type expansion_thm = thm
type trimmed_thm = thm
type expr = Exp_Log_Expression.expr
type basis = Asymptotic_Basis.basis
datatype trim_mode = Simple_Trim | Pos_Trim | Neg_Trim | Sgn_Trim
datatype zeroness = IsZero | IsNonZero | IsPos | IsNeg
datatype intyness = Nat of thm | Neg_Nat of thm | No_Nat
datatype parity = Even of thm | Odd of thm | Unknown_Parity
datatype limit =
Zero_Limit of bool option
| Finite_Limit of term
| Infinite_Limit of bool option
datatype trim_result =
Trimmed of zeroness * trimmed_thm option
| Aborted of order
val get_intyness : Proof.context -> cterm -> intyness
val get_parity : cterm -> parity
val get_expansion : thm -> term
val get_coeff : term -> term
val get_exponent : term -> term
val get_expanded_fun : thm -> term
val get_eval : term -> term
val expands_to_hd : thm -> thm
val mk_eval_ctxt : Proof.context -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt
val expand : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expr -> basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val expand_term : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term -> basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val expand_terms : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term list -> basis -> expansion_thm list * basis
val limit_of_expansion : bool * bool -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> limit * thm
val compute_limit : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term -> limit * thm
val compare_expansions :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * expansion_thm * basis ->
order * thm * expansion_thm * expansion_thm
datatype comparison_result =
Cmp_Dominated of order * thm list * zeroness * trimmed_thm * expansion_thm * expansion_thm
| Cmp_Asymp_Equiv of thm * thm
val compare_expansions' :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt ->
thm * thm * Asymptotic_Basis.basis ->
val prove_at_infinity : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_at_top : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_at_bot : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_nhds : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_at_0 : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_at_left_0 : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_at_right_0 : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val prove_smallo : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_bigo : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_bigtheta : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_asymp_equiv : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_asymptotic_relation : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> order * thm
val prove_eventually_less : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_eventually_greater : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * thm * basis -> thm
val prove_eventually_nonzero : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> thm * basis -> thm
val extract_terms : int * bool -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> basis -> term -> term * term option
(* Internal functions *)
val check_expansion : Exp_Log_Expression.expr -> expansion_thm -> expansion_thm
val zero_expansion : basis -> expansion_thm
val const_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> basis -> term -> expansion_thm
val ln_expansion :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> trimmed_thm -> expansion_thm -> basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val exp_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm -> basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val powr_expansion :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val powr_const_expansion :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * term * basis -> expansion_thm
val powr_nat_expansion :
Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm * basis
val power_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * term * basis -> expansion_thm
val root_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * term * basis -> expansion_thm
val sgn_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm
val min_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm
val max_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm
val arctan_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> basis -> expansion_thm -> expansion_thm
val ev_zeroness_oracle : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term -> thm option
val zeroness_oracle : bool -> trim_mode option -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term -> zeroness * thm option
val whnf_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm -> term option * expansion_thm * thm
val simplify_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm -> expansion_thm
val simplify_term : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term -> term
val trim_expansion_while_greater :
bool -> term list option -> bool -> trim_mode option -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt ->
thm * Asymptotic_Basis.basis -> thm * trim_result * (zeroness * thm) list
val trim_expansion : bool -> trim_mode option -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * basis ->
expansion_thm * zeroness * trimmed_thm option
val try_drop_leading_term_ex : bool -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm -> expansion_thm option
val try_prove_real_eq : bool -> Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term * term -> thm option
val try_prove_ev_eq : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> term * term -> thm option
val prove_compare_expansions : order -> thm list -> thm
val simplify_trimmed_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * trimmed_thm ->
expansion_thm * trimmed_thm
val retrim_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * basis -> expansion_thm * thm
val retrim_pos_expansion : Lazy_Eval.eval_ctxt -> expansion_thm * basis * trimmed_thm ->
expansion_thm * thm * trimmed_thm
val register_sign_oracle :
binding * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val get_sign_oracles :
Context.generic -> (string * (Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) list
val solve_eval_eq : thm -> thm
structure Multiseries_Expansion : MULTISERIES_EXPANSION = struct
open Asymptotic_Basis
open Exp_Log_Expression
open Lazy_Eval
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) Name_Space.table;
val empty : T = Name_Space.empty_table "sign oracle tactics";
val extend = I;
fun merge (tactics1, tactics2) : T = Name_Space.merge_tables (tactics1, tactics2);
fun register_sign_oracle (s, tac) ctxt = (Name_Space.define ctxt false (s, tac) #> snd) ctxt
fun get_sign_oracles ctxt = Name_Space.fold_table cons (Data.get ctxt) []
fun apply_sign_oracles ctxt tac =
val oracles = get_sign_oracles (Context.Proof ctxt)
fun tac' {context = ctxt, concl, ...} =
if Thm.term_of concl = \<^term>\<open>HOL.Trueprop HOL.False\<close> then
FIRST (map (fn tac => HEADGOAL (snd tac ctxt)) oracles)
tac THEN_ALL_NEW (Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS tac' ctxt)
type expansion_thm = thm
type trimmed_thm = thm
val dest_fun = dest_comb #> fst
val dest_arg = dest_comb #> snd
val concl_of' = Thm.concl_of #> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
fun get_expansion thm =
thm |> Thm.concl_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> Term.dest_comb |> fst |> Term.dest_comb |> snd
fun get_expanded_fun thm = thm |> concl_of' |> dest_fun |> dest_fun |> dest_arg
The following function is useful in order to detect whether a given real constant is
an integer, which allows us to use the "f(x) ^ n" operation instead of "f(x) powr n".
This usually leads to nicer results.
