(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/FOCUS/Fstreams.thy
Author: Borislav Gajanovic
FOCUS flat streams (with lifted elements).
TODO: integrate this with Fstream.
theory Fstreams
imports "HOLCF-Library.Stream"
default_sort type
type_synonym 'a fstream = "('a lift) stream"
fsingleton :: "'a => 'a fstream" ("<_>" [1000] 999) where
fsingleton_def2: "fsingleton = (%a. Def a && UU)"
fsfilter :: "'a set \ 'a fstream \ 'a fstream" where
"fsfilter A = sfilter\(flift2 (\x. x\A))"
fsmap :: "('a => 'b) => 'a fstream -> 'b fstream" where
"fsmap f = smap\(flift2 f)"
jth :: "nat => 'a fstream => 'a" where
"jth = (%n s. if enat n < #s then THE a. i_th n s = Def a else undefined)"
first :: "'a fstream => 'a" where
"first = (%s. jth 0 s)"
last :: "'a fstream => 'a" where
"last = (%s. case #s of enat n => (if n~=0 then jth (THE k. Suc k = n) s else undefined))"
emptystream :: "'a fstream" ("<>") where
"<> == \"
fsfilter' :: "'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream" ("(_\<copyright>_)" [64,63] 63) where
"A\s == fsfilter A\s"
notation (ASCII)
fsfilter' ("(_'(C')_)" [64,63] 63)
lemma ft_fsingleton[simp]: "ft\() = Def a"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma slen_fsingleton[simp]: "#() = enat 1"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2 enat_defs)
lemma slen_fstreams[simp]: "#( ooo s) = eSuc (#s)"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma slen_fstreams2[simp]: "#(s ooo ) = eSuc (#s)"
apply (cases "#s")
apply (auto simp add: eSuc_enat)
apply (insert slen_sconc [of _ s "Suc 0" ""], auto)
apply (simp add: sconc_def)
lemma j_th_0_fsingleton[simp]:"jth 0 () = a"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2 jth_def)
apply (simp add: i_th_def enat_0)
lemma jth_0[simp]: "jth 0 ( ooo s) = a"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2 jth_def)
apply (simp add: i_th_def enat_0)
lemma first_sconc[simp]: "first ( ooo s) = a"
by (simp add: first_def)
lemma first_fsingleton[simp]: "first () = a"
by (simp add: first_def)
lemma jth_n[simp]: "enat n = #s ==> jth n (s ooo ) = a"
apply (simp add: jth_def, auto)
apply (simp add: i_th_def rt_sconc1)
apply (simp add: enat_defs split: enat.splits)
lemma last_sconc[simp]: "enat n = #s ==> last (s ooo ) = a"
apply (simp add: last_def)
apply (simp add: enat_defs split:enat.splits)
apply (drule sym, auto)
lemma last_fsingleton[simp]: "last () = a"
by (simp add: last_def)
lemma first_UU[simp]: "first UU = undefined"
by (simp add: first_def jth_def)
lemma last_UU[simp]:"last UU = undefined"
by (simp add: last_def jth_def enat_defs)
lemma last_infinite[simp]:"#s = \ \ last s = undefined"
by (simp add: last_def)
lemma jth_slen_lemma1:"n \ k \ enat n = #s \ jth k s = undefined"
by (simp add: jth_def enat_defs split:enat.splits, auto)
lemma jth_UU[simp]:"jth n UU = undefined"
by (simp add: jth_def)
lemma ext_last:"\s \ UU; enat (Suc n) = #s\ \ (stream_take n\s) ooo <(last s)> = s"
apply (simp add: last_def)
apply (case_tac "#s", auto)
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
apply (subgoal_tac "Def (jth n s) = i_th n s")
apply (auto simp add: i_th_last)
apply (drule slen_take_lemma1, auto)
apply (simp add: jth_def)
apply (case_tac "i_th n s = UU")
apply auto
apply (simp add: i_th_def)
apply (case_tac "i_rt n s = UU", auto)
apply (drule i_rt_slen [THEN iffD1])
apply (drule slen_take_eq_rev [rule_format, THEN iffD2],auto)
apply (drule not_Undef_is_Def [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fsingleton_lemma1[simp]: "( = ) = (a=b)"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fsingleton_lemma2[simp]: " ~= <>"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fsingleton_sconc:" ooo s = Def a && s"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fstreams_ind:
