(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* TODO:
- Find an interface allowing eauto to backtrack when shelved goals remain,
e.g. to force instantiations.
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Constr
open Termops
open EConstr
open Tacmach
open Tactics
open Clenv
open Typeclasses
open Globnames
open Evd
open Locus
open Proofview.Notations
open Hints
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
(** Hint database named "typeclass_instances", created in prelude *)
let typeclasses_db = "typeclass_instances"
(** Options handling *)
let typeclasses_debug = ref 0
let typeclasses_depth = ref None
(** When this flag is enabled, the resolution of type classes tries to avoid
useless introductions. This is no longer useful since we have eta, but is
here for compatibility purposes. Another compatibility issues is that the
cost (in terms of search depth) can differ. *)
let typeclasses_limit_intros = ref true
let set_typeclasses_limit_intros d = (:=) typeclasses_limit_intros d
let get_typeclasses_limit_intros () = !typeclasses_limit_intros
let typeclasses_dependency_order = ref false
let set_typeclasses_dependency_order d = (:=) typeclasses_dependency_order d
let get_typeclasses_dependency_order () = !typeclasses_dependency_order
let typeclasses_iterative_deepening = ref false
let set_typeclasses_iterative_deepening d = (:=) typeclasses_iterative_deepening d
let get_typeclasses_iterative_deepening () = !typeclasses_iterative_deepening
(** [typeclasses_filtered_unif] governs the unification algorithm used by type
classes. If enabled, a new algorithm based on pattern filtering and refine
will be used. When disabled, the previous algorithm based on apply will be
used. *)
let typeclasses_filtered_unification = ref false
let set_typeclasses_filtered_unification d =
(:=) typeclasses_filtered_unification d
let get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () =
let set_typeclasses_debug d = (:=) typeclasses_debug (if d then 1 else 0)
let get_typeclasses_debug () = if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then true else false
let set_typeclasses_verbose =
function None -> typeclasses_debug := 0
| Some n -> (:=) typeclasses_debug n
let get_typeclasses_verbose () =
if !typeclasses_debug = 0 then None else Some !typeclasses_debug
let set_typeclasses_depth d = (:=) typeclasses_depth d
let get_typeclasses_depth () = !typeclasses_depth
open Goptions
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "do typeclass search avoiding eta-expansions " ^
" in proof terms (expensive)";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Limit";"Intros"];
optread = get_typeclasses_limit_intros;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_limit_intros; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "during typeclass resolution, solve instances according to their dependency order";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Dependency";"Order"];
optread = get_typeclasses_dependency_order;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_dependency_order; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "use iterative deepening strategy";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Iterative";"Deepening"];
optread = get_typeclasses_iterative_deepening;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_iterative_deepening; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "compat";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Filtered";"Unification"];
optread = get_typeclasses_filtered_unification;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_filtered_unification; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "debug output for typeclasses proof search";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Debug"];
optread = get_typeclasses_debug;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_debug; }
let _ =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "verbosity of debug output for typeclasses proof search";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Debug";"Verbosity"];
optread = get_typeclasses_verbose;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_verbose; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "depth for typeclasses proof search";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Depth"];
optread = get_typeclasses_depth;
optwrite = set_typeclasses_depth; }
type search_strategy = Dfs | Bfs
let set_typeclasses_strategy = function
| Dfs -> set_typeclasses_iterative_deepening false
| Bfs -> set_typeclasses_iterative_deepening true
let pr_ev evs ev =
Printer.pr_econstr_env (Goal.V82.env evs ev) evs (Goal.V82.concl evs ev)
(** Typeclasses instance search tactic / eauto *)
open Auto
open Unification
let auto_core_unif_flags st allowed_evars = {
modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some st;
use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
use_evars_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = false;
modulo_delta = st;
modulo_delta_types = st;
check_applied_meta_types = false;
use_pattern_unification = true;
use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false; (* ? *)
modulo_betaiota = true;
modulo_eta = false;
let auto_unif_flags ?(allowed_evars = AllowAll) st =
let fl = auto_core_unif_flags st allowed_evars in
{ core_unify_flags = fl;
merge_unify_flags = fl;
subterm_unify_flags = fl;
allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false;
resolve_evars = false
let e_give_exact flags poly (c,clenv) =