datatype intyness = Nat of thm | Neg_Nat of thm | No_Nat
fun get_intyness ctxt ct =
if Thm.typ_of_cterm ct = \<^typ>\<open>Real.real\<close> then
val ctxt' = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms intyness_simps}
val conv =
Simplifier.rewrite ctxt then_conv Simplifier.rewrite ctxt'
fun flip (Nat thm) = Neg_Nat (thm RS @{thm intyness_uminus})
| flip _ = No_Nat
fun get_intyness' ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^term>\<open>0::real\<close> => Nat @{thm intyness_0}
| \<^term>\<open>1::real\<close> => Nat @{thm intyness_1}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>numeral\<close>, _) $ _ =>
Nat (Thm.reflexive (Thm.dest_arg ct) RS @{thm intyness_numeral})
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>uminus\<close>, _) $ _ => flip (get_intyness' (Thm.dest_arg ct))
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>of_nat\<close>, _) $ _ =>
Nat (Thm.reflexive (Thm.dest_arg ct) RS @{thm intyness_of_nat})
| _ => No_Nat
val thm = conv ct
val ct' = thm |> Thm.cprop_of |> Thm.dest_equals_rhs
case get_intyness' ct' of
Nat thm' => Nat (Thm.transitive thm thm' RS @{thm HOL.meta_eq_to_obj_eq})
| Neg_Nat thm' => Neg_Nat (Thm.transitive thm thm' RS @{thm HOL.meta_eq_to_obj_eq})
| No_Nat => No_Nat
handle CTERM _ => No_Nat
datatype parity = Even of thm | Odd of thm | Unknown_Parity
(* TODO: powers *)
fun get_parity ct =
fun inst thm cts =
val tvs = Term.add_tvars (Thm.concl_of thm) []
case tvs of
[v] =>
val thm' = Thm.instantiate ([(v, Thm.ctyp_of_cterm ct)], []) thm
val vs = take (length cts) (rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.concl_of thm') []))
Thm.instantiate ([], vs ~~ cts) thm'
| _ => raise THM ("get_parity", 0, [thm])
val get_num = Thm.dest_arg o Thm.dest_arg
case Thm.term_of ct of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _) => Even (inst @{thm even_zero} [])
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _) => Odd (inst @{thm odd_one} [])
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Num.numeral_class.numeral\<close>, _) $ \<^term>\<open>Num.One\<close> =>
Odd (inst @{thm odd_Numeral1} [])
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Num.numeral_class.numeral\<close>, _) $ (\<^term>\<open>Num.Bit0\<close> $ _) =>
Even (inst @{thm even_numeral} [get_num ct])
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Num.numeral_class.numeral\<close>, _) $ (\<^term>\<open>Num.Bit1\<close> $ _) =>
Odd (inst @{thm odd_numeral} [get_num ct])
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Groups.uminus\<close>, _) $ _ => (
case get_parity (Thm.dest_arg ct) of
Even thm => Even (@{thm even_uminusI} OF [thm])
| Odd thm => Odd (@{thm odd_uminusI} OF [thm])
| _ => Unknown_Parity)
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ => (
case apply2 get_parity (Thm.dest_binop ct) of
(Even thm1, Even thm2) => Even (@{thm even_addI(1)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Odd thm1, Odd thm2) => Even (@{thm even_addI(2)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Even thm1, Odd thm2) => Odd (@{thm odd_addI(1)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Odd thm1, Even thm2) => Odd (@{thm odd_addI(2)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| _ => Unknown_Parity)
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Groups.minus\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ => (
case apply2 get_parity (Thm.dest_binop ct) of
(Even thm1, Even thm2) => Even (@{thm even_diffI(1)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Odd thm1, Odd thm2) => Even (@{thm even_diffI(2)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Even thm1, Odd thm2) => Odd (@{thm odd_diffI(1)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| (Odd thm1, Even thm2) => Odd (@{thm odd_diffI(2)} OF [thm1, thm2])
| _ => Unknown_Parity)
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Groups.times\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ => (
case apply2 get_parity (Thm.dest_binop ct) of
(Even thm1, _) => Even (@{thm even_multI(1)} OF [thm1])
| (_, Even thm2) => Even (@{thm even_multI(2)} OF [thm2])
| (Odd thm1, Odd thm2) => Odd (@{thm odd_multI} OF [thm1, thm2])
| _ => Unknown_Parity)
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Power.power\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ =>
val (a, n) = Thm.dest_binop ct
case get_parity a of
Odd thm => Odd (inst @{thm odd_powerI} [a, n] OF [thm])
| _ => Unknown_Parity
| _ => Unknown_Parity
fun simplify_term' facts ctxt =
val ctxt = Simplifier.add_prems facts ctxt
Thm.cterm_of ctxt #> Simplifier.rewrite ctxt #>
Thm.concl_of #> Logic.dest_equals #> snd
fun simplify_term ectxt = simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) (get_ctxt ectxt)
fun simplify_eval ctxt =
simplify_term' [] (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms eval_simps})
datatype zeroness = IsZero | IsNonZero | IsPos | IsNeg
(* Caution: The following functions assume that the given expansion is in normal form already
as far as needed. *)
(* Returns the leading coefficient of the given expansion. This coefficient is a multiseries. *)
fun try_get_coeff expr =
case expr of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MS\<close>, _) $ (
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MSLCons\<close>, _) $ (
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ c $ _) $ _) $ _ =>
| _ => NONE
fun get_coeff expr =
expr |> dest_comb |> fst |> dest_comb |> snd |> dest_comb |> fst |> dest_comb |> snd
|> dest_comb |> fst |> dest_comb |> snd
(* Returns the coefficient of the leading term in the expansion (i.e. a real number) *)
fun get_lead_coeff expr =
case try_get_coeff expr of
NONE => expr
| SOME c => get_lead_coeff c
(* Returns the exponent (w.r.t. the fastest-growing basis element) of the leading term *)
fun get_exponent expr =
expr |> dest_comb |> fst |> dest_comb |> snd |> dest_comb |> fst |> dest_comb |> snd
|> dest_comb |> snd
(* Returns the list of exponents of the leading term *)
fun get_exponents exp =
if fastype_of exp = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
get_exponent exp :: get_exponents (get_coeff exp)
(* Returns the function that the expansion corresponds to *)
fun get_eval expr =
if fastype_of expr = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
Abs ("x", \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>, expr)
expr |> dest_comb |> snd
val eval_simps = @{thms eval_simps [THEN eq_reflection]}
(* Tries to prove that the given function is eventually zero *)
fun ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt t =
val ctxt = Lazy_Eval.get_ctxt ectxt
val goal =
betapply (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>f::real \<Rightarrow> real. eventually (\<lambda>x. f x = 0) at_top\<close>, t)
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
fun tac {context = ctxt, ...} =
HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt (get_facts ectxt))
THEN Local_Defs.unfold_tac ctxt eval_simps
THEN HEADGOAL (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac ctxt)
try (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal) tac
Encodes the kind of trimming/zeroness checking operation to be performed.
