Module Foo.
Inductive True2:Prop:= I2: (False->True2)->True2.
Axiom Heq: (False->True2)=True2.
Fail Fixpoint con (x:True2) :False :=
match x with
I2 f => con (match Heq with @eq_refl _ _ => f end)
End Foo.
Require Import ClassicalFacts.
Inductive True1 : Prop := I1 : True1
with True2 : Prop := I2 : True1 -> True2.
Section func_unit_discr.
Hypothesis Heq : True1 = True2.
Fail Fixpoint contradiction (u : True2) : False :=
contradiction (
match u with
| I2 Tr =>
match Heq in (_ = T) return T with
| eq_refl => Tr
End func_unit_discr.
Require Import Vectors.VectorDef.
About caseS.
About tl.
Open Scope vector_scope.
Local Notation "[]" := (@nil _).
Local Notation "h :: t" := (@cons _ h _ t) (at level 60, right associativity).
Definition is_nil {A n} (v : t A n) : bool := match v with [] => true | _ => false end.
Fixpoint id {A n} (v : t A n) : t A n :=
match v in t _ n' return t A n' with
| (h :: t) as v' => h :: id (tl v')
|_ => []
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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