let open Tacmach.New in
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = project gl in
let (c, _, _) = c in
let c, sigma =
if poly then
let clenv', subst = Clenv.refresh_undefined_univs clenv in
let evd = evars_reset_evd ~with_conv_pbs:true sigma clenv'.evd in
let c = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr subst c in
c, evd
else c, sigma
let (sigma, t1) = Typing.type_of (pf_env gl) sigma c in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Clenvtac.unify ~flags t1 <*> exact_no_check c
let clenv_unique_resolver_tac with_evars ~flags clenv' =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gls ->
let resolve =
try Proofview.tclUNIT (clenv_unique_resolver ~flags clenv' gls)
with e -> Proofview.tclZERO e
in resolve >>= fun clenv' ->
Clenvtac.clenv_refine ~with_evars ~with_classes:false clenv'
let unify_e_resolve poly flags = begin fun gls (c,_,clenv) ->
let clenv', c = connect_hint_clenv poly c clenv gls in
clenv_unique_resolver_tac true ~flags clenv' end
let unify_resolve poly flags = begin fun gls (c,_,clenv) ->
let clenv', _ = connect_hint_clenv poly c clenv gls in
clenv_unique_resolver_tac false ~flags clenv'
(** Application of a lemma using [refine] instead of the old [w_unify] *)
let unify_resolve_refine poly flags gls ((c, t, ctx),n,clenv) =
let open Clenv in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gls in
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gls in
Refine.refine ~typecheck:false begin fun sigma ->
let sigma, term, ty =
if poly then
let (subst, ctx) = UnivGen.fresh_universe_context_set_instance ctx in
let map c = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr subst c in
let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set Evd.univ_flexible sigma ctx in
sigma, map c, map t
let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set Evd.univ_flexible sigma ctx in
sigma, c, t
let sigma', cl = Clenv.make_evar_clause env sigma ?len:n ty in
let term = applist (term, List.map (fun x -> x.hole_evar) cl.cl_holes) in
let sigma' =
~flags:(default_flags_of flags.core_unify_flags.modulo_delta)
env sigma' cl.cl_concl concl)
in (sigma', term) end
let unify_resolve_refine poly flags gl clenv =
(unify_resolve_refine poly flags gl clenv)
(fun ie ->
match fst ie with
| Evarconv.UnableToUnify _ ->
Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Unable to unify")
| e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Unexpected error")
| _ -> iraise ie)
(** Dealing with goals of the form A -> B and hints of the form
C -> A -> B.
let clenv_of_prods poly nprods (c, clenv) gl =
let (c, _, _) = c in
if poly || Int.equal nprods 0 then Some (None, clenv)
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of (Proofview.Goal.env gl) sigma c in
let diff = nb_prod sigma ty - nprods in
if Pervasives.(>=) diff 0 then
(* Was Some clenv... *)
Some (Some diff,
mk_clenv_from_n gl (Some diff) (c,ty))
else None
let with_prods nprods poly (c, clenv) f =
if get_typeclasses_limit_intros () then
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
try match clenv_of_prods poly nprods (c, clenv) gl with
| None -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str"Not enough premisses")
| Some (diff, clenv') -> f gl (c, diff, clenv')
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (CErrors.print e) end
else Proofview.Goal.enter
begin fun gl ->
if Int.equal nprods 0 then f gl (c, None, clenv)
else Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str"Not enough premisses") end
let matches_pattern concl pat =
let matches env sigma =
match pat with
| None -> Proofview.tclUNIT ()
| Some pat ->
if Constr_matching.is_matching env sigma pat concl then
Proofview.tclUNIT ()
Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "pattern does not match")
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
matches env sigma end
(** Semantics of type class resolution lemma application:
- Use unification to find a well-typed substitution. There might
be evars in the goal and the lemma. Evars in the goal can get refined.
- Independent evars are turned into goals, whatever their kind is.
- Dependent evars of the lemma corresponding to arguments which appear
in independent goals or the conclusion are turned into subgoals iff
they are of typeclass kind.
- The remaining dependent evars not of typeclass type are shelved,
and resolution must fill them for it to succeed, otherwise we
let pr_gls sigma gls =
prlist_with_sep spc
(fun ev -> int (Evar.repr ev) ++ spc () ++ pr_ev sigma ev) gls
(** Ensure the dependent subgoals are shelved after an apply/eapply. *)
let shelve_dependencies gls =
let open Proofview in
tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
(if !typeclasses_debug > 1 && List.length gls > 0 then
Feedback.msg_debug (str" shelving dependent subgoals: " ++ pr_gls sigma gls);
shelve_goals gls)
let hintmap_of sigma hdc secvars concl =
match hdc with
| None -> fun db -> Hint_db.map_none ~secvars db
| Some hdc ->
fun db ->
if Hint_db.use_dn db then (* Using dnet *)
Hint_db.map_eauto sigma ~secvars hdc concl db
else Hint_db.map_existential sigma ~secvars hdc concl db
(** Hack to properly solve dependent evars that are typeclasses *)
let rec e_trivial_fail_db only_classes db_list local_db secvars =
let open Tacticals.New in
let open Tacmach.New in
let trivial_fail =
begin fun gl ->
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let d = pf_last_hyp gl in
let hintl = make_resolve_hyp env sigma d in
let hints = Hint_db.add_list env sigma hintl local_db in
