© Kompilation durch diese Firma
[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]
Sprache: Unknown
Spracherkennung für: .mlg vermutete Sprache: Abap {Abap[116] [0] [0]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen] (************************************************************************)
(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Namegen
open Tacexpr
open Genredexpr
open Constrexpr
open Libnames
open Tok
open Tactypes
open Tactics
open Inv
open Locus
open Decl_kinds
open Pcoq
let all_with delta = Redops.make_red_flag [FBeta;FMatch;FFix;FCofix;FZeta;delta]
let tactic_kw = [ "->"; "<-" ; "by" ]
let _ = List.iter CLexer.add_keyword tactic_kw
let err () = raise Stream.Failure
(* Hack to parse "(x:=t)" as an explicit argument without conflicts with the *)
(* admissible notation "(x t)" *)
let test_lpar_id_coloneq =
Pcoq.Entry.of_parser "lpar_id_coloneq"
(fun strm ->
match stream_nth 0 strm with
| KEYWORD "(" ->
(match stream_nth 1 strm with
| IDENT _ ->
(match stream_nth 2 strm with
| KEYWORD ":=" -> ()
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
(* Hack to recognize "(x)" *)
let test_lpar_id_rpar =
Pcoq.Entry.of_parser "lpar_id_coloneq"
(fun strm ->
match stream_nth 0 strm with
| KEYWORD "(" ->
(match stream_nth 1 strm with
| IDENT _ ->
(match stream_nth 2 strm with
| KEYWORD ")" -> ()
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
(* idem for (x:=t) and (1:=t) *)
let test_lpar_idnum_coloneq =
Pcoq.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_idnum_coloneq"
(fun strm ->
match stream_nth 0 strm with
| KEYWORD "(" ->
(match stream_nth 1 strm with
| IDENT _ | NUMERAL _ ->
(match stream_nth 2 strm with
| KEYWORD ":=" -> ()
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
| _ -> err ())
(* idem for (x:t) *)
open Extraargs
(* idem for (x1..xn:t) [n^2 complexity but exceptional use] *)
let check_for_coloneq =
Pcoq.Entry.of_parser "lpar_id_colon"
(fun strm ->
let rec skip_to_rpar p n =
match List.last (Stream.npeek n strm) with
| KEYWORD "(" -> skip_to_rpar (p+1) (n+1)
| KEYWORD ")" -> if Int.equal p 0 then n+1 else skip_to_rpar (p-1) (n+1)
| KEYWORD "." -> err ()
| _ -> skip_to_rpar p (n+1) in
let rec skip_names n =
match List.last (Stream.npeek n strm) with
| IDENT _ | KEYWORD "_" -> skip_names (n+1)
| KEYWORD ":" -> skip_to_rpar 0 (n+1) (* skip a constr *)
| _ -> err () in
let rec skip_binders n =
match List.last (Stream.npeek n strm) with
| KEYWORD "(" -> skip_binders (skip_names (n+1))
| IDENT _ | KEYWORD "_" -> skip_binders (n+1)
| KEYWORD ":=" -> ()
| _ -> err () in
match stream_nth 0 strm with
| KEYWORD "(" -> skip_binders 2
| _ -> err ())
let lookup_at_as_comma =
Pcoq.Entry.of_parser "lookup_at_as_comma"
(fun strm ->
match stream_nth 0 strm with
| KEYWORD (","|"at"|"as") -> ()
| _ -> err ())
open Constr
open Prim
open Pltac
let mk_fix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) =
let n =
match bl,ann with
[([_],_,_)], None -> 1
| _, Some x ->
let ids = List.map (fun x -> x.CAst.v) (List.flatten (List.map (fun (nal,_,_) -> nal) bl)) in
(try List.index Names.Name.equal x.CAst.v ids
with Not_found -> user_err Pp.(str "No such fix variable."))
