(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
open Util
include Minisys
(** Returns the list of all recursive subdirectories of [root] in
depth-first search, with sons ordered as on the file system;
warns if [root] does not exist *)
let warn_cannot_open_dir =
CWarnings.create ~name:"cannot-open-dir" ~category:"filesystem"
(fun dir -> str ("Cannot open directory " ^ dir))
let all_subdirs ~unix_path:root =
let l = ref [] in
let add f rel = l := (f, rel) :: !l in
let rec traverse path rel =
let f = function
| FileDir (path,f) ->
let newrel = rel @ [f] in
add path newrel;
traverse path newrel
| _ -> ()
in process_directory f path
if exists_dir root then traverse root []
else warn_cannot_open_dir root;
List.rev !l
(* Caching directory contents for efficient syntactic equality of file
names even on case-preserving but case-insensitive file systems *)
module StrMod = struct
type t = string
let compare = compare
module StrMap = Map.Make(StrMod)
module StrSet = Set.Make(StrMod)
let dirmap = ref StrMap.empty
let make_dir_table dir =
let entries =
Sys.readdir dir
with Sys_error _ ->
warn_cannot_open_dir dir;
[||] in
let filter_dotfiles s f = if f.[0] = '.' then s else StrSet.add f s in
Array.fold_left filter_dotfiles StrSet.empty entries
(** Don't trust in interactive mode (the default) *)
let trust_file_cache = ref false
let exists_in_dir_respecting_case dir bf =
let cache_dir dir =
let contents = make_dir_table dir in
dirmap := StrMap.add dir contents !dirmap;
contents in
let contents, fresh =
(* in batch mode, assume the directory content is still fresh *)
StrMap.find dir !dirmap, !trust_file_cache
with Not_found ->
(* in batch mode, we are not yet sure the directory exists *)
if !trust_file_cache && not (exists_dir dir) then StrSet.empty, true
else cache_dir dir, true in
StrSet.mem bf contents ||
not fresh &&
(* rescan, there is a new file we don't know about *)
StrSet.mem bf (cache_dir dir)
let file_exists_respecting_case path f =
(* This function ensures that a file with expected lowercase/uppercase
is the correct one, even on case-insensitive file systems *)
let rec aux f =
let bf = Filename.basename f in
let df = Filename.dirname f in
(* When [df] is the same as [f], it means that the root of the file system
has been reached. There is no point in looking further up. *)
(String.equal df "." || String.equal f df || aux df)
&& exists_in_dir_respecting_case (Filename.concat path df) bf
in (!trust_file_cache || Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat path f)) && aux f
let rec search paths test =
match paths with
| [] -> []
| lpe :: rem -> test lpe @ search rem test
let warn_ambiguous_file_name =
CWarnings.create ~name:"ambiguous-file-name" ~category:"filesystem"
(fun (filename,l,f) -> str filename ++ str " has been found in" ++ spc () ++
hov 0 (str "[ " ++
hv 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str " " ++ pr_semicolon())
(fun (lpe,_) -> str lpe) l)
++ str " ];") ++ fnl () ++
str "loading " ++ str f)
let where_in_path ?(warn=true) path filename =
let check_and_warn l = match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (lpe, f) :: l' ->
let () = match l' with
| _ :: _ when warn -> warn_ambiguous_file_name (filename,l,f)
| _ -> ()
(lpe, f)
check_and_warn (search path (fun lpe ->
let f = Filename.concat lpe filename in
if file_exists_respecting_case lpe filename then [lpe,f] else []))
let find_file_in_path ?(warn=true) paths filename =
if not (Filename.is_implicit filename) then
(* the name is considered to be a physical name and we use the file
system rules (e.g. possible case-insensitivity) to find it *)
if Sys.file_exists filename then
let root = Filename.dirname filename in
root, filename
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System.find_file_in_path"
(hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str filename))
(* the name is considered to be the transcription as a relative
physical name of a logical name, so we deal with it as a name
to be locate respecting case *)
try where_in_path ~warn paths filename
with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System.find_file_in_path"
(hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str filename ++ spc () ++
str "on loadpath"))
let is_in_path lpath filename =
try ignore (where_in_path ~warn:false lpath filename); true
with Not_found -> false
let warn_path_not_found =
CWarnings.create ~name:"path-not-found" ~category:"filesystem"
(fun () -> str "system variable PATH not found")
let is_in_system_path filename =
let lpath = CUnix.path_to_list (Sys.getenv "PATH") in
is_in_path lpath filename
with Not_found ->
warn_path_not_found ();
let open_trapping_failure name =
try open_out_bin name
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System.open" (str "Can't open " ++ str name)
let warn_cannot_remove_file =
CWarnings.create ~name:"cannot-remove-file" ~category:"filesystem"
(fun filename -> str"Could not remove file " ++ str filename ++ str" which is corrupted!")