e_trivial_fail_db only_classes db_list hints secvars
let trivial_resolve =
begin fun gl ->
let tacs = e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db secvars only_classes
(pf_env gl) (project gl) (pf_concl gl) in
tclFIRST (List.map (fun (x,_,_,_,_) -> x) tacs)
let tacl =
Eauto.registered_e_assumption ::
(tclTHEN Tactics.intro trivial_fail :: [trivial_resolve])
tclSOLVE tacl
and e_my_find_search db_list local_db secvars hdc complete only_classes env sigma concl =
let open Proofview.Notations in
let prods, concl = EConstr.decompose_prod_assum sigma concl in
let nprods = List.length prods in
let allowed_evars =
match hdc with
| Some (hd,_) when only_classes ->
let cl = Typeclasses.class_info hd in
if cl.cl_strict then
let undefined = lazy (Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term sigma concl) in
let allowed evk = not (Evar.Set.mem evk (Lazy.force undefined)) in
AllowFun allowed
else AllowAll
| _ -> AllowAll
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> AllowAll
let hint_of_db = hintmap_of sigma hdc secvars concl in
let hintl =
(fun db ->
let tacs = hint_of_db db in
let flags = auto_unif_flags ~allowed_evars (Hint_db.transparent_state db) in
List.map (fun x -> (flags, x)) tacs)
let tac_of_hint =
fun (flags, {pri = b; pat = p; poly = poly; code = t; secvars; name = name}) ->
let tac = function
| Res_pf (term,cl) ->
if get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () then
let tac =
with_prods nprods poly (term,cl)
(fun gl clenv ->
matches_pattern concl p <*>
unify_resolve_refine poly flags gl clenv)
in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac Proofview.shelve_unifiable
let tac =
with_prods nprods poly (term,cl) (unify_resolve poly flags) in
Proofview.tclBIND (Proofview.with_shelf tac)
(fun (gls, ()) -> shelve_dependencies gls)
| ERes_pf (term,cl) ->
if get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () then
let tac = (with_prods nprods poly (term,cl)
(fun gl clenv ->
matches_pattern concl p <*>
unify_resolve_refine poly flags gl clenv)) in
Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac Proofview.shelve_unifiable
let tac =
with_prods nprods poly (term,cl) (unify_e_resolve poly flags) in
Proofview.tclBIND (Proofview.with_shelf tac)
(fun (gls, ()) -> shelve_dependencies gls)
| Give_exact (c,clenv) ->
if get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () then
let tac =
matches_pattern concl p <*>
(fun gl -> unify_resolve_refine poly flags gl (c,None,clenv)) in
Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac Proofview.shelve_unifiable
e_give_exact flags poly (c,clenv)
| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
let fst = with_prods nprods poly (term,cl) (unify_e_resolve poly flags) in
let snd = if complete then Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC
else e_trivial_fail_db only_classes db_list local_db secvars in
Tacticals.New.tclTHEN fst snd
| Unfold_nth c ->
Proofview.tclPROGRESS (unfold_in_concl [AllOccurrences,c])
| Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl p tacast
let tac = run_hint t tac in
let tac = if complete then Tacticals.New.tclCOMPLETE tac else tac in
let pp =
match p with
| Some pat when get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () ->
str " with pattern " ++ Printer.pr_constr_pattern_env env sigma pat
| _ -> mt ()
match repr_hint t with
| Extern _ -> (tac, b, true, name, lazy (pr_hint env sigma t ++ pp))
| _ -> (tac, b, false, name, lazy (pr_hint env sigma t ++ pp))
in List.map tac_of_hint hintl
and e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db secvars only_classes env sigma concl =
let hd = try Some (decompose_app_bound sigma concl) with Bound -> None in
e_my_find_search db_list local_db secvars hd true only_classes env sigma concl
with Not_found -> []
let e_possible_resolve db_list local_db secvars only_classes env sigma concl =
let hd = try Some (decompose_app_bound sigma concl) with Bound -> None in
e_my_find_search db_list local_db secvars hd false only_classes env sigma concl
with Not_found -> []
let cut_of_hints h =
List.fold_left (fun cut db -> PathOr (Hint_db.cut db, cut)) PathEmpty h
let catchable = function
| Refiner.FailError _ -> true
| e -> Logic.catchable_exception e
let pr_depth l =
let rec fmt elts =
match elts with
| [] -> []
| [n] -> [string_of_int n]
| n1::n2::rest ->
(string_of_int n1 ^ "." ^ string_of_int n2) :: fmt rest
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "-") str (fmt (List.rev l))
let is_Prop env sigma concl =
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma concl in
match EConstr.kind sigma ty with
| Sort s ->
begin match ESorts.kind sigma s with
| Prop -> true
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
let is_unique env sigma concl =
let (cl,u), args = dest_class_app env sigma concl in
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> false
(** Sort the undefined variables from the least-dependent to most dependent. *)
let top_sort evm undefs =
let l' = ref [] in
let tosee = ref undefs in
let rec visit ev evi =
let evs = Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_evar_info evm evi in
tosee := Evar.Set.remove ev !tosee;
Evar.Set.iter (fun ev ->
if Evar.Set.mem ev !tosee then
visit ev (Evd.find evm ev)) evs;
l' := ev :: !l';
while not (Evar.Set.is_empty !tosee) do
let ev = Evar.Set.choose !tosee in
visit ev (Evd.find evm ev)
List.rev !l'
(** We transform the evars that are concerned by this resolution
(according to predicate p) into goals.