| _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix.") in
let bl = List.map (fun (nal,bk,t) -> CLocalAssum (nal,bk,t)) bl in
(id,n, CAst.make ~loc @@ CProdN(bl,ty))
let mk_cofix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) =
let _ = Option.map (fun { CAst.loc = aloc } ->
user_err ?loc:aloc
(Pp.str"Annotation forbidden in cofix expression.")) ann in
let bl = List.map (fun (nal,bk,t) -> CLocalAssum (nal,bk,t)) bl in
(id,CAst.make ~loc @@ CProdN(bl,ty))
(* Functions overloaded by quotifier *)
let destruction_arg_of_constr (c,lbind as clbind) = match lbind with
| NoBindings ->
try ElimOnIdent (CAst.make ?loc:(Constrexpr_ops.constr_loc c) (Constrexpr_ops.coerce_to_id c).CAst.v)
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> ElimOnConstr clbind
| _ -> ElimOnConstr clbind
let mkNumeral n =
Numeral ((if 0<=n then SPlus else SMinus),NumTok.int (string_of_int (abs n)))
let mkTacCase with_evar = function
| [(clear,ElimOnConstr cl),(None,None),None],None ->
TacCase (with_evar,(clear,cl))
(* Reinterpret numbers as a notation for terms *)
| [(clear,ElimOnAnonHyp n),(None,None),None],None ->
TacCase (with_evar,
(clear,(CAst.make @@ CPrim (mkNumeral n),
(* Reinterpret ident as notations for variables in the context *)
(* because we don't know if they are quantified or not *)
| [(clear,ElimOnIdent id),(None,None),None],None ->
TacCase (with_evar,(clear,(CAst.make @@ CRef (qualid_of_ident ?loc:id.CAst.loc id.CAst.v,None),NoBindings)))
| ic ->
if List.exists (function ((_, ElimOnAnonHyp _),_,_) -> true | _ -> false) (fst ic)
user_err Pp.(str "Use of numbers as direct arguments of 'case' is not supported.");
TacInductionDestruct (false,with_evar,ic)
let rec mkCLambdaN_simple_loc ?loc bll c =
match bll with
| ({CAst.loc = loc1}::_ as idl,bk,t) :: bll ->
CAst.make ?loc @@ CLambdaN ([CLocalAssum (idl,bk,t)],mkCLambdaN_simple_loc ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt loc1 loc) bll c)
| ([],_,_) :: bll -> mkCLambdaN_simple_loc ?loc bll c
| [] -> c
let mkCLambdaN_simple bl c = match bl with
| [] -> c
| h :: _ ->
let loc = Loc.merge_opt (List.hd (pi1 h)).CAst.loc (Constrexpr_ops.constr_loc c) in
mkCLambdaN_simple_loc ?loc bl c
let loc_of_ne_list l = Loc.merge_opt (List.hd l).CAst.loc (List.last l).CAst.loc
let map_int_or_var f = function
| ArgArg x -> ArgArg (f x)
| ArgVar _ as y -> y
let all_concl_occs_clause = { onhyps=Some[]; concl_occs=AllOccurrences }
let merge_occurrences loc cl = function
| None ->
if Locusops.clause_with_generic_occurrences cl then (None, cl)
user_err ~loc (str "Found an \"at\" clause without \"with\" clause.")
| Some (occs, p) ->
let ans = match occs with
| AllOccurrences -> cl
| _ ->
begin match cl with
| { onhyps = Some []; concl_occs = AllOccurrences } ->
{ onhyps = Some []; concl_occs = occs }
| { onhyps = Some [(AllOccurrences, id), l]; concl_occs = NoOccurrences } ->
{ cl with onhyps = Some [(occs, id), l] }
| _ ->
if Locusops.clause_with_generic_occurrences cl then
user_err ~loc (str "Unable to interpret the \"at\" clause; move it in the \"in\" clause.")
user_err ~loc (str "Cannot use clause \"at\" twice.")
