(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Names
open Pp
open Tacexpr
let (ltac_trace_info : ltac_trace Exninfo.t) = Exninfo.make ()
let prtac x =
Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) x
let prmatchpatt env sigma hyp =
Pptactic.pr_match_pattern (Printer.pr_constr_pattern_env env sigma) hyp
let prmatchrl env sigma rl =
Pptactic.pr_match_rule false (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()))
(fun (_,p) -> Printer.pr_constr_pattern_env env sigma p) rl
(* This module intends to be a beginning of debugger for tactic expressions.
Currently, it is quite simple and we can hope to have, in the future, a more
complete panel of commands dedicated to a proof assistant framework *)
(* Debug information *)
type debug_info =
| DebugOn of int
| DebugOff
(* An exception handler *)
let explain_logic_error e =
CErrors.print (fst (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error (e, Exninfo.null)))
let explain_logic_error_no_anomaly e =
(fst (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error (e, Exninfo.null)))
let msg_tac_debug s = Proofview.NonLogical.print_debug (s++fnl())
let msg_tac_notice s = Proofview.NonLogical.print_notice (s++fnl())
(* Prints the goal *)
let db_pr_goal gl =
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
let penv = Termops.Internal.print_named_context env in
let pc = Printer.pr_econstr_env env (Tacmach.New.project gl) concl in
str" " ++ hv 0 (penv ++ fnl () ++
str "============================" ++ fnl () ++
str" " ++ pc) ++ fnl ()
let db_pr_goal =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let pg = db_pr_goal gl in
Proofview.tclLIFT (msg_tac_notice (str "Goal:" ++ fnl () ++ pg))
(* Prints the commands *)
let help () =
msg_tac_debug (str "Commands: = Continue" ++ fnl() ++
str " h/? = Help" ++ fnl() ++
str " r = Run times" ++ fnl() ++
str " r = Run up to next idtac " ++ fnl() ++
str " s = Skip" ++ fnl() ++
str " x = Exit")
(* Prints the goal and the command to be executed *)
let goal_com tac =
(Proofview.tclLIFT (msg_tac_debug (str "Going to execute:" ++ fnl () ++ prtac tac)))
(* [run (new_ref _)] gives us a ref shared among [NonLogical.t]
expressions. It avoids parametrizing everything over a
reference. *)
let skipped = Proofview.NonLogical.run (Proofview.NonLogical.ref 0)
let skip = Proofview.NonLogical.run (Proofview.NonLogical.ref 0)
let breakpoint = Proofview.NonLogical.run (Proofview.NonLogical.ref None)
let batch = ref false
open Goptions
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "Ltac batch debug";
optkey = ["Ltac";"Batch";"Debug"];
optread = (fun () -> !batch);
optwrite = (fun x -> batch := x) }
let rec drop_spaces inst i =
if String.length inst > i && inst.[i] == ' ' then drop_spaces inst (i+1)
else i
let possibly_unquote s =
if String.length s >= 2 && s.[0] == '"' && s.[String.length s - 1] == '"' then
String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)
(* (Re-)initialize debugger *)
let db_initialize =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
(skip:=0) >> (skipped:=0) >> (breakpoint:=None)
let int_of_string s =
try Proofview.NonLogical.return (int_of_string s)
with e -> Proofview.NonLogical.raise e
let string_get s i =
try Proofview.NonLogical.return (String.get s i)
with e -> Proofview.NonLogical.raise e
let run_invalid_arg () = Proofview.NonLogical.raise (Invalid_argument "run_com")
(* Gives the number of steps or next breakpoint of a run command *)
let run_com inst =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
string_get inst 0 >>= fun first_char ->
if first_char ='r' then
let i = drop_spaces inst 1 in
if String.length inst > i then
let s = String.sub inst i (String.length inst - i) in
if inst.[0] >= '0' && inst.[0] <= '9' then
int_of_string s >>= fun num ->
(if num<0 then run_invalid_arg () else return ()) >>
(skip:=num) >> (skipped:=0)
breakpoint:=Some (possibly_unquote s)
run_invalid_arg ()
run_invalid_arg ()
(* Prints the run counter *)
let run ini =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
if not ini then
Proofview.NonLogical.print_notice (str"\b\r\b\r") >>
!skipped >>= fun skipped ->
msg_tac_debug (str "Executed expressions: " ++ int skipped ++ fnl())
end >>
!skipped >>= fun x ->
skipped := x+1
return ()
(* Prints the prompt *)
let rec prompt level =
(* spiwack: avoid overriding by the open below *)
let runtrue = run true in
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
Proofview.NonLogical.print_notice (fnl () ++ str "TcDebug (" ++ int level ++ str ") > ") >>
