(* ========================================================================= *)
(* - This code originates from John Harrison's HOL LIGHT 2.30 *)
(* (see file LICENSE.sos for license, copyright and disclaimer) *)
(* This code is the HOL LIGHT library code used by sos.ml *)
(* - Laurent Théry ([email protected]) has isolated the HOL *)
(* independent bits *)
(* - Frédéric Besson ([email protected]) is using it to feed micromega *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
open Num
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Comparisons that are reflexive on NaN and also short-circuiting. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let cmp = Pervasives.compare (** FIXME *)
let (=?) = fun x y -> cmp x y = 0;;
let (<?) = fun x y -> cmp x y < 0;;
let (<=?) = fun x y -> cmp x y <= 0;;
let (>?) = fun x y -> cmp x y > 0;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Combinators. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let (o) = fun f g x -> f(g x);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Some useful functions on "num" type. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let num_0 = Int 0
and num_1 = Int 1
and num_2 = Int 2
and num_10 = Int 10;;
let pow2 n = power_num num_2 (Int n);;
let pow10 n = power_num num_10 (Int n);;
let numdom r =
let r' = Ratio.normalize_ratio (ratio_of_num r) in
num_of_big_int(Ratio.numerator_ratio r'),
num_of_big_int(Ratio.denominator_ratio r');;
let numerator = (o) fst numdom
and denominator = (o) snd numdom;;
let gcd_num n1 n2 =
num_of_big_int(Big_int.gcd_big_int (big_int_of_num n1) (big_int_of_num n2));;
let lcm_num x y =
if x =/ num_0 && y =/ num_0 then num_0
else abs_num((x */ y) // gcd_num x y);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Various versions of list iteration. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec end_itlist f l =
match l with
[] -> failwith "end_itlist"
| [x] -> x
| (h::t) -> f h (end_itlist f t);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* All pairs arising from applying a function over two lists. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec allpairs f l1 l2 =
match l1 with
h1::t1 -> List.fold_right (fun x a -> f h1 x :: a) l2 (allpairs f t1 l2)
| [] -> [];;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* String operations (surely there is a better way...) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let implode l = List.fold_right (^) l "";;
let explode s =
let rec exap n l =
if n < 0 then l else
exap (n - 1) ((String.sub s n 1)::l) in
exap (String.length s - 1) [];;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Repetition of a function. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec funpow n f x =
if n < 1 then x else funpow (n-1) f (f x);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Sequences. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec (--) = fun m n -> if m > n then [] else m::((m + 1) -- n);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Various useful list operations. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec tryfind f l =
match l with
[] -> failwith "tryfind"
| (h::t) -> try f h with Failure _ -> tryfind f t;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* "Set" operations on lists. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec mem x lis =
match lis with
[] -> false
| (h::t) -> x =? h || mem x t;;
let insert x l =
if mem x l then l else x::l;;
let union l1 l2 = List.fold_right insert l1 l2;;
let subtract l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> not (mem x l2)) l1;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Common measure predicates to use with "sort". *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let increasing f x y = f x <? f y;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Iterating functions over lists. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec do_list f l =
match l with
[] -> ()
| (h::t) -> (f h; do_list f t);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Sorting. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec sort cmp lis =
match lis with
[] -> []
| piv::rest ->
let r,l = List.partition (cmp piv) rest in
(sort cmp l) @ (piv::(sort cmp r));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Removing adjacent (NB!) equal elements from list. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec uniq l =
match l with
x::(y::_ as t) -> let t' = uniq t in
if x =? y then t' else
if t'==t then l else x::t'
| _ -> l;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Convert list into set by eliminating duplicates. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let setify s = uniq (sort (<=?) s);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Polymorphic finite partial functions via Patricia trees. *)
(* *)
(* The point of this strange representation is that it is canonical (equal *)
(* functions have the same encoding) yet reasonably efficient on average. *)
(* *)
(* Idea due to Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons (OCaml list, 2003/11/10). *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ('a,'b)func =
