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[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: bug_2417.v   Sprache: C

Original von: Lyx©

/* Automatically generated by po2tbl.sed from lyx.pot.  */

include <config.h>

#include "libgettext.h"

const struct _msg_ent _msg_tbl[] = {
  {"", 1},
  {"Formatting document...", 2},
  {"No more errors", 3},
  {"ChkTeX warning id #", 4},
  {"Loading font into X-Server...", 5},
  {"Run #", 6},
  {"LaTeX run number ", 7},
  {"Running MakeIndex.", 8},
  {"Running BibTeX.", 9},
  {"NO LATEX LOG FILE!", 10},
  {"LaTeX Log", 11},
  {"Describe command", 12},
  {"Select previous char", 13},
  {"Insert bibtex", 14},
  {"Autosave", 15},
  {"Go to beginning of document", 16},
  {"Select to beginning of document", 17},
  {"Close", 18},
  {"Go to end of document", 19},
  {"Select to end of document", 20},
  {"Fax", 21},
  {"New document", 22},
  {"New document from template", 23},
  {"Open", 24},
  {"Switch to previous document", 25},
  {"Print", 26},
  {"Revert to saved", 27},
  {"Update DVI", 28},
  {"Update PostScript", 29},
  {"View DVI", 30},
  {"View PostScript", 31},
  {"Check TeX", 32},
  {"Save", 33},
  {"Save As", 34},
  {"Cancel", 35},
  {"Go one char back", 36},
  {"Go one char forward", 37},
  {"Insert citation", 38},
  {"Execute command", 39},
  {"Copy", 40},
  {"Cut", 41},
  {"Decrement environment depth", 42},
  {"Increment environment depth", 43},
  {"Change environment depth", 44},
  {"Change itemize bullet settings", 45},
  {"Go down", 46},
  {"Select next line", 47},
  {"Choose Paragraph Environment", 48},
  {"Go to next error", 49},
  {"Insert Figure", 50},
  {"Find & Replace", 51},
  {"Toggle cursor does/doesn't follow the scrollbar", 52},
  {"Toggle bold", 53},
  {"Toggle code style", 54},
  {"Default font style", 55},
  {"Toggle emphasize", 56},
  {"Toggle user defined style", 57},
  {"Toggle noun style", 58},
  {"Toggle roman font style", 59},
  {"Toggle sans font style", 60},
  {"Set font size", 61},
  {"Show font state", 62},
  {"Toggle font underline", 63},
  {"Insert Footnote", 64},
  {"Select next char", 65},
  {"Insert horizontal fill", 66},
  {"Insert hyphenation point", 67},
  {"Insert ... dots", 68},
  {"Insert end of sentence period", 69},
  {"Turn off keymap", 70},
  {"Use primary keymap", 71},
  {"Use secondary keymap", 72},
  {"Toggle keymap", 73},
  {"Insert Label", 74},
  {"Copy paragraph environment type", 75},
  {"Paste paragraph environment type", 76},
  {"Specify paper size and margins", 77},
  {"Go to beginning of line", 78},
  {"Select to beginning of line", 79},
  {"Go to end of line", 80},
  {"Select to end of line", 81},
  {"Exit", 82},
  {"Insert Margin note", 83},
  {"Math Greek", 84},
  {"Math mode", 85},
  {"Go one paragraph down", 86},
  {"Select next paragraph", 87},
  {"Go one paragraph up", 88},
  {"Select previous paragraph", 89},
  {"Paste", 90},
  {"Insert protected space", 91},
  {"Insert quote", 92},
  {"Reconfigure", 93},
  {"Redo", 94},
  {"Insert cross reference", 95},
  {"Insert Table", 96},
  {"Toggle TeX style", 97},
  {"Undo", 98},
  {"Melt", 99},
  {"Import document", 100},
  {"Remove all error boxes", 101},
  {"No description available!", 102},
  {"Send Document to Command", 103},
  {" (Changed)", 104},
  {" (read only)", 105},
  {"Document is read-only. No changes to layout permitted.", 106},
  {"Paper Layout", 107},
  {"Paper layout set", 108},
  {"Warning: Invalid Length (valid example: 10mm)", 109},
  {"ParagraphExtra Layout", 110},
  {"ParagraphExtra layout set", 111},
  {"Warning: Invalid percent value (0-100)", 112},
  {"Table Extra Form", 113},
  {"Table Layout", 114},
  {"Warning: Wrong Cursor position, updated window", 115},
  {"Confirm: press Delete-Button again", 116},
  {"Error!", 117},
  {"Cannot open specified file:", 118},