(Some p, ans)
let warn_deprecated_eqn_syntax =
CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-eqn-syntax" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun arg -> strbrk (Printf.sprintf "Syntax \"_eqn:%s\" is deprecated. Please use \"eqn:%s\" instead." arg arg))
(* Auxiliary grammar rules *)
open Pvernac.Vernac_
GLOBAL: simple_tactic constr_with_bindings quantified_hypothesis
bindings red_expr int_or_var open_constr uconstr
simple_intropattern in_clause clause_dft_concl hypident destruction_arg;
[ [ n = integer -> { ArgArg n }
| id = identref -> { ArgVar id } ] ]
[ [ n = natural -> { ArgArg n }
| id = identref -> { ArgVar id } ] ]
(* An identifier or a quotation meta-variable *)
[ [ id = identref -> { id } ] ]
[ [ c = constr -> { c } ] ]
[ [ c = constr -> { c } ] ]
[ [ n = natural -> { (None,ElimOnAnonHyp n) }
| test_lpar_id_rpar; c = constr_with_bindings ->
{ (Some false,destruction_arg_of_constr c) }
| c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { on_snd destruction_arg_of_constr c }
] ]
[ [ ">"; c = constr_with_bindings -> { (Some true,c) }
| c = constr_with_bindings -> { (None,c) } ] ]
[ [ id = ident -> { NamedHyp id }
| n = natural -> { AnonHyp n } ] ]
[ [ c = constr -> { (None, c) }
| c1 = constr; "with"; c2 = constr -> { (Some (AllOccurrences,c1),c2) }
| c1 = constr; "at"; occs = occs_nums; "with"; c2 = constr ->
{ (Some (occs,c1), c2) } ] ]
[ [ nl = LIST1 nat_or_var -> { OnlyOccurrences nl }
| "-"; n = nat_or_var; nl = LIST0 int_or_var ->
(* have used int_or_var instead of nat_or_var for compatibility *)
{ AllOccurrencesBut (List.map (map_int_or_var abs) (n::nl)) } ] ]
[ [ "at"; occs = occs_nums -> { occs } | -> { AllOccurrences } ] ]
[ [ c = constr; nl = occs -> { (nl,c) } ] ]
(* If a string, it is interpreted as a ref
(anyway a Coq string does not reduce) *)
[ [ c = smart_global; nl = occs -> { nl,Inl c }
| c = constr; nl = occs -> { nl,Inr c } ] ]
[ [ c = smart_global; nl = occs -> { (nl,c) } ] ]
[ [ l = LIST0 intropattern -> { l } ] ]
[ [ l = LIST1 intropattern -> { l } ] ]
[ [ "["; tc = LIST1 intropatterns SEP "|"; "]" -> { IntroOrPattern tc }
| "()" -> { IntroAndPattern [] }
| "("; si = simple_intropattern; ")" -> { IntroAndPattern [si] }
| "("; si = simple_intropattern; ",";
tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern SEP "," ; ")" ->
{ IntroAndPattern (si::tc) }
| "("; si = simple_intropattern; "&";
tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern SEP "&" ; ")" ->
(* (A & B & C) is translated into (A,(B,C)) *)
{ let rec pairify = function
| ([]|[_]|[_;_]) as l -> l
| t::q -> [t; CAst.make ?loc:(loc_of_ne_list q) (IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern (IntroAndPattern (pairify q))))]
in IntroAndPattern (pairify (si::tc)) } ] ]
[ [ "->" -> { IntroRewrite true }
| "<-" -> { IntroRewrite false }
| "[="; tc = intropatterns; "]" -> { IntroInjection tc } ] ]
[ [ prefix = pattern_ident -> { IntroFresh prefix }
| "?" -> { IntroAnonymous }
| id = ident -> { IntroIdentifier id } ] ]
[ [ l = simple_intropattern -> { l }
| "*" -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroForthcoming true }
| "**" -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroForthcoming false } ] ]
[ [ pat = simple_intropattern_closed;
l = LIST0 ["%"; c = operconstr LEVEL "0" -> { c } ] ->
{ let {CAst.loc=loc0;v=pat} = pat in
let f c pat =
let loc1 = Constrexpr_ops.constr_loc c in
let loc = Loc.merge_opt loc0 loc1 in
IntroAction (IntroApplyOn (CAst.(make ?loc:loc1 c),CAst.(make ?loc pat))) in
CAst.make ~loc @@ List.fold_right f l pat } ] ]
[ [ pat = or_and_intropattern -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroAction (IntroOrAndPattern pat) }
| pat = equality_intropattern -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroAction pat }
| "_" -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroAction IntroWildcard }
| pat = naming_intropattern -> { CAst.make ~loc @@ IntroNaming pat } ] ]
[ [ "("; id = ident; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> { CAst.make ~loc (NamedHyp id, c) }
