(* Title: HOL/Hahn_Banach/Hahn_Banach_Ext_Lemmas.thy
Author: Gertrud Bauer, TU Munich
section \<open>Extending non-maximal functions\<close>
theory Hahn_Banach_Ext_Lemmas
imports Function_Norm
text \<open>
In this section the following context is presumed. Let \<open>E\<close> be a real vector
space with a seminorm \<open>q\<close> on \<open>E\<close>. \<open>F\<close> is a subspace of \<open>E\<close> and \<open>f\<close> a linear
function on \<open>F\<close>. We consider a subspace \<open>H\<close> of \<open>E\<close> that is a superspace of
\<open>F\<close> and a linear form \<open>h\<close> on \<open>H\<close>. \<open>H\<close> is a not equal to \<open>E\<close> and \<open>x\<^sub>0\<close> is an
element in \<open>E - H\<close>. \<open>H\<close> is extended to the direct sum \<open>H' = H + lin x\<^sub>0\<close>, so
for any \<open>x \<in> H'\<close> the decomposition of \<open>x = y + a \<cdot> x\<close> with \<open>y \<in> H\<close> is
unique. \<open>h'\<close> is defined on \<open>H'\<close> by \<open>h' x = h y + a \<cdot> \<xi>\<close> for a certain \<open>\<xi>\<close>.
Subsequently we show some properties of this extension \<open>h'\<close> of \<open>h\<close>.
This lemma will be used to show the existence of a linear extension of \<open>f\<close>
(see page \pageref{ex-xi-use}). It is a consequence of the completeness of
\<open>\<real>\<close>. To show
\<open>\<exists>\<xi>. \<forall>y \<in> F. a y \<le> \<xi> \<and> \<xi> \<le> b y\<close>
\<^noindent> it suffices to show that
\<open>\<forall>u \<in> F. \<forall>v \<in> F. a u \<le> b v\<close>
lemma ex_xi:
assumes "vectorspace F"
assumes r: "\u v. u \ F \ v \ F \ a u \ b v"
shows "\xi::real. \y \ F. a y \ xi \ xi \ b y"
proof -
interpret vectorspace F by fact
txt \<open>From the completeness of the reals follows:
The set \<open>S = {a u. u \<in> F}\<close> has a supremum, if it is
non-empty and has an upper bound.\<close>
let ?S = "{a u | u. u \ F}"
have "\xi. lub ?S xi"
proof (rule real_complete)
have "a 0 \ ?S" by blast
then show "\X. X \ ?S" ..
have "\y \ ?S. y \ b 0"
fix y assume y: "y \ ?S"
then obtain u where u: "u \ F" and y: "y = a u" by blast
from u and zero have "a u \ b 0" by (rule r)
with y show "y \ b 0" by (simp only:)
then show "\u. \y \ ?S. y \ u" ..
then obtain xi where xi: "lub ?S xi" ..
fix y assume "y \ F"
then have "a y \ ?S" by blast
with xi have "a y \ xi" by (rule lub.upper)
moreover {
fix y assume y: "y \ F"
from xi have "xi \ b y"
proof (rule lub.least)
fix au assume "au \ ?S"
then obtain u where u: "u \ F" and au: "au = a u" by blast
from u y have "a u \ b y" by (rule r)
with au show "au \ b y" by (simp only:)
ultimately show "\xi. \y \ F. a y \ xi \ xi \ b y" by blast
text \<open>
The function \<open>h'\<close> is defined as a \<open>h' x = h y + a \<cdot> \<xi>\<close> where \<open>x = y + a \<cdot> \<xi>\<close>
is a linear extension of \<open>h\<close> to \<open>H'\<close>.
lemma h'_lf:
assumes h'_def: "\x. h' x = (let (y, a) =
SOME (y, a). x = y + a \<cdot> x0 \<and> y \<in> H in h y + a * xi)"
and H'_def: "H' = H + lin x0"
and HE: "H \ E"
assumes "linearform H h"
assumes x0: "x0 \ H" "x0 \ E" "x0 \ 0"
assumes E: "vectorspace E"
shows "linearform H' h'"
proof -
interpret linearform H h by fact
interpret vectorspace E by fact
show ?thesis
note E = \<open>vectorspace E\<close>
have H': "vectorspace H'"
proof (unfold H'_def)
from \<open>x0 \<in> E\<close>
have "lin x0 \ E" ..