"[| adm P; P <>; !!a s. P s ==> P ( ooo s) |] ==> P x"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
apply (rule stream.induct, auto)
apply (drule not_Undef_is_Def [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fstreams_ind2:
"[| adm P; P <>; !!a. P (); !!a b s. P s ==> P ( ooo ooo s) |] ==> P x"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
apply (rule stream_ind2, auto)
apply (drule not_Undef_is_Def [THEN iffD1], auto)+
lemma fstreams_take_Suc[simp]: "stream_take (Suc n)\( ooo s) = ooo stream_take n\s"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fstreams_not_empty[simp]: " ooo s \ <>"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fstreams_not_empty2[simp]: "s ooo \ <>"
by (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
lemma fstreams_exhaust: "x = UU \ (\a s. x = ooo s)"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2, auto)
apply (erule contrapos_pp, auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (drule not_Undef_is_Def [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fstreams_cases: "\x = UU \ P; \a y. x = ooo y \ P\ \ P"
by (insert fstreams_exhaust [of x], auto)
lemma fstreams_exhaust_eq: "x \ UU \ (\a y. x = ooo y)"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2, auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (drule not_Undef_is_Def [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fstreams_inject: " ooo s = ooo t \ a = b \ s = t"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fstreams_prefix: " ooo s << t \ \tt. t = ooo tt \ s << tt"
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
apply (insert stream_prefix [of "Def a" s t], auto)
lemma fstreams_prefix': "x << ooo z \ x = <> \ (\y. x = ooo y \ y << z)"
apply (auto, case_tac "x=UU", auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (simp add: fsingleton_def2, auto)
apply (drule ax_flat, simp)
apply (erule sconc_mono)
lemma ft_fstreams[simp]: "ft\( ooo s) = Def a"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma rt_fstreams[simp]: "rt\( ooo s) = s"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma ft_eq[simp]: "ft\s = Def a \ (\t. s = ooo t)"
apply (cases s, auto)
apply (auto simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma surjective_fstreams: " ooo y = x \ (ft\x = Def d \ rt\x = y)"
by auto
lemma fstreams_mono: " ooo b << ooo c \ b << c"
by (simp add: fsingleton_def2)
lemma fsmap_UU[simp]: "fsmap f\UU = UU"
by (simp add: fsmap_def)
lemma fsmap_fsingleton_sconc: "fsmap f\( ooo xs) = <(f x)> ooo (fsmap f\xs)"
by (simp add: fsmap_def fsingleton_def2 flift2_def)
lemma fsmap_fsingleton[simp]: "fsmap f\() = <(f x)>"
by (simp add: fsmap_def fsingleton_def2 flift2_def)
lemma fstreams_chain_lemma[rule_format]:
"\s x y. stream_take n\(s::'a fstream) << x \ x << y \ y << s \ x \ y \ stream_take (Suc n)\s << y"
apply (induct_tac n, auto)
apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (case_tac "y=UU", auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (simp add: flat_below_iff)
apply (case_tac "s=UU", auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], auto)
apply (erule_tac x="ya" in allE)
apply (drule stream_prefix, auto)
apply (case_tac "y=UU",auto)
apply (drule stream_exhaust_eq [THEN iffD1], clarsimp)
apply auto
apply (simp add: flat_below_iff)
apply (erule_tac x="tt" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="yb" in allE, auto)
apply (simp add: flat_below_iff)
apply (simp add: flat_below_iff)
lemma fstreams_lub_lemma1: "\chain Y; (LUB i. Y i) = ooo s\ \ \j t. Y j = ooo t"
apply (subgoal_tac "(LUB i. Y i) ~= UU")
apply (frule lub_eq_bottom_iff, auto)
apply (drule_tac x="i" in is_ub_thelub, auto)
apply (drule fstreams_prefix' [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fstreams_lub1:
"\chain Y; (LUB i. Y i) = ooo s\
