File: HOL/Computational_Algebra/Squarefree.thy
Author: Manuel Eberl <[email protected]>
Squarefreeness and decomposition of ring elements into square part and squarefree part
section \<open>Squarefreeness\<close>
theory Squarefree
imports Primes
(* TODO: Generalise to n-th powers *)
definition squarefree :: "'a :: comm_monoid_mult \ bool" where
"squarefree n \ (\x. x ^ 2 dvd n \ x dvd 1)"
lemma squarefreeI: "(\x. x ^ 2 dvd n \ x dvd 1) \ squarefree n"
by (auto simp: squarefree_def)
lemma squarefreeD: "squarefree n \ x ^ 2 dvd n \ x dvd 1"
by (auto simp: squarefree_def)
lemma not_squarefreeI: "x ^ 2 dvd n \ \x dvd 1 \ \squarefree n"
by (auto simp: squarefree_def)
lemma not_squarefreeE [case_names square_dvd]:
"\squarefree n \ (\x. x ^ 2 dvd n \ \x dvd 1 \ P) \ P"
by (auto simp: squarefree_def)
lemma not_squarefree_0 [simp]: "\squarefree (0 :: 'a :: comm_semiring_1)"
by (rule not_squarefreeI[of 0]) auto
lemma squarefree_factorial_semiring:
assumes "n \ 0"
shows "squarefree (n :: 'a :: factorial_semiring) \ (\p. prime p \ \p ^ 2 dvd n)"
unfolding squarefree_def
proof safe
assume *: "\p. prime p \ \p ^ 2 dvd n"
fix x :: 'a assume x: "x ^ 2 dvd n"
assume "\is_unit x"
moreover from assms and x have "x \ 0" by auto
ultimately obtain p where "p dvd x" "prime p"
using prime_divisor_exists by blast
with * have "\p ^ 2 dvd n" by blast
moreover from \<open>p dvd x\<close> have "p ^ 2 dvd x ^ 2" by (rule dvd_power_same)
ultimately have "\x ^ 2 dvd n" by (blast dest: dvd_trans)
with x have False by contradiction
thus "is_unit x" by blast
qed auto
lemma squarefree_factorial_semiring':
assumes "n \ 0"
shows "squarefree (n :: 'a :: factorial_semiring) \
(\<forall>p\<in>prime_factors n. multiplicity p n = 1)"
proof (subst squarefree_factorial_semiring [OF assms], safe)
fix p assume "\p\#prime_factorization n. multiplicity p n = 1" "prime p" "p^2 dvd n"
with assms show False
by (cases "p dvd n")
(auto simp: prime_factors_dvd power_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0)
qed (auto intro!: multiplicity_eqI simp: power2_eq_square [symmetric])
lemma squarefree_factorial_semiring'':
assumes "n \ 0"
shows "squarefree (n :: 'a :: factorial_semiring) \
(\<forall>p. prime p \<longrightarrow> multiplicity p n \<le> 1)"
by (subst squarefree_factorial_semiring'[OF assms]) (auto simp: prime_factors_multiplicity)
lemma squarefree_unit [simp]: "is_unit n \ squarefree n"
proof (rule squarefreeI)
fix x assume "x^2 dvd n" "n dvd 1"
hence "is_unit (x^2)" by (rule dvd_unit_imp_unit)
thus "is_unit x" by (simp add: is_unit_power_iff)
lemma squarefree_1 [simp]: "squarefree (1 :: 'a :: algebraic_semidom)"
by simp
lemma squarefree_minus [simp]: "squarefree (-n :: 'a :: comm_ring_1) \ squarefree n"
by (simp add: squarefree_def)
lemma squarefree_mono: "a dvd b \ squarefree b \ squarefree a"
by (auto simp: squarefree_def intro: dvd_trans)
lemma squarefree_multD:
assumes "squarefree (a * b)"
shows "squarefree a" "squarefree b"
by (rule squarefree_mono[OF _ assms], simp)+
lemma squarefree_prime_elem:
assumes "prime_elem (p :: 'a :: factorial_semiring)"
shows "squarefree p"
proof -
from assms have "p \ 0" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (subst squarefree_factorial_semiring [OF \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close>]; safe)
fix q assume *: "prime q" "q^2 dvd p"
with assms have "multiplicity q p \ 2" by (intro multiplicity_geI) auto