  {"Textclass Loading Error!", 119},
  {"Can't load textclass ", 120},
  {"-- substituting default", 121},
  {"Warning: Ignoring Old Inset", 122},
  {"Warning: need lyxformat %.2f but found %.2f\n", 123},
  {"ERROR: need lyxformat %.2f but found %.2f\n", 124},
  {"Warning!", 125},
  {"Reading of document is not complete", 126},
  {"Maybe the document is truncated", 127},
  {"ERROR!", 128},
  {"Old LyX file format found. Use LyX 0.10.x to read this!", 129},
  {"Not a LyX file!", 130},
  {"Unable to read file!", 131},
  {"Error! Document is read-only: ", 132},
  {"Error! Cannot write file: ", 133},
  {"Error! Could not close file properly: ", 134},
  {"Error: Cannot write file:", 135},
  {"Error: Cannot open temporary file:", 136},
  {"Error! Could not close file properly:", 137},
  {"LYX_ERROR:", 138},
  {"Cannot write file", 139},
  {"Error : Wrong depth for LatexType Command.\n", 140},
  {"Running LaTeX...", 141},
  {"LaTeX did not work!", 142},
  {"Missing log file:", 143},
  {"Done", 144},
  {"Running chktex...", 145},
  {"chktex did not work!", 146},
  {"Could not run with file:", 147},
  {"Cannot open temporary file:", 148},
  {"Error! Can't open temporary file:", 149},
  {"Error executing *roff command on table", 150},
  {"Impossible Operation!", 151},
  {"Cannot insert table/list in table.", 152},
  {"Sorry.", 153},
  {"Changes in document:", 154},
  {"Save document?", 155},
  {"Some documents were not saved:", 156},
  {"Exit anyway?", 157},
  {"Saving document", 158},
  {"Document saved as", 159},
  {"Could not delete auto-save file!", 160},
  {"Save failed!", 161},
  {"No Documents Open!%t", 162},
  {"lyx: Attempting to save document ", 163},
  {" as...", 164},
  {" Save seems successful. Phew.", 165},
  {" Save failed! Trying...", 166},
  {" Save failed! Bummer. Document is lost.", 167},
  {"An emergency save of this document exists!", 168},
  {"Try to load that instead?", 169},
  {"Autosave file is newer.", 170},
  {"Load that one instead?", 171},
  {"Unable to open template", 172},
  {"Could not convert file", 173},
  {"Document is already open:", 174},
  {"Do you want to reload that document?", 175},
  {"File `", 176},
  {"' is read-only.", 177},
  {"Create new document with this name?", 178},
  {"Size|#z", 179},
  {"OK", 180},
  {"Apply|#A", 181},
  {"Cancel|^[", 182},
  {"LaTeX|#L", 183},
  {"1|#1", 184},
  {"2|#2", 185},
  {"3|#3", 186},
  {"4|#4", 187},
  {"Bullet Depth", 188},
  {"Standard|#S", 189},
  {"Maths|#M", 190},
  {"Ding 2|#i", 191},
  {"Ding 3|#n", 192},
  {"Ding 4|#g", 193},
  {"Ding 1|#D", 194},
  {"Sorry, your libXpm is too old.", 195},
  {"This feature requires xpm-4.7 (a.k.a 3.4g) or newer.", 196},
  {"Try running LyX in mono mode (lyx -Mono).", 197},
 default | tiny | script | footnote | small | normal | large | Large | LARGE \
| huge | Huge", 198},
  {"Itemize Bullet Selection", 199},
  {"ERROR: LyX wasn't able to read CREDITS file", 200},
  {"Please install correctly to estimate the great", 201},
  {"amount of work other people have done for the LyX project.", 202},
  {"Credits", 203},
  {"Copyright and Warranty", 204},
  {"Matthias", 205},
  {"All these people have contributed to the LyX project. Thanks,", 206},
LyX is Copyright (C) 1995 by Matthias Ettrich,\n\
1995-1998 LyX Team", 207},
This program is free software; you can redistribute it\n\
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General\n\
Public License as published by the Free Software\n\
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\
(at your option) any later version.", 208},
LyX is distributed in the hope that it will\n\
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;\n\
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\n\
See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
You should have received a copy of\n\