with HE show "vectorspace (H + lin x0)" using E ..
fix x1 x2 assume x1: "x1 \ H'" and x2: "x2 \ H'"
show "h' (x1 + x2) = h' x1 + h' x2"
proof -
from H' x1 x2 have "x1 + x2 \ H'"
by (rule vectorspace.add_closed)
with x1 x2 obtain y y1 y2 a a1 a2 where
x1x2: "x1 + x2 = y + a \ x0" and y: "y \ H"
and x1_rep: "x1 = y1 + a1 \ x0" and y1: "y1 \ H"
and x2_rep: "x2 = y2 + a2 \ x0" and y2: "y2 \ H"
unfolding H'_def sum_def lin_def by blast
have ya: "y1 + y2 = y \ a1 + a2 = a" using E HE _ y x0
proof (rule decomp_H') text_raw \\label{decomp-H-use}\
from HE y1 y2 show "y1 + y2 \ H"
by (rule subspace.add_closed)
from x0 and HE y y1 y2
have "x0 \ E" "y \ E" "y1 \ E" "y2 \ E" by auto
with x1_rep x2_rep have "(y1 + y2) + (a1 + a2) \ x0 = x1 + x2"
by (simp add: add_ac add_mult_distrib2)
also note x1x2
finally show "(y1 + y2) + (a1 + a2) \ x0 = y + a \ x0" .
from h'_def x1x2 E HE y x0
have "h' (x1 + x2) = h y + a * xi"
by (rule h'_definite)
also have "\ = h (y1 + y2) + (a1 + a2) * xi"
by (simp only: ya)
also from y1 y2 have "h (y1 + y2) = h y1 + h y2"
by simp
also have "\ + (a1 + a2) * xi = (h y1 + a1 * xi) + (h y2 + a2 * xi)"
by (simp add: distrib_right)
also from h'_def x1_rep E HE y1 x0
have "h y1 + a1 * xi = h' x1"
by (rule h'_definite [symmetric])
also from h'_def x2_rep E HE y2 x0
have "h y2 + a2 * xi = h' x2"
by (rule h'_definite [symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
fix x1 c assume x1: "x1 \ H'"
show "h' (c \ x1) = c * (h' x1)"
proof -
from H' x1 have ax1: "c \ x1 \ H'"
by (rule vectorspace.mult_closed)
with x1 obtain y a y1 a1 where
cx1_rep: "c \ x1 = y + a \ x0" and y: "y \ H"
and x1_rep: "x1 = y1 + a1 \ x0" and y1: "y1 \ H"
unfolding H'_def sum_def lin_def by blast
have ya: "c \ y1 = y \ c * a1 = a" using E HE _ y x0
proof (rule decomp_H')
from HE y1 show "c \ y1 \ H"
by (rule subspace.mult_closed)
from x0 and HE y y1
have "x0 \ E" "y \ E" "y1 \ E" by auto
with x1_rep have "c \ y1 + (c * a1) \ x0 = c \ x1"
by (simp add: mult_assoc add_mult_distrib1)
also note cx1_rep
finally show "c \ y1 + (c * a1) \ x0 = y + a \ x0" .
from h'_def cx1_rep E HE y x0 have "h' (c \<cdot> x1) = h y + a * xi"
by (rule h'_definite)
also have "\ = h (c \ y1) + (c * a1) * xi"
by (simp only: ya)
also from y1 have "h (c \ y1) = c * h y1"
by simp
also have "\ + (c * a1) * xi = c * (h y1 + a1 * xi)"
by (simp only: distrib_left)
also from h'_def x1_rep E HE y1 x0 have "h y1 + a1 * xi = h' x1"
by (rule h'_definite [symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
text \<open>
The linear extension \<open>h'\<close> of \<open>h\<close> is bounded by the seminorm \<open>p\<close>.