| "("; n = natural; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> { CAst.make ~loc (AnonHyp n, c) } ] ]
[ [ test_lpar_idnum_coloneq; bl = LIST1 simple_binding ->
{ ExplicitBindings bl }
| bl = LIST1 constr -> { ImplicitBindings bl } ] ]
[ [ c = constr; l = with_bindings -> { (c, l) } ] ]
[ [ "with"; bl = bindings -> { bl } | -> { NoBindings } ] ]
[ [ IDENT "beta" -> { [FBeta] }
| IDENT "iota" -> { [FMatch;FFix;FCofix] }
| IDENT "match" -> { [FMatch] }
| IDENT "fix" -> { [FFix] }
| IDENT "cofix" -> { [FCofix] }
| IDENT "zeta" -> { [FZeta] }
| IDENT "delta"; d = delta_flag -> { [d] }
] ]
[ [ "-"; "["; idl = LIST1 smart_global; "]" -> { FDeltaBut idl }
| "["; idl = LIST1 smart_global; "]" -> { FConst idl }
| -> { FDeltaBut [] }
] ]
[ [ s = LIST1 red_flags -> { Redops.make_red_flag (List.flatten s) }
| d = delta_flag -> { all_with d }
] ]
[ [ IDENT "red" -> { Red false }
| IDENT "hnf" -> { Hnf }
| IDENT "simpl"; d = delta_flag; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ -> { Simpl (all_with d,po) }
| IDENT "cbv"; s = strategy_flag -> { Cbv s }
| IDENT "cbn"; s = strategy_flag -> { Cbn s }
| IDENT "lazy"; s = strategy_flag -> { Lazy s }
| IDENT "compute"; delta = delta_flag -> { Cbv (all_with delta) }
| IDENT "vm_compute"; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ -> { CbvVm po }
| IDENT "native_compute"; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ -> { CbvNative po }
| IDENT "unfold"; ul = LIST1 unfold_occ SEP "," -> { Unfold ul }
| IDENT "fold"; cl = LIST1 constr -> { Fold cl }
| IDENT "pattern"; pl = LIST1 pattern_occ SEP"," -> { Pattern pl }
| s = IDENT -> { ExtraRedExpr s } ] ]
[ [ id = id_or_meta ->
{ let id : lident = id in
id,InHyp }
| "("; IDENT "type"; IDENT "of"; id = id_or_meta; ")" ->
{ let id : lident = id in
id,InHypTypeOnly }
| "("; IDENT "value"; IDENT "of"; id = id_or_meta; ")" ->
{ let id : lident = id in
id,InHypValueOnly }
] ]
[ [ h=hypident; occs=occs ->
{ let (id,l) = h in
let id : lident = id in
((occs,id),l) } ] ]
[ [ "*"; occs=occs ->
{ {onhyps=None; concl_occs=occs} }
| "*"; "|-"; occs=concl_occ ->
{ {onhyps=None; concl_occs=occs} }
| hl=LIST0 hypident_occ SEP","; "|-"; occs=concl_occ ->
{ {onhyps=Some hl; concl_occs=occs} }
| hl=LIST0 hypident_occ SEP"," ->
{ {onhyps=Some hl; concl_occs=NoOccurrences} } ] ]
[ [ "in"; cl = in_clause -> { cl }
| occs=occs -> { {onhyps=Some[]; concl_occs=occs} }
| -> { all_concl_occs_clause } ] ]
[ [ "in"; cl = in_clause -> { cl }
| -> { {onhyps=None; concl_occs=AllOccurrences} } ] ]
[ [ "in"; cl = in_clause -> { Some cl }
| "at"; occs = occs_nums -> { Some {onhyps=Some[]; concl_occs=occs} }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ "*"; occs = occs -> { occs }
| -> { NoOccurrences } ] ]
[ [ "in"; idl = LIST1 id_or_meta -> { idl }
| -> { [] } ] ]
[ [ "in"; id = id_or_meta; ipat = as_ipat -> { Some (id,ipat) }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ "->" -> { true }
| "<-" -> { false }
| -> { true } ] ]
[ [ na=name -> { ([na],Default Explicit, CAst.make ~loc @@
CHole (Some (Evar_kinds.BinderType na.CAst.v), IntroAnonymous, None)) }
| "("; nal=LIST1 name; ":"; c=lconstr; ")" -> { (nal,Default Explicit,c) }
] ]
[ [ "("; id = ident; bl=LIST0 simple_binder; ann=fixannot;
":"; ty=lconstr; ")" -> { (loc, id, bl, ann, ty) } ] ]
[ [ "{"; IDENT "struct"; id=name; "}" -> { Some id }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ "("; id = ident; bl=LIST0 simple_binder; ":"; ty=lconstr; ")" ->
{ (loc, id, bl, None, ty) } ] ]
[ [ check_for_coloneq; "("; id = ident; bl = LIST0 simple_binder;
":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> { (id, mkCLambdaN_simple bl c) } ] ]
[ [ "using"; el = constr_with_bindings -> { el } ] ]
[ [ "as"; ipat = simple_intropattern -> { Some ipat }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ ipat = or_and_intropattern -> { ArgArg (CAst.make ~loc ipat) }
| locid = identref -> { ArgVar locid } ] ]
[ [ "as"; ipat = or_and_intropattern_loc -> { Some ipat }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ IDENT "eqn"; ":"; pat = naming_intropattern -> { Some (CAst.make ~loc pat) }