Simple_Trim only checks for zeroness/non-zeroness. Pos_Trim/Neg_Trim try to prove either
zeroness or positivity (resp. negativity). Sgn_Trim tries all three possibilities (positive,
negative, zero). *)
datatype trim_mode = Simple_Trim | Pos_Trim | Neg_Trim | Sgn_Trim
Checks (and proves) whether the given term (assumed to be a real number) is zero, positive,
or negative, depending on given flags. The "fail" flag determines whether an exception is
thrown if this fails.
fun zeroness_oracle fail mode ectxt exp =
val ctxt = Lazy_Eval.get_ctxt ectxt
val eq = (exp, \<^term>\<open>0::real\<close>) |> HOLogic.mk_eq
val goal1 = (IsZero, eq |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
val goal2 =
case mode of
SOME Pos_Trim =>
(IsPos, \<^term>\<open>(<) (0::real)\<close> $ exp |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
| SOME Sgn_Trim =>
(IsPos, \<^term>\<open>(<) (0::real)\<close> $ exp |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
| SOME Neg_Trim =>
(IsNeg, betapply (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>x. x < (0::real)\<close>, exp) |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
| _ =>
(IsNonZero, eq |> HOLogic.mk_not |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
val goals =
(if mode = SOME Sgn_Trim then
[(IsNeg, betapply (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>x. x < (0::real)\<close>, exp) |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)]
val goals = goal2 :: goals
fun tac {context = ctxt, ...} =
HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt (get_facts ectxt))
THEN Local_Defs.unfold_tac ctxt eval_simps
THEN HEADGOAL (apply_sign_oracles ctxt (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac ctxt))
fun prove (res, goal) = try (fn goal => (res, SOME (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal tac))) goal
fun err () =
val mode_msg =
case mode of
SOME Simple_Trim => "whether the following constant is zero"
| SOME Pos_Trim => "whether the following constant is zero or positive"
| SOME Neg_Trim => "whether the following constant is zero or negative"
| SOME Sgn_Trim => "the sign of the following constant"
| _ => raise Match
val t = simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) ctxt exp
val _ =
if #verbose (#ctxt ectxt) then
val p = Pretty.str ("real_asymp failed to determine " ^ mode_msg ^ ":")
val p = Pretty.chunks [p, Pretty.indent 2 (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]
Pretty.writeln p
end else ()
raise TERM ("zeroness_oracle", [t])
case prove goal1 of
SOME res => res
| NONE =>
if mode = NONE then
(IsNonZero, NONE)
case get_first prove (goal2 :: goals) of
NONE => if fail then err () else (IsNonZero, NONE)
| SOME res => res
(* Tries to prove a given equality of real numbers. *)
fun try_prove_real_eq fail ectxt (lhs, rhs) =
case zeroness_oracle false NONE ectxt (\<^term>\<open>(-) :: real => _\<close> $ lhs $ rhs) of
(IsZero, SOME thm) => SOME (thm RS @{thm real_eqI})
| _ =>
if not fail then NONE else
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val ts = map (simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) ctxt) [lhs, rhs]
val _ =
if #verbose (#ctxt ectxt) then
val p =
Pretty.str ("real_asymp failed to prove that the following two numbers are equal:")
val p = Pretty.chunks (p :: map (Pretty.indent 2 o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) ts)
Pretty.writeln p
end else ()
raise TERM ("try_prove_real_eq", [lhs, rhs])
(* Tries to prove a given eventual equality of real functions. *)
fun try_prove_ev_eq ectxt (f, g) =
val t = Envir.beta_eta_contract (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>(f::real=>real) g x. f x - g x\<close> $ f $ g)
in (fn thm => thm RS @{thm eventually_diff_zero_imp_eq}) (ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt t)
fun real_less a b = \<^term>\<open>(<) :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool\<close> $ a $ b
fun real_eq a b = \<^term>\<open>(=) :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool\<close> $ a $ b
fun real_neq a b = \<^term>\<open>(\<noteq>) :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool\<close> $ a $ b
(* The hook that is called by the Lazy_Eval module whenever two real numbers have to be compared *)
fun real_sgn_hook ({pctxt = ctxt, facts, verbose, ...}) t =
val get_rhs = Thm.concl_of #> Logic.dest_equals #> snd
fun tac {context = ctxt, ...} =
HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt (Net.content facts)
THEN' (apply_sign_oracles ctxt (Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac ctxt)))
fun prove_first err [] [] =
if not verbose then raise TERM ("real_sgn_hook", [t])
else let val _ = err () in raise TERM ("real_sgn_hook", [t]) end
| prove_first err (goal :: goals) (thm :: thms) =
(case try (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal) tac of
SOME thm' =>
let val thm'' = thm' RS thm in SOME (get_rhs thm'', Conv.rewr_conv thm'') end
| NONE => prove_first err goals thms)
| prove_first _ _ _ = raise Match
case t of
\<^term>\<open>(=) :: real => _\<close> $ a $ \<^term>\<open>0 :: real\<close> =>
val goals =
map (fn c => HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (c a \<^term>\<open>0 :: real\<close>)) [real_neq, real_eq]
fun err () =
val facts' = Net.content facts
val a' = simplify_term' facts' ctxt a
val p = Pretty.str ("real_asymp failed to determine whether the following " ^
"constant is zero: ")
val p = Pretty.chunks [p, Pretty.indent 2 (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt a')]
Pretty.writeln p
prove_first err goals @{thms Eq_FalseI Eq_TrueI}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>COMPARE\<close>, _) $ a $ b =>
val goals = map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop [real_less a b, real_less b a, real_eq a b]
fun err () =
val facts' = Net.content facts
val (a', b') = apply2 (simplify_term' facts' ctxt) (a, b)
val p = Pretty.str ("real_asymp failed to compare" ^
"the following two constants: ")
val p = Pretty.chunks (p :: map (Pretty.indent 2 o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) [a', b'])
Pretty.writeln p
prove_first err goals @{thms COMPARE_intros}
| _ => NONE
Returns the datatype constructors registered for use with the Lazy_Eval package.
All constructors on which pattern matching is performed need to be registered for evaluation
to work. It should be rare for users to add additional ones.
fun get_constructors ctxt =
val thms = Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>exp_log_eval_constructor\<close>
fun go _ [] acc = rev acc
| go f (x :: xs) acc =
case f x of
NONE => go f xs acc
| SOME y => go f xs (y :: acc)
fun map_option f xs = go f xs []
fun dest_constructor thm =
case Thm.concl_of thm of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Trueprop\<close>, _) $
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>REAL_ASYMP_EVAL_CONSTRUCTOR\<close>, _) $ Const (c, T)) =>
SOME (c, length (fst (strip_type T)))
| _ => NONE
thms |> map_option dest_constructor
Creates an evaluation context with the correct setup of constructors, equations, and hooks.
fun mk_eval_ctxt ctxt =
val eval_eqs = (Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>real_asymp_eval_eqs\<close>)
val constructors = get_constructors ctxt
Lazy_Eval.mk_eval_ctxt ctxt constructors eval_eqs
|> add_hook real_sgn_hook
(* A pattern for determining the leading coefficient of a multiseries *)
val exp_pat =
val anypat = AnyPat ("_", 0)
ConsPat (\<^const_name>\<open>MS\<close>,
[ConsPat (\<^const_name>\<open>MSLCons\<close>,
[ConsPat (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, [anypat, anypat]), anypat]), anypat])
Evaluates an expansion to (weak) head normal form, so that the leading coefficient and
exponent can be read off.
