(* Title: HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
signature MIRABELLE =
val logfile : string Config.T
val timeout : int Config.T
val start_line : int Config.T
val end_line : int Config.T
type init_action = int -> theory -> theory
type done_args = {last: Toplevel.state, log: string -> unit}
type done_action = int -> done_args -> unit
type run_args = {pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state option,
timeout: Time.time, log: string -> unit, pos: Position.T, name: string}
type run_action = int -> run_args -> unit
type action = init_action * run_action * done_action
val catch : (int -> string) -> run_action -> run_action
val catch_result : (int -> string) -> 'a -> (int -> run_args -> 'a) ->
int -> run_args -> 'a
val register : action -> theory -> theory
val step_hook : Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> Toplevel.state ->
(*utility functions*)
val can_apply : Time.time -> (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) ->
Proof.state -> bool
val theorems_in_proof_term : theory -> thm -> thm list
val theorems_of_sucessful_proof : Toplevel.state option -> thm list
val get_setting : (string * string) list -> string * string -> string
val get_int_setting : (string * string) list -> string * int -> int
val cpu_time : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * int
structure Mirabelle : MIRABELLE =
(* Mirabelle configuration *)
val logfile = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_logfile\<close> (K "")
val timeout = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_timeout\<close> (K 30)
val start_line = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_start_line\<close> (K 0)
val end_line = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_end_line\<close> (K ~1)
(* Mirabelle core *)
type init_action = int -> theory -> theory
type done_args = {last: Toplevel.state, log: string -> unit}
type done_action = int -> done_args -> unit
type run_args = {pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state option,
timeout: Time.time, log: string -> unit, pos: Position.T, name: string}
type run_action = int -> run_args -> unit
type action = init_action * run_action * done_action
structure Actions = Theory_Data
type T = (int * run_action * done_action) list
val empty = []
val extend = I
fun merge data = Library.merge (K true) data (* FIXME potential data loss because of (K true) *)
fun log_exn log tag id e = log (tag id ^ "exception:\n" ^ General.exnMessage e)
fun catch tag f id (st as {log, ...}: run_args) = (f id st; ())
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else (log_exn log tag id exn; ())
fun catch_result tag d f id (st as {log, ...}: run_args) = f id st
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else (log_exn log tag id exn; d)
fun register (init, run, done) thy =
let val id = length (Actions.get thy) + 1
|> init id
|> Actions.map (cons (id, run, done))
fun log thy s =
let fun append_to n = if n = "" then K () else File.append (Path.explode n)
in append_to (Config.get_global thy logfile) (s ^ "\n") end
(* FIXME: with multithreading and parallel proofs enabled, we might need to
encapsulate this inside a critical section *)
fun log_sep thy = log thy "------------------"
fun apply_actions thy pos name info (pre, post, time) actions =
fun apply f = f {pre=pre, post=post, timeout=time, log=log thy, pos=pos, name=name}
fun run (id, run, _) = (apply (run id); log_sep thy)
in (log thy info; log_sep thy; List.app run actions) end
fun in_range _ _ NONE = true
| in_range l r (SOME i) = (l <= i andalso (r < 0 orelse i <= r))
fun only_within_range thy pos f x =
let val l = Config.get_global thy start_line and r = Config.get_global thy end_line
in if in_range l r (Position.line_of pos) then f x else () end
fun run_actions tr pre post =
val thy = Proof.theory_of pre
val pos = Toplevel.pos_of tr
val name = Toplevel.name_of tr
val st = (pre, post, Time.fromSeconds (Config.get_global thy timeout))
val str0 = string_of_int o the_default 0
val loc = str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ":" ^ str0 (Position.offset_of pos)
val info = "\n\nat " ^ loc ^ " (" ^ name ^ "):"
only_within_range thy pos (apply_actions thy pos name info st) (Actions.get thy)
fun done_actions st =
val thy = Toplevel.theory_of st
val _ = log thy "\n\n";
|> Actions.get
|> List.app (fn (id, _, done) => done id {last=st, log=log thy})
val whitelist = ["apply", "by", "proof"]
fun step_hook tr pre post =
(* FIXME: might require wrapping into "interruptible" *)
if can (Proof.assert_backward o Toplevel.proof_of) pre andalso
member (op =) whitelist (Toplevel.name_of tr)
then run_actions tr (Toplevel.proof_of pre) (SOME post)
else if not (Toplevel.is_toplevel pre) andalso Toplevel.is_toplevel post
then done_actions pre
else () (* FIXME: add theory_hook here *)
(* Mirabelle utility functions *)
fun can_apply time tac st =
val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal st
val full_tac = HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt facts THEN' tac ctxt)
(case try (Timeout.apply time (Seq.pull o full_tac)) goal of
SOME (SOME _) => true
| _ => false)
fun fold_body_thms f =
fun app n (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, thm_node) =>
fn (x, seen) =>
if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
val name = Proofterm.thm_node_name thm_node
val prop = Proofterm.thm_node_prop thm_node
val body = Future.join (Proofterm.thm_node_body thm_node)
val (x', seen') = app (n + (if name = "" then 0 else 1)) body
(x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen)
in (x' |> n = 0 ? f (name, prop, body), seen') end)
in fn bodies => fn x => #1 (fold (app 0) bodies (x, Inttab.empty)) end
fun theorems_in_proof_term thy thm =
val all_thms = Global_Theory.all_thms_of thy true
fun collect (s, _, _) = if s <> "" then insert (op =) s else I
fun member_of xs (x, y) = if member (op =) xs x then SOME y else NONE
fun resolve_thms names = map_filter (member_of names) all_thms
resolve_thms (fold_body_thms collect [Thm.proof_body_of thm] [])
fun theorems_of_sucessful_proof state =
(case state of
NONE => []
| SOME st =>
if not (Toplevel.is_proof st) then []
theorems_in_proof_term (Toplevel.theory_of st) (#goal (Proof.goal (Toplevel.proof_of st))))
fun get_setting settings (key, default) =
the_default default (AList.lookup (op =) settings key)
fun get_int_setting settings (key, default) =
(case Option.map Int.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) settings key) of
SOME (SOME i) => i
| SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
| NONE => default)
fun cpu_time f x =
let val ({cpu, ...}, y) = Timing.timing f x
in (y, Time.toMilliseconds cpu) end
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.32 Sekunden
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