the GNU General Public License\n\
along with this program; if not, write to\n\
the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n\
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.", 209},
  {"[render error]", 210},
  {"[rendering ... ]", 211},
  {"[no file]", 212},
  {"[not displayed]", 213},
  {"[no ghostscript]", 214},
  {"[unknown error]", 215},
  {"Figure", 216},
  {"empty figure path", 217},
  {"Clipart", 218},
  {"Document", 219},
  {"EPS Figure", 220},
  {"Filename can't contain any of these characters:", 221},
  {"space, '#', '~', '$' or '%'.", 222},
  {"Warning! Couldn't open directory.", 223},
  {"LyX Internal Error!", 224},
  {"Could not test if directory is writeable", 225},
  {"Cannot open directory test file", 226},
  {"Created test file but cannot remove it?", 227},
  {"Error! Cannot open directory:", 228},
  {"Error! Could not remove file:", 229},
  {"Error! Couldn't create temporary directory:", 230},
  {"Error! Couldn't delete temporary directory:", 231},
  {"Internal error!", 232},
  {"Call to createDirectory with invalid name", 233},
  {"Error! Couldn't create directory:", 234},
  {"Set Charset|#C", 235},
  {"Charset not found!", 236},
not found", 237},
  {"Character set:|#H", 238},
  {"Other...|#O", 239},
  {"Other...|#T", 240},
  {"Language", 241},
  {"Mapping", 242},
  {"Primary key map|#r", 243},
  {"No key mapping|#N", 244},
  {"Secondary key map|#e", 245},
  {"Secondary", 246},
  {"Primary", 247},
  {"EPS file|#E", 248},
  {"Full Screen Preview|#v", 249},
  {"Browse...|#B", 250},
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  {"Width", 261},
  {"Rotation", 262},
  {"Display in Color|#D", 263},
  {"Do not display this figure|#y", 264},
  {"Display as Grayscale|#i", 265},
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  {"Subfigure|#q", 273},
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  {"Pattern:|#P", 275},
  {"Filename:|#F", 276},
  {"Rescan|#R#r", 277},
  {"Home|#H#h", 278},
  {"User1|#1", 279},
  {"User2|#2", 280},
  {"Columns", 281},
  {"Rows", 282},
  {"Find|#n", 283},
  {"Replace with|#W", 284},
  {"@>|#F", 285},
  {"@<|#B", 286},
  {"Replace|#R#r", 287},
  {"Close|^[", 288},
  {"Case sensitive|#s#S", 289},
  {"Match word|#M#m", 290},
  {"Math greek mode on", 291},
  {"Math greek keyboard on", 292},
  {"Math greek keyboard off", 293},
  {"TeX mode", 294},
  {"No number", 295},
  {"Number", 296},
  {"Enter new label to insert:", 297},
  {"math text mode", 298},
  {"Invalid action in math mode!", 299},
  {"Math editor mode", 300},
  {"Macro: ", 301},
  {"Key:", 302},
  {"Remark:|#R", 303},
  {"Key:|#K", 304},
  {"Label:|#L", 305},
  {"Citation", 306},
  {"Bibliography item", 307},
  {"BibTeX Generated References", 308},
  {"Database:", 309},
  {"Style: ", 310},
  {"BibTeX", 311},
  {"Error", 312},
  {"LaTeX Error", 313},
  {"Opened error", 314},
  {"Browse|#B", 315},
  {"Don't typeset|#D", 316},
  {"Load|#L", 317},
  {"File name:|#F", 318},
  {"Visible space|#s", 319},
  {"Verbatim|#V", 320},
  {"Use input|#i", 321},
  {"Use include|#U", 322},
  {"Documents", 323},
  {"Select Child Document", 324},
  {"Include", 325},
  {"Input", 326},
  {"Verbatim Input", 327},
  {"Keyword:|#K", 328},
  {"Index", 329},
  {"Index: ", 330},
  {"PrintIndex", 331},
  {"Note", 332},
  {"Close|#C^[", 333},
  {"List of Algorithms", 334},
  {"List of Figures", 335},
  {"List of Tables", 336},
  {"Parent:", 337},
  {"Reference Type", 338},
  {"Goto Label", 339},
  {"Change Label", 340},
  {"Page Number", 341},
  {"Reference", 342},
  {"Page: ", 343},
  {"Ref: ", 344},
  {"Table of Contents", 345},
  {"Url|#U", 346},
  {"Name|#N", 347},
  {"Close|#C^[^M", 348},
  {"HTML type|#H", 349},
  {"Insert Url", 350},
  {"HtmlUrl: ", 351},
  {"Url: ", 352},
  {"other...", 353},
  {"Key Mappings", 354},
