(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Unicode
open Pp
open Printer
open Util
module M = CString.Map
(** [is_profiling] and the profiling info ([stack]) should be synchronized with
the document; the rest of the ref cells are either local to individual
tactic invocations, or global flags, and need not be synchronized, since no
document-level backtracking happens within tactics. We synchronize
is_profiling via an option. *)
let is_profiling = Flags.profile_ltac
let set_profiling b = is_profiling := b
let get_profiling () = !is_profiling
(** LtacProf cannot yet handle backtracking into multi-success tactics.
To properly support this, we'd have to somehow recreate our location in the
call-stack, and stop/restart the intervening timers. This is tricky and
possibly expensive, so instead we currently just emit a warning that
profiling results will be off. *)
let encountered_multi_success_backtracking = ref false
let warn_profile_backtracking =
CWarnings.create ~name:"profile-backtracking" ~category:"ltac"
(fun () -> strbrk "Ltac Profiler cannot yet handle backtracking \
into multi-success tactics; profiling results may be wildly inaccurate.")
let warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking () =
if !encountered_multi_success_backtracking then
warn_profile_backtracking ()
let encounter_multi_success_backtracking () =
if not !encountered_multi_success_backtracking
then begin
encountered_multi_success_backtracking := true;
warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking ()
(* *************** tree data structure for profiling ****************** *)
type treenode = {
name : M.key;
total : float;
local : float;
ncalls : int;
max_total : float;
children : treenode M.t
let empty_treenode name = {
total = 0.0;
local = 0.0;
ncalls = 0;
max_total = 0.0;
children = M.empty;
let root = "root"
module Local = Summary.Local
let stack = Local.ref ~name:"LtacProf-stack" [empty_treenode root]
let reset_profile_tmp () =
Local.(stack := [empty_treenode root]);
encountered_multi_success_backtracking := false
(* ************** XML Serialization ********************* *)
let rec of_ltacprof_tactic (name, t) =
assert (String.equal name t.name);
let open Xml_datatype in
let total = string_of_float t.total in
let local = string_of_float t.local in
let ncalls = string_of_int t.ncalls in
let max_total = string_of_float t.max_total in
let children = List.map of_ltacprof_tactic (M.bindings t.children) in
Element ("ltacprof_tactic",
[ ("name", name); ("total",total); ("local",local);
("ncalls",ncalls); ("max_total",max_total)],
let of_ltacprof_results t =
let open Xml_datatype in
assert(String.equal t.name root);
let children = List.map of_ltacprof_tactic (M.bindings t.children) in
Element ("ltacprof", [("total_time", string_of_float t.total)], children)
let rec to_ltacprof_tactic m xml =
let open Xml_datatype in
match xml with
| Element ("ltacprof_tactic",
[("name", name); ("total",total); ("local",local);
("ncalls",ncalls); ("max_total",max_total)], xs) ->
let node = {
total = float_of_string total;
local = float_of_string local;
ncalls = int_of_string ncalls;
max_total = float_of_string max_total;
children = List.fold_left to_ltacprof_tactic M.empty xs;
} in
M.add name node m
| _ -> CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Malformed ltacprof_tactic XML.")
let to_ltacprof_results xml =
let open Xml_datatype in
match xml with
| Element ("ltacprof", [("total_time", t)], xs) ->
{ name = root;
total = float_of_string t;
ncalls = 0;
max_total = 0.0;
local = 0.0;
children = List.fold_left to_ltacprof_tactic M.empty xs }
| _ -> CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Malformed ltacprof XML.")