fun whnf_expansion ectxt thm =
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val exp = get_expansion thm
val (_, _, conv) = match ectxt exp_pat exp (SOME [])
val eq_thm = conv (Thm.cterm_of ctxt exp)
val exp' = eq_thm |> Thm.concl_of |> Logic.dest_equals |> snd
case exp' of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MS\<close>, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MSLCons\<close>, _) $
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ c $ _) $ _) $ _ =>
(SOME c, @{thm expands_to_meta_eq_cong} OF [thm, eq_thm], eq_thm)
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MS\<close>, _) $ Const (\<^const_name>\<open>MSLNil\<close>, _) $ _ =>
(NONE, @{thm expands_to_meta_eq_cong} OF [thm, eq_thm], eq_thm)
| _ => raise TERM ("whnf_expansion", [exp'])
fun try_lift_function ectxt (thm, SEmpty) _ = (NONE, thm)
| try_lift_function ectxt (thm, basis) cont =
case whnf_expansion ectxt thm of
(SOME c, thm, _) =>
val f = get_expanded_fun thm
val T = fastype_of c
val t = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>eval\<close>, T --> \<^typ>\<open>real \<Rightarrow> real\<close>) $ c
val t = Term.betapply (Term.betapply (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>(f::real\<Rightarrow>real) g x. f x - g x\<close>, f), t)
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt t of
NONE => (NONE, thm)
| SOME zero_thm =>
val thm' = cont ectxt (thm RS @{thm expands_to_hd''}, tl_basis basis)
val thm'' = @{thm expands_to_lift_function} OF [zero_thm, thm']
(SOME (lift basis thm''), thm)
| _ => (NONE, thm)
(* Turns an expansion theorem into an expansion theorem for the leading coefficient. *)
fun expands_to_hd thm = thm RS
(if fastype_of (get_expansion thm) = \<^typ>\<open>real ms\<close> then
@{thm expands_to_hd'}
@{thm expands_to_hd})
fun simplify_expansion ectxt thm =
val exp = get_expansion thm
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val eq_thm = Simplifier.rewrite ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt exp)
@{thm expands_to_meta_eq_cong} OF [thm, eq_thm]
Simplifies a trimmed expansion and returns the simplified expansion theorem and
the trimming theorem for that simplified expansion.
fun simplify_trimmed_expansion ectxt (thm, trimmed_thm) =
val exp = get_expansion thm
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val eq_thm = Simplifier.rewrite ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt exp)
val trimmed_cong_thm =
case trimmed_thm |> concl_of' |> dest_fun of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>trimmed\<close>, _) => @{thm trimmed_eq_cong}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>trimmed_pos\<close>, _) => @{thm trimmed_pos_eq_cong}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>trimmed_neg\<close>, _) => @{thm trimmed_neg_eq_cong}
| _ => raise THM ("simplify_trimmed_expansion", 2, [thm, trimmed_thm])
(@{thm expands_to_meta_eq_cong} OF [thm, eq_thm],
trimmed_cong_thm OF [trimmed_thm, eq_thm])
Re-normalises a trimmed expansion (so that the leading term with its (real) coefficient and
all exponents can be read off. This may be necessary after lifting a trimmed expansion to
a larger basis.
fun retrim_expansion ectxt (thm, basis) =
val (c, thm, eq_thm) = whnf_expansion ectxt thm
case c of
NONE => (thm, eq_thm)
| SOME c =>
if fastype_of c = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
(thm, eq_thm)
val c_thm = thm RS @{thm expands_to_hd''}
val (c_thm', eq_thm') = retrim_expansion ectxt (c_thm, tl_basis basis)
val thm = @{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm, c_thm']
(thm, @{thm trim_lift_eq} OF [eq_thm, eq_thm'])
fun retrim_pos_expansion ectxt (thm, basis, trimmed_thm) =
val (thm', eq_thm) = retrim_expansion ectxt (thm, basis)
(thm', eq_thm, @{thm trimmed_pos_eq_cong} OF [trimmed_thm, eq_thm])
Tries to determine whether the leading term is (identically) zero and drops it if it is.
If "fail" is set, an exception is thrown when that term is a real number and zeroness cannot
be determined. (Which typically indicates missing facts or case distinctions)
fun try_drop_leading_term_ex fail ectxt thm =
val exp = get_expansion thm
if fastype_of exp = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
else if fastype_of (get_coeff exp) = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
case zeroness_oracle fail (SOME Simple_Trim) ectxt (get_coeff exp) of
(IsZero, SOME zero_thm) => SOME (@{thm drop_zero_ms'} OF [zero_thm, thm])
| _ => NONE
val c = get_coeff exp
val T = fastype_of c
val t = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>eval\<close>, T --> \<^typ>\<open>real \<Rightarrow> real\<close>) $ c
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt t of
SOME zero_thm => SOME (@{thm expands_to_drop_zero} OF [zero_thm, thm])
| _ => NONE
Tries to drop the leading term of an expansion. If this is not possible, an exception
is thrown and an informative error message is printed.
fun try_drop_leading_term ectxt thm =
fun err () =
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val exp = get_expansion thm
val c = get_coeff exp
val t =
if fastype_of c = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then c else c |> dest_arg
val t = simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) ctxt t
val _ =
if #verbose (#ctxt ectxt) then
val p = Pretty.str ("real_asymp failed to prove that the following term is zero: ")
val p = Pretty.chunks [p, Pretty.indent 2 (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]
Pretty.writeln p
end else ()
raise TERM ("try_drop_leading_term", [t])
case try_drop_leading_term_ex true ectxt thm of
NONE => err ()
| SOME thm => thm
datatype trim_result =
Trimmed of zeroness * trimmed_thm option
| Aborted of order
fun cstrip_assms ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^term>\<open>(==>)\<close> $ _ $ _ => cstrip_assms (snd (Thm.dest_implies ct))
| _ => ct
Trims an expansion (i.e. drops leading zero terms) and provides a trimmedness theorem.
Optionally, a list of exponents can be given to instruct the function to only trim until
the exponents of the leading term are lexicographically less than (or less than or equal) than
the given ones. This is useful to avoid unnecessary trimming.
The "strict" flag indicates whether the trimming should already be aborted when the
exponents are lexicographically equal or not.
The "fail" flag is passed on to the zeroness oracle and determines whether a failure to determine
the sign of a real number leads to an exception.
"mode" indicates what kind of trimmedness theorem will be returned: Simple_Trim only gives the
default trimmedness theorem, whereas Pos_Trim/Neg_Trim/Sgn_Trim will give trimmed_pos or
trimmed_neg. Giving "None" as mode will produce no trimmedness theorem; it will only drop
leading zero terms until zeroness cannot be proven anymore, upon which it will stop.
The main result of the function is the trimmed expansion theorem.
The function returns whether the trimming has been aborted or not. If was aborted, either
LESS or EQUAL will be returned, indicating whether the exponents of the leading term are
now lexicographically smaller or equal to the given ones. In the other case, the zeroness
of the leading coefficient is returned (zero, non-zero, positive, negative) together with a
trimmedness theorem.