  {" options: ", 355},
  {"Allow accents on ALL characters|#w", 356},
  {"Update|#Uu", 357},
  {"LyX wasn't able to find its layout descriptions!", 358},
  {"Check that the file \"textclass.lst\"", 359},
  {"is installed correctly. Sorry, has to exit :-(", 360},
  {"LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!", 361},
  {"Check the contents of the file \"textclass.lst\"", 362},
  {"Sorry, has to exit :-(", 363},
  {"Separation", 364},
  {"Indent|#I", 365},
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  {"Sides", 376},
  {"One|#e", 377},
  {"Two|#w", 378},
  {"Extra Options:|#X", 379},
  {"Language:", 380},
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  {"Section number depth", 382},
  {"Table of contents depth", 383},
  {"Spacing|#g", 384},
  {"Bullet Shapes|#B", 385},
  {"Use AMS Math|#M", 386},
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  {"Shape:|#H", 389},
  {"Size:|#Z", 390},
  {"Misc:|#M", 391},
  {"Color:|#C", 392},
  {"Toggle on all these|#T", 393},
  {"These are never toggled", 394},
  {"These are always toggled", 395},
  {"Label Width:|#d", 396},
  {"Indent", 397},
  {"Above|#b", 398},
  {"Below|#E", 399},
  {"Above|#o", 400},
  {"Below|#l", 401},
  {"No Indent|#I", 402},
  {"Right|#R", 403},
  {"Left|#f", 404},
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  {"OK|#O", 416},
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  {"Delete Column|#O", 446},
  {"Append Row|#p", 447},
  {"Delete Row|#w", 448},
  {"Delete Table|#D", 449},
  {"Column", 450},
  {"Row", 451},
  {"Set Borders|#S", 452},
  {"Unset Borders|#U", 453},
  {"Longtable", 454},
  {"Rotate 90°|#9", 455},
  {"Linebreaks|#N", 456},
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  {"First Head", 458},
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  {"New Page", 462},
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  {"Extra Options", 468},
  {"Length|#L", 469},
  {"or %|#o", 470},
  {"Middle|#d", 471},
  {"HFill between Minipage paragraphs|#H", 472},
  {"Start new Minipage|#S", 473},
  {"Indented Paragraph|#I", 474},
  {"Minipage|#M", 475},
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  {"Special Column Alignment", 478},
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  {"Typewriter Font|#T", 484},
  {"Font Norm|#N", 485},
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  {"Update|Uu#u", 487},
  {"Update|#U", 488},
  {"Insert Reference|#I^M", 489},
  {"Insert Page Number|#P", 490},
  {"Go to Reference|#G", 491},
  {"Save failed. Rename and try again?", 492},
  {"(If not, document is not saved.)", 493},
  {"Templates", 494},
  {"Enter Filename to Save Document as", 495},
  {"Canceled.", 496},
  {"Same name as document already has:", 497},
  {"Save anyway?", 498},
  {"Another document with same name open!", 499},
  {"Replace with current document?", 500},
  {"Document renamed to '", 501},
  {"', but not saved...", 502},
  {"Document already exists:", 503},
  {"Replace file?", 504},
  {"Sorry, can't do this while pictures are being rendered.", 505},
  {"Please wait a few seconds for this to finish and try again.", 506},
  {"(or kill runaway gs processes by hand and try again.)", 507},
  {"Can't do this while the spellchecker is running.", 508},
  {"Stop the spellchecker first.", 509},
  {"One error detected", 510},
  {"You should try to fix it.", 511},
  {" errors detected.", 512},
  {"You should try to fix them.", 513},
  {"There were errors during the LaTeX run.", 514},
  {"Chktex does not work with LinuxDoc.", 515},
  {"No warnings found.", 516},
  {"One warning found.", 517},
  {"Use 'Edit->Go to Error' to find it.", 518},
  {" warnings found.", 519},
  {"Use 'Edit->Go to Error' to find them.", 520},
  {"Chktex run successfully", 521},
  {"It seems chktex does not work.", 522},