| IDENT "_eqn"; ":"; pat = naming_intropattern ->
{ warn_deprecated_eqn_syntax ~loc "H"; Some (CAst.make ~loc pat) }
| IDENT "_eqn" ->
{ warn_deprecated_eqn_syntax ~loc "?"; Some (CAst.make ~loc IntroAnonymous) }
| -> { None } ] ]
[ [ "as"; id = ident -> { Names.Name.Name id } | -> { Names.Name.Anonymous } ] ]
[ [ "by"; tac = tactic_expr LEVEL "3" -> { Some tac }
| -> { None } ] ]
rewriter :
[ [ "!"; c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.RepeatPlus,c) }
| ["?" -> { () } | LEFTQMARK -> { () } ]; c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.RepeatStar,c) }
| n = natural; "!"; c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.Precisely n,c) }
| n = natural; ["?" -> { () } | LEFTQMARK -> { () } ]; c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.UpTo n,c) }
| n = natural; c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.Precisely n,c) }
| c = constr_with_bindings_arg -> { (Equality.Precisely 1, c) }
] ]
oriented_rewriter :
[ [ b = orient; p = rewriter -> { let (m,c) = p in (b,m,c) } ] ]
[ [ c = destruction_arg; pat = as_or_and_ipat; eq = eqn_ipat;
cl = opt_clause -> { (c,(eq,pat),cl) } ] ]
[ [ ic = LIST1 induction_clause SEP ","; el = OPT eliminator;
cl_tolerance = opt_clause ->
(* Condition for accepting "in" at the end by compatibility *)
{ match ic,el,cl_tolerance with
| [c,pat,None],Some _,Some _ -> ([c,pat,cl_tolerance],el)
| _,_,Some _ -> err ()
| _,_,None -> (ic,el) } ] ]
[ [
(* Basic tactics *)
IDENT "intros"; pl = ne_intropatterns ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacIntroPattern (false,pl)) }
| IDENT "intros" ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacIntroPattern (false,[CAst.make ~loc @@IntroForthcoming false])) }
| IDENT "eintros"; pl = ne_intropatterns ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacIntroPattern (true,pl)) }
| IDENT "eintros" ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacIntroPattern (true,[CAst.make ~loc @@IntroForthcoming false])) }
| IDENT "apply"; cl = LIST1 constr_with_bindings_arg SEP ",";
inhyp = in_hyp_as -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacApply (true,false,cl,inhyp)) }
| IDENT "eapply"; cl = LIST1 constr_with_bindings_arg SEP ",";
inhyp = in_hyp_as -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacApply (true,true,cl,inhyp)) }
| IDENT "simple"; IDENT "apply";
cl = LIST1 constr_with_bindings_arg SEP ",";
inhyp = in_hyp_as -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacApply (false,false,cl,inhyp)) }
| IDENT "simple"; IDENT "eapply";
cl = LIST1 constr_with_bindings_arg SEP",";
inhyp = in_hyp_as -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacApply (false,true,cl,inhyp)) }
| IDENT "elim"; cl = constr_with_bindings_arg; el = OPT eliminator ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacElim (false,cl,el)) }
| IDENT "eelim"; cl = constr_with_bindings_arg; el = OPT eliminator ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacElim (true,cl,el)) }
| IDENT "case"; icl = induction_clause_list -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ mkTacCase false icl) }
| IDENT "ecase"; icl = induction_clause_list -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ mkTacCase true icl) }
| "fix"; id = ident; n = natural; "with"; fd = LIST1 fixdecl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacMutualFix (id,n,List.map mk_fix_tac fd)) }
| "cofix"; id = ident; "with"; fd = LIST1 cofixdecl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacMutualCofix (id,List.map mk_cofix_tac fd)) }
| IDENT "pose"; bl = bindings_with_parameters ->
{ let (id,b) = bl in TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (false,Names.Name.Name id,b,Locusops.nowhere,true,None)) }
| IDENT "pose"; b = constr; na = as_name ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (false,na,b,Locusops.nowhere,true,None)) }
| IDENT "epose"; bl = bindings_with_parameters ->
{ let (id,b) = bl in TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (true,Names.Name id,b,Locusops.nowhere,true,None)) }