Lastly, a list of the exponent comparison results and associated theorems is also returned, so
that the caller can reconstruct the result of the lexicographic ordering without doing the
exponent comparisons again.
fun trim_expansion_while_greater strict es fail mode ectxt (thm, basis) =
val (_, thm, _) = whnf_expansion ectxt thm
val thm = simplify_expansion ectxt thm
val cexp = thm |> Thm.cprop_of |> cstrip_assms |> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_fun |> Thm.dest_arg
val c = try_get_coeff (get_expansion thm)
fun lift_trimmed_thm nz thm =
val cexp = thm |> Thm.cprop_of |> cstrip_assms |> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_fun |> Thm.dest_arg
val lift_thm =
case nz of
IsNonZero => @{thm trimmed_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed]}
| IsPos => @{thm trimmed_pos_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed_pos]}
| IsNeg => @{thm trimmed_neg_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed_neg]}
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in trim_expansion", [])
Thm.reflexive cexp RS lift_thm
fun trimmed_real_thm nz = Thm.reflexive cexp RS (
case nz of
IsNonZero => @{thm trimmed_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed[OF trimmed_realI]]}
| IsPos => @{thm trimmed_pos_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed_pos[OF trimmed_pos_realI]]}
| IsNeg => @{thm trimmed_neg_eq_cong[rotated, OF _ lift_trimmed_neg[OF trimmed_neg_realI]]}
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in trim_expansion", []))
fun do_trim es =
val c = the c
val T = fastype_of c
val t = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>eval\<close>, T --> \<^typ>\<open>real \<Rightarrow> real\<close>) $ c
if T = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then (
case zeroness_oracle fail mode ectxt c of
(IsZero, SOME zero_thm) =>
trim_expansion_while_greater strict es fail mode ectxt
(@{thm drop_zero_ms'} OF [zero_thm, thm], basis)
| (nz, SOME nz_thm) => (thm, Trimmed (nz, SOME (nz_thm RS trimmed_real_thm nz)), [])
| (nz, NONE) => (thm, Trimmed (nz, NONE), []))
case trim_expansion_while_greater strict ( tl es) fail mode ectxt
(thm RS @{thm expands_to_hd''}, tl_basis basis) of
(c_thm', Aborted ord, thms) =>
(@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm, c_thm'], Aborted ord, thms)
| (c_thm', Trimmed (nz, trimmed_thm), thms) =>
val thm = (@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm, c_thm'])
fun err () =
raise TERM ("trim_expansion: zero coefficient should have been trimmed", [c])
case (nz, trimmed_thm) of
(IsZero, _) =>
if #verbose (#ctxt ectxt) then
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val t' = t |> simplify_eval ctxt |> simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) ctxt
val p = Pretty.str ("trim_expansion failed to recognise zeroness of " ^
"the following term:")
val p = Pretty.chunks [p, Pretty.indent 2 (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t')]
val _ = Pretty.writeln p
err ()
else err ()
| (_, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
(thm, Trimmed (nz, SOME (trimmed_thm RS lift_trimmed_thm nz thm)), thms)
| (_, NONE) => (thm, Trimmed (nz, NONE), thms)
val minus = \<^term>\<open>(-) :: real => real => real\<close>
case (c, es) of
(NONE, _) => (thm, Trimmed (IsZero, NONE), [])
| (SOME c, SOME (e' :: _)) =>
val e = get_exponent (get_expansion thm)
case zeroness_oracle true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (minus $ e $ e') of
(IsPos, SOME pos_thm) => (
case try_drop_leading_term_ex false ectxt thm of
SOME thm =>
trim_expansion_while_greater strict es fail mode ectxt (thm, basis)
| NONE => do_trim NONE |> @{apply 3(3)} (fn thms => (IsPos, pos_thm) :: thms))
| (IsNeg, SOME neg_thm) => (thm, Aborted LESS, [(IsNeg, neg_thm)])
| (IsZero, SOME zero_thm) =>
if not strict andalso fastype_of c = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
(thm, Aborted EQUAL, [(IsZero, zero_thm)])
else (
case try_drop_leading_term_ex false ectxt thm of
SOME thm => trim_expansion_while_greater strict es fail mode ectxt (thm, basis)
| NONE => (do_trim es |> @{apply 3(3)} (fn thms => (IsZero, zero_thm) :: thms)))
| _ => do_trim NONE
| _ => (
case try_drop_leading_term_ex false ectxt thm of
SOME thm => trim_expansion_while_greater strict es fail mode ectxt (thm, basis)
| NONE => do_trim NONE)
Trims an expansion without any stopping criterion.
fun trim_expansion fail mode ectxt (thm, basis) =
case trim_expansion_while_greater false NONE fail mode ectxt (thm, basis) of
(thm, Trimmed (zeroness, trimmed_thm), _) => (thm, zeroness, trimmed_thm)
| _ => raise Match
Determines the sign of an expansion that has already been trimmed.