  {"Executing command:", 523},
  {"File already exists:", 524},
  {"Do you want to overwrite the file?", 525},
  {"Canceled", 526},
  {"Nice LaTeX file saved as", 527},
  {"Document class must be linuxdoc.", 528},
  {"Building LinuxDoc SGML file `", 529},
  {"LinuxDoc SGML file save as", 530},
  {"Ascii file saved as", 531},
  {"Autosaving current document...", 532},
  {"Autosave Failed!", 533},
  {"File to Insert", 534},
  {"Error! Cannot open specified file:", 535},
  {"Table Of Contents", 536},
  {"Insert Reference", 537},
  {"Inserting Footnote...", 538},
  {"Importing LinuxDoc SGML file `", 539},
  {"Converting LinuxDoc SGML to TeX file...", 540},
  {"Converting LinuxDoc SGML to dvi file...", 541},
  {"Character Style", 542},
  {"Paragraph Environment", 543},
  {"Document Layout", 544},
  {"Quotes", 545},
  {"LaTeX Preamble", 546},
  {"Do you want to save the current settings", 547},
  {"for Character, Document, Paper and Quotes", 548},
  {"as default for new documents?", 549},
  {"Open/Close...", 550},
  {"No further undo information", 551},
  {"Redo not yet supported in math mode", 552},
  {"No further redo information", 553},
  {"Font: ", 554},
  {", Depth: ", 555},
  {"Inserting margin note...", 556},
  {"Paragraph environment type copied", 557},
  {"Paragraph environment type set", 558},
  {"Changed environment depth (in possible range, maybe not)", 559},
  {"Paragraph layout set", 560},
  {"Should I set some parameters to", 561},
  {"the defaults of this document class?", 562},
  {"Conversion Errors!", 563},
  {"Unable to switch to new document class.", 564},
  {"Reverting to original document class.", 565},
  {"Converting document to new document class...", 566},
  {"One paragraph couldn't be converted", 567},
  {" paragraphs couldn't be converted", 568},
  {"into chosen document class", 569},
  {"Document layout set", 570},
  {"No more notes", 571},
  {"Quotes type set", 572},
  {"LaTeX preamble set", 573},
  {"Cannot insert table in table.", 574},
  {"Inserting table...", 575},
  {"Table inserted", 576},
  {"Error:", 577},
  {"Unable to print", 578},
  {"Check that your parameters are correct", 579},
  {"Inserting figure...", 580},
  {"Figure inserted", 581},
  {"Screen options set", 582},
  {"LaTeX Options", 583},
  {"Running configure...", 584},
  {"Reloading configuration...", 585},
  {"The system has been reconfigured.", 586},
  {"You need to restart LyX to make use of any", 587},
  {"updated document class specifications.", 588},
  {"Couldn't find this label", 589},
  {"in current document.", 590},
  {"*** No Document ***", 591},
  {"*** No labels found in document ***", 592},
  {" None | Defskip | Smallskip | Medskip | Bigskip | VFill | Length ", 593},
  {" No change %l| Roman | Sans Serif | Typewriter %l| Reset ", 594},
  {" No change %l| Medium | Bold %l| Reset ", 595},
  {" No change %l| Upright | Italic | Slanted | Small Caps %l| Reset ", 596},
 No change %l| Tiny | Smallest | Smaller | Small | Normal | Large | Larger | \
Largest | Huge | Huger %l| Increase | Decrease | Reset ", 597},
  {" No change %l| Emph | Underbar | Noun | LaTeX mode %l| Reset ", 598},
 No change %l| No color | Black | White | Red | Green | Blue | Cyan | \
Magenta | Yellow %l| Reset ", 599},
  {" Single | OneHalf | Double | Other ", 600},
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 Default | Custom | USletter | USlegal | USexecutive | A3 | A4 | A5 | B3 | \
B4 | B5 ", 602},
 None | A4 small Margins (only portrait) | A4 very small Margins (only \
portrait) | A4 very wide margins (only portrait) ", 603},
  {" ``text'' | ''text'' | ,,text`` | ,,text'' | «text» | »text« ", 604},
  {"LyX Banner", 605},
  {"Dismiss", 606},
  {"Yes|Yy#y", 607},
  {"No|Nn#n", 608},
  {"Clear|#e", 609},
  {"Any changes will be ignored", 610},
  {"The document is read-only:", 611},
