(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
module Search = Explore.Make(Proof_search)
open Ltac_plugin
open CErrors
open Util
open Term
open Constr
open Context
open Proof_search
open Context.Named.Declaration
let force count lazc = incr count;Lazy.force lazc
let step_count = ref 0
let node_count = ref 0
let li_False = lazy (destInd (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.False.type"))
let li_and = lazy (destInd (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.and.type"))
let li_or = lazy (destInd (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.or.type"))
let gen_constant n = lazy (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global (Coqlib.lib_ref n))
let l_xI = gen_constant "num.pos.xI"
let l_xO = gen_constant "num.pos.xO"
let l_xH = gen_constant "num.pos.xH"
let l_empty = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.empty"
let l_push = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.push"
let l_Reflect = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Reflect"
let l_Atom = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Atom"
let l_Arrow = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Arrow"
let l_Bot = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Bot"
let l_Conjunct = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Conjunct"
let l_Disjunct = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Disjunct"
let l_Ax = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.Ax"
let l_I_Arrow = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.I_Arrow"
let l_E_Arrow = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.E_Arrow"
let l_D_Arrow = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.D_Arrow"
let l_E_False = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.E_False"
let l_I_And = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.I_And"
let l_E_And = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.E_And"
let l_D_And = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.D_And"
let l_I_Or_l = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.I_Or_l"
let l_I_Or_r = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.I_Or_r"
let l_E_Or = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.E_Or"
let l_D_Or = gen_constant "plugins.rtauto.D_Or"
let special_whd env sigma c =
Reductionops.clos_whd_flags CClosure.all env sigma c
let special_nf env sigma c =
Reductionops.clos_norm_flags CClosure.betaiotazeta env sigma c
type atom_env=
{mutable next:int;
mutable env:(constr*int) list}
let make_atom atom_env term=
let term = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr term in
let (_,i)=
List.find (fun (t,_)-> Constr.equal term t) atom_env.env
in Atom i
with Not_found ->
let i=atom_env.next in
atom_env.env <- (term,i)::atom_env.env;
atom_env.next<- i + 1;
Atom i
let rec make_form env sigma atom_env term =
let open EConstr in
let open Vars in
let normalize = special_nf env sigma in
let cciterm = special_whd env sigma term in
match EConstr.kind sigma cciterm with
Prod(_,a,b) ->
if noccurn sigma 1 b &&
Retyping.get_sort_family_of env sigma a == InProp
let fa = make_form env sigma atom_env a in
let fb = make_form env sigma atom_env b in
Arrow (fa,fb)
make_atom atom_env (normalize term)
| Cast(a,_,_) ->
make_form env sigma atom_env a
| Ind (ind, _) ->
if Names.eq_ind ind (fst (Lazy.force li_False)) then
make_atom atom_env (normalize term)
| App(hd,argv) when Int.equal (Array.length argv) 2 ->
let ind, _ = destInd sigma hd in
if Names.eq_ind ind (fst (Lazy.force li_and)) then
let fa = make_form env sigma atom_env argv.(0) in
let fb = make_form env sigma atom_env argv.(1) in
Conjunct (fa,fb)
else if Names.eq_ind ind (fst (Lazy.force li_or)) then
let fa = make_form env sigma atom_env argv.(0) in
let fb = make_form env sigma atom_env argv.(1) in
Disjunct (fa,fb)
else make_atom atom_env (normalize term)
with DestKO -> make_atom atom_env (normalize term)
| _ -> make_atom atom_env (normalize term)
let rec make_hyps env sigma atom_env lenv = function
[] -> []
| LocalDef (_,body,typ)::rest ->
make_hyps env sigma atom_env (typ::body::lenv) rest
| LocalAssum (id,typ)::rest ->
let hrec=
make_hyps env sigma atom_env (typ::lenv) rest in
if List.exists (fun c -> Termops.local_occur_var Evd.empty (* FIXME *) id.binder_name c) lenv ||
(Retyping.get_sort_family_of env sigma typ != InProp)
(id,make_form env sigma atom_env typ)::hrec
let rec build_pos n =
if n<=1 then force node_count l_xH
else if Int.equal (n land 1) 0 then
mkApp (force node_count l_xO,[|build_pos (n asr 1)|])
mkApp (force node_count l_xI,[|build_pos (n asr 1)|])
let rec build_form = function
Atom n -> mkApp (force node_count l_Atom,[|build_pos n|])
| Arrow (f1,f2) ->
mkApp (force node_count l_Arrow,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|])
| Bot -> force node_count l_Bot
| Conjunct (f1,f2) ->