Invariant: function p only manipulates and returns undefined evars
let evars_to_goals p evm =
let goals, nongoals = Evar.Set.partition (p evm) (Evd.get_typeclass_evars evm) in
if Evar.Set.is_empty goals then None
else Some (goals, nongoals)
(** Making local hints *)
let make_resolve_hyp env sigma st flags only_classes pri decl =
let id = NamedDecl.get_id decl in
let cty = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma (NamedDecl.get_type decl) in
let rec iscl env ty =
let ctx, ar = decompose_prod_assum sigma ty in
match EConstr.kind sigma (fst (decompose_app sigma ar)) with
| Const (c,_) -> is_class (ConstRef c)
| Ind (i,_) -> is_class (IndRef i)
| _ ->
let env' = push_rel_context ctx env in
let ty' = Reductionops.whd_all env' sigma ar in
if not (EConstr.eq_constr sigma ty' ar) then iscl env' ty'
else false
let is_class = iscl env cty in
let keep = not only_classes || is_class in
if keep then
let c = mkVar id in
let name = PathHints [VarRef id] in
let hints =
if is_class then
let hints = build_subclasses ~check:false env sigma (VarRef id) empty_hint_info in
(fun (path,info,c) ->
make_resolves env sigma ~name:(PathHints path)
(true,false,not !Flags.quiet) info false
(IsConstr (EConstr.of_constr c,Univ.ContextSet.empty)))
else []
(hints @ List.map_filter
(fun f -> try Some (f (c, cty, Univ.ContextSet.empty))
with Failure _ | UserError _ -> None)
[make_exact_entry ~name env sigma pri false;
make_apply_entry ~name env sigma flags pri false])
else []
let make_hints g (modes,st) only_classes sign =
let hintlist =
(fun hints hyp ->
let consider =
not only_classes ||
try let t = hyp |> NamedDecl.get_id |> Global.lookup_named |> NamedDecl.get_type in
(* Section variable, reindex only if the type changed *)
not (EConstr.eq_constr (project g) (EConstr.of_constr t) (NamedDecl.get_type hyp))
with Not_found -> true
if consider then
let hint =
pf_apply make_resolve_hyp g st (true,false,false) only_classes empty_hint_info hyp
in hint @ hints
else hints)
([]) sign
let db = Hint_db.add_modes modes @@ Hint_db.empty st true in
Hint_db.add_list (pf_env g) (project g) hintlist db
module Search = struct
type autoinfo =
{ search_depth : int list;
last_tac : Pp.t Lazy.t;
search_dep : bool;
search_only_classes : bool;
search_cut : hints_path;
search_hints : hint_db; }
(** Local hints *)
let autogoal_cache = Summary.ref ~name:"autogoal_cache"
(DirPath.empty, true, Context.Named.empty, GlobRef.Map.empty,
Hint_db.empty TransparentState.full true)
let make_autogoal_hints only_classes (modes,st as mst) g =
let open Proofview in
let open Tacmach.New in
let sign = Goal.hyps g in
let (dir, onlyc, sign', cached_modes, cached_hints) = !autogoal_cache in
let cwd = Lib.cwd () in
let eq c1 c2 = EConstr.eq_constr (project g) c1 c2 in
if DirPath.equal cwd dir &&
(onlyc == only_classes) &&
Context.Named.equal eq sign sign' &&
cached_modes == modes
then cached_hints
let hints = make_hints {it = Goal.goal g; sigma = project g}
mst only_classes sign
autogoal_cache := (cwd, only_classes, sign, modes, hints); hints
let make_autogoal mst only_classes dep cut i g =
let hints = make_autogoal_hints only_classes mst g in
{ search_hints = hints;
search_depth = [i]; last_tac = lazy (str"none");
search_dep = dep;
search_only_classes = only_classes;
search_cut = cut }
(** In the proof engine failures are represented as exceptions *)
exception ReachedLimitEx
exception NoApplicableEx
(** ReachedLimitEx has priority over NoApplicableEx to handle
iterative deepening: it should fail when no hints are applicable,
but go to a deeper depth otherwise. *)
let merge_exceptions e e' =
match fst e, fst e' with
| ReachedLimitEx, _ -> e
| _, ReachedLimitEx -> e'
| _, _ -> e
(** Determine if backtracking is needed for this goal.
If the type class is unique or in Prop
and there are no evars in the goal then we do
NOT backtrack. *)
let needs_backtrack env evd unique concl =
if unique || is_Prop env evd concl then
occur_existential evd concl
else true
(** The general hint application tactic.