  {"Warning: could not determine path of binary.", 612},
  {"If you have problems, try starting LyX with an absolute path.", 613},
  {"LYX_DIR_10x environment variable no good.", 614},
  {"System directory set to: ", 615},
  {"LyX Warning! Couldn't determine system directory.", 616},
  {"Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or", 617},
  {"set the environment variable LYX_DIR_10x to the LyX system directory", 618},
  {"containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'.", 619},
  {"Using built-in default ", 620},
  {" but expect problems.", 621},
  {"Expect problems.", 622},
  {"You don't have a personal LyX directory.", 623},
  {"It is needed to keep your own configuration.", 624},
  {"Should I try to set it up for you (recommended)?", 625},
  {"Running without personal LyX directory.", 626},
  {"LyX: Creating directory ", 627},
  {" and running configure...", 628},
  {"Failed. Will use ", 629},
  {" instead.", 630},
  {"Done!", 631},
  {"LyX Warning!", 632},
  {"Error while reading ", 633},
  {"Using built-in defaults.", 634},
  {"Setting debug level to ", 635},
  {"LyX ", 636},
  {"Usage: lyx [ command line switches ] [ name.lyx ... ]\n", 637},
  {"Command line switches (case sensitive):", 638},
  {" -help summarize LyX usage", 639},
  {" -sysdir x try to set system directory to x", 640},
  {" -width x set the width of the main window", 641},
  {" -height y set the height of the main window", 642},
  {" -xpos x set the x position of the main window", 643},
  {" -ypos y set the y position of the main window", 644},
   -dbg n          where n is a sum of debugging options. Try -dbg 65535 \
-help", 645},
  {" -Reverse swaps foreground & background colors", 646},
  {" -Mono runs LyX in black and white mode", 647},
  {" -FastSelection use a fast routine for drawing selections\n", 648},
  {"Check the LyX man page for more options.", 649},
  {"Missing number for -dbg switch!", 650},
  {"Missing directory for -sysdir switch!", 651},
  {"Fax no.:|#F", 652},
  {"Dest. Name:|#N", 653},
  {"Enterprise:|#E", 654},
  {"Phone Book", 655},
  {"Select from|#S", 656},
  {"Add to|#t", 657},
  {"Delete from|#D", 658},
  {"Save|#V", 659},
  {"Destination:", 660},
  {"Comment:", 661},
  {"Fax File: ", 662},
  {"Empty Phonebook", 663},
  {"Save (needed)", 664},
  {"Cannot open phone book: ", 665},
  {"NO OR EMPTY LOGFILE!", 666},
  {"Message-Window", 667},
  {"@L@b@cEmpty Phonebook", 668},
  {"Phonebook", 669},
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  {"Symbol", 673},
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  {"Larger", 688},
  {"Largest", 689},
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  {"Green", 715},
  {"Blue", 716},
  {"Cyan", 717},
  {"Magenta", 718},
  {"Yellow", 719},
  {"Math", 720},
  {"Inset", 721},
  {"Emphasis ", 722},
  {"Underline ", 723},
  {"Noun ", 724},
  {"Latex ", 725},
  {"Default", 726},
  {"Unknown sequence:", 727},
  {"Unknown action", 728},
  {"Command not allowed without any document open", 729},
  {"Document is read-only", 730},
  {"Text mode", 731},
  {"Unknown export type: ", 732},
  {"Unknown import type: ", 733},
  {"Layout ", 734},
  {" not known", 735},
  {"No cross-reference to toggle", 736},
  {"Mark removed", 737},
  {"Mark set", 738},
  {"Mark off", 739},
  {"Mark on", 740},
  {"Push-toolbar needs argument > 0", 741},
  {"Usage: toolbar-add-to ", 742},
  {"Missing argument", 743},
  {"This is only allowed in math mode!", 744},
  {"Opening child document ", 745},
  {"Unknown kind of footnote", 746},
  {"Document is read only", 747},
  {"Enter Filename for new document", 748},
  {"newfile", 749},
Do you want to close that document now?\n\
('No' will just switch to the open version)", 750},
  {"Do you want to open the document?", 751},