| IDENT "epose"; b = constr; na = as_name ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (true,na,b,Locusops.nowhere,true,None)) }
| IDENT "set"; bl = bindings_with_parameters; p = clause_dft_concl ->
{ let (id,c) = bl in TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (false,Names.Name.Name id,c,p,true,None)) }
| IDENT "set"; c = constr; na = as_name; p = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (false,na,c,p,true,None)) }
| IDENT "eset"; bl = bindings_with_parameters; p = clause_dft_concl ->
{ let (id,c) = bl in TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (true,Names.Name id,c,p,true,None)) }
| IDENT "eset"; c = constr; na = as_name; p = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (true,na,c,p,true,None)) }
| IDENT "remember"; c = constr; na = as_name; e = eqn_ipat;
p = clause_dft_all ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (false,na,c,p,false,e)) }
| IDENT "eremember"; c = constr; na = as_name; e = eqn_ipat;
p = clause_dft_all ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacLetTac (true,na,c,p,false,e)) }
(* Alternative syntax for "pose proof c as id" *)
| IDENT "assert"; test_lpar_id_coloneq; "("; lid = identref; ":=";
c = lconstr; ")" ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (false,true,None,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
| IDENT "eassert"; test_lpar_id_coloneq; "("; lid = identref; ":=";
c = lconstr; ")" ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (true,true,None,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
(* Alternative syntax for "assert c as id by tac" *)
| IDENT "assert"; test_lpar_id_colon; "("; lid = identref; ":";
c = lconstr; ")"; tac=by_tactic ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (false,true,Some tac,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
| IDENT "eassert"; test_lpar_id_colon; "("; lid = identref; ":";
c = lconstr; ")"; tac=by_tactic ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (true,true,Some tac,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
(* Alternative syntax for "enough c as id by tac" *)
| IDENT "enough"; test_lpar_id_colon; "("; lid = identref; ":";
c = lconstr; ")"; tac=by_tactic ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (false,false,Some tac,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
| IDENT "eenough"; test_lpar_id_colon; "("; lid = identref; ":";
c = lconstr; ")"; tac=by_tactic ->
{ let { CAst.loc = loc; v = id } = lid in
TacAtom (CAst.make ?loc @@ TacAssert (true,false,Some tac,Some (CAst.make ?loc @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)),c)) }
| IDENT "assert"; c = constr; ipat = as_ipat; tac = by_tactic ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (false,true,Some tac,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "eassert"; c = constr; ipat = as_ipat; tac = by_tactic ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (true,true,Some tac,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "pose"; IDENT "proof"; c = lconstr; ipat = as_ipat ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (false,true,None,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "epose"; IDENT "proof"; c = lconstr; ipat = as_ipat ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (true,true,None,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "enough"; c = constr; ipat = as_ipat; tac = by_tactic ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (false,false,Some tac,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "eenough"; c = constr; ipat = as_ipat; tac = by_tactic ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacAssert (true,false,Some tac,ipat,c)) }
| IDENT "generalize"; c = constr ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacGeneralize [((AllOccurrences,c),Names.Name.Anonymous)]) }
| IDENT "generalize"; c = constr; l = LIST1 constr ->
{ let gen_everywhere c = ((AllOccurrences,c),Names.Name.Anonymous) in
TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacGeneralize (List.map gen_everywhere (c::l))) }
| IDENT "generalize"; c = constr; lookup_at_as_comma; nl = occs;
na = as_name;