| Leaf of int * ('a*'b)list
| Branch of int * int * ('a,'b)func * ('a,'b)func;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Undefined function. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let undefined = Empty;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In case of equality comparison worries, better use this. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_undefined f =
match f with
Empty -> true
| _ -> false;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Operation analogous to "map" for lists. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mapf =
let rec map_list f l =
match l with
[] -> []
| (x,y)::t -> (x,f(y))::(map_list f t) in
let rec mapf f t =
match t with
Empty -> Empty
| Leaf(h,l) -> Leaf(h,map_list f l)
| Branch(p,b,l,r) -> Branch(p,b,mapf f l,mapf f r) in
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Operations analogous to "fold" for lists. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let foldl =
let rec foldl_list f a l =
match l with
[] -> a
| (x,y)::t -> foldl_list f (f a x y) t in
let rec foldl f a t =
match t with
Empty -> a
| Leaf(h,l) -> foldl_list f a l
| Branch(p,b,l,r) -> foldl f (foldl f a l) r in
let foldr =
let rec foldr_list f l a =
match l with
[] -> a
| (x,y)::t -> f x y (foldr_list f t a) in
let rec foldr f t a =
match t with
Empty -> a
| Leaf(h,l) -> foldr_list f l a
| Branch(p,b,l,r) -> foldr f l (foldr f r a) in
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Redefinition and combination. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let (|->),combine =
let ldb x y = let z = x lxor y in z land (-z) in
let newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 =
let b = ldb p1 p2 in
let p = p1 land (b - 1) in
if p1 land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,t1,t2)
else Branch(p,b,t2,t1) in
let rec define_list (x,y as xy) l =
match l with
(a,b as ab)::t ->
if x =? a then xy::t
else if x <? a then xy::l
else ab::(define_list xy t)
| [] -> [xy]
and combine_list op z l1 l2 =
match (l1,l2) with
[],_ -> l2
| _,[] -> l1
| ((x1,y1 as xy1)::t1,(x2,y2 as xy2)::t2) ->
if x1 <? x2 then xy1::(combine_list op z t1 l2)
else if x2 <? x1 then xy2::(combine_list op z l1 t2) else
let y = op y1 y2 and l = combine_list op z t1 t2 in
if z(y) then l else (x1,y)::l in
let (|->) x y =
let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
let rec upd t =
match t with
Empty -> Leaf (k,[x,y])
| Leaf(h,l) ->
if h = k then Leaf(h,define_list (x,y) l)
else newbranch h t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
| Branch(p,b,l,r) ->
if k land (b - 1) <> p then newbranch p t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
else if k land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,upd l,r)
else Branch(p,b,l,upd r) in
upd in
let rec combine op z t1 t2 =
match (t1,t2) with
Empty,_ -> t2
| _,Empty -> t1
| Leaf(h1,l1),Leaf(h2,l2) ->
if h1 = h2 then
let l = combine_list op z l1 l2 in
if l = [] then Empty else Leaf(h1,l)
else newbranch h1 t1 h2 t2
| (Leaf(k,lis) as lf),(Branch(p,b,l,r) as br) |
(Branch(p,b,l,r) as br),(Leaf(k,lis) as lf) ->
if k land (b - 1) = p then
if k land b = 0 then
let l' = combine op z lf l in
if is_undefined l' then r else Branch(p,b,l',r)
let r' = combine op z lf r in
if is_undefined r' then l else Branch(p,b,l,r')
newbranch k lf p br
| Branch(p1,b1,l1,r1),Branch(p2,b2,l2,r2) ->
if b1 < b2 then
if p2 land (b1 - 1) <> p1 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
else if p2 land b1 = 0 then
let l = combine op z l1 t2 in
if is_undefined l then r1 else Branch(p1,b1,l,r1)
let r = combine op z r1 t2 in
if is_undefined r then l1 else Branch(p1,b1,l1,r)
else if b2 < b1 then
if p1 land (b2 - 1) <> p2 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
else if p1 land b2 = 0 then
let l = combine op z t1 l2 in
if is_undefined l then r2 else Branch(p2,b2,l,r2)
let r = combine op z t1 r2 in
if is_undefined r then l2 else Branch(p2,b2,l2,r)
else if p1 = p2 then
let l = combine op z l1 l2 and r = combine op z r1 r2 in
if is_undefined l then r
else if is_undefined r then l else Branch(p1,b1,l,r)
newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 in
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Special case of point function. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let (|=>) = fun x y -> (x |-> y) undefined;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Grab an arbitrary element. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec choose t =
match t with
Empty -> failwith "choose: completely undefined function"
| Leaf(h,l) -> List.hd l
| Branch(b,p,t1,t2) -> choose t1;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Application. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let applyd =
let rec apply_listd l d x =
match l with
(a,b)::t -> if x =? a then b
else if x >? a then apply_listd t d x else d x
| [] -> d x in
fun f d x ->
let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
let rec look t =
match t with