  {"Opening document", 752},
  {"opened.", 753},
  {"Choose template", 754},
  {"Examples", 755},
  {"Select Document to Open", 756},
  {"Could not open document", 757},
  {"Select ASCII file to Import", 758},
  {"A document by the name", 759},
  {"already exists. Overwrite?", 760},
  {"Importing ASCII file", 761},
  {"ASCII file ", 762},
  {"imported.", 763},
  {"Select LaTeX file to Import", 764},
  {"Importing LaTeX file", 765},
  {"LateX file ", 766},
  {"Could not import LaTeX file", 767},
  {"Select Document to Insert", 768},
  {"Inserting document", 769},
  {"inserted.", 770},
  {"Could not insert document", 771},
  {"Opened inset", 772},
  {"unknown", 773},
  {"Save document and proceed?", 774},
  {"LyX VC: Initial description", 775},
  {"LyX VC: Log Message", 776},
  {"Ignore changes and proceed with check out?", 777},
  {"When you revert, you will loose all changes made", 778},
  {"to the document since the last check in.", 779},
  {"Do you still want to do it?", 780},
  {"No RCS History!", 781},
  {"RCS History", 782},
  {"Close ", 783},
  {"Functions", 784},
  {"Greek", 785},
  {"­ Û", 786},
  {"± ´", 787},
  {"£ @", 788},
  {"S ò", 789},
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  {"OK ", 791},
  {"Columns ", 792},
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  {"Horizontal align|#H", 794},
  {"OK ", 795},
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  {"Math Panel", 807},
  {"File", 808},
  {"Edit", 809},
  {"Layout", 810},
  {"Insert", 811},
  {"Help", 812},
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Import%t|LaTeX...%x30|Ascii Text as Lines...%x31|Ascii Text as Paragraphs%x32", 822},
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Export%t|as LaTeX...%x40|as DVI...%x41|as PostScript...%x42|as Ascii \
Text...%x43|Custom...%x44", 826},
Export%t|as LinuxDoc...%x40|as DVI...%x41|as PostScript...%x42|as Ascii \
Text...%x43", 827},
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New...|New from template...|Open...%l|Close|Save|Save As...|Revert to \
saved%l|View dvi|View PostScript|Update dvi|Update \
PostScript%l|Print...|Fax...", 833},
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Import%t|LaTeX...%x15|Ascii Text as Lines...%x16|Ascii Text as \
Paragraphs...%x17", 853},
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Floats & Insets%t|Open/Close%x21|Melt%x22|Open All Footnotes/Margin \
Notes%x23|Close All Footnotes/Margin Notes%x24|Open All \
Figures/Tables%x25|Close All Figures/Tables%x26%l|Remove all Error Boxes%x27", 855},
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  {"EMT|Ii#i#I", 899},
  {"Version Control%t", 900},
  {"|Register%d%x51", 901},
  {"|Check In Changes%d%x52", 902},
  {"|Check Out for Edit%x53", 903},
  {"|Check In Changes%x52", 904},
  {"|Check Out for Edit%d%x53", 905},
  {"|Revert to last version%x54", 906},
  {"|Undo last check in%x55", 907},
  {"|Show History%x56", 908},
  {"|Register%x51", 909},
  {"EMV|Rr#r#R", 910},
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  {"EMV|Oo#o#O", 912},
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Undo|Redo %l|Cut|Copy|Paste%l|Find & Replace...|Go to Error|Go to \
Note|Floats & Insets%m|Table%m|Spellchecker....|Check TeX|Table of \
Contents...%l|Version Control%m%l|View LaTeX log file%l|Paste Primary \
Selection as Lines|Paste Primary Selection as Paragraphs", 916},
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Depth|LaTeX Preamble...%l|Save layout as default", 934},
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Lists & TOC%t|Table of Contents%x21|List of Figures%x22|List of \
Tables%x23|List of Algorithms%x24|Index List%x25|BibTeX Reference%x26", 951},
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Floats%t|Figure Float%x71|Table Float%x72|Wide Figure Float%x73|Wide Table \