fun determine_trimmed_sgn ectxt exp =
if fastype_of exp = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then
(case zeroness_oracle true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt exp of
(IsPos, SOME thm) => (IsPos, thm RS @{thm trimmed_pos_realI})
| (IsNeg, SOME thm) => (IsNeg, thm RS @{thm trimmed_neg_realI})
| _ => raise TERM ("determine_trimmed_sgn", []))
val ct = Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) exp
(case determine_trimmed_sgn ectxt (get_coeff exp) of
(IsPos, thm) => (IsPos, @{thm lift_trimmed_pos'} OF [thm, Thm.reflexive ct])
| (IsNeg, thm) => (IsNeg, @{thm lift_trimmed_neg'} OF [thm, Thm.reflexive ct])
| _ => raise TERM ("determine_trimmed_sgn", []))
fun mk_compare_expansions_const T =
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>compare_expansions\<close>,
T --> T --> \<^typ>\<open>cmp_result \<times> real \<times> real\<close>)
datatype comparison_result =
Cmp_Dominated of order * thm list * zeroness * trimmed_thm * expansion_thm * expansion_thm
| Cmp_Asymp_Equiv of thm * thm
fun compare_expansions' _ (thm1, thm2, SEmpty) = Cmp_Asymp_Equiv (thm1, thm2)
| compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) =
fun lift_trimmed_thm nz =
case nz of
IsPos => @{thm lift_trimmed_pos}
| IsNeg => @{thm lift_trimmed_neg}
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in compare_expansions'", [])
val (e1, e2) = apply2 (get_expansion #> get_exponent) (thm1, thm2)
val e = \<^term>\<open>(-) :: real => _\<close> $ e1 $ e2
fun trim thm = trim_expansion true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis)
val try_drop = (whnf_expansion ectxt #> #2) o try_drop_leading_term_ex false ectxt
fun handle_result ord zeroness trimmed_thm thm1 thm2 =
val (e1, e2) = apply2 (get_expansion #> get_exponent) (thm1, thm2)
val e = \<^term>\<open>(-) :: real => _\<close> $ e1 $ e2
val mode = if ord = LESS then Neg_Trim else Pos_Trim
case zeroness_oracle true (SOME mode) ectxt e of
(_, SOME e_thm) => Cmp_Dominated (ord, [e_thm], zeroness, trimmed_thm, thm1, thm2)
| _ => raise Match
fun recurse e_zero_thm =
case basis of
SNE (SSng _) => Cmp_Asymp_Equiv (thm1, thm2)
| _ =>
val (thm1', thm2') = apply2 (fn thm => thm RS @{thm expands_to_hd''}) (thm1, thm2)
val (thm1', thm2') = apply2 (whnf_expansion ectxt #> #2) (thm1', thm2')
case compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1', thm2', tl_basis basis) of
Cmp_Dominated (order, e_thms, zeroness, trimmed_thm, thm1', thm2') =>
Cmp_Dominated (order, e_zero_thm :: e_thms, zeroness,
trimmed_thm RS lift_trimmed_thm zeroness,
@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm1, thm1'],
@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm2, thm2'])
| Cmp_Asymp_Equiv (thm1', thm2') => Cmp_Asymp_Equiv
(@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm1, thm1'],
@{thm expands_to_trim_cong} OF [thm2, thm2'])
case zeroness_oracle false (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt e of
(IsPos, SOME _) => (
case try_drop thm1 of
SOME thm1 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => (
case trim thm1 of
(thm1, zeroness, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
handle_result GREATER zeroness trimmed_thm thm1 thm2
| _ => raise TERM ("compare_expansions", map get_expansion [thm1, thm2])))
| (IsNeg, SOME _) => (
case try_drop thm2 of
SOME thm2 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => (
case trim thm2 of
(thm2, zeroness, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
handle_result LESS zeroness trimmed_thm thm1 thm2
| _ => raise TERM ("compare_expansions", map get_expansion [thm1, thm2])))
| (IsZero, SOME e_zero_thm) => (
case try_drop thm1 of
SOME thm1 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => (
case try_drop thm2 of
SOME thm2 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => recurse e_zero_thm))
| _ =>
case try_drop thm1 of
SOME thm1 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => (
case try_drop thm2 of
SOME thm2 => compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis)
| NONE => raise TERM ("compare_expansions", [e1, e2]))
(* Uses a list of exponent comparison results to show that compare_expansions has a given result.*)
fun prove_compare_expansions ord [thm] = (
case ord of
LESS => @{thm compare_expansions_LT_I} OF [thm]
| GREATER => @{thm compare_expansions_GT_I} OF [thm]
| EQUAL => @{thm compare_expansions_same_exp[OF _ compare_expansions_real]} OF [thm])
| prove_compare_expansions ord (thm :: thms) =
@{thm compare_expansions_same_exp} OF [thm, prove_compare_expansions ord thms]
| prove_compare_expansions _ [] = raise Match
val ev_zero_pos_thm = Eventuallize.eventuallize \<^context>
@{lemma "\x::real. f x = 0 \ g x > 0 \ f x < g x" by auto} NONE
OF @{thms _ expands_to_imp_eventually_pos}
val ev_zero_neg_thm = Eventuallize.eventuallize \<^context>
@{lemma "\x::real. f x = 0 \ g x < 0 \ f x > g x" by auto} NONE
OF @{thms _ expands_to_imp_eventually_neg}
val ev_zero_zero_thm = Eventuallize.eventuallize \<^context>
@{lemma "\x::real. f x = 0 \ g x = 0 \ f x = g x" by auto} NONE
fun compare_expansions_trivial ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) =
case try_prove_ev_eq ectxt (apply2 get_expanded_fun (thm1, thm2)) of
SOME thm => SOME (EQUAL, thm, thm1, thm2)
| NONE =>
case apply2 (ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt o get_expanded_fun) (thm1, thm2) of
| (SOME zero1_thm, NONE) => (
case trim_expansion true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (thm2, basis) of
(thm2, IsPos, SOME trimmed2_thm) =>
SOME (LESS, ev_zero_pos_thm OF
[zero1_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm2, trimmed2_thm], thm1, thm2)
| (thm2, IsNeg, SOME trimmed2_thm) =>
SOME (GREATER, ev_zero_neg_thm OF
[zero1_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm2, trimmed2_thm], thm1, thm2)
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in compare_expansions", []))
| (NONE, SOME zero2_thm) => (
case trim_expansion true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (thm1, basis) of
(thm1, IsPos, SOME trimmed1_thm) =>
SOME (GREATER, ev_zero_pos_thm OF
[zero2_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm1, trimmed1_thm], thm1, thm2)
| (thm1, IsNeg, SOME trimmed1_thm) =>
SOME (LESS, ev_zero_neg_thm OF
[zero2_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm1, trimmed1_thm], thm1, thm2)
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in compare_expansions", []))
| (SOME zero1_thm, SOME zero2_thm) =>
SOME (EQUAL, ev_zero_zero_thm OF [zero1_thm, zero2_thm] , thm1, thm2)
fun compare_expansions ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) =
case compare_expansions_trivial ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) of
SOME res => res
| NONE =>
val (_, thm1, _) = whnf_expansion ectxt thm1
val (_, thm2, _) = whnf_expansion ectxt thm2
case compare_expansions' ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) of
Cmp_Dominated (order, e_thms, zeroness, trimmed_thm, thm1, thm2) =>
val wf_thm = get_basis_wf_thm basis
val cmp_thm = prove_compare_expansions order e_thms
val trimmed_thm' = trimmed_thm RS
(if zeroness = IsPos then @{thm trimmed_pos_imp_trimmed}
else @{thm trimmed_neg_imp_trimmed})
val smallo_thm =
(if order = LESS then @{thm compare_expansions_LT} else @{thm compare_expansions_GT}) OF
[cmp_thm, trimmed_thm', thm1, thm2, wf_thm]
val thm' =
if zeroness = IsPos then @{thm smallo_trimmed_imp_eventually_less}
else @{thm smallo_trimmed_imp_eventually_greater}
val result_thm =
thm' OF [smallo_thm, if order = LESS then thm2 else thm1, wf_thm, trimmed_thm]
(order, result_thm, thm1, thm2)
| Cmp_Asymp_Equiv (thm1, thm2) =>
val thm = @{thm expands_to_minus} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm1, thm2]
val (order, result_thm) =
case trim_expansion true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis) of
(thm, IsPos, SOME pos_thm) => (GREATER,
@{thm expands_to_imp_eventually_gt} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm, pos_thm])
| (thm, IsNeg, SOME neg_thm) => (LESS,
@{thm expands_to_imp_eventually_lt} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm, neg_thm])
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in prove_eventually_less", [])
(order, result_thm, thm1, thm2)
Throws an exception and prints an error message indicating that the leading term could
not be determined to be either zero or non-zero.
