(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* This file is (C) Copyright 2006-2015 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *)
open Names
open Ltac_plugin
(* Names of variables to be cleared (automatic check: not a section var) *)
type ssrhyp = SsrHyp of Id.t Loc.located
(* Variant of the above *)
type ssrhyp_or_id = Hyp of ssrhyp | Id of ssrhyp
(* Variant of the above *)
type ssrhyps = ssrhyp list
(* Direction to be used for rewriting as in -> or rewrite flag *)
type ssrdir = Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.ssrdir = L2R | R2L
(* simpl: "/=", cut: "//", simplcut: "//=" nop: commodity placeholder *)
type ssrsimpl = Simpl of int | Cut of int | SimplCut of int * int | Nop
(* modality for rewrite and do: ! ? *)
type ssrmmod = May | Must | Once
(* modality with a bound for rewrite and do: !n ?n *)
type ssrmult = int * ssrmmod
(** Occurrence switch {1 2}, all is Some(false,[]) *)
type ssrocc = (bool * int list) option
(* index MAYBE REMOVE ONLY INTERNAL stuff between {} *)
type ssrindex = int Locus.or_var
(* clear switch {H G} *)
type ssrclear = ssrhyps
(* Discharge occ switch (combined occurrence / clear switch) *)
type ssrdocc = ssrclear option * ssrocc
(* OLD ssr terms *)
type ssrtermkind = char (* FIXME, make algebraic *)
type ssrterm = ssrtermkind * Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr
(* NEW ssr term *)
(* These terms are raw but closed with the intenalization/interpretation
* context. It is up to the tactic receiving it to decide if such contexts
* are useful or not, and eventually manipulate the term before turning it
* into a constr *)
type ast_closure_term = {
body : Constrexpr.constr_expr;
glob_env : Genintern.glob_sign option; (* for Tacintern.intern_constr *)
interp_env : Geninterp.interp_sign option; (* for Tacinterp.interp_open_constr_with_bindings *)
annotation : [ `None | `Parens | `DoubleParens | `At ];
type ssrview = ast_closure_term list
type id_block = Prefix of Id.t | SuffixId of Id.t | SuffixNum of int
(* Only [One] forces an introduction, possibly reducing the goal. *)
type anon_kind =
| One of string option (* name hint *)
| Drop
| All
| Temporary
type ssripat =
| IPatNoop
| IPatId of Id.t
| IPatAnon of anon_kind (* inaccessible name *)
| IPatDispatch of ssripatss_or_block (* (..|..) *)
| IPatCase of ssripatss_or_block (* [..|..] *)
| IPatInj of ssripatss
| IPatRewrite of (*occurrence option * rewrite_pattern **) ssrocc * ssrdir
| IPatView of ssrview (* /view *)
| IPatClear of ssrclear (* {H1 H2} *)
| IPatSimpl of ssrsimpl
| IPatAbstractVars of Id.t list
| IPatFastNondep
and ssripats = ssripat list
and ssripatss = ssripats list
and ssripatss_or_block =
| Block of id_block
| Regular of ssripats list
type ssrhpats = ((ssrclear option * ssripats) * ssripats) * ssripats
type ssrhpats_wtransp = bool * ssrhpats
(* tac => inpats *)
type ssrintrosarg = Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr * ssripats
type ssrfwdid = Id.t
(** Binders (for fwd tactics) *)
type 'term ssrbind =
| Bvar of Name.t
| Bdecl of Name.t list * 'term
| Bdef of Name.t * 'term option * 'term
| Bstruct of Name.t
| Bcast of 'term
(* We use an intermediate structure to correctly render the binder list *)
(* abbreviations. We use a list of hints to extract the binders and *)
(* base term from a term, for the two first levels of representation of *)
(* of constr terms. *)
type ssrbindfmt =
| BFvar
| BFdecl of int (* #xs *)
| BFcast (* final cast *)
| BFdef (* has cast? *)
| BFrec of bool * bool (* has struct? * has cast? *)
type 'term ssrbindval = 'term ssrbind list * 'term
(** Forward chaining argument *)
(* There are three kinds of forward definitions: *)
(* - Hint: type only, cast to Type, may have proof hint. *)
(* - Have: type option + value, no space before type *)
(* - Pose: binders + value, space before binders. *)
type ssrfwdkind = FwdHint of string * bool | FwdHave | FwdPose
type ssrfwdfmt = ssrfwdkind * ssrbindfmt list
(* in *)
type ssrclseq = InGoal | InHyps
| InHypsGoal | InHypsSeqGoal | InSeqGoal | InHypsSeq | InAll | InAllHyps
type 'tac ssrhint = bool * 'tac option list
type 'tac fwdbinders =
bool * (ssrhpats * ((ssrfwdfmt * ast_closure_term) * 'tac ssrhint))
type 'tac ffwbinders =
(ssrhpats * ((ssrfwdfmt * ast_closure_term) * 'tac ssrhint))
type clause =
(ssrclear * ((ssrhyp_or_id * string) *
Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern option) option)
type clauses = clause list * ssrclseq
type wgen =
(ssrclear *
((ssrhyp_or_id * string) *
Ssrmatching_plugin.Ssrmatching.cpattern option)
type 'a ssrdoarg = ((ssrindex * ssrmmod) * 'a ssrhint) * clauses
type 'a ssrseqarg = ssrindex * ('a ssrhint * 'a option)
open Ssrmatching_plugin
open Ssrmatching
type 'a ssrcasearg = ssripat option * ('a * ssripats)
type 'a ssrmovearg = ssrview * 'a ssrcasearg
type ssrdgens = { dgens : (ssrdocc * cpattern) list;
gens : (ssrdocc * cpattern) list;
clr : ssrclear }
type 'a ssragens = (ssrdocc * 'a) list list * ssrclear
type ssrapplyarg = ssrterm list * (ssrterm ssragens * ssripats)
(* OOP : these are general shortcuts *)
type gist = Tacintern.glob_sign
type ist = Tacinterp.interp_sign
type goal = Goal.goal
type 'a sigma = 'a Evd.sigma
type v82tac = Tacmach.tactic
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