Float%l%x74|Algorithm Float%x75", 958},
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Figure...|Table...%l|Include File...|Import ASCII File%m|Insert LyX \
File...%l|Footnote|Margin Note|Floats%m%l|Lists & TOC%m%l|Special \
Character%m%l|Note...|Label...|Cross-Reference...|Citation \
Reference...|Index entry...|Index entry of last word", 972},
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Fraction|Square root|Exponent|Index|Sum|Integral%l|Math mode|Display%l|Math \
Panel...", 993},
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  {"MM|Ee#e#E", 996},
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Screen Fonts...|Spellchecker Options...|Keyboard...|LaTeX...%l|Reconfigure", 1003},
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Introduction|Tutorial|User's Guide|Extended Features|Customization|Reference \
Manual|Known Bugs|LaTeX Configuration%l|Copyright and \
Warranty...|Credits...|Version...", 1009},
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  {"LyX Version ", 1021},
  {" of ", 1022},
  {"Library directory: ", 1023},
  {"User directory: ", 1024},
  {"Opening help file", 1025},
  {"Executing:", 1026},
  {"* No document open *", 1027},
  {"Welcome to LyX!", 1028},
  {"Senseless with this layout!", 1029},
  {"Error: Could not change to directory: ", 1030},
  {"LyX Internal Error:", 1031},
  {"Path Stack underflow.", 1032},
  {"Print to", 1033},
  {"Printer|#P", 1034},
  {"File|#F", 1035},
  {"All Pages|#G", 1036},
  {"Only Odd Pages|#O", 1037},
  {"Only Even Pages|#E", 1038},
  {"Normal Order|#N", 1039},
  {"Reverse Order|#R", 1040},
  {"Order", 1041},
  {"File Type", 1042},
  {"Command:|#C", 1043},
  {"DVI|#D", 1044},
  {"Postscript|#P", 1045},
  {"LaTeX|#T", 1046},
  {"LyX|#L", 1047},
  {"Ascii|#s", 1048},
  {"Use language of document|#D", 1049},
  {"Use alternate language:|#U", 1050},
  {"Treat run-together words as legal|#T", 1051},
  {"Input Encoding switch to ispell|#I", 1052},
  {"Use alternate personal dictionary:|#P", 1053},
  {"Extra special chars allowed in words:|#E", 1054},
  {"Dictionary", 1055},
  {"Replace", 1056},
Misses", 1057},
  {"Spellchecker Options...|#O", 1058},
  {"Start spellchecking|#S", 1059},
  {"Insert in personal dictionary|#I", 1060},
  {"Ignore word|#g", 1061},
  {"Accept word in this session|#A", 1062},
  {"Stop spellchecking|#T", 1063},
  {"Close Spellchecker|#C^[", 1064},
  {"0 %", 1065},
  {"100 %", 1066},
  {"Replace word|#R", 1067},
  {"Spellchecker Options", 1068},
  {"Spellchecker", 1069},
The ispell-process has died for some reason. *One* possible reason\n\
could be that you do not have a dictionary file\n\
for the language of this document installed.\n\
Check /usr/lib/ispell or set another\n\
dictionary in the Spellchecker Options menu.", 1070},
  {" words checked.", 1071},
  {" word checked.", 1072},
  {"Spellchecking completed!", 1073},
The ispell-process has died for some reason.\n\
Maybe it has been killed.", 1074},
  {"Multicolumns can only be horizontally.", 1075},
  {"Impossible operation", 1076},
  {"You can't insert a float in a float!", 1077},
  {"You can't insert a marginpar in a minipage!", 1078},
  {"Cannot cut table.", 1079},
  {"Float would include float!", 1080},
  {"Opened float", 1081},
  {"Closed float", 1082},
  {"Nothing to do", 1083},
No font change defined. Use Character under the Layout menu to define font \
change.", 1084},
  {"Don't know what to do with half floats.", 1085},
  {"sorry.", 1086},
  {"Don't know what to do with half tables.", 1087},
  {"Can't paste float into float!", 1088},
  {"Table cell cannot include more than one paragraph!", 1089},

int _msg_tbl_length = 1089;

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.48 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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