tac1 + tac2 .... The choice of OR or ORELSE is determined
depending on the dependencies of the goal and the unique/Prop
status *)
let hints_tac_gl hints info kont gl : unit Proofview.tactic =
let open Proofview in
let open Proofview.Notations in
let env = Goal.env gl in
let concl = Goal.concl gl in
let sigma = Goal.sigma gl in
let unique = not info.search_dep || is_unique env sigma concl in
let backtrack = needs_backtrack env sigma unique concl in
if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
(pr_depth info.search_depth ++ str": looking for " ++
Printer.pr_econstr_env (Goal.env gl) sigma concl ++
(if backtrack then str" with backtracking"
else str" without backtracking"));
let secvars = compute_secvars gl in
let poss =
e_possible_resolve hints info.search_hints secvars info.search_only_classes env sigma concl in
(* If no goal depends on the solution of this one or the
instances are irrelevant/assumed to be unique, then
we don't need to backtrack, as long as no evar appears in the goal
This is an overapproximation. Evars could appear in this goal only
and not any other *)
let ortac = if backtrack then Proofview.tclOR else Proofview.tclORELSE in
let idx = ref 1 in
let foundone = ref false in
let rec onetac e (tac, pat, b, name, pp) tl =
let derivs = path_derivate info.search_cut name in
let pr_error ie =
if !typeclasses_debug > 1 then
let idx = if fst ie == NoApplicableEx then pred !idx else !idx in
let header =
pr_depth (idx :: info.search_depth) ++ str": " ++
Lazy.force pp ++
(if !foundone != true then
str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev sigma (Proofview.Goal.goal gl)
else mt ())
let msg =
match fst ie with
| Pretype_errors.PretypeError (env, evd, Pretype_errors.CannotUnify (x,y,_)) ->
str"Cannot unify " ++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env evd x ++ str" and " ++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env evd y
| ReachedLimitEx -> str "Proof-search reached its limit."
| NoApplicableEx -> str "Proof-search failed."
| e -> CErrors.iprint ie
Feedback.msg_debug (header ++ str " failed with: " ++ msg)
else ()
let tac_of gls i j = Goal.enter begin fun gl' ->
let sigma' = Goal.sigma gl' in
let _concl = Goal.concl gl' in
if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
(pr_depth (succ j :: i :: info.search_depth) ++ str" : " ++
pr_ev sigma' (Proofview.Goal.goal gl'));
let eq c1 c2 = EConstr.eq_constr sigma' c1 c2 in
let hints' =
if b && not (Context.Named.equal eq (Goal.hyps gl') (Goal.hyps gl))
let st = Hint_db.transparent_state info.search_hints in
let modes = Hint_db.modes info.search_hints in
make_autogoal_hints info.search_only_classes (modes,st) gl'
else info.search_hints
let dep' = info.search_dep || Proofview.unifiable sigma' (Goal.goal gl') gls in
let info' =
{ search_depth = succ j :: i :: info.search_depth;
last_tac = pp;
search_dep = dep';
search_only_classes = info.search_only_classes;
search_hints = hints';
search_cut = derivs }
in kont info' end
let rec result (shelf, ()) i k =
foundone := true;
Proofview.Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
let gls = CList.map Proofview.drop_state gls in
let j = List.length gls in
(if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
(pr_depth (i :: info.search_depth) ++ str": " ++ Lazy.force pp
++ str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev sigma (Proofview.Goal.goal gl)
++ str", " ++ int j ++ str" subgoal(s)" ++
(Option.cata (fun k -> str " in addition to the first " ++ int k)
(mt()) k)));
let res =
if j = 0 then tclUNIT ()
else tclDISPATCH
(List.init j (fun j' -> (tac_of gls i (Option.default 0 k + j'))))
let finish nestedshelf sigma =
let filter ev =
let evi = Evd.find_undefined sigma ev in
if info.search_only_classes then
Some (ev, not (is_class_evar sigma evi))
else Some (ev, true)
with Not_found -> None
let remaining = CList.map_filter filter shelf in
(if !typeclasses_debug > 1 then
let prunsolved (ev, _) =
int (Evar.repr ev) ++ spc () ++ pr_ev sigma ev in
let unsolved = prlist_with_sep spc prunsolved remaining in
(pr_depth (i :: info.search_depth) ++
str": after " ++ Lazy.force pp ++ str" finished, " ++
int (List.length remaining) ++
str " goals are shelved and unsolved ( " ++
unsolved ++ str")"));
(* Some existentials produced by the original tactic were not solved
in the subgoals, turn them into subgoals now. *)
let shelved, goals = List.partition (fun (ev, s) -> s) remaining in
let shelved = List.map fst shelved @ nestedshelf and goals = List.map fst goals in
if !typeclasses_debug > 1 && not (List.is_empty shelved && List.is_empty goals) then
(str"Adding shelved subgoals to the search: " ++
prlist_with_sep spc (pr_ev sigma) goals ++
str" while shelving " ++
prlist_with_sep spc (pr_ev sigma) shelved);
shelve_goals shelved <*>
(if List.is_empty goals then tclUNIT ()
let sigma' = make_unresolvables (fun x -> List.mem_f Evar.equal x goals) sigma in
with_shelf (Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma' <*> Unsafe.tclNEWGOALS (CList.map Proofview.with_empty_state goals)) >>=
fun s -> result s i (Some (Option.default 0 k + j)))
in with_shelf res >>= fun (sh, ()) ->
tclEVARMAP >>= finish sh
if path_matches derivs [] then aux e tl
(with_shelf tac >>= fun s ->
let i = !idx in incr idx; result s i None)
(fun e' ->
if CErrors.noncritical (fst e') then
(pr_error e'; aux (merge_exceptions e e') tl)
