(* This has been a bug reported by Y. Bertot *)
Inductive expr : Set :=
| b : expr -> expr -> expr
| u : expr -> expr
| a : expr
| var : nat -> expr.
Fixpoint f (t : expr) : expr :=
match t with
| b t1 t2 => b (f t1) (f t2)
| a => a
| x => b t a
Fixpoint f2 (t : expr) : expr :=
match t with
| b t1 t2 => b (f2 t1) (f2 t2)
| a => a
| x => b x a
(* Test expansion of aliases *)
(* Originally taken from NMake_gen.v *)
Local Notation SizePlus n := (S (S (S (S (S (S n)))))).
Local Notation Size := (SizePlus O).
Parameter zn2z : Type -> Type.
Parameter w0 : Type.
Fixpoint word (w : Type) (n : nat) {struct n} : Type :=
match n with
| 0 => w
| S n0 => zn2z (word w n0)
Definition w1 := zn2z w0.
Definition w2 := zn2z w1.
Definition w3 := zn2z w2.
Definition w4 := zn2z w3.
Definition w5 := zn2z w4.
Definition w6 := zn2z w5.
Definition dom_t n := match n with
| 0 => w0
| 1 => w1
| 2 => w2
| 3 => w3
| 4 => w4
| 5 => w5
| 6 => w6
| SizePlus n => word w6 n
Parameter plus_t : forall n m : nat, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m + n).
(* This used to fail because of a bug in expansion of SizePlus wrongly
reusing n as an alias for the subpattern *)
Definition plus_t1 n : forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| SizePlus (S n') as n => plus_t n
| _ as n =>
fun m => match m return (word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| SizePlus (S (S m')) as m => plus_t n m
| _ => fun x => x
(* Test (useless) intermediate alias *)
Definition plus_t2 n : forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| S (S (S (S (S (S (S n'))))) as n) as n'' => plus_t n''
| _ as n =>
fun m => match m return (word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| SizePlus (S (S m')) as m => plus_t n m
| _ => fun x => x
(* Check that alias expansion behaves consistently from versions to versions *)
Definition g m :=
match pred m with
| 0 => 0
| n => n (* For compatibility, right-hand side should be (S n), not (pred m) *)
Goal forall m, g m = match pred m with 0 => 0 | S n => S n end.
intro; reflexivity.
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