thus False using assms \<open>prime q\<close> prime_multiplicity_other[of q "normalize p"]
by (cases "q = normalize p") simp_all
lemma squarefree_prime:
assumes "prime (p :: 'a :: factorial_semiring)"
shows "squarefree p"
using assms by (intro squarefree_prime_elem) auto
lemma squarefree_mult_coprime:
fixes a b :: "'a :: factorial_semiring_gcd"
assumes "coprime a b" "squarefree a" "squarefree b"
shows "squarefree (a * b)"
proof -
from assms have nz: "a * b \ 0" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding squarefree_factorial_semiring'[OF nz]
fix p assume p: "p \ prime_factors (a * b)"
with nz have "prime p"
by (simp add: prime_factors_dvd)
have "\ (p dvd a \ p dvd b)"
assume "p dvd a \ p dvd b"
with \<open>coprime a b\<close> have "is_unit p"
by (auto intro: coprime_common_divisor)
with \<open>prime p\<close> show False
by simp
moreover from p have "p dvd a \ p dvd b" using nz
by (auto simp: prime_factors_dvd prime_dvd_mult_iff)
ultimately show "multiplicity p (a * b) = 1" using nz p assms(2,3)
by (auto simp: prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib prime_factors_multiplicity
not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0 squarefree_factorial_semiring')
lemma squarefree_prod_coprime:
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: factorial_semiring_gcd"
assumes "\a b. a \ A \ b \ A \ a \ b \ coprime (f a) (f b)"
assumes "\a. a \ A \ squarefree (f a)"
shows "squarefree (prod f A)"
using assms
by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct)
(auto intro!: squarefree_mult_coprime prod_coprime_right)
lemma squarefree_powerD: "m > 0 \ squarefree (n ^ m) \ squarefree n"
by (cases m) (auto dest: squarefree_multD)
lemma squarefree_power_iff:
"squarefree (n ^ m) \ m = 0 \ is_unit n \ (squarefree n \ m = 1)"
proof safe
assume "squarefree (n ^ m)" "m > 0" "\is_unit n"
show "m = 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "m \ 1"
with \<open>m > 0\<close> have "n ^ 2 dvd n ^ m" by (intro le_imp_power_dvd) auto
from this and \<open>\<not>is_unit n\<close> have "\<not>squarefree (n ^ m)" by (rule not_squarefreeI)
with \<open>squarefree (n ^ m)\<close> show False by contradiction
qed (auto simp: is_unit_power_iff dest: squarefree_powerD)
definition squarefree_nat :: "nat \ bool" where
[code_abbrev]: "squarefree_nat = squarefree"
lemma squarefree_nat_code_naive [code]:
"squarefree_nat n \ n \ 0 \ (\k\{2..n}. \k ^ 2 dvd n)"
proof safe
assume *: "\k\{2..n}. \ k\<^sup>2 dvd n" and n: "n > 0"
show "squarefree_nat n" unfolding squarefree_nat_def
proof (rule squarefreeI)
fix k assume k: "k ^ 2 dvd n"
have "k dvd n" by (rule dvd_trans[OF _ k]) auto
with n have "k \ n" by (intro dvd_imp_le)
with bspec[OF *, of k] k have "\k > 1" by (intro notI) auto
moreover from k and n have "k \ 0" by (intro notI) auto
ultimately have "k = 1" by presburger
thus "is_unit k" by simp
qed (auto simp: squarefree_nat_def squarefree_def intro!: Nat.gr0I)
definition square_part :: "'a :: factorial_semiring \ 'a" where
"square_part n = (if n = 0 then 0 else
normalize (\<Prod>p\<in>prime_factors n. p ^ (multiplicity p n div 2)))"
lemma square_part_nonzero:
"n \ 0 \ square_part n = normalize (\p\prime_factors n. p ^ (multiplicity p n div 2))"
by (simp add: square_part_def)
lemma square_part_0 [simp]: "square_part 0 = 0"
by (simp add: square_part_def)
lemma square_part_unit [simp]: "is_unit x \ square_part x = 1"
by (auto simp: square_part_def prime_factorization_unit)