else iraise e')
and aux e = function
| x :: xs -> onetac e x xs
| [] ->
if !foundone == false && !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
(pr_depth info.search_depth ++ str": no match for " ++
Printer.pr_econstr_env (Goal.env gl) sigma concl ++
str ", " ++ int (List.length poss) ++
str" possibilities");
match e with
| (ReachedLimitEx,ie) -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info:ie ReachedLimitEx
| (_,ie) -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info:ie NoApplicableEx
if backtrack then aux (NoApplicableEx,Exninfo.null) poss
else tclONCE (aux (NoApplicableEx,Exninfo.null) poss)
let hints_tac hints info kont : unit Proofview.tactic =
(fun gl -> hints_tac_gl hints info kont gl)
let intro_tac info kont gl =
let open Proofview in
let env = Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Goal.sigma gl in
let decl = Tacmach.New.pf_last_hyp gl in
let hint =
make_resolve_hyp env sigma (Hint_db.transparent_state info.search_hints)
(true,false,false) info.search_only_classes empty_hint_info decl in
let ldb = Hint_db.add_list env sigma hint info.search_hints in
let info' =
{ info with search_hints = ldb; last_tac = lazy (str"intro");
search_depth = 1 :: 1 :: info.search_depth }
in kont info'
let intro info kont =
Proofview.tclBIND Tactics.intro
(fun _ -> Proofview.Goal.enter (fun gl -> intro_tac info kont gl))
let rec search_tac hints limit depth =
let kont info =
Proofview.numgoals >>= fun i ->
if !typeclasses_debug > 1 then
(str"calling eauto recursively at depth " ++ int (succ depth)
++ str" on " ++ int i ++ str" subgoals");
search_tac hints limit (succ depth) info
fun info ->
if Int.equal depth (succ limit) then Proofview.tclZERO ReachedLimitEx
Proofview.tclOR (hints_tac hints info kont)
(fun e -> Proofview.tclOR (intro info kont)
(fun e' -> let (e, info) = merge_exceptions e e' in
Proofview.tclZERO ~info e))
let search_tac_gl mst only_classes dep hints depth i sigma gls gl :
unit Proofview.tactic =
let open Proofview in
let dep = dep || Proofview.unifiable sigma (Goal.goal gl) gls in
let info = make_autogoal mst only_classes dep (cut_of_hints hints) i gl in
search_tac hints depth 1 info
let search_tac mst only_classes dep hints depth =
let open Proofview in
let tac sigma gls i =
begin fun gl ->
search_tac_gl mst only_classes dep hints depth (succ i) sigma gls gl end
Proofview.Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
let gls = CList.map Proofview.drop_state gls in
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let j = List.length gls in
(tclDISPATCH (List.init j (fun i -> tac sigma gls i)))
let fix_iterative t =
let rec aux depth =
(t depth)
| (ReachedLimitEx,_) -> aux (succ depth)
| (e,ie) -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info:ie e)
in aux 1
let fix_iterative_limit limit t =
let open Proofview in
let rec aux depth =
if Int.equal depth (succ limit) then tclZERO ReachedLimitEx
else tclOR (t depth) (function (ReachedLimitEx, _) -> aux (succ depth)
| (e,ie) -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info:ie e)
in aux 1
let eauto_tac mst ?(unique=false)
~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep hints =
let open Proofview in
let tac =
let search = search_tac mst only_classes dep hints in
let dfs =
match strategy with
| None -> not (get_typeclasses_iterative_deepening ())
| Some Dfs -> true
| Some Bfs -> false
if dfs then
let depth = match depth with None -> -1 | Some d -> d in
search depth
match depth with
| None -> fix_iterative search
| Some l -> fix_iterative_limit l search
let error (e, ie) =
match e with
| ReachedLimitEx ->
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (str"Proof search reached its limit")
| NoApplicableEx ->
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (str"Proof search failed" ++
(if Option.is_empty depth then mt()
else str" without reaching its limit"))
| Proofview.MoreThanOneSuccess ->
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (str"Proof search failed: " ++
str"more than one success found")
| e -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info:ie e
let tac = Proofview.tclOR tac error in
let tac =
if unique then
Proofview.tclEXACTLY_ONCE Proofview.MoreThanOneSuccess tac
else tac
with_shelf numgoals >>= fun (initshelf, i) ->
(if !typeclasses_debug > 1 then
Feedback.msg_debug (str"Starting resolution with " ++ int i ++
str" goal(s) under focus and " ++
int (List.length initshelf) ++ str " shelved goal(s)" ++
(if only_classes then str " in only_classes mode" else str " in regular mode") ++
match depth with None -> str ", unbounded"
| Some i -> str ", with depth limit " ++ int i));
let eauto_tac mst ?unique ~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep hints =
Hints.wrap_hint_warning @@ eauto_tac mst ?unique ~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep hints
let run_on_evars env evm p tac =
match evars_to_goals p evm with
| None -> None (* This happens only because there's no evar having p *)
| Some (goals, nongoals) ->
let goals =
if !typeclasses_dependency_order then
top_sort evm goals
else Evar.Set.elements goals
let evm = Evd.set_typeclass_evars evm Evar.Set.empty in
let fgoals = Evd.save_future_goals evm in
let _, pv = Proofview.init evm [] in
let pv = Proofview.unshelve goals pv in
(* Instance may try to call this before a proof is set up!