Leaf(h,l) when h = k -> apply_listd l d x
| Branch(p,b,l,r) -> look (if k land b = 0 then l else r)
| _ -> d x in
look f;;
let apply f = applyd f (fun x -> failwith "apply");;
let tryapplyd f a d = applyd f (fun x -> d) a;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Undefinition. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let undefine =
let rec undefine_list x l =
match l with
(a,b as ab)::t ->
if x =? a then t
else if x <? a then l else
let t' = undefine_list x t in
if t' == t then l else ab::t'
| [] -> [] in
fun x ->
let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
let rec und t =
match t with
Leaf(h,l) when h = k ->
let l' = undefine_list x l in
if l' == l then t
else if l' = [] then Empty
else Leaf(h,l')
| Branch(p,b,l,r) when k land (b - 1) = p ->
if k land b = 0 then
let l' = und l in
if l' == l then t
else if is_undefined l' then r
else Branch(p,b,l',r)
let r' = und r in
if r' == r then t
else if is_undefined r' then l
else Branch(p,b,l,r')
| _ -> t in
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Mapping to sorted-list representation of the graph, domain and range. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let graph f = setify (foldl (fun a x y -> (x,y)::a) [] f);;
let dom f = setify(foldl (fun a x y -> x::a) [] f);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* More parser basics. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception Noparse;;
let isspace,isnum =
let charcode s = Char.code(String.get s 0) in
let spaces = " \t\n\r"
and separators = ",;"
and brackets = "()[]{}"
and symbs = "\\!@#$%^&*-+|\\<=>/?~.:"
and alphas = "'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
and nums = "0123456789" in
let allchars = spaces^separators^brackets^symbs^alphas^nums in
let csetsize = List.fold_right ((o) max charcode) (explode allchars) 256 in
let ctable = Array.make csetsize 0 in
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 1) (explode spaces);
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 2) (explode separators);
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 4) (explode brackets);
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 8) (explode symbs);
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 16) (explode alphas);
do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 32) (explode nums);
let isspace c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 1
and isnum c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 32 in
let parser_or parser1 parser2 input =
try parser1 input
with Noparse -> parser2 input;;
let (++) parser1 parser2 input =
let result1,rest1 = parser1 input in
let result2,rest2 = parser2 rest1 in
let rec many prs input =
try let result,next = prs input in
let results,rest = many prs next in
with Noparse -> [],input;;
let (>>) prs treatment input =
let result,rest = prs input in
let fix err prs input =
try prs input
with Noparse -> failwith (err ^ " expected");;
let listof prs sep err =
prs ++ many (sep ++ fix err prs >> snd) >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t);;
let possibly prs input =
try let x,rest = prs input in [x],rest
with Noparse -> [],input;;
let some p =
[] -> raise Noparse
| (h::t) -> if p h then (h,t) else raise Noparse;;
let a tok = some (fun item -> item = tok);;
let rec atleast n prs i =
(if n <= 0 then many prs
else prs ++ atleast (n - 1) prs >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t)) i;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let temp_path = Filename.get_temp_dir_name ();;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Convenient conversion between files and (lists of) strings. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let strings_of_file filename =
let fd = try Pervasives.open_in filename
with Sys_error _ ->
failwith("strings_of_file: can't open "^filename) in
let rec suck_lines acc =
try let l = Pervasives.input_line fd in
suck_lines (l::acc)
with End_of_file -> List.rev acc in
let data = suck_lines [] in
(Pervasives.close_in fd; data);;
let string_of_file filename =
String.concat "\n" (strings_of_file filename);;
let file_of_string filename s =
let fd = Pervasives.open_out filename in
output_string fd s; close_out fd;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Iterative deepening. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec deepen f n =
try (*print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
print_int n; print_newline();*)
with Failure _ -> deepen f (n + 1);;
exception TooDeep
let deepen_until limit f n =
match compare limit 0 with
| 0 -> raise TooDeep
| -1 -> deepen f n
| _ ->
let rec d_until f n =
try(* if !debugging
then (print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
print_int n; print_newline()) ;*)
with Failure x ->
(*if !debugging then (Printf.printf "solver error : %s\n" x) ; *)
if n = limit then raise TooDeep else d_until f (n + 1) in
d_until f n
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.60 Sekunden
Fehler beim Verzeichnis:
in der Quellcodebibliothek suchen
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.