lemma square_part_1 [simp]: "square_part 1 = 1"
by simp
lemma square_part_0_iff [simp]: "square_part n = 0 \ n = 0"
by (simp add: square_part_def)
lemma normalize_uminus [simp]:
"normalize (-x :: 'a :: {normalization_semidom, comm_ring_1}) = normalize x"
by (rule associatedI) auto
lemma multiplicity_uminus_right [simp]:
"multiplicity (x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, comm_ring_1}) (-y) = multiplicity x y"
proof -
have "multiplicity x (-y) = multiplicity x (normalize (-y))"
by (rule multiplicity_normalize_right [symmetric])
also have "\ = multiplicity x y" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma multiplicity_uminus_left [simp]:
"multiplicity (-x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, comm_ring_1}) y = multiplicity x y"
proof -
have "multiplicity (-x) y = multiplicity (normalize (-x)) y"
by (rule multiplicity_normalize_left [symmetric])
also have "\ = multiplicity x y" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma prime_factorization_uminus [simp]:
"prime_factorization (-x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, comm_ring_1}) = prime_factorization x"
by (rule prime_factorization_cong) simp_all
lemma square_part_uminus [simp]:
"square_part (-x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, comm_ring_1}) = square_part x"
by (simp add: square_part_def)
lemma prime_multiplicity_square_part:
assumes "prime p"
shows "multiplicity p (square_part n) = multiplicity p n div 2"
proof (cases "n = 0")
case False
thus ?thesis unfolding square_part_nonzero[OF False] multiplicity_normalize_right
using finite_prime_divisors[of n] assms
by (subst multiplicity_prod_prime_powers)
(auto simp: not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0 prime_factors_dvd multiplicity_prod_prime_powers)
qed auto
lemma square_part_square_dvd [simp, intro]: "square_part n ^ 2 dvd n"
proof (cases "n = 0")
case False
thus ?thesis
by (intro multiplicity_le_imp_dvd)
(auto simp: prime_multiplicity_square_part prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib)
qed auto
lemma prime_multiplicity_le_imp_dvd:
assumes "x \ 0" "y \ 0"
shows "x dvd y \ (\p. prime p \ multiplicity p x \ multiplicity p y)"
using assms by (auto intro: multiplicity_le_imp_dvd dvd_imp_multiplicity_le)
lemma dvd_square_part_iff: "x dvd square_part n \ x ^ 2 dvd n"
proof (cases "x = 0"; cases "n = 0")
assume nz: "x \ 0" "n \ 0"
thus ?thesis
by (subst (1 2) prime_multiplicity_le_imp_dvd)
(auto simp: prime_multiplicity_square_part prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib)
qed auto
definition squarefree_part :: "'a :: factorial_semiring \ 'a" where
"squarefree_part n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n div square_part n ^ 2)"
lemma squarefree_part_0 [simp]: "squarefree_part 0 = 1"
by (simp add: squarefree_part_def)
lemma squarefree_part_unit [simp]: "is_unit n \ squarefree_part n = n"
by (auto simp add: squarefree_part_def)
lemma squarefree_part_1 [simp]: "squarefree_part 1 = 1"
by simp
lemma squarefree_decompose: "n = squarefree_part n * square_part n ^ 2"
by (simp add: squarefree_part_def)
lemma squarefree_part_uminus [simp]:
assumes "x \ 0"
shows "squarefree_part (-x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, comm_ring_1}) = -squarefree_part x"
proof -
have "-(squarefree_part x * square_part x ^ 2) = -x"
by (subst squarefree_decompose [symmetric]) auto
also have "\ = squarefree_part (-x) * square_part (-x) ^ 2" by (rule squarefree_decompose)