mkApp (force node_count l_Conjunct,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|])
| Disjunct (f1,f2) ->
mkApp (force node_count l_Disjunct,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|])
let rec decal k = function
[] -> k
| (start,delta)::rest ->
if k>start then
k - delta
decal k rest
let add_pop size d pops=
match pops with
[] -> [size+d,d]
| (_,sum)::_ -> (size+sum,sum+d)::pops
let rec build_proof pops size =
Ax i ->
mkApp (force step_count l_Ax,
[|build_pos (decal i pops)|])
| I_Arrow p ->
mkApp (force step_count l_I_Arrow,
[|build_proof pops (size + 1) p|])
| E_Arrow(i,j,p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_E_Arrow,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_pos (decal j pops);
build_proof pops (size + 1) p|])
| D_Arrow(i,p1,p2) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_D_Arrow,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_proof pops (size + 2) p1;
build_proof pops (size + 1) p2|])
| E_False i ->
mkApp (force step_count l_E_False,
[|build_pos (decal i pops)|])
| I_And(p1,p2) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_I_And,
[|build_proof pops size p1;
build_proof pops size p2|])
| E_And(i,p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_E_And,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_proof pops (size + 2) p|])
| D_And(i,p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_D_And,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_proof pops (size + 1) p|])
| I_Or_l(p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_I_Or_l,
[|build_proof pops size p|])
| I_Or_r(p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_I_Or_r,
[|build_proof pops size p|])
| E_Or(i,p1,p2) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_E_Or,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_proof pops (size + 1) p1;
build_proof pops (size + 1) p2|])
| D_Or(i,p) ->
mkApp (force step_count l_D_Or,
[|build_pos (decal i pops);
build_proof pops (size + 2) p|])
| Pop(d,p) ->
build_proof (add_pop size d pops) size p
let build_env gamma=
List.fold_right (fun (p,_) e ->
mkApp(force node_count l_push,[|mkProp;p;e|]))
gamma.env (mkApp (force node_count l_empty,[|mkProp|]))
open Goptions
let verbose = ref false
let opt_verbose=
optname="Rtauto Verbose";
optread=(fun () -> !verbose);
optwrite=(fun b -> verbose:=b)}
let () = declare_bool_option opt_verbose
let check = ref false
let opt_check=
optname="Rtauto Check";
optread=(fun () -> !check);
optwrite=(fun b -> check:=b)}
let () = declare_bool_option opt_check
open Pp
let rtauto_tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let hyps = Proofview.Goal.hyps gl in
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"rtauto";"Rtauto"];
let gamma={next=1;env=[]} in
let () =
if Retyping.get_sort_family_of env sigma concl != InProp
then user_err ~hdr:"rtauto" (Pp.str "goal should be in Prop") in
let glf = make_form env sigma gamma concl in
let hyps = make_hyps env sigma gamma [concl] hyps in
let formula=
List.fold_left (fun gl (_,f)-> Arrow (f,gl)) glf hyps in
let search_fun = match Tacinterp.get_debug() with
| Tactic_debug.DebugOn 0 -> Search.debug_depth_first
| _ -> Search.depth_first
let () =
reset_info ();
if !verbose then
Feedback.msg_info (str "Starting proof-search ...");
end in
let search_start_time = System.get_time () in
let prf =
try project (search_fun (init_state [] formula))
with Not_found ->
user_err ~hdr:"rtauto" (Pp.str "rtauto couldn't find any proof") in
let search_end_time = System.get_time () in
let () = if !verbose then
Feedback.msg_info (str "Proof tree found in " ++
System.fmt_time_difference search_start_time search_end_time);
pp_info ();
Feedback.msg_info (str "Building proof term ... ")
end in
let build_start_time=System.get_time () in
let () = step_count := 0; node_count := 0 in
let main = mkApp (force node_count l_Reflect,
[|build_env gamma;
build_form formula;
build_proof [] 0 prf|]) in
let term=
applistc main (List.rev_map (fun (id,_) -> mkVar id.binder_name) hyps) in
let build_end_time=System.get_time () in
let () = if !verbose then
Feedback.msg_info (str "Proof term built in " ++
System.fmt_time_difference build_start_time build_end_time ++
fnl () ++
str "Proof size : " ++ int !step_count ++
str " steps" ++ fnl () ++
str "Proof term size : " ++ int (!step_count+ !node_count) ++
str " nodes (constants)" ++ fnl () ++
str "Giving proof term to Coq ... ")
end in
let tac_start_time = System.get_time () in
let term = EConstr.of_constr term in
let result=
if !check then
Tactics.exact_check term
Tactics.exact_no_check term in
let tac_end_time = System.get_time () in
let () =
if !check then Feedback.msg_info (str "Proof term type-checking is on");
if !verbose then
Feedback.msg_info (str "Internal tactic executed in " ++
System.fmt_time_difference tac_start_time tac_end_time) in
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.22 Sekunden
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