fun raise_trimming_error ectxt thm =
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
fun lead_coeff exp =
if fastype_of exp = \<^typ>\<open>real\<close> then exp else lead_coeff (get_coeff exp)
val c = lead_coeff (get_expansion thm)
fun err () =
val t = simplify_term' (get_facts ectxt) ctxt c
val _ =
if #verbose (#ctxt ectxt) then
val p = Pretty.str
("real_asymp failed to determine whether the following constant is zero:")
val p = Pretty.chunks [p, Pretty.indent 2 (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]
Pretty.writeln p
end else ()
raise TERM ("zeroness_oracle", [t])
err ()
(* TODO Here be dragons *)
fun solve_eval_eq thm =
case try (fn _ => @{thm refl} RS thm) () of
SOME thm' => thm'
| NONE =>
case try (fn _ => @{thm eval_real_def} RS thm) () of
SOME thm' => thm'
| NONE => @{thm eval_ms.simps} RS thm
Returns an expansion theorem for the logarithm of the given expansion.
May add one additional element to the basis at the end.
fun ln_expansion _ _ _ SEmpty = raise TERM ("ln_expansion: empty basis", [])
| ln_expansion ectxt trimmed_thm thm (SNE basis) =
fun trailing_exponent expr (SSng _) = get_exponent expr
| trailing_exponent expr (SCons (_, _, tl)) = trailing_exponent (get_coeff expr) tl
val e = trailing_exponent (get_expansion thm) basis
fun ln_expansion_aux trimmed_thm zero_thm thm basis =
val t = betapply (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>(f::real \<Rightarrow> real) x. f x - 1 :: real\<close>, get_expanded_fun thm)
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt t of
NONE => ln_expansion_aux' trimmed_thm zero_thm thm basis
| SOME zero_thm =>
@{thm expands_to_ln_eventually_1} OF
[get_basis_wf_thm' basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm' basis, zero_thm]
and ln_expansion_aux' trimmed_thm zero_thm thm (SSng {wf_thm, ...}) =
( @{thm expands_to_ln} OF
[trimmed_thm, wf_thm, thm,
@{thm expands_to_ln_aux_0} OF [zero_thm, @{thm expands_to_ln_const}]])
|> solve_eval_eq
| ln_expansion_aux' trimmed_thm zero_thm thm (SCons ({wf_thm, ...}, {ln_thm, ...}, basis')) =
val c_thm =
ln_expansion_aux (trimmed_thm RS @{thm trimmed_pos_hd_coeff}) zero_thm
(expands_to_hd thm) basis'
val e = get_exponent (get_expansion thm)
val c_thm' =
case zeroness_oracle true NONE ectxt e of
(IsZero, SOME thm) =>
@{thm expands_to_ln_to_expands_to_ln_eval [OF expands_to_ln_aux_0]} OF [thm,c_thm]
| _ =>
case try_prove_real_eq false ectxt (e, \<^term>\<open>1::real\<close>) of
SOME thm =>
@{thm expands_to_ln_to_expands_to_ln_eval [OF expands_to_ln_aux_1]}
OF [thm, wf_thm, c_thm, ln_thm]
| NONE =>
@{thm expands_to_ln_to_expands_to_ln_eval [OF expands_to_ln_aux]}
OF [wf_thm, c_thm, ln_thm]
(@{thm expands_to_ln} OF [trimmed_thm, wf_thm, thm, c_thm'])
|> solve_eval_eq
case zeroness_oracle true NONE ectxt e of
(IsZero, SOME zero_thm) => (ln_expansion_aux trimmed_thm zero_thm thm basis, SNE basis)
| _ =>
val basis' = insert_ln (SNE basis)
val lifting = mk_lifting (get_basis_list' basis) basis'
val thm' = lift_expands_to_thm lifting thm
val trimmed_thm' = lift_trimmed_pos_thm lifting trimmed_thm
val (thm'', eq_thm) = retrim_expansion ectxt (thm', basis')
val trimmed_thm'' = @{thm trimmed_pos_eq_cong} OF [trimmed_thm', eq_thm]
ln_expansion ectxt trimmed_thm'' thm'' basis'
Handles a possible basis change after expanding exp(c(x)) for an expansion of the form
f(x) = c(x) + g(x). Expanding exp(c(x)) may have inserted an additional basis element. If the
old basis was b :: bs (i.e. c is an expansion w.r.t. bs) and the updated one is bs' (which
agrees with bs except for one additional element b'), we need to argue that b :: bs' is still
well-formed. This may require us to show that ln(b') is o(ln(b)), which the function takes
as an argument.
fun adjust_exp_basis basis basis' ln_smallo_thm =
if length (get_basis_list basis) = length (get_basis_list basis') + 1 then
val SNE (SCons (info, ln_info, tail)) = basis
val SNE tail' = basis'
val wf_thms = map get_basis_wf_thm [basis, basis']
val wf_thm' =
get_first (fn f => try f ())
[fn _ => @{thm basis_wf_lift_modification} OF wf_thms,
fn _ => @{thm basis_wf_insert_exp_near} OF (wf_thms @ [ln_smallo_thm]),
fn _ => @{thm basis_wf_insert_exp_near} OF (wf_thms @
[ln_smallo_thm RS @{thm basis_wf_insert_exp_uminus'}])] of
SOME wf_thm => wf_thm
| _ => raise TERM ("Lifting basis modification in exp_expansion failed.", map Thm.concl_of (wf_thms @ [ln_smallo_thm]))
val info' = {wf_thm = wf_thm', head = #head info}
val lifting = mk_lifting (get_basis_list' tail) basis'
val ln_info' =
{trimmed_thm = lift_trimmed_pos_thm lifting (#trimmed_thm ln_info),
ln_thm = lift_expands_to_thm lifting (#ln_thm ln_info)}
SNE (SCons (info', ln_info', tail'))
(* inserts the exponential of a given function at the beginning of the given basis *)
fun insert_exp _ _ _ _ _ SEmpty = raise TERM ("insert_exp", [])
| insert_exp t ln_thm ln_smallo_thm ln_trimmed_thm lim_thm (SNE basis) =
val head = Envir.beta_eta_contract (\<^term>\<open>\<lambda>(f::real\<Rightarrow>real) x. exp (f x)\<close> $ t)
val ln_smallo_thm = ln_smallo_thm RS @{thm ln_smallo_ln_exp}
val wf_thm = @{thm basis_wf_manyI} OF [lim_thm, ln_smallo_thm, get_basis_wf_thm' basis]
val basis' = SNE (SCons ({wf_thm = wf_thm, head = head},
{ln_thm = ln_thm, trimmed_thm = ln_trimmed_thm} , basis))
check_basis basis'
Returns an expansion of the exponential of the given expansion. This may add several
new basis elements at any position of the basis (except at the very end