if Pervasives.(!batch) then return (DebugOn (level+1)) else
let exit = (skip:=0) >> (skipped:=0) >> raise Sys.Break in
Proofview.NonLogical.catch Proofview.NonLogical.read_line
begin function (e, info) -> match e with
| End_of_file -> exit
| e -> raise ~info e
>>= fun inst ->
match inst with
| "" -> return (DebugOn (level+1))
| "s" -> return (DebugOff)
| "x" -> Proofview.NonLogical.print_char '\b' >> exit
| "h"| "?" ->
help () >>
prompt level
| _ ->
Proofview.NonLogical.catch (run_com inst >> runtrue >> return (DebugOn (level+1)))
begin function (e, info) -> match e with
| Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> prompt level
| e -> raise ~info e
(* Prints the state and waits for an instruction *)
(* spiwack: the only reason why we need to take the continuation [f]
as an argument rather than returning the new level directly seems to
be that [f] is wrapped in with "explain_logic_error". I don't think
it serves any purpose in the current design, so we could just drop
that. *)
let debug_prompt lev tac f =
(* spiwack: avoid overriding by the open below *)
let runfalse = run false in
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
let (>=) = Proofview.tclBIND in
(* What to print and to do next *)
let newlevel =
Proofview.tclLIFT !skip >= fun initial_skip ->
if Int.equal initial_skip 0 then
Proofview.tclLIFT !breakpoint >= fun breakpoint ->
if Option.is_empty breakpoint then Proofview.tclTHEN (goal_com tac) (Proofview.tclLIFT (prompt lev))
else Proofview.tclLIFT(runfalse >> return (DebugOn (lev+1)))
else Proofview.tclLIFT begin
(!skip >>= fun s -> skip:=s-1) >>
runfalse >>
!skip >>= fun new_skip ->
(if Int.equal new_skip 0 then skipped:=0 else return ()) >>
return (DebugOn (lev+1))
end in
newlevel >= fun newlevel ->
(* What to execute *)
(f newlevel)
begin fun (reraise, info) ->
(Proofview.tclLIFT begin
(skip:=0) >> (skipped:=0) >>
if Logic.catchable_exception reraise then
msg_tac_debug (str "Level " ++ int lev ++ str ": " ++ explain_logic_error reraise)
else return ()
(Proofview.tclZERO ~info reraise)
let is_debug db =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
!breakpoint >>= fun breakpoint ->
match db, breakpoint with
| DebugOff, _ -> return false
| _, Some _ -> return false
| _ ->
!skip >>= fun skip ->
return (Int.equal skip 0)
(* Prints a constr *)
let db_constr debug env sigma c =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "Evaluated term: " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma c)
else return ()
(* Prints the pattern rule *)
let db_pattern_rule debug env sigma num r =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "Pattern rule " ++ int num ++ str ":" ++ fnl () ++
str "|" ++ spc () ++ prmatchrl env sigma r)
else return ()
(* Prints the hypothesis pattern identifier if it exists *)
let hyp_bound = function
| Anonymous -> str " (unbound)"
| Name id -> str " (bound to " ++ Id.print id ++ str ")"
(* Prints a matched hypothesis *)
let db_matched_hyp debug env sigma (id,_,c) ido =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "Hypothesis " ++ Id.print id ++ hyp_bound ido ++
str " has been matched: " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma c)
else return ()
(* Prints the matched conclusion *)
let db_matched_concl debug env sigma c =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "Conclusion has been matched: " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma c)
else return ()
(* Prints a success message when the goal has been matched *)
let db_mc_pattern_success debug =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "The goal has been successfully matched!" ++ fnl() ++
str "Let us execute the right-hand side part..." ++ fnl())
else return ()
(* Prints a failure message for an hypothesis pattern *)
let db_hyp_pattern_failure debug env sigma (na,hyp) =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "The pattern hypothesis" ++ hyp_bound na ++
str " cannot match: " ++
prmatchpatt env sigma hyp)
else return ()
(* Prints a matching failure message for a rule *)
let db_matching_failure debug =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (str "This rule has failed due to matching errors!" ++ fnl() ++
str "Let us try the next one...")
else return ()
(* Prints an evaluation failure message for a rule *)
let db_eval_failure debug s =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
let s = str "message \"" ++ s ++ str "\"" in
(str "This rule has failed due to \"Fail\" tactic (" ++
s ++ str ", level 0)!" ++ fnl() ++ str "Let us try the next one...")
