Require Import ssreflect.
Ltac fancy := case; last first.
Notation fancy := (ltac:( fancy )).
Ltac replicate n :=
let what := fresh "_replicate_" in
move=> what; do n! [ have := what ]; clear what.
Notation replicate n := (ltac:( replicate n )).
Lemma foo x (w : nat) (J : bool -> nat -> nat) : exists y, x=0+y.
move: (w) => /ltac:(idtac) _.
move: w => /(replicate 6) w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6.
move: w1 => /J/fancy [w'||];last exact: false.
move: w' => /J/fancy[w''||]; last exact: false.
by exists x.
by exists x.
by exists x.
Ltac unfld what := rewrite /what.
Notation "% n" := (ltac:( unfld n )) (at level 0) : ssripat_scope.
Notation "% n" := n : nat_scope.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Definition def := 4.
Lemma test : True -> def = 4.
move=> _ /(% def).
match goal with |- 4 = 4 => reflexivity end.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
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