(* Author: Jaime Mendizabal Roche *)
theory Euler_Criterion
imports Residues
fixes p :: "nat"
fixes a :: "int"
assumes p_prime: "prime p"
assumes p_ge_2: "2 < p"
assumes p_a_relprime: "[a \ 0](mod p)"
private lemma odd_p: "odd p"
using p_ge_2 p_prime prime_odd_nat by blast
private lemma p_minus_1_int:
"int (p - 1) = int p - 1"
by (metis of_nat_1 of_nat_diff p_prime prime_ge_1_nat)
private lemma p_not_eq_Suc_0 [simp]:
"p \ Suc 0"
using p_ge_2 by simp
private lemma one_mod_int_p_eq [simp]:
"1 mod int p = 1"
proof -
from p_ge_2 have "int 1 mod int p = int 1"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by simp
private lemma E_1:
assumes "QuadRes (int p) a"
shows "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = 1] (mod int p)"
proof -
from assms obtain b where b: "[b ^ 2 = a] (mod int p)"
unfolding QuadRes_def by blast
then have "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = b ^ (2 * ((p - 1) div 2))] (mod int p)"
by (simp add: cong_pow cong_sym power_mult)
then have "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = b ^ (p - 1)] (mod int p)"
using odd_p by force
moreover have "[b ^ (p - 1) = 1] (mod int p)"
proof -
have "[nat \b\ ^ (p - 1) = 1] (mod p)"
using p_prime proof (rule fermat_theorem)
from b p_a_relprime show "\ p dvd nat \b\"
by (auto simp add: cong_iff_dvd_diff power2_eq_square)
(metis cong_iff_dvd_diff cong_dvd_iff dvd_mult2)
then have "nat \b\ ^ (p - 1) mod p = 1 mod p"
by (simp add: cong_def)
then have "int (nat \b\ ^ (p - 1) mod p) = int (1 mod p)"
by simp
moreover from odd_p have "\b\ ^ (p - Suc 0) = b ^ (p - Suc 0)"
by (simp add: power_even_abs)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: cong_def zmod_int)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto intro: cong_trans)
private definition S1 :: "int set" where "S1 = {0 <.. int p - 1}"
private definition P :: "int \ int \ bool" where
"P x y \ [x * y = a] (mod p) \ y \ S1"
private definition f_1 :: "int \ int" where
"f_1 x = (THE y. P x y)"
private definition f :: "int \ int set" where
"f x = {x, f_1 x}"
private definition S2 :: "int set set" where "S2 = f ` S1"
private lemma P_lemma: assumes "x \ S1"
shows "\! y. P x y"
proof -
have "\ p dvd x" using assms zdvd_not_zless S1_def by auto
hence co_xp: "coprime x p" using p_prime prime_imp_coprime_int[of p x]
by (simp add: ac_simps)
then obtain y' where y': "[x * y' = 1] (mod p)" using cong_solve_coprime_int by blast
moreover define y where "y = y' * a mod p"
ultimately have "[x * y = a] (mod p)"
using mod_mult_right_eq [of x "y' * a" p]
cong_scalar_right [of "x * y'" 1 "int p" a]
by (auto simp add: cong_def ac_simps)
moreover have "y \ {0 .. int p - 1}" unfolding y_def using p_ge_2 by auto
hence "y \ S1" using calculation cong_iff_dvd_diff p_a_relprime S1_def cong_dvd_iff by fastforce
ultimately have "P x y" unfolding P_def by blast
moreover {
fix y1 y2
assume "P x y1" "P x y2"
moreover hence "[y1 = y2] (mod p)" unfolding P_def
using co_xp cong_mult_lcancel[of x p y1 y2] cong_sym cong_trans by blast
ultimately have "y1 = y2" unfolding P_def S1_def using cong_less_imp_eq_int by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
private lemma f_1_lemma_1: assumes "x \ S1"
shows "P x (f_1 x)" using assms P_lemma theI'[of "P x"] f_1_def by presburger
private lemma f_1_lemma_2: assumes "x \ S1"
shows "f_1 (f_1 x) = x"
using assms f_1_lemma_1[of x] f_1_def P_lemma[of "f_1 x"] P_def by (auto simp: mult.commute)
private lemma f_lemma_1: assumes "x \ S1"
shows "f x = f (f_1 x)" using f_def f_1_lemma_2[of x] assms by auto
private lemma l1: assumes "\ QuadRes p a" "x \ S1"
shows "x \ f_1 x"
using f_1_lemma_1[of x] assms unfolding P_def QuadRes_def power2_eq_square by fastforce
private lemma l2: assumes "\ QuadRes p a" "x \ S1"
shows "[\ (f x) = a] (mod p)"
using assms l1 f_1_lemma_1 P_def f_def by auto
private lemma l3: assumes "x \ S2"
shows "finite x" using assms f_def S2_def by auto
private lemma l4: "S1 = \ S2" using f_1_lemma_1 P_def f_def S2_def by auto
private lemma l5: assumes "x \ S2" "y \ S2" "x \ y"
shows "x \ y = {}"
proof -
obtain a b where ab: "x = f a" "a \ S1" "y = f b" "b \ S1" using assms S2_def by auto
hence "a \ b" "a \ f_1 b" "f_1 a \ b" using assms(3) f_lemma_1 by blast+
moreover hence "f_1 a \ f_1 b" using f_1_lemma_2[of a] f_1_lemma_2[of b] ab by force
ultimately show ?thesis using f_def ab by fastforce
private lemma l6: "prod Prod S2 = \ S1"
using prod.Union_disjoint[of S2 "\x. x"] l3 l4 l5 unfolding comp_def by auto
private lemma l7: "fact n = \ {0 <.. int n}"
proof (induction n)
case (Suc n)
have "int (Suc n) = int n + 1" by simp
hence "insert (int (Suc n)) {0<..int n} = {0<..int (Suc n)}" by auto
thus ?case using prod.insert[of "{0<..int n}" "int (Suc n)" "\x. x"] Suc fact_Suc by auto
qed simp
private lemma l8: "fact (p - 1) = \ S1" using l7[of "p - 1"] S1_def p_minus_1_int by presburger
private lemma l9: "[prod Prod S2 = -1] (mod p)"
using l6 l8 wilson_theorem[of p] p_prime by presburger
private lemma l10: assumes "card S = n" "\x. x \ S \ [g x = a] (mod p)"
shows "[prod g S = a ^ n] (mod p)" using assms
proof (induction n arbitrary: S)
case 0
thus ?case using card_0_eq[of S] prod.empty prod.infinite by fastforce
case (Suc n)
then obtain x where x: "x \ S" by force
define S' where "S' = S - {x}"
hence "[prod g S' = a ^ n] (mod int p)"
using x Suc(1)[of S'] Suc(2) Suc(3) by (simp add: card_ge_0_finite)
moreover have "prod g S = g x * prod g S'"
using x S'_def Suc(2) prod.remove[of S x g] by fastforce
ultimately show ?case using x Suc(3) cong_mult
by simp blast
private lemma l11: assumes "\ QuadRes p a"
shows "card S2 = (p - 1) div 2"
proof -
have "sum card S2 = 2 * card S2"
using sum.cong[of S2 S2 card "\x. 2"] l1 f_def S2_def assms by fastforce
moreover have "p - 1 = sum card S2"
using l4 card_UN_disjoint[of S2 "\x. x"] l3 l5 S1_def S2_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
private lemma l12: assumes "\ QuadRes p a"
shows "[prod Prod S2 = a ^ ((p - 1) div 2)] (mod p)"
using assms l2 l10 l11 unfolding S2_def by blast
private lemma E_2: assumes "\ QuadRes p a"
shows "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = -1] (mod p)" using l9 l12 cong_trans cong_sym assms by blast
lemma euler_criterion_aux: "[(Legendre a p) = a ^ ((p - 1) div 2)] (mod p)"
using p_a_relprime by (auto simp add: Legendre_def
intro!: cong_sym [of _ 1] cong_sym [of _ "- 1"]
dest: E_1 E_2)
theorem euler_criterion: assumes "prime p" "2 < p"
shows "[(Legendre a p) = a ^ ((p - 1) div 2)] (mod p)"
proof (cases "[a = 0] (mod p)")
case True
then have "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = 0 ^ ((p - 1) div 2)] (mod p)"
using cong_pow by blast
moreover have "(0::int) ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = 0"
using zero_power [of "(p - 1) div 2"] assms(2) by simp
ultimately have "[a ^ ((p - 1) div 2) = 0] (mod p)"
using True assms(1) prime_dvd_power_int_iff
by (simp add: cong_iff_dvd_diff)
then show ?thesis unfolding Legendre_def using True cong_sym
by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using euler_criterion_aux assms by presburger
hide_fact euler_criterion_aux
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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