\<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>j t. Y j = <a> ooo t) \<and> (\<exists>X. chain X \<and> (\<forall>i. \<exists>j. <a> ooo X i << Y j) \<and> (LUB i. X i) = s)"
apply (auto simp add: fstreams_lub_lemma1)
apply (rule_tac x="\n. stream_take n\s" in exI, auto)
apply (induct_tac i, auto)
apply (drule fstreams_lub_lemma1, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="j" in exI, auto)
apply (case_tac "max_in_chain j Y")
apply (frule lub_finch1 [THEN lub_eqI], auto)
apply (rule_tac x="j" in exI)
apply (erule subst) back back
apply (simp add: below_prod_def sconc_mono)
apply (simp add: max_in_chain_def, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="ja" in exI)
apply (subgoal_tac "Y j << Y ja")
apply (drule fstreams_prefix, auto)+
apply (rule sconc_mono)
apply (rule fstreams_chain_lemma, auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "Y ja << (LUB i. (Y i))", clarsimp)
apply (drule fstreams_mono, simp)
apply (rule is_ub_thelub, simp)
apply (blast intro: chain_mono)
by (rule stream_reach2)
lemma lub_Pair_not_UU_lemma:
"\chain Y; (LUB i. Y i) = ((a::'a::flat), b); a \ UU; b \ UU\
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>j c d. Y j = (c, d) \<and> c \<noteq> UU \<and> d \<noteq> UU"
apply (frule lub_prod, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp add: lub_eq_bottom_iff [where Y="\i. fst (Y i)"])
apply (case_tac "Y i", clarsimp)
apply (case_tac "max_in_chain i Y")
apply (drule maxinch_is_thelub, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="i" in exI, auto)
apply (simp add: max_in_chain_def, auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "Y i << Y j",auto)
apply (simp add: below_prod_def, clarsimp)
apply (drule ax_flat, auto)
apply (case_tac "snd (Y j) = UU",auto)
apply (case_tac "Y j", auto)
apply (rule_tac x="j" in exI)
apply (case_tac "Y j",auto)
apply (drule chain_mono, auto)
lemma fstreams_lub_lemma2:
"\chain Y; (LUB i. Y i) = (a, ooo ms); (a::'a::flat) \ UU\ \ \j t. Y j = (a, ooo t)"
apply (frule lub_Pair_not_UU_lemma, auto)
apply (drule_tac x="j" in is_ub_thelub, auto)
apply (drule ax_flat, clarsimp)
apply (drule fstreams_prefix' [THEN iffD1], auto)
lemma fstreams_lub2:
"\chain Y; (LUB i. Y i) = (a, ooo ms); (a::'a::flat) \ UU\
\<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>j t. Y j = (a, <m> ooo t)) \<and> (\<exists>X. chain X \<and> (\<forall>i. \<exists>j. (a, <m> ooo X i) << Y j) \<and> (LUB i. X i) = ms)"
apply (auto simp add: fstreams_lub_lemma2)
apply (rule_tac x="\n. stream_take n\ms" in exI, auto)
apply (induct_tac i, auto)
apply (drule fstreams_lub_lemma2, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="j" in exI, auto)
apply (case_tac "max_in_chain j Y")
apply (frule lub_finch1 [THEN lub_eqI], auto)
apply (rule_tac x="j" in exI)
apply (erule subst) back back
apply (simp add: sconc_mono)
apply (simp add: max_in_chain_def, auto)
apply (rule_tac x="ja" in exI)
apply (subgoal_tac "Y j << Y ja")
apply (simp add: below_prod_def, auto)
apply (drule below_trans)
apply (simp add: ax_flat, auto)
apply (drule fstreams_prefix, auto)+
apply (rule sconc_mono)
apply (subgoal_tac "tt \ tta" "tta << ms")
apply (blast intro: fstreams_chain_lemma)
apply (frule lub_prod, auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "snd (Y ja) << (LUB i. snd (Y i))", clarsimp)
apply (drule fstreams_mono, simp)
apply (rule is_ub_thelub chainI)
apply (simp add: chain_def below_prod_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "fst (Y j) \ fst (Y ja) \ snd (Y j) \ snd (Y ja)", simp)
apply (drule ax_flat, simp)+
apply (drule prod_eqI, auto)
apply (simp add: chain_mono)
apply (rule stream_reach2)
lemma cpo_cont_lemma:
"\monofun (f::'a::cpo \ 'b::cpo); (\Y. chain Y \ f (lub(range Y)) << (LUB i. f (Y i)))\ \ cont f"
apply (erule contI2)
apply simp
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