of_constr ar)),
Array.mapi (fun j (ctx, cty) ->
let c = of_constr (Term.it_mkProd_or_LetIn cty ctx) in
(ConstructRef (ind,j+1),compute_semi_auto_implicits env_ar sigma flags c))
Array.mapi imps_one_inductive mib.mind_packets
let compute_all_mib_implicits flags kn =
let imps = compute_mib_implicits flags kn in
(Array.map_to_list (fun (ind,cstrs) -> ind::Array.to_list cstrs) imps)
(*s Variables. *)
let compute_var_implicits flags id =
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
compute_semi_auto_implicits env sigma flags (NamedDecl.get_type (lookup_named id env))
(* Implicits of a global reference. *)
let compute_global_implicits flags = function
| VarRef id -> compute_var_implicits flags id
| ConstRef kn -> compute_constant_implicits flags kn
| IndRef (kn,i) ->
let ((_,imps),_) = (compute_mib_implicits flags kn).(i) in imps
| ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
let (_,cimps) = (compute_mib_implicits flags kn).(i) in snd cimps.(j-1)
(* Merge a manual explicitation with an implicit_status list *)
let merge_impls (cond,oldimpls) (_,newimpls) =
let oldimpls,usersuffiximpls = List.chop (List.length newimpls) oldimpls in
cond, (List.map2 (fun orig ni ->
match orig with
| Some (_, Manual, _) -> orig
| _ -> ni) oldimpls newimpls)@usersuffiximpls
(* Caching implicits *)
type implicit_interactive_request =
| ImplAuto
| ImplManual of int
type implicit_discharge_request =
| ImplLocal
| ImplConstant of Constant.t * implicits_flags
| ImplMutualInductive of MutInd.t * implicits_flags
| ImplInteractive of GlobRef.t * implicits_flags *
let implicits_table = Summary.ref GlobRef.Map.empty ~name:"implicits"
let implicits_of_global ref =
let l = GlobRef.Map.find ref !implicits_table in
let rename_l = Arguments_renaming.arguments_names ref in
let rec rename implicits names = match implicits, names with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> implicits
| Some (_, x,y) :: implicits, Name id :: names ->
Some (id, x,y) :: rename implicits names
| imp :: implicits, _ :: names -> imp :: rename implicits names
List.map (fun (t, il) -> t, rename il rename_l) l
with Not_found -> l
with Not_found -> [DefaultImpArgs,[]]
let cache_implicits_decl (ref,imps) =
implicits_table := GlobRef.Map.add ref imps !implicits_table
let load_implicits _ (_,(_,l)) = List.iter cache_implicits_decl l
let cache_implicits o =
load_implicits 1 o
let subst_implicits_decl subst (r,imps as o) =
let r' = fst (subst_global subst r) in if r==r' then o else (r',imps)
let subst_implicits (subst,(req,l)) =
(ImplLocal,List.Smart.map (subst_implicits_decl subst) l)
let impls_of_context ctx =
let map (decl, impl) = match impl with
| Implicit -> Some (NamedDecl.get_id decl, Manual, (true, true))
| _ -> None
List.rev_map map (List.filter (fst %> NamedDecl.is_local_assum) ctx)
let adjust_side_condition p = function
| LessArgsThan n -> LessArgsThan (n+p)
| DefaultImpArgs -> DefaultImpArgs
let add_section_impls vars extra_impls (cond,impls) =
let p = List.length vars - List.length extra_impls in
adjust_side_condition p cond, extra_impls @ impls
let discharge_implicits (_,(req,l)) =
match req with
| ImplLocal -> None
| ImplInteractive (ref,flags,exp) ->
let vars = variable_section_segment_of_reference ref in
let extra_impls = impls_of_context vars in
let l' = [ref, List.map (add_section_impls vars extra_impls) (snd (List.hd l))] in
Some (ImplInteractive (ref,flags,exp),l')
with Not_found -> (* ref not defined in this section *) Some (req,l))
| ImplConstant (con,flags) ->
let vars = variable_section_segment_of_reference (ConstRef con) in
let extra_impls = impls_of_context vars in
let newimpls = List.map (add_section_impls vars extra_impls) (snd (List.hd l)) in
let l' = [ConstRef con,newimpls] in
Some (ImplConstant (con,flags),l')
with Not_found -> (* con not defined in this section *) Some (req,l))
| ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags) ->
let l' = List.map (fun (gr, l) ->
let vars = variable_section_segment_of_reference gr in
let extra_impls = impls_of_context vars in
List.map (add_section_impls vars extra_impls) l)) l
Some (ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags),l')
with Not_found -> (* ref not defined in this section *) Some (req,l))
let rebuild_implicits (req,l) =
match req with
| ImplLocal -> assert false
| ImplConstant (con,flags) ->
let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in
let newimpls = compute_constant_implicits flags con in
req, [ConstRef con, List.map2 merge_impls oldimpls newimpls]
| ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags) ->
let newimpls = compute_all_mib_implicits flags kn in
let rec aux olds news =
match olds, news with
| (_, oldimpls) :: old, (gr, newimpls) :: tl ->
(gr, List.map2 merge_impls oldimpls newimpls) :: aux old tl
| [], [] -> []
| _, _ -> assert false
in req, aux l newimpls
| ImplInteractive (ref,flags,o) ->
(if isVarRef ref && is_in_section ref then ImplLocal else req),
match o with
| ImplAuto ->
let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in
let newimpls = compute_global_implicits flags ref in
[ref,List.map2 merge_impls oldimpls newimpls]
| ImplManual userimplsize ->
let oldimpls = snd (List.hd l) in
if flags.auto then
let newimpls = List.hd (compute_global_implicits flags ref) in
let p = List.length (snd newimpls) - userimplsize in
let newimpls = on_snd (List.firstn p) newimpls in
[ref,List.map (fun o -> merge_impls o newimpls) oldimpls]
let classify_implicits (req,_ as obj) = match req with
| ImplLocal -> Dispose
| _ -> Substitute obj
type implicits_obj =
implicit_discharge_request *
(GlobRef.t * implicits_list list) list
let inImplicits : implicits_obj -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "IMPLICITS") with
cache_function = cache_implicits;
load_function = load_implicits;
subst_function = subst_implicits;
classify_function = classify_implicits;
discharge_function = discharge_implicits;
rebuild_function = rebuild_implicits }
let is_local local ref = local || isVarRef ref && is_in_section ref
let declare_implicits_gen req flags ref =
let imps = compute_global_implicits flags ref in
add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (req,[ref,imps]))
let declare_implicits local ref =
let flags = { !implicit_args with auto = true } in
let req =
if is_local local ref then ImplLocal else ImplInteractive(ref,flags,ImplAuto) in
declare_implicits_gen req flags ref
let declare_var_implicits id =
let flags = !implicit_args in
declare_implicits_gen ImplLocal flags (VarRef id)
let declare_constant_implicits con =
let flags = !implicit_args in
declare_implicits_gen (ImplConstant (con,flags)) flags (ConstRef con)
let declare_mib_implicits kn =
let flags = !implicit_args in
let imps = Array.map_to_list
(fun (ind,cstrs) -> ind::(Array.to_list cstrs))
(compute_mib_implicits flags kn) in
(inImplicits (ImplMutualInductive (kn,flags),List.flatten imps))
(* Declare manual implicits *)
type manual_explicitation = Constrexpr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)
type manual_implicits = manual_explicitation list
let compute_implicits_with_manual env sigma typ enriching l =
let autoimpls = compute_auto_implicits env sigma !implicit_args enriching typ in
set_manual_implicits !implicit_args enriching autoimpls l
let check_inclusion l =
(* Check strict inclusion *)
let rec aux = function
| n1::(n2::_ as nl) ->
if n1 <= n2 then
user_err Pp.(str "Sequences of implicit arguments must be of different lengths.");
aux nl
| _ -> () in
aux (List.map snd l)
let check_rigidity isrigid =
if not isrigid then
user_err (strbrk "Multiple sequences of implicit arguments available only for references that cannot be applied to an arbitrarily large number of arguments.")