lemma h'_norm_pres:
assumes h'_def: "\x. h' x = (let (y, a) =
SOME (y, a). x = y + a \<cdot> x0 \<and> y \<in> H in h y + a * xi)"
and H'_def: "H' = H + lin x0"
and x0: "x0 \ H" "x0 \ E" "x0 \ 0"
assumes E: "vectorspace E" and HE: "subspace H E"
and "seminorm E p" and "linearform H h"
assumes a: "\y \ H. h y \ p y"
and a': "\y \ H. - p (y + x0) - h y \ xi \ xi \ p (y + x0) - h y"
shows "\x \ H'. h' x \ p x"
proof -
interpret vectorspace E by fact
interpret subspace H E by fact
interpret seminorm E p by fact
interpret linearform H h by fact
show ?thesis
fix x assume x': "x \ H'"
show "h' x \ p x"
proof -
from a' have a1: "\ya \ H. - p (ya + x0) - h ya \ xi"
and a2: "\ya \ H. xi \ p (ya + x0) - h ya" by auto
from x' obtain y a where
x_rep: "x = y + a \ x0" and y: "y \ H"
unfolding H'_def sum_def lin_def by blast
from y have y': "y \ E" ..
from y have ay: "inverse a \ y \ H" by simp
from h'_def x_rep E HE y x0 have "h' x = h y + a * xi"
by (rule h'_definite)
also have "\ \ p (y + a \ x0)"
proof (rule linorder_cases)
assume z: "a = 0"
then have "h y + a * xi = h y" by simp
also from a y have "\ \ p y" ..
also from x0 y' z have "p y = p (y + a \ x0)" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
txt \<open>In the case \<open>a < 0\<close>, we use \<open>a\<^sub>1\<close>
with \<open>ya\<close> taken as \<open>y / a\<close>:\<close>
assume lz: "a < 0" then have nz: "a \ 0" by simp
from a1 ay
have "- p (inverse a \ y + x0) - h (inverse a \ y) \ xi" ..
with lz have "a * xi \
a * (- p (inverse a \<cdot> y + x0) - h (inverse a \<cdot> y))"
by (simp add: mult_left_mono_neg order_less_imp_le)
also have "\ =
- a * (p (inverse a \<cdot> y + x0)) - a * (h (inverse a \<cdot> y))"
by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
also from lz x0 y' have "- a * (p (inverse a \ y + x0)) =
p (a \<cdot> (inverse a \<cdot> y + x0))"
by (simp add: abs_homogenous)
also from nz x0 y' have "\ = p (y + a \ x0)"
by (simp add: add_mult_distrib1 mult_assoc [symmetric])
also from nz y have "a * (h (inverse a \ y)) = h y"
by simp
finally have "a * xi \ p (y + a \ x0) - h y" .
then show ?thesis by simp
txt \<open>In the case \<open>a > 0\<close>, we use \<open>a\<^sub>2\<close>
with \<open>ya\<close> taken as \<open>y / a\<close>:\<close>
assume gz: "0 < a" then have nz: "a \ 0" by simp
from a2 ay
have "xi \ p (inverse a \ y + x0) - h (inverse a \ y)" ..
with gz have "a * xi \
a * (p (inverse a \<cdot> y + x0) - h (inverse a \<cdot> y))"
by simp
also have "\ = a * p (inverse a \ y + x0) - a * h (inverse a \ y)"
by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
also from gz x0 y'
have "a * p (inverse a \ y + x0) = p (a \ (inverse a \ y + x0))"
by (simp add: abs_homogenous)
also from nz x0 y' have "\ = p (y + a \ x0)"
by (simp add: add_mult_distrib1 mult_assoc [symmetric])
also from nz y have "a * h (inverse a \ y) = h y"
by simp
finally have "a * xi \ p (y + a \ x0) - h y" .
then show ?thesis by simp
also from x_rep have "\ = p x" by (simp only:)
finally show ?thesis .
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