(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
open Util
open CErrors
open Names
open Libnames
(** Load paths. Mapping from physical to logical paths. *)
type t = {
path_physical : CUnix.physical_path;
path_logical : DirPath.t;
path_implicit : bool;
let load_paths = Summary.ref ([] : t list) ~name:"LOADPATHS"
let logical p = p.path_logical
let physical p = p.path_physical
let get_load_paths () = !load_paths
let anomaly_too_many_paths path =
anomaly (str "Several logical paths are associated to" ++ spc () ++ str path ++ str ".")
let find_load_path phys_dir =
let phys_dir = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_dir in
let filter p = String.equal p.path_physical phys_dir in
let paths = List.filter filter !load_paths in
match paths with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| [p] -> p
| _ -> anomaly_too_many_paths phys_dir
let is_in_load_paths phys_dir =
let dir = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_dir in
let lp = get_load_paths () in
let check_p p = String.equal dir p.path_physical in
List.exists check_p lp
let remove_load_path dir =
let filter p = not (String.equal p.path_physical dir) in
load_paths := List.filter filter !load_paths
let warn_overriding_logical_loadpath =
CWarnings.create ~name:"overriding-logical-loadpath" ~category:"loadpath"
(fun (phys_path, old_path, coq_path) ->
str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++
DirPath.print old_path ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++
DirPath.print coq_path)
let add_load_path phys_path coq_path ~implicit =
let phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_path in
let filter p = String.equal p.path_physical phys_path in
let binding = {
path_logical = coq_path;
path_physical = phys_path;
path_implicit = implicit;
} in
match List.filter filter !load_paths with
| [] ->
load_paths := binding :: !load_paths
| [{ path_logical = old_path; path_implicit = old_implicit }] ->
let replace =
if DirPath.equal coq_path old_path then
implicit <> old_implicit
let () =
(* Do not warn when overriding the default "-I ." path *)
if not (DirPath.equal old_path Libnames.default_root_prefix) then
warn_overriding_logical_loadpath (phys_path, old_path, coq_path)
true in
if replace then
remove_load_path phys_path;
load_paths := binding :: !load_paths;
| _ -> anomaly_too_many_paths phys_path
let filter_path f =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| p :: l ->
if f p.path_logical then (p.path_physical, p.path_logical) :: aux l
else aux l
aux !load_paths
let expand_path ?root dir =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| { path_physical = ph; path_logical = lg; path_implicit = implicit } :: l ->
let success =
match root with
| None ->
if implicit then is_dirpath_suffix_of dir lg
else DirPath.equal dir lg
| Some root ->
is_dirpath_prefix_of root lg &&
is_dirpath_suffix_of dir (drop_dirpath_prefix root lg) in
if success then (ph, lg) :: aux l else aux l in
aux !load_paths
let locate_file fname =
let paths = List.map physical !load_paths in
let _,longfname =
System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(not !Flags.quiet) paths fname in
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