let feedback_results results =
(Custom (None, "ltacprof_results", of_ltacprof_results results)))
(* ************** pretty printing ************************************* *)
let format_sec x = (Printf.sprintf "%.3fs" x)
let format_ratio x = (Printf.sprintf "%.1f%%" (100. *. x))
let padl n s = ws (max 0 (n - utf8_length s)) ++ str s
let padr_with c n s =
let ulength = utf8_length s in
str (utf8_sub s 0 n) ++ str (String.make (max 0 (n - ulength)) c)
let rec list_iter_is_last f = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [f true x]
| x :: xs -> f false x :: list_iter_is_last f xs
let header =
str " tactic local total calls max " ++
fnl () ++
str "────────────────────────────────────────┴──────┴──────┴───────┴─────────┘" ++
fnl ()
let rec print_node ~filter all_total indent prefix (s, e) =
h 0 (
padr_with '-' 40 (prefix ^ s ^ " ")
++ padl 7 (format_ratio (e.local /. all_total))
++ padl 7 (format_ratio (e.total /. all_total))
++ padl 8 (string_of_int e.ncalls)
++ padl 10 (format_sec (e.max_total))
) ++
fnl () ++
print_table ~filter all_total indent false e.children
and print_table ~filter all_total indent first_level table =
let fold _ n l =
let s, total = n.name, n.total in
if filter s total then (s, n) :: l else l in
let ls = M.fold fold table [] in
match ls with
| [s, n] when not first_level ->
v 0 (print_node ~filter all_total indent (indent ^ "└") (s, n))
| _ ->
let ls =
List.sort (fun (_, { total = s1 }) (_, { total = s2}) ->
compare s2 s1) ls in
let iter is_last =
let sep0 = if first_level then "" else if is_last then " " else " │" in
let sep1 = if first_level then "─" else if is_last then " └─" else " ├─" in
print_node ~filter all_total (indent ^ sep0) (indent ^ sep1)
prlist (fun pr -> pr) (list_iter_is_last iter ls)
let to_string ~filter ?(cutoff=0.0) node =
let tree = node.children in
let all_total = M.fold (fun _ { total } a -> total +. a) node.children 0.0 in
let flat_tree =
let global = ref M.empty in
let find_tactic tname l =
try M.find tname !global
with Not_found ->
let e = empty_treenode tname in
global := M.add tname e !global;
e in
let add_tactic tname stats = global := M.add tname stats !global in
let sum_stats add_total
{ name; total = t1; local = l1; ncalls = n1; max_total = m1 }
{ total = t2; local = l2; ncalls = n2; max_total = m2 } = {
total = if add_total then t1 +. t2 else t1;
local = l1 +. l2;
ncalls = n1 + n2;
max_total = if add_total then max m1 m2 else m1;
children = M.empty;
} in
let rec cumulate table =
let iter _ ({ name; children } as statistics) =
if filter name then begin
let stats' = find_tactic name global in
add_tactic name (sum_stats true stats' statistics);
cumulate children
M.iter iter table
cumulate tree;
warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking ();
let filter s n = filter s && (all_total <= 0.0 || n /. all_total >= cutoff /. 100.0) in
let msg =
h 0 (str "total time: " ++ padl 11 (format_sec (all_total))) ++
fnl () ++
fnl () ++
header ++
print_table ~filter all_total "" true flat_tree ++
fnl () ++
header ++
print_table ~filter all_total "" true tree
(* ******************** profiling code ************************************** *)
let get_child name node =
try M.find name node.children
with Not_found -> empty_treenode name
let time () =
let times = Unix.times () in
times.Unix.tms_utime +. times.Unix.tms_stime
let string_of_call ck =
let s =
(match ck with
| Tacexpr.LtacNotationCall s -> Pptactic.pr_alias_key s
| Tacexpr.LtacNameCall cst -> Pptactic.pr_ltac_constant cst
| Tacexpr.LtacVarCall (id, t) -> Names.Id.print id
| Tacexpr.LtacAtomCall te ->
(Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ())
(Tacexpr.TacAtom (CAst.make te)))
| Tacexpr.LtacConstrInterp (c, _) ->
pr_glob_constr_env (Global.env ()) c
| Tacexpr.LtacMLCall te ->
(Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ())
) in
let s = String.map (fun c -> if c = '\n' then ' ' else c) s in
let s = try String.sub s 0 (CString.string_index_from s 0 "(*") with Not_found -> s in
String.trim s
let rec merge_sub_tree name tree acc =
let t = M.find name acc in
let t = {
total = t.total +. tree.total;
ncalls = t.ncalls + tree.ncalls;
local = t.local +. tree.local;
max_total = max t.max_total tree.max_total;
children = M.fold merge_sub_tree tree.children t.children;
} in
M.add name t acc
with Not_found -> M.add name tree acc
let merge_roots ?(disjoint=true) t1 t2 =
assert(String.equal t1.name t2.name);
{ name = t1.name;
ncalls = t1.ncalls + t2.ncalls;
local = if disjoint then t1.local +. t2.local else t1.local;
total = if disjoint then t1.total +. t2.total else t1.total;
max_total = if disjoint then max t1.max_total t2.max_total else t1.max_total;
children =
M.fold merge_sub_tree t2.children t1.children }
let rec find_in_stack what acc = function
| [] -> None
| { name } as x :: rest when String.equal name what -> Some(acc, x, rest)
| { name } as x :: rest -> find_in_stack what (x :: acc) rest
let exit_tactic ~count_call start_time c =
let diff = time () -. start_time in
