(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *)
(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Contributed by Laurent Théry (INRIA);
Adapted to Coq V8 by the Coq Development Team *)
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Byte.
(** *** Definition of strings *)
(** Implementation of string as list of ascii characters *)
Inductive string : Set :=
| EmptyString : string
| String : ascii -> string -> string.
Declare Scope string_scope.
Delimit Scope string_scope with string.
Bind Scope string_scope with string.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Register EmptyString as plugins.syntax.EmptyString.
Register String as plugins.syntax.String.
(** Equality is decidable *)
Definition string_dec : forall s1 s2 : string, {s1 = s2} + {s1 <> s2}.
decide equality; apply ascii_dec.
Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
Fixpoint eqb s1 s2 : bool :=
match s1, s2 with
| EmptyString, EmptyString => true
| String c1 s1', String c2 s2' => Ascii.eqb c1 c2 &&& eqb s1' s2'
| _,_ => false
Infix "=?" := eqb : string_scope.
Lemma eqb_spec s1 s2 : Bool.reflect (s1 = s2) (s1 =? s2)%string.
revert s2. induction s1; destruct s2; try (constructor; easy); simpl.
case Ascii.eqb_spec; simpl; [intros -> | constructor; now intros [= ]].
case IHs1; [intros ->; now constructor | constructor; now intros [= ]].
Local Ltac t_eqb :=
repeat first [ congruence
| progress subst
| apply conj
| match goal with
| [ |- context[eqb ?x ?y] ] => destruct (eqb_spec x y)
| intro ].
Lemma eqb_refl x : (x =? x)%string = true. Proof. t_eqb. Qed.
Lemma eqb_sym x y : (x =? y)%string = (y =? x)%string. Proof. t_eqb. Qed.
Lemma eqb_eq n m : (n =? m)%string = true <-> n = m. Proof. t_eqb. Qed.
Lemma eqb_neq x y : (x =? y)%string = false <-> x <> y. Proof. t_eqb. Qed.
Lemma eqb_compat: Morphisms.Proper (Morphisms.respectful eq (Morphisms.respectful eq eq)) eqb.
Proof. t_eqb. Qed.
(** *** Concatenation of strings *)
Reserved Notation "x ++ y" (right associativity, at level 60).
Fixpoint append (s1 s2 : string) : string :=
match s1 with
| EmptyString => s2
| String c s1' => String c (s1' ++ s2)
where "s1 ++ s2" := (append s1 s2) : string_scope.
(** Length *)
Fixpoint length (s : string) : nat :=
match s with
| EmptyString => 0
| String c s' => S (length s')
(** Nth character of a string *)
Fixpoint get (n : nat) (s : string) {struct s} : option ascii :=
match s with
| EmptyString => None
| String c s' => match n with
| O => Some c
| S n' => get n' s'
(** Two lists that are identical through get are syntactically equal *)
Theorem get_correct :
forall s1 s2 : string, (forall n : nat, get n s1 = get n s2) <-> s1 = s2.
intros s1; elim s1; simpl.
intros s2; case s2; simpl; split; auto.
intros H; generalize (H O); intros H1; inversion H1.
intros; discriminate.
intros a s1' Rec s2; case s2; simpl; split; auto.
intros H; generalize (H O); intros H1; inversion H1.
intros; discriminate.
intros H; generalize (H O); simpl; intros H1; inversion H1.
case (Rec s).
intros H0; rewrite H0; auto.
intros n; exact (H (S n)).
intros H; injection H as H1 H2.
rewrite H2; trivial.
rewrite H1; auto.
(** The first elements of [s1 ++ s2] are the ones of [s1] *)
Theorem append_correct1 :
forall (s1 s2 : string) (n : nat),
n < length s1 -> get n s1 = get n (s1 ++ s2).
intros s1; elim s1; simpl; auto.
intros s2 n H; inversion H.
intros a s1' Rec s2 n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros n0 H; apply Rec; auto.
apply lt_S_n; auto.
(** The last elements of [s1 ++ s2] are the ones of [s2] *)
Theorem append_correct2 :
forall (s1 s2 : string) (n : nat),
get n s2 = get (n + length s1) (s1 ++ s2).
intros s1; elim s1; simpl; auto.
intros s2 n; rewrite plus_comm; simpl; auto.
intros a s1' Rec s2 n; case n; simpl; auto.
generalize (Rec s2 O); simpl; auto. intros.
rewrite <- Plus.plus_Snm_nSm; auto.
(** *** Substrings *)
(** [substring n m s] returns the substring of [s] that starts
at position [n] and of length [m];
if this does not make sense it returns [""] *)
Fixpoint substring (n m : nat) (s : string) : string :=
match n, m, s with
| O, O, _ => EmptyString
| O, S m', EmptyString => s
| O, S m', String c s' => String c (substring 0 m' s')
| S n', _, EmptyString => s
| S n', _, String c s' => substring n' m s'
(** The substring is included in the initial string *)
Theorem substring_correct1 :
forall (s : string) (n m p : nat),
p < m -> get p (substring n m s) = get (p + n) s.
intros s; elim s; simpl; auto.