Thus, give_me_the_proof will fail. Beware! *)
let name, poly =
(* try
* let Proof.{ name; poly } = Proof.data Proof_global.(give_me_the_proof ()) in
* name, poly
* with | Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> *)
Id.of_string "instance", false
let (), pv', (unsafe, shelved, gaveup), _ =
Proofview.apply ~name ~poly env tac pv
if not (List.is_empty gaveup) then
CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "run_on_evars not assumed to apply tactics generating given up goals.");
if Proofview.finished pv' then
let evm' = Proofview.return pv' in
assert(Evd.fold_undefined (fun ev _ acc ->
let okev = Evd.mem evm ev || List.mem ev shelved in
if not okev then
(str "leaking evar " ++ int (Evar.repr ev) ++
spc () ++ pr_ev evm' ev);
acc && okev) evm' true);
let fgoals = Evd.shelve_on_future_goals shelved fgoals in
let evm' = Evd.restore_future_goals evm' fgoals in
let nongoals' =
Evar.Set.fold (fun ev acc -> match Evarutil.advance evm' ev with
| Some ev' -> Evar.Set.add ev acc
| None -> acc) nongoals (Evd.get_typeclass_evars evm')
let evm' = evars_reset_evd ~with_conv_pbs:true ~with_univs:false evm' evm in
let evm' = Evd.set_typeclass_evars evm' nongoals' in
Some evm'
else raise Not_found
with Logic_monad.TacticFailure _ -> raise Not_found
let evars_eauto env evd depth only_classes unique dep mst hints p =
let eauto_tac = eauto_tac mst ~unique ~only_classes ~depth ~dep:(unique || dep) hints in
let res = run_on_evars env evd p eauto_tac in
match res with
| None -> evd
| Some evd' -> evd'
let typeclasses_eauto env evd ?depth unique st hints p =
evars_eauto env evd depth true unique false st hints p
(** Typeclasses eauto is an eauto which tries to resolve only
goals of typeclass type, and assumes that the initially selected
evars in evd are independent of the rest of the evars *)
let typeclasses_resolve env evd debug depth unique p =
let db = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in
let st = Hint_db.transparent_state db in
let modes = Hint_db.modes db in
typeclasses_eauto env evd ?depth unique (modes,st) [db] p
let typeclasses_eauto ?(only_classes=false) ?(st=TransparentState.full)
?strategy ~depth dbs =
let dbs = List.map_filter
(fun db -> try Some (searchtable_map db)
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> None)
let st = match dbs with x :: _ -> Hint_db.transparent_state x | _ -> st in
let modes = List.map Hint_db.modes dbs in
let modes = List.fold_left (GlobRef.Map.union (fun _ m1 m2 -> Some (m1@m2))) GlobRef.Map.empty modes in
let depth = match depth with None -> get_typeclasses_depth () | Some l -> Some l in
Search.eauto_tac (modes,st) ~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep:true dbs
(** We compute dependencies via a union-find algorithm.
Beware of the imperative effects on the partition structure,
it should not be shared, but only used locally. *)
module Intpart = Unionfind.Make(Evar.Set)(Evar.Map)
let deps_of_constraints cstrs evm p =
List.iter (fun (_, _, x, y) ->
let evx = Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term evm x in
let evy = Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term evm y in
Intpart.union_set (Evar.Set.union evx evy) p)
let evar_dependencies pred evm p =
(fun ev evi _ ->
if Evd.is_typeclass_evar evm ev && pred evm ev evi then
let evars = Evar.Set.add ev (Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_evar_info evm evi)
in Intpart.union_set evars p
else ())
evm ()
(** [split_evars] returns groups of undefined evars according to dependencies *)
let split_evars pred evm =
let p = Intpart.create () in
evar_dependencies pred evm p;
deps_of_constraints (snd (extract_all_conv_pbs evm)) evm p;
Intpart.partition p
let is_inference_forced p evd ev =
if Evar.Set.mem ev (Evd.get_typeclass_evars evd) && p ev
let (loc, k) = evar_source ev evd in
match k with
| Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (_, _, b) -> b
| Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _ -> false
| _ -> true
else true
with Not_found -> assert false
let is_mandatory p comp evd =
Evar.Set.exists (is_inference_forced p evd) comp
(** In case of unsatisfiable constraints, build a nice error message *)
let error_unresolvable env comp evd =
let is_part ev = match comp with
| None -> true
| Some s -> Evar.Set.mem ev s
let fold ev evi (found, accu) =
let ev_class = class_of_constr evd evi.evar_concl in
if not (Option.is_empty ev_class) && is_part ev then
(* focus on one instance if only one was searched for *)
if not found then (true, Some ev)
else (found, None)
else (found, accu)
let (_, ev) = Evd.fold_undefined fold evd (true, None) in
Pretype_errors.unsatisfiable_constraints env evd ev comp
(** Check if an evar is concerned by the current resolution attempt,
(and in particular is in the current component).