l = LIST0 [","; c = pattern_occ; na = as_name -> { (c,na) } ] ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacGeneralize (((nl,c),na)::l)) }
(* Derived basic tactics *)
| IDENT "induction"; ic = induction_clause_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInductionDestruct (true,false,ic)) }
| IDENT "einduction"; ic = induction_clause_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInductionDestruct(true,true,ic)) }
| IDENT "destruct"; icl = induction_clause_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInductionDestruct(false,false,icl)) }
| IDENT "edestruct"; icl = induction_clause_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInductionDestruct(false,true,icl)) }
(* Equality and inversion *)
| IDENT "rewrite"; l = LIST1 oriented_rewriter SEP ",";
cl = clause_dft_concl; t=by_tactic -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacRewrite (false,l,cl,t)) }
| IDENT "erewrite"; l = LIST1 oriented_rewriter SEP ",";
cl = clause_dft_concl; t=by_tactic -> { TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacRewrite (true,l,cl,t)) }
| IDENT "dependent"; k =
[ IDENT "simple"; IDENT "inversion" -> { SimpleInversion }
| IDENT "inversion" -> { FullInversion }
| IDENT "inversion_clear" -> { FullInversionClear } ];
hyp = quantified_hypothesis;
ids = as_or_and_ipat; co = OPT ["with"; c = constr -> { c } ] ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInversion (DepInversion (k,co,ids),hyp)) }
| IDENT "simple"; IDENT "inversion";
hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = as_or_and_ipat;
cl = in_hyp_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInversion (NonDepInversion (SimpleInversion, cl, ids), hyp)) }
| IDENT "inversion";
hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = as_or_and_ipat;
cl = in_hyp_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInversion (NonDepInversion (FullInversion, cl, ids), hyp)) }
| IDENT "inversion_clear";
hyp = quantified_hypothesis; ids = as_or_and_ipat;
cl = in_hyp_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInversion (NonDepInversion (FullInversionClear, cl, ids), hyp)) }
| IDENT "inversion"; hyp = quantified_hypothesis;
"using"; c = constr; cl = in_hyp_list ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl), hyp)) }
(* Conversion *)
| IDENT "red"; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Red false, cl)) }
| IDENT "hnf"; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Hnf, cl)) }
| IDENT "simpl"; d = delta_flag; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Simpl (all_with d, po), cl)) }
| IDENT "cbv"; s = strategy_flag; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Cbv s, cl)) }
| IDENT "cbn"; s = strategy_flag; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Cbn s, cl)) }
| IDENT "lazy"; s = strategy_flag; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Lazy s, cl)) }
| IDENT "compute"; delta = delta_flag; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Cbv (all_with delta), cl)) }
| IDENT "vm_compute"; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (CbvVm po, cl)) }
| IDENT "native_compute"; po = OPT ref_or_pattern_occ; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (CbvNative po, cl)) }
| IDENT "unfold"; ul = LIST1 unfold_occ SEP ","; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Unfold ul, cl)) }
| IDENT "fold"; l = LIST1 constr; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Fold l, cl)) }
| IDENT "pattern"; pl = LIST1 pattern_occ SEP","; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacReduce (Pattern pl, cl)) }
(* Change ne doit pas s'appliquer dans un Definition t := Eval ... *)
| IDENT "change"; c = conversion; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ let (oc, c) = c in
let p,cl = merge_occurrences loc cl oc in
TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacChange (true,p,c,cl)) }
| IDENT "change_no_check"; c = conversion; cl = clause_dft_concl ->
{ let (oc, c) = c in
let p,cl = merge_occurrences loc cl oc in
TacAtom (CAst.make ~loc @@ TacChange (false,p,c,cl)) }
] ]
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.130 Sekunden