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m; case m; simpl; auto.
intros a s' Rec; intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m; case m; simpl; auto.
intros p H; inversion H.
intros m' p; case p; simpl; auto.
intros n0 H; apply Rec; simpl; auto.
apply Lt.lt_S_n; auto.
intros n' m p H; rewrite <- Plus.plus_Snm_nSm; simpl; auto.
(** The substring has at most [m] elements *)
Theorem substring_correct2 :
forall (s : string) (n m p : nat), m <= p -> get p (substring n m s) = None.
intros s; elim s; simpl; auto.
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m; case m; simpl; auto.
intros a s' Rec; intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m; case m; simpl; auto.
intros m' p; case p; simpl; auto.
intros H; inversion H.
intros n0 H; apply Rec; simpl; auto.
apply Le.le_S_n; auto.
(** *** Concatenating lists of strings *)
(** [concat sep sl] concatenates the list of strings [sl], inserting
the separator string [sep] between each. *)
Fixpoint concat (sep : string) (ls : list string) :=
match ls with
| nil => EmptyString
| cons x nil => x
| cons x xs => x ++ sep ++ concat sep xs
(** *** Test functions *)
(** Test if [s1] is a prefix of [s2] *)
Fixpoint prefix (s1 s2 : string) {struct s2} : bool :=
match s1 with
| EmptyString => true
| String a s1' =>
match s2 with
| EmptyString => false
| String b s2' =>
match ascii_dec a b with
| left _ => prefix s1' s2'
| right _ => false
(** If [s1] is a prefix of [s2], it is the [substring] of length
[length s1] starting at position [O] of [s2] *)
Theorem prefix_correct :
forall s1 s2 : string,
prefix s1 s2 = true <-> substring 0 (length s1) s2 = s1.
intros s1; elim s1; simpl; auto.
intros s2; case s2; simpl; split; auto.
intros a s1' Rec s2; case s2; simpl; auto.
split; intros; discriminate.
intros b s2'; case (ascii_dec a b); simpl; auto.
intros e; case (Rec s2'); intros H1 H2; split; intros H3; auto.
rewrite e; rewrite H1; auto.
apply H2; injection H3; auto.
intros n; split; intros; try discriminate.
case n; injection H; auto.
(** Test if, starting at position [n], [s1] occurs in [s2]; if
so it returns the position *)
Fixpoint index (n : nat) (s1 s2 : string) : option nat :=
match s2, n with
| EmptyString, O =>
match s1 with
| EmptyString => Some O
| String a s1' => None
| EmptyString, S n' => None
| String b s2', O =>
if prefix s1 s2 then Some O
match index O s1 s2' with
| Some n => Some (S n)
| None => None
| String b s2', S n' =>
match index n' s1 s2' with
| Some n => Some (S n)
| None => None
(* Dirty trick to avoid locally that prefix reduces itself *)
Opaque prefix.
(** If the result of [index] is [Some m], [s1] in [s2] at position [m] *)
Theorem index_correct1 :
forall (n m : nat) (s1 s2 : string),
index n s1 s2 = Some m -> substring m (length s1) s2 = s1.
intros n m s1 s2; generalize n m s1; clear n m s1; elim s2; simpl;
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m s1; case s1; simpl; auto.
intros H; injection H as <-; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros; discriminate.
intros b s2' Rec n m s1.
case n; simpl; auto.
generalize (prefix_correct s1 (String b s2'));
case (prefix s1 (String b s2')).
intros H0 H; injection H as <-; auto.
case H0; simpl; auto.
case m; simpl; auto.
case (index O s1 s2'); intros; discriminate.
intros m'; generalize (Rec O m' s1); case (index O s1 s2'); auto.
intros x H H0 H1; apply H; injection H1; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros n'; case m; simpl; auto.
case (index n' s1 s2'); intros; discriminate.
intros m'; generalize (Rec n' m' s1); case (index n' s1 s2'); auto.
intros x H H1; apply H; injection H1; auto.
intros; discriminate.
(** If the result of [index] is [Some m],
[s1] does not occur in [s2] before [m] *)
Theorem index_correct2 :
forall (n m : nat) (s1 s2 : string),
index n s1 s2 = Some m ->
forall p : nat, n <= p -> p < m -> substring p (length s1) s2 <> s1.
intros n m s1 s2; generalize n m s1; clear n m s1; elim s2; simpl;
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m s1; case s1; simpl; auto.
intros H; injection H as <-.
intros p H0 H2; inversion H2.
intros; discriminate.
intros; discriminate.
intros b s2' Rec n m s1.
case n; simpl; auto.
generalize (prefix_correct s1 (String b s2'));
case (prefix s1 (String b s2')).
intros H0 H; injection H as <-; auto.
intros p H2 H3; inversion H3.
case m; simpl; auto.
case (index 0 s1 s2'); intros; discriminate.
intros m'; generalize (Rec O m' s1); case (index 0 s1 s2'); auto.
intros x H H0 H1 p; try case p; simpl; auto.
intros H2 H3; red; intros H4; case H0.
intros H5 H6; absurd (false = true); auto with bool.
intros n0 H2 H3; apply H; auto.
injection H1; auto.
apply Le.le_O_n.
apply Lt.lt_S_n; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros n'; case m; simpl; auto.
case (index n' s1 s2'); intros; discriminate.
intros m'; generalize (Rec n' m' s1); case (index n' s1 s2'); auto.
intros x H H0 p; case p; simpl; auto.
intros H1; inversion H1; auto.
intros n0 H1 H2; apply H; auto.
injection H0; auto.
apply Le.le_S_n; auto.
apply Lt.lt_S_n; auto.
intros; discriminate.
(** If the result of [index] is [None], [s1] does not occur in [s2]
after [n] *)
Theorem index_correct3 :
forall (n m : nat) (s1 s2 : string),
index n s1 s2 = None ->
s1 <> EmptyString -> n <= m -> substring m (length s1) s2 <> s1.
intros n m s1 s2; generalize n m s1; clear n m s1; elim s2; simpl;
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros m s1; case s1; simpl; auto.
case m; intros; red; intros; discriminate.
intros n' m; case m; auto.
intros s1; case s1; simpl; auto.
intros b s2' Rec n m s1.
case n; simpl; auto.
generalize (prefix_correct s1 (String b s2'));
case (prefix s1 (String b s2')).
intros; discriminate.
case m; simpl; auto with bool.
case s1; simpl; auto.
intros a s H H0 H1 H2; red; intros H3; case H.
intros H4 H5; absurd (false = true); auto with bool.
case s1; simpl; auto.
intros a s n0 H H0 H1 H2;
change (substring n0 (length (String a s)) s2' <> String a s);
apply (Rec O); auto.
generalize H0; case (index 0 (String a s) s2'); simpl; auto; intros;
apply Le.le_O_n.
intros n'; case m; simpl; auto.
intros H H0 H1; inversion H1.
intros n0 H H0 H1; apply (Rec n'); auto.
generalize H; case (index n' s1 s2'); simpl; auto; intros;
apply Le.le_S_n; auto.
(* Back to normal for prefix *)
Transparent prefix.
(** If we are searching for the [Empty] string and the answer is no
this means that [n] is greater than the size of [s] *)
Theorem index_correct4 :
forall (n : nat) (s : string),
index n EmptyString s = None -> length s < n.
intros n s; generalize n; clear n; elim s; simpl; auto.
intros n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros; apply Lt.lt_O_Sn.
intros a s' H n; case n; simpl; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros n'; generalize (H n'); case (index n' EmptyString s'); simpl;
intros; discriminate.
intros H0 H1; apply Lt.lt_n_S; auto.
(** Same as [index] but with no optional type, we return [0] when it
does not occur *)
Definition findex n s1 s2 :=
match index n s1 s2 with
| Some n => n
| None => O
(** *** Conversion to/from [list ascii] and [list byte] *)
Fixpoint string_of_list_ascii (s : list ascii) : string
:= match s with
| nil => EmptyString
| cons ch s => String ch (string_of_list_ascii s)
Fixpoint list_ascii_of_string (s : string) : list ascii
:= match s with
| EmptyString => nil
| String ch s => cons ch (list_ascii_of_string s)
Lemma string_of_list_ascii_of_string s : string_of_list_ascii (list_ascii_of_string s) = s.
induction s as [|? ? IHs]; [ reflexivity | cbn; apply f_equal, IHs ].
Lemma list_ascii_of_string_of_list_ascii s : list_ascii_of_string (string_of_list_ascii s) = s.
induction s as [|? ? IHs]; [ reflexivity | cbn; apply f_equal, IHs ].
Definition string_of_list_byte (s : list byte) : string
:= string_of_list_ascii (List.map ascii_of_byte s).
Definition list_byte_of_string (s : string) : list byte
:= List.map byte_of_ascii (list_ascii_of_string s).
Lemma string_of_list_byte_of_string s : string_of_list_byte (list_byte_of_string s) = s.
cbv [string_of_list_byte list_byte_of_string].
erewrite List.map_map, List.map_ext, List.map_id, string_of_list_ascii_of_string; [ reflexivity | intro ].
apply ascii_of_byte_of_ascii.
Lemma list_byte_of_string_of_list_byte s : list_byte_of_string (string_of_list_byte s) = s.
cbv [string_of_list_byte list_byte_of_string].
erewrite list_ascii_of_string_of_list_ascii, List.map_map, List.map_ext, List.map_id; [ reflexivity | intro ].
apply byte_of_ascii_of_byte.
(** *** Concrete syntax *)
The concrete syntax for strings in scope string_scope follows the
Coq convention for strings: all ascii characters of code less than
128 are literals to the exception of the character `double quote'
which must be doubled.
Strings that involve ascii characters of code >= 128 which are not
part of a valid utf8 sequence of characters are not representable
using the Coq string notation (use explicitly the String constructor
with the ascii codes of the characters).
Module Export StringSyntax.
String Notation string string_of_list_byte list_byte_of_string : string_scope.
End StringSyntax.
Example HelloWorld := " ""Hello world!""
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