Invariant : this should only be applied to undefined evars. *)
let select_and_update_evars p oevd in_comp evd ev =
if Evd.is_typeclass_evar oevd ev then
(in_comp ev && p evd ev (Evd.find evd ev))
else false
with Not_found -> false
(** Do we still have unresolved evars that should be resolved ? *)
let has_undefined p oevd evd =
let check ev evi = p oevd ev in
Evar.Map.exists check (Evd.undefined_map evd)
exception Unresolved
(** If [do_split] is [true], we try to separate the problem in
several components and then solve them separately *)
let resolve_all_evars debug depth unique env p oevd do_split fail =
let tcs = Evd.get_typeclass_evars oevd in
let split = if do_split then split_evars p oevd else [tcs] in
let in_comp comp ev = if do_split then Evar.Set.mem ev comp else true in
let rec docomp evd = function
| [] -> evd
| comp :: comps ->
let p = select_and_update_evars p oevd (in_comp comp) in
let evd' = Search.typeclasses_resolve env evd debug depth unique p in
if has_undefined p oevd evd' then raise Unresolved;
docomp evd' comps
with Unresolved | Not_found ->
if fail && (not do_split || is_mandatory (p evd) comp evd)
then (* Unable to satisfy the constraints. *)
let comp = if do_split then Some comp else None in
error_unresolvable env comp evd
else (* Best effort: do nothing on this component *)
docomp evd comps
in docomp oevd split
let initial_select_evars filter =
fun evd ev evi ->
filter ev (Lazy.from_val (snd evi.Evd.evar_source)) &&
(* Typeclass evars can contain evars whose conclusion is not
yet determined to be a class or not. *)
Typeclasses.is_class_evar evd evi
let resolve_typeclass_evars debug depth unique env evd filter split fail =
let evd =
try Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics
~flags:(Evarconv.default_flags_of (Typeclasses.classes_transparent_state ())) env evd
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> evd
resolve_all_evars debug depth unique env
(initial_select_evars filter) evd split fail
let solve_inst env evd filter unique split fail =
let ((), sigma) = Hints.wrap_hint_warning_fun env evd begin fun evd ->
(), resolve_typeclass_evars
(get_typeclasses_debug ())
(get_typeclasses_depth ())
unique env evd filter split fail
end in
let () =
Hook.set Typeclasses.solve_all_instances_hook solve_inst
let resolve_one_typeclass env ?(sigma=Evd.from_env env) gl unique =
let (term, sigma) = Hints.wrap_hint_warning_fun env sigma begin fun sigma ->
let nc, gl, subst, _ = Evarutil.push_rel_context_to_named_context env sigma gl in
let (gl,t,sigma) = Goal.V82.mk_goal sigma nc gl in
let (ev, _) = destEvar sigma t in
let gls = { it = gl ; sigma = sigma; } in
let hints = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in
let st = Hint_db.transparent_state hints in
let modes = Hint_db.modes hints in
let depth = get_typeclasses_depth () in
let gls' =
(Search.eauto_tac (modes,st) ~only_classes:true ~depth [hints] ~dep:true) gls
with Refiner.FailError _ -> raise Not_found
let evd = sig_sig gls' in
let t' = mkEvar (ev, Array.of_list subst) in
let term = Evarutil.nf_evar evd t' in
term, evd
end in
(sigma, term)
let () =
Hook.set Typeclasses.solve_one_instance_hook
(fun x y z w -> resolve_one_typeclass x ~sigma:y z w)
(** Take the head of the arity of a constr.
Used in the partial application tactic. *)
let rec head_of_constr sigma t =
let t = strip_outer_cast sigma (collapse_appl sigma t) in
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| Prod (_,_,c2) -> head_of_constr sigma c2
| LetIn (_,_,_,c2) -> head_of_constr sigma c2
| App (f,args) -> head_of_constr sigma f
| _ -> t
let head_of_constr h c =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let c = head_of_constr sigma c in
letin_tac None (Name h) c None Locusops.allHyps
let not_evar c =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Evar _ -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (str"Evar")
| _ -> Proofview.tclUNIT ()
let is_ground c =
let open Tacticals.New in
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
if Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma c then tclIDTAC
else tclFAIL 0 (str"Not ground")
let autoapply c i =
let open Proofview.Notations in
Hints.wrap_hint_warning @@
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let hintdb = try Hints.searchtable_map i with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err (Pp.str ("Unknown hint database " ^ i ^ "."))
let flags = auto_unif_flags
(Hints.Hint_db.transparent_state hintdb) in
let cty = Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl c in
let ce = mk_clenv_from gl (c,cty) in
unify_e_resolve false flags gl
((c,cty,Univ.ContextSet.empty),0,ce) <*>
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= (fun sigma ->
let sigma = Typeclasses.make_unresolvables
(fun ev -> Typeclasses.all_goals ev (Lazy.from_val (snd (Evd.find sigma ev).evar_source))) sigma in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma) end
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