finally have "(- squarefree_part x) * square_part x ^ 2 =
squarefree_part (-x) * square_part x ^ 2" by simp
thus ?thesis using assms by (subst (asm) mult_right_cancel) auto
lemma squarefree_part_nonzero [simp]: "squarefree_part n \ 0"
using squarefree_decompose[of n] by (cases "n \ 0") auto
lemma prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part:
assumes "prime p"
shows "multiplicity p (squarefree_part n) = multiplicity p n mod 2"
proof (cases "n = 0")
case False
hence n: "n \ 0" by auto
have "multiplicity p n mod 2 + 2 * (multiplicity p n div 2) = multiplicity p n" by simp
also have "\ = multiplicity p (squarefree_part n * square_part n ^ 2)"
by (subst squarefree_decompose[of n]) simp
also from assms n have "\ = multiplicity p (squarefree_part n) + 2 * (multiplicity p n div 2)"
by (subst prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib)
(auto simp: prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib prime_multiplicity_square_part)
finally show ?thesis by (subst (asm) add_right_cancel) simp
qed auto
lemma prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part_le_Suc_0 [intro]:
assumes "prime p"
shows "multiplicity p (squarefree_part n) \ Suc 0"
by (simp add: assms prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part)
lemma squarefree_squarefree_part [simp, intro]: "squarefree (squarefree_part n)"
by (subst squarefree_factorial_semiring'')
(auto simp: prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part_le_Suc_0)
lemma squarefree_decomposition_unique:
assumes "square_part m = square_part n"
assumes "squarefree_part m = squarefree_part n"
shows "m = n"
by (subst (1 2) squarefree_decompose) (simp_all add: assms)
lemma normalize_square_part [simp]: "normalize (square_part x) = square_part x"
by (simp add: square_part_def)
lemma square_part_even_power': "square_part (x ^ (2 * n)) = normalize (x ^ n)"
proof (cases "x = 0")
case False
have "normalize (square_part (x ^ (2 * n))) = normalize (x ^ n)" using False
by (intro multiplicity_eq_imp_eq)
(auto simp: prime_multiplicity_square_part prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib)
thus ?thesis by simp
qed (auto simp: power_0_left)
lemma square_part_even_power: "even n \ square_part (x ^ n) = normalize (x ^ (n div 2))"
by (subst square_part_even_power' [symmetric]) auto
lemma square_part_odd_power': "square_part (x ^ (Suc (2 * n))) = normalize (x ^ n * square_part x)"
proof (cases "x = 0")
case False
have "normalize (square_part (x ^ (Suc (2 * n)))) = normalize (square_part x * x ^ n)"
proof (rule multiplicity_eq_imp_eq, goal_cases)
case (3 p)
hence "multiplicity p (square_part (x ^ Suc (2 * n))) =
(2 * (n * multiplicity p x) + multiplicity p x) div 2"
by (subst prime_multiplicity_square_part)
(auto simp: False prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib algebra_simps simp del: power_Suc)
also from 3 False have "\ = multiplicity p (square_part x * x ^ n)"
by (subst div_mult_self4) (auto simp: prime_multiplicity_square_part
prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib prime_elem_multiplicity_power_distrib)
finally show ?case .
qed (insert False, auto)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: mult_ac)
qed auto
lemma square_part_odd_power:
"odd n \ square_part (x ^ n) = normalize (x ^ (n div 2) * square_part x)"
by (subst square_part_odd_power' [symmetric]) auto
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