match Local.(!stack) with
| [] | [_] ->
(* oops, our stack is invalid *)
encounter_multi_success_backtracking ();
reset_profile_tmp ()
| node :: (parent :: rest as full_stack) ->
let name = string_of_call c in
if not (String.equal name node.name) then
(* oops, our stack is invalid *)
encounter_multi_success_backtracking ();
let node = { node with
total = node.total +. diff;
local = node.local +. diff;
ncalls = node.ncalls + (if count_call then 1 else 0);
max_total = max node.max_total diff;
} in
(* updating the stack *)
let parent =
match find_in_stack node.name [] full_stack with
| None ->
(* no rec-call, we graft the subtree *)
let parent = { parent with
local = parent.local -. diff;
children = M.add node.name node parent.children } in
Local.(stack := parent :: rest);
| Some(to_update, self, rest) ->
(* we coalesce the rec-call and update the lower stack *)
let self = merge_roots ~disjoint:false self node in
let updated_stack =
List.fold_left (fun s x ->
(try M.find x.name (List.hd s).children
with Not_found -> x) :: s) (self :: rest) to_update in
Local.(stack := updated_stack);
List.hd Local.(!stack)
(* Calls are over, we reset the stack and send back data *)
if rest == [] && get_profiling () then begin
assert(String.equal root parent.name);
reset_profile_tmp ();
feedback_results parent
let tclFINALLY tac (finally : unit Proofview.tactic) =
let open Proofview.Notations in
(fun v -> finally <*> Proofview.tclUNIT v)
(fun (exn, info) -> finally <*> Proofview.tclZERO ~info exn)
let do_profile s call_trace ?(count_call=true) tac =
let open Proofview.Notations in
Proofview.tclLIFT (Proofview.NonLogical.make (fun () ->
if !is_profiling then
match call_trace, Local.(!stack) with
| (_, c) :: _, parent :: rest ->
let name = string_of_call c in
let node = get_child name parent in
Local.(stack := node :: parent :: rest);
Some (time ())
| _ :: _, [] -> assert false
| _ -> None
else None)) >>= function
| Some start_time ->
(Proofview.tclLIFT (Proofview.NonLogical.make (fun () ->
(match call_trace with
| (_, c) :: _ -> exit_tactic ~count_call start_time c
| [] -> ()))))
| None -> tac
(* ************** Accumulation of data from workers ************************* *)
let get_local_profiling_results () = List.hd Local.(!stack)
(* We maintain our own cache of document data, given that the
semantics of the STM implies that synchronized state for opaque
proofs will be lost on QED. This provides some complications later
on as we will have to simulate going back on the document on our
own. *)
module DData = struct
type t = Feedback.doc_id * Stateid.t
let compare x y = Pervasives.compare x y
module SM = Map.Make(DData)
let data = ref SM.empty
let _ =
Feedback.(add_feeder (function
| { doc_id = d;
span_id = s;
contents = Custom (_, "ltacprof_results", xml) } ->
let results = to_ltacprof_results xml in
let other_results = (* Multi success can cause this *)
try SM.find (d,s) !data
with Not_found -> empty_treenode root in
data := SM.add (d,s) (merge_roots results other_results) !data
| _ -> ()))
let reset_profile () =
reset_profile_tmp ();
data := SM.empty
(* ****************************** Named timers ****************************** *)
let timer_data = ref M.empty
let timer_name = function
| Some v -> v
| None -> ""
let restart_timer name =
timer_data := M.add (timer_name name) (System.get_time ()) !timer_data
let get_timer name =
try M.find (timer_name name) !timer_data
with Not_found -> System.get_time ()
let finish_timing ~prefix name =
let tend = System.get_time () in
let tstart = get_timer name in
Feedback.msg_notice(str prefix ++ pr_opt str name ++ str " ran for " ++
System.fmt_time_difference tstart tend)
(* ******************** *)
let print_results_filter ~cutoff ~filter =
(* The STM doesn't provide yet a proper document query and traversal
API, thus we need to re-check if some states are current anymore
(due to backtracking) using the `state_of_id` API. *)
let valid (did,id) _ = Stm.(state_of_id ~doc:(get_doc did) id) <> `Expired in
data := SM.filter valid !data;
let results =
SM.fold (fun _ -> merge_roots ~disjoint:true) !data (empty_treenode root) in
let results = merge_roots results Local.(CList.last !stack) in
Feedback.msg_notice (to_string ~cutoff ~filter results)
let print_results ~cutoff =
print_results_filter ~cutoff ~filter:(fun _ -> true)
let print_results_tactic tactic =
print_results_filter ~cutoff:!Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff ~filter:(fun s ->
String.(equal tactic (sub (s ^ ".") 0 (min (1+length s) (length tactic)))))
let do_print_results_at_close () =
if get_profiling () then print_results ~cutoff:!Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff
let _ = Declaremods.append_end_library_hook do_print_results_at_close
let () =
let open Goptions in
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "Ltac Profiling";
optkey = ["Ltac"; "Profiling"];
optread = get_profiling;
optwrite = set_profiling }
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.