let projection_implicits env p impls =
let npars = Projection.npars p in
CList.skipn_at_least npars impls
let declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l =
assert (List.for_all (fun (_, (max, fi, fu)) -> fi && fu) l);
assert (List.for_all (fun (ex, _) -> match ex with ExplByPos (_,_) -> true | _ -> false) l);
let flags = !implicit_args in
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let t, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context env ref in
let t = of_constr t in
let enriching = Option.default flags.auto enriching in
let autoimpls = compute_auto_implicits env sigma flags enriching t in
let l = [DefaultImpArgs, set_manual_implicits flags enriching autoimpls l] in
let req =
if is_local local ref then ImplLocal
else ImplInteractive(ref,flags,ImplManual (List.length autoimpls))
in add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (req,[ref,l]))
let maybe_declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> declare_manual_implicits local ref ?enriching l
(* TODO: either turn these warnings on and document them, or handle these cases sensibly *)
let warn_set_maximal_deprecated =
CWarnings.create ~name:"set-maximal-deprecated" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun i -> strbrk ("Argument number " ^ string_of_int i ^ " is a trailing implicit so must be maximal"))
type implicit_kind = Implicit | MaximallyImplicit | NotImplicit
let compute_implicit_statuses autoimps l =
let rec aux i = function
| _ :: autoimps, NotImplicit :: manualimps -> None :: aux (i+1) (autoimps, manualimps)
| Name id :: autoimps, MaximallyImplicit :: manualimps ->
Some (id, Manual, (true, true)) :: aux (i+1) (autoimps, manualimps)
| Name id :: autoimps, Implicit :: manualimps ->
let imps' = aux (i+1) (autoimps, manualimps) in
let max = set_maximality imps' false in
if max then warn_set_maximal_deprecated i;
Some (id, Manual, (max, true)) :: imps'
| Anonymous :: _, (Implicit | MaximallyImplicit) :: _ ->
user_err ~hdr:"set_implicits"
(strbrk ("Argument number " ^ string_of_int i ^ " (anonymous in original definition) cannot be declared implicit."))
| autoimps, [] -> List.map (fun _ -> None) autoimps
| [], _::_ -> assert false
in aux 0 (autoimps, l)
let set_implicits local ref l =
let flags = !implicit_args in
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let t, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context env ref in
let t = of_constr t in
let autoimpls = compute_implicits_names env sigma t in
let l' = match l with
| [] -> assert false
| [l] ->
[DefaultImpArgs, compute_implicit_statuses autoimpls l]
| _ ->
check_rigidity (is_rigid env sigma t);
(* Sort by number of implicits, decreasing *)
let is_implicit = function
| NotImplicit -> false
| _ -> true in
let l = List.map (fun imps -> (imps,List.count is_implicit imps)) l in
let l = List.sort (fun (_,n1) (_,n2) -> n2 - n1) l in
check_inclusion l;
let nargs = List.length autoimpls in
List.map (fun (imps,n) ->
(LessArgsThan (nargs-n),
compute_implicit_statuses autoimpls imps)) l in
let req =
if is_local local ref then ImplLocal
else ImplInteractive(ref,flags,ImplManual (List.length autoimpls))
in add_anonymous_leaf (inImplicits (req,[ref,l']))
let extract_impargs_data impls =
let rec aux p = function
| (DefaultImpArgs, imps)::_ -> [None,imps]
| (LessArgsThan n, imps)::l -> (Some (p,n),imps) :: aux (n+1) l
| [] -> [] in
aux 0 impls
let lift_implicits n =
List.map (fun x ->
match fst x with
ExplByPos (k, id) -> ExplByPos (k + n, id), snd x
| _ -> x)
let make_implicits_list l = [DefaultImpArgs, l]
let rec drop_first_implicits p l =
if Int.equal p 0 then l else match l with
| _,[] as x -> x
| DefaultImpArgs,imp::impls ->
drop_first_implicits (p-1) (DefaultImpArgs,impls)
| LessArgsThan n,imp::impls ->
let n = if is_status_implicit imp then n-1 else n in
drop_first_implicits (p-1) (LessArgsThan n,impls)
let rec select_impargs_size n = function
| [] -> [] (* Tolerance for (DefaultImpArgs,[]) *)
| [_, impls] | (DefaultImpArgs, impls)::_ -> impls
| (LessArgsThan p, impls)::l ->
if n <= p then impls else select_impargs_size n l
let select_stronger_impargs = function
| [] -> [] (* Tolerance for (DefaultImpArgs,[]) *)
| (_,impls)::_ -> impls
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