else return ()
(* Prints a logic failure message for a rule *)
let db_logic_failure debug err =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
is_debug debug >>= fun db ->
if db then
msg_tac_debug (explain_logic_error err) >>
msg_tac_debug (str "This rule has failed due to a logic error!" ++ fnl() ++
str "Let us try the next one...")
else return ()
let is_breakpoint brkname s = match brkname, s with
| Some s, MsgString s'::_ -> String.equal s s'
| _ -> false
let db_breakpoint debug s =
let open Proofview.NonLogical in
!breakpoint >>= fun opt_breakpoint ->
match debug with
| DebugOn lev when not (CList.is_empty s) && is_breakpoint opt_breakpoint s ->
| _ ->
return ()
(** Extrating traces *)
let is_defined_ltac trace =
let rec aux = function
| (_, Tacexpr.LtacNameCall f) :: _ -> not (Tacenv.is_ltac_for_ml_tactic f)
| (_, Tacexpr.LtacNotationCall f) :: _ -> true
| (_, Tacexpr.LtacAtomCall _) :: _ -> false
| _ :: tail -> aux tail
| [] -> false in
aux (List.rev trace)
let explain_ltac_call_trace last trace loc =
let calls = last :: List.rev_map snd trace in
let pr_call ck = match ck with
| Tacexpr.LtacNotationCall kn -> quote (Pptactic.pr_alias_key kn)
| Tacexpr.LtacNameCall cst -> quote (Pptactic.pr_ltac_constant cst)
| Tacexpr.LtacMLCall t ->
quote (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) t)
| Tacexpr.LtacVarCall (id,t) ->
quote (Id.print id) ++ strbrk " (bound to " ++
Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) t ++ str ")"
| Tacexpr.LtacAtomCall te ->
quote (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env())
(Tacexpr.TacAtom (CAst.make te)))
| Tacexpr.LtacConstrInterp (c, { Ltac_pretype.ltac_constrs = vars }) ->
quote (Printer.pr_glob_constr_env (Global.env()) c) ++
(if not (Id.Map.is_empty vars) then
strbrk " (with " ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma
(fun (id,c) ->
(* XXX: This hooks into the ExplainErr extension API
so it is tricky to provide the right env for now. *)
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
Id.print id ++ str ":=" ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_under_binders_env env sigma c)
(List.rev (Id.Map.bindings vars)) ++ str ")"
else mt())
match calls with
| [] -> mt ()
| [a] -> hov 0 (str "Ltac call to " ++ pr_call a ++ str " failed.")
| _ ->
let kind_of_last_call = match List.last calls with
| Tacexpr.LtacConstrInterp _ -> ", last term evaluation failed."
| _ -> ", last call failed."
hov 0 (str "In nested Ltac calls to " ++
pr_enum pr_call calls ++ strbrk kind_of_last_call)
let skip_extensions trace =
let rec aux = function
| (_,Tacexpr.LtacNotationCall _ as tac) :: (_,Tacexpr.LtacMLCall _) :: tail ->
(* Case of an ML defined tactic with entry of the form <<"foo" args>> *)
(* see tacextend.mlp *)
tac :: aux tail
| t :: tail -> t :: aux tail
| [] -> [] in
List.rev (aux (List.rev trace))
let extract_ltac_trace ?loc trace =
let trace = skip_extensions trace in
let (tloc,c),tail = List.sep_last trace in
if is_defined_ltac trace then
(* We entered a user-defined tactic,
we display the trace with location of the call *)
let msg = hov 0 (explain_ltac_call_trace c tail loc ++ fnl()) in
(if Loc.finer loc tloc then loc else tloc), Some msg
(* We entered a primitive tactic, we don't display trace but
report on the finest location *)
let best_loc =
(* trace is with innermost call coming first *)
let rec aux best_loc = function
| (loc,_)::tail ->
if Option.is_empty best_loc ||
not (Option.is_empty loc) && Loc.finer loc best_loc
aux loc tail
aux best_loc tail
| [] -> best_loc in
aux loc trace in
best_loc, None
let get_ltac_trace (_, info) =
let ltac_trace = Exninfo.get info ltac_trace_info in
let loc = Loc.get_loc info in
match ltac_trace with
| None -> None
| Some trace -> Some (extract_ltac_trace ?loc trace)
let () = ExplainErr.register_additional_error_info get_ltac_trace
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