let try_remove filename =
try Sys.remove filename
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
warn_cannot_remove_file filename
let error_corrupted file s =
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System" (str file ++ str ": " ++ str s ++ str ". Try to rebuild it.")
let input_binary_int f ch =
try input_binary_int ch
| End_of_file -> error_corrupted f "premature end of file"
| Failure s -> error_corrupted f s
let output_binary_int ch x = output_binary_int ch x; flush ch
let marshal_out ch v = Marshal.to_channel ch v []; flush ch
let marshal_in filename ch =
try Marshal.from_channel ch
| End_of_file -> error_corrupted filename "premature end of file"
| Failure s -> error_corrupted filename s
let digest_out = Digest.output
let digest_in filename ch =
try Digest.input ch
| End_of_file -> error_corrupted filename "premature end of file"
| Failure s -> error_corrupted filename s
let marshal_out_segment f ch v =
let start = pos_out ch in
output_binary_int ch 0; (* dummy value for stop *)
marshal_out ch v;
let stop = pos_out ch in
seek_out ch start;
output_binary_int ch stop;
seek_out ch stop;
digest_out ch (Digest.file f)
let marshal_in_segment f ch =
let stop = (input_binary_int f ch : int) in
let v = marshal_in f ch in
let digest = digest_in f ch in
v, stop, digest
let skip_in_segment f ch =
let stop = (input_binary_int f ch : int) in
seek_in ch stop;
stop, digest_in f ch
type magic_number_error = {filename: string; actual: int; expected: int}
exception Bad_magic_number of magic_number_error
let raw_extern_state magic filename =
let channel = open_trapping_failure filename in
output_binary_int channel magic;
let raw_intern_state magic filename =
let channel = open_in_bin filename in
let actual_magic = input_binary_int filename channel in
if not (Int.equal actual_magic magic) then
raise (Bad_magic_number {
| End_of_file -> error_corrupted filename "premature end of file"
| Failure s | Sys_error s -> error_corrupted filename s
let extern_state magic filename val_0 =
let channel = raw_extern_state magic filename in
marshal_out channel val_0;
close_out channel
with reraise ->
let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in
let () = try_remove filename in
iraise reraise
with Sys_error s ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System.extern_state" (str "System error: " ++ str s)
let intern_state magic filename =
let channel = raw_intern_state magic filename in
let v = marshal_in filename channel in
close_in channel;
with Sys_error s ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"System.intern_state" (str "System error: " ++ str s)
let with_magic_number_check f a =
try f a
with Bad_magic_number {filename=fname;actual=actual;expected=expected} ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"with_magic_number_check"
(str"File " ++ str fname ++ strbrk" has bad magic number " ++
int actual ++ str" (expected " ++ int expected ++ str")." ++
spc () ++
strbrk "It is corrupted or was compiled with another version of Coq.")
(* Time stamps. *)
type time = float * float * float
let get_time () =
let t = Unix.times () in
(Unix.gettimeofday(), t.Unix.tms_utime, t.Unix.tms_stime)
(* Keep only 3 significant digits *)
let round f = (floor (f *. 1e3)) *. 1e-3
let time_difference (t1,_,_) (t2,_,_) = round (t2 -. t1)
let fmt_time_difference (startreal,ustart,sstart) (stopreal,ustop,sstop) =
real (round (stopreal -. startreal)) ++ str " secs " ++
str "(" ++
real (round (ustop -. ustart)) ++ str "u" ++
str "," ++
real (round (sstop -. sstart)) ++ str "s" ++
str ")"
let with_time ~batch ~header f x =
let tstart = get_time() in
let msg = if batch then "" else "Finished transaction in " in
let y = f x in
let tend = get_time() in
let msg2 = if batch then "" else " (successful)" in
Feedback.msg_notice (header ++ str msg ++ fmt_time_difference tstart tend ++ str msg2);
with e ->
let tend = get_time() in
let msg = if batch then "" else "Finished failing transaction in " in
let msg2 = if batch then "" else " (failure)" in
Feedback.msg_notice (header ++ str msg ++ fmt_time_difference tstart tend ++ str msg2);
raise e
(* We use argv.[0] as we don't want to resolve symlinks *)
let get_toplevel_path ?(byte=Sys.(backend_type = Bytecode)) top =
let open Filename in
let dir = if String.equal (basename Sys.argv.(0)) Sys.argv.(0)
then "" else dirname Sys.argv.(0) ^ dir_sep in
let exe = if Sys.(os_type = "Win32" || os_type = "Cygwin") then ".exe" else "" in
let eff = if byte then ".byte" else ".opt" in
dir ^ top ^ eff ^ exe
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