fun exp_expansion _ thm SEmpty = (thm RS @{thm expands_to_exp_real}, SEmpty)
| exp_expansion ectxt thm basis =
val (_, thm, _) = whnf_expansion ectxt thm
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_eval (get_expansion thm)) of
SOME zero_thm =>
(@{thm expands_to_exp_zero} OF
[thm, zero_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis], basis)
| NONE =>
val ln = (fn x => (#ln_thm x, #trimmed_thm x)) (get_ln_info basis)
val ln = (fn (x, y) => retrim_pos_expansion ectxt (x, basis, y)) ln
val es' = \<^term>\0::real\ :: (
case ln of
NONE => []
| SOME (ln_thm, _, _) => get_exponents (get_expansion ln_thm))
val trim_result =
trim_expansion_while_greater true (SOME es') false (SOME Simple_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis)
exp_expansion' ectxt trim_result ln basis
and exp_expansion' _ (thm, _, _) _ SEmpty = (thm RS @{thm expands_to_exp_real}, SEmpty)
| exp_expansion' ectxt (thm, trim_result, e_thms) ln basis =
val exp = get_expansion thm
val wf_thm = get_basis_wf_thm basis
val f = get_expanded_fun thm
fun exp_expansion_insert ln_smallo_thm = (
case determine_trimmed_sgn ectxt exp of
(IsPos, trimmed_thm) =>
val [lim_thm, ln_thm', thm'] =
@{thms expands_to_exp_insert_pos}
|> map (fn thm' => thm' OF [thm, wf_thm, trimmed_thm, ln_smallo_thm])
val basis' = insert_exp f ln_thm' ln_smallo_thm trimmed_thm lim_thm basis
(thm', basis')
| (IsNeg, trimmed_thm) =>
val [lim_thm, ln_thm', ln_trimmed_thm, thm'] =
@{thms expands_to_exp_insert_neg}
|> map (fn thm' => thm' OF [thm, wf_thm, trimmed_thm, ln_smallo_thm])
val ln_smallo_thm = ln_smallo_thm RS @{thm basis_wf_insert_exp_uminus}
val f' = Envir.beta_eta_contract (\<^term>\\(f::real\real) x. -f x\ $ f)
val basis' = insert_exp f' ln_thm' ln_smallo_thm ln_trimmed_thm lim_thm basis
(thm', basis')
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in exp_expansion", []))
fun lexord (IsNeg :: _) = LESS
| lexord (IsPos :: _) = GREATER
| lexord (IsZero :: xs) = lexord xs
| lexord [] = EQUAL
| lexord _ = raise Match
val compare_result = lexord (map fst e_thms)
case (trim_result, e_thms, compare_result) of
(Aborted _, (IsNeg, e_neg_thm) :: _, _) =>
(* leading exponent is negative; we can simply Taylor-expand exp(x) around 0 *)
(@{thm expands_to_exp_neg} OF [thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, e_neg_thm], basis)
| (Trimmed (_, SOME trimmed_thm), (IsPos, e_pos_thm) :: _, GREATER) =>
(* leading exponent is positive; exp(f(x)) or exp(-f(x)) is new basis element *)
val ln_smallo_thm =
@{thm basis_wf_insert_exp_pos} OF [thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, trimmed_thm, e_pos_thm]
exp_expansion_insert ln_smallo_thm
| (Trimmed (_, SOME trimmed_thm), _, GREATER) =>
(* leading exponent is zero, but f(x) grows faster than ln(b(x)), so
exp(f(x)) or exp(-f(x)) must still be new basis elements *)
val ln_thm =
case ln of
SOME (ln_thm, _, _) => ln_thm
| NONE => raise TERM ("TODO blubb", [])
val ln_thm = @{thm expands_to_lift''} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis, ln_thm]
val ln_smallo_thm =
@{thm compare_expansions_GT} OF [prove_compare_expansions GREATER (map snd e_thms),
trimmed_thm, thm, ln_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis]
exp_expansion_insert ln_smallo_thm
| (Aborted LESS, (IsZero, e_zero_thm) :: e_thms', _) =>
(* leading exponent is zero and f(x) grows more slowly than ln(b(x)), so
we can write f(x) = c(x) + g(x) and therefore exp(f(x)) = exp(c(x)) * exp(g(x)).
The former is treated by a recursive call; the latter by Taylor expansion. *)
val (ln_thm, trimmed_thm) =
case ln of
SOME (ln_thm, _, trimmed_thm) =>
(ln_thm, trimmed_thm RS @{thm trimmed_pos_imp_trimmed})
| NONE => raise TERM ("TODO foo", [])
val c_thm = expands_to_hd thm
val ln_smallo_thm =
@{thm compare_expansions_LT} OF [prove_compare_expansions LESS (map snd e_thms'),
trimmed_thm, c_thm, ln_thm, get_basis_wf_thm (tl_basis basis)]
val (c_thm, c_basis) = exp_expansion ectxt c_thm (tl_basis basis)
val basis' = adjust_exp_basis basis c_basis ln_smallo_thm
val wf_thm = get_basis_wf_thm basis'
val thm' = lift basis' thm
val (thm'', _) = retrim_expansion ectxt (thm', basis')
(@{thm expands_to_exp_0} OF [thm'', wf_thm, e_zero_thm, c_thm], basis')
| (Trimmed _, [(IsZero, e_zero_thm)], EQUAL) =>
(* f(x) can be written as c + g(x) where c is just a real constant.
We can therefore write exp(f(x)) = exp(c) * exp(g(x)), where the latter is
a simple Taylor expansion. *)
(@{thm expands_to_exp_0_real} OF [thm, wf_thm, e_zero_thm], basis)
| (Trimmed _, (_, e_zero_thm) :: _, EQUAL) =>
(* f(x) is asymptotically equivalent to c * ln(b(x)), so we can write f(x) as
c * ln(b(x)) + g(x) and therefore exp(f(x)) = b(x)^c * exp(g(x)). The second
factor is handled by a recursive call *)
val ln_thm =
case ln of
SOME (ln_thm, _, _) => ln_thm
| NONE => raise TERM ("TODO blargh", [])
val c =
case (thm, ln_thm) |> apply2 (get_expansion #> get_lead_coeff) of
(c1, c2) => \<^term>\<open>(/) :: real => _\<close> $ c1 $ c2
val c = Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) c
val thm' =
@{thm expands_to_exp_0_pull_out1}
OF [thm, ln_thm, wf_thm, e_zero_thm, Thm.reflexive c]
val (thm'', basis') = exp_expansion ectxt thm' basis
val pat = ConsPat ("MS", [AnyPat ("_", 0), AnyPat ("_", 0)])
val (_, _, conv) = match ectxt pat (get_expansion thm'') (SOME [])
val eq_thm = conv (Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) (get_expansion thm