theory Hotel_Example
imports Main "HOL-Library.Predicate_Compile_Quickcheck"
datatype guest = Guest0 | Guest1
datatype key = Key0 | Key1 | Key2 | Key3
datatype room = Room0
type_synonym card = "key * key"
datatype event =
Check_in guest room card
| Enter guest room card
| Exit guest room
definition initk :: "room \ key"
where "initk = (%r. Key0)"
declare initk_def[code_pred_def, code]
primrec owns :: "event list \ room \ guest option"
"owns [] r = None"
| "owns (e#s) r = (case e of
Check_in g r' c \ if r' = r then Some g else owns s r |
Enter g r' c \ owns s r |
Exit g r' \ owns s r)"
primrec currk :: "event list \ room \ key"
"currk [] r = initk r"
| "currk (e#s) r = (let k = currk s r in
case e of Check_in g r' (k1, k2) \ if r' = r then k2 else k
| Enter g r' c \ k
| Exit g r \<Rightarrow> k)"
primrec issued :: "event list \ key set"
"issued [] = range initk"
| "issued (e#s) = issued s \
(case e of Check_in g r (k1, k2) \<Rightarrow> {k2} | Enter g r c \<Rightarrow> {} | Exit g r \<Rightarrow> {})"
primrec cards :: "event list \ guest \ card set"
"cards [] g = {}"
| "cards (e#s) g = (let C = cards s g in
case e of Check_in g' r c \ if g' = g then insert c C
else C
| Enter g r c \<Rightarrow> C
| Exit g r \<Rightarrow> C)"
primrec roomk :: "event list \ room \ key"
"roomk [] r = initk r"
| "roomk (e#s) r = (let k = roomk s r in
case e of Check_in g r' c \ k
| Enter g r' (x,y) \ if r' = r \<^cancel>\\ x = k\ then y else k
| Exit g r \<Rightarrow> k)"
primrec isin :: "event list \ room \ guest set"
"isin [] r = {}"
| "isin (e#s) r = (let G = isin s r in
case e of Check_in g r c \<Rightarrow> G
| Enter g r' c \ if r' = r then {g} \ G else G
| Exit g r' \ if r'=r then G - {g} else G)"
primrec hotel :: "event list \ bool"
"hotel [] = True"
| "hotel (e # s) = (hotel s & (case e of
Check_in g r (k,k') \ k = currk s r \ k' \ issued s |
Enter g r (k,k') \ (k,k') \ cards s g & (roomk s r \ {k, k'}) |
Exit g r \<Rightarrow> g \<in> isin s r))"
definition no_Check_in :: "event list \ room \ bool" where(*>*)
[code del]: "no_Check_in s r \ \(\g c. Check_in g r c \ set s)"
definition feels_safe :: "event list \ room \ bool"
"feels_safe s r = (\s\<^sub>1 s\<^sub>2 s\<^sub>3 g c c'.
s = s\<^sub>3 @ [Enter g r c] @ s\<^sub>2 @ [Check_in g r c'] @ s\<^sub>1 \<and>
no_Check_in (s\<^sub>3 @ s\<^sub>2) r \<and> isin (s\<^sub>2 @ [Check_in g r c] @ s\<^sub>1) r = {})"
section \<open>Some setup\<close>
lemma issued_nil: "issued [] = {Key0}"
by (auto simp add: initk_def)
lemmas issued_simps[code] = issued_nil issued.simps(2)
setup \<open>Predicate_Compile_Data.ignore_consts [\<^const_name>\<open>Set.member\<close>,
\<^const_name>\<open>issued\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>cards\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>isin\<close>,
\<^const_name>\<open>Collect\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>insert\<close>]\<close>
ML_val \<open>Core_Data.force_modes_and_compilations\<close>
fun find_first :: "('a => 'b option) => 'a list => 'b option"
"find_first f [] = None"
| "find_first f (x # xs) = (case f x of Some y => Some y | None => find_first f xs)"
axiomatization cps_of_set :: "'a set => ('a => term list option) => term list option"
where cps_of_set_code [code]: "cps_of_set (set xs) f = find_first f xs"
axiomatization pos_cps_of_set :: "'a set => ('a => (bool * term list) option) => natural => (bool * term list) option"
where pos_cps_of_set_code [code]: "pos_cps_of_set (set xs) f i = find_first f xs"
axiomatization find_first' :: "('b Quickcheck_Exhaustive.unknown => 'a Quickcheck_Exhaustive.three_valued)
=> 'b list => 'a Quickcheck_Exhaustive.three_valued"
where find_first'_Nil: "find_first' f [] = Quickcheck_Exhaustive.No_value"
and find_first'_Cons: "find_first' f (x # xs) =
(case f (Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Known x) of
Quickcheck_Exhaustive.No_value => find_first' f xs
| Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Value x => Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Value x
| Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Unknown_value =>
(case find_first' f xs of Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Value x =>
Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Value x
| _ => Quickcheck_Exhaustive.Unknown_value))"
lemmas find_first'_code [code] = find_first'_Nil find_first'_Cons
axiomatization neg_cps_of_set :: "'a set => ('a Quickcheck_Exhaustive.unknown => term list Quickcheck_Exhaustive.three_valued) => natural => term list Quickcheck_Exhaustive.three_valued"
where neg_cps_of_set_code [code]: "neg_cps_of_set (set xs) f i = find_first' f xs"
setup \<open>
val Fun = Predicate_Compile_Aux.Fun
val Input = Predicate_Compile_Aux.Input
val Output = Predicate_Compile_Aux.Output
val Bool = Predicate_Compile_Aux.Bool
val oi = Fun (Output, Fun (Input, Bool))
val ii = Fun (Input, Fun (Input, Bool))
fun of_set compfuns (Type ("fun", [T, _])) =
case body_type (Predicate_Compile_Aux.mk_monadT compfuns T) of
Type ("Quickcheck_Exhaustive.three_valued", _) =>
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>neg_cps_of_set\<close>, HOLogic.mk_setT T --> (Predicate_Compile_Aux.mk_monadT compfuns T))
| _ => Const(\<^const_name>\<open>pos_cps_of_set\<close>, HOLogic.mk_setT T --> (Predicate_Compile_Aux.mk_monadT compfuns T))
fun member compfuns (U as Type ("fun", [T, _])) =
(absdummy T (absdummy (HOLogic.mk_setT T) (Predicate_Compile_Aux.mk_if compfuns
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Set.member\<close>, T --> HOLogic.mk_setT T --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>) $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0))))
Core_Data.force_modes_and_compilations \<^const_name>\<open>Set.member\<close>
[(oi, (of_set, false)), (ii, (member, false))]
section \<open>Property\<close>
lemma "\ hotel s; g \ isin s r \ \ owns s r = Some g"
quickcheck[tester = exhaustive, size = 6, expect = counterexample]
quickcheck[tester = smart_exhaustive, depth = 6, expect = counterexample]
"hotel s ==> feels_safe s r ==> g \ isin s r ==> owns s r = Some g"
quickcheck[smart_exhaustive, depth = 10, allow_function_inversion, expect = counterexample]
section \<open>Refinement\<close>
fun split_list
"split_list [] = [([], [])]"
| "split_list (z # zs) = (([], z # zs) # [(z # xs', ys'). (xs', ys') <- split_list zs])"
lemma split_list: "((xs, ys) \ set (split_list zs)) = (zs = xs @ ys)"
apply (induct zs arbitrary: xs ys)
apply fastforce
apply (case_tac xs)
apply auto
lemma [code]: "no_Check_in s r = list_all (%x. case x of Check_in g r' c => r \ r' | _ => True) s"
unfolding no_Check_in_def list_all_iff
apply auto
apply (case_tac x)
apply auto
lemma [code]: "feels_safe s r = list_ex (%(s3, s2, s1, g, c, c'). no_Check_in (s3 @ s2) r &
isin (s2 @ [Check_in g r c] @ s1) r = {}) ([(s3, s2, s1, g, c, c'). (s3, Enter g' r' c # r3) <- split_list s, r' = r, (s2, Check_in g r'' c' # s1) <- split_list r3, r'' = r, g = g'])"
unfolding feels_safe_def list_ex_iff
by auto (metis split_list)+
"hotel s ==> feels_safe s r ==> g \ isin s r ==> owns s r = Some g"
(* quickcheck[exhaustive, size = 9, timeout = 2000] -- maybe possible with a lot of time *)
quickcheck[narrowing, size = 7, expect = counterexample]
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