(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Application of printing rules based on a dictionary specific to the
target language *)
(*s Dictionaries: trees annotated with string options, each node being a map
from chars to dictionaries (the subtrees). A trie, in other words.
(code copied from parsing/lexer.ml4 for the use of coqdoc, Apr 2010)
module CharMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = char
let compare (x : t) (y : t) = compare x y
type ttree = {
node : string option;
branch : ttree CharMap.t }
let empty_ttree = { node = None; branch = CharMap.empty }
let ttree_add ttree str translated =
let rec insert tt i =
if i == String.length str then
{node = Some translated; branch = tt.branch}
let c = str.[i] in
let br =
match try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None with
| Some tt' ->
CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch)
| None ->
let tt' = {node = None; branch = CharMap.empty} in
CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) tt.branch
{ node = tt.node; branch = br }
insert ttree 0
(* Removes a string from a dictionary: returns an equal dictionary
if the word not present. *)
let ttree_remove ttree str =
let rec remove tt i =
if i == String.length str then
{node = None; branch = tt.branch}
let c = str.[i] in
let br =
match try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None with
| Some tt' ->
CharMap.add c (remove tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch)
| None -> tt.branch
{ node = tt.node; branch = br }
remove ttree 0
let ttree_descend ttree c = CharMap.find c ttree.branch
let ttree_find ttree str =
let rec proc_rec tt i =
if i == String.length str then tt
else proc_rec (CharMap.find str.[i] tt.branch) (i+1)
proc_rec ttree 0
(*s Parameters of the translation automaton *)
type out_function = bool -> bool -> Index.index_entry option -> string -> unit
let token_tree = ref (ref empty_ttree)
let outfun = ref (fun _ _ _ _ -> failwith "outfun not initialized")
(*s Translation automaton *)
let buff = Buffer.create 4
let flush_buffer was_symbolchar tag tok =
let hastr = String.length tok <> 0 in
if hastr then !outfun false was_symbolchar tag tok;
if Buffer.length buff <> 0 then
!outfun true (if hastr then not was_symbolchar else was_symbolchar)
tag (Buffer.contents buff);
Buffer.clear buff
type sublexer_state =
| Neutral
| Buffering of bool * Index.index_entry option * string * ttree
let translation_state = ref Neutral
let buffer_char is_symbolchar ctag c =
let rec aux = function
| Neutral ->
restart_buffering ()
| Buffering (was_symbolchar,tag,translated,tt) ->
if tag <> ctag then
(* A strong tag comes from Coq; if different Coq tags *)
(* hence, we don't try to see the chars as part of a single token *)
let translated =
match tt.node with
| Some tok -> Buffer.clear buff; tok
| None -> translated in
flush_buffer was_symbolchar tag translated;
restart_buffering ()
(* If we change the category of characters (symbol vs ident) *)
(* we accept this as a possible token cut point and remember the *)
(* translated token up to that point *)
let translated =
if is_symbolchar <> was_symbolchar then
match tt.node with
| Some tok -> Buffer.clear buff; tok
| None -> translated
else translated in
(* We try to make a significant token from the current *)
(* buffer and the new character *)
let tt = ttree_descend tt c in
Buffer.add_char buff c;
Buffering (is_symbolchar,ctag,translated,tt)
with Not_found ->
(* No existing translation for the given set of chars *)
if is_symbolchar <> was_symbolchar then
(* If we changed the category of character read, we accept it *)
(* as a possible cut point and restart looking for a translation *)
(flush_buffer was_symbolchar tag translated;
restart_buffering ())
(* If we did not change the category of character read, we do *)
(* not want to cut arbitrarily in the middle of the sequence of *)
(* symbol characters or identifier characters *)
(Buffer.add_char buff c;
Buffering (is_symbolchar,tag,translated,empty_ttree))
and restart_buffering () =
let tt = try ttree_descend !(!token_tree) c with Not_found -> empty_ttree in
Buffer.add_char buff c;
Buffering (is_symbolchar,ctag,"",tt)
translation_state := aux !translation_state
let output_tagged_ident_string s =
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do buffer_char false None s.[i] done
let output_tagged_symbol_char tag c =
buffer_char true tag c
let flush_sublexer () =
match !translation_state with
| Neutral -> ()
| Buffering (was_symbolchar,tag,translated,tt) ->
let translated =
match tt.node with
| Some tok -> Buffer.clear buff; tok
| None -> translated in
flush_buffer was_symbolchar tag translated;
translation_state := Neutral
(* Translation not using the automaton *)
let translate s =
try (ttree_find !(!token_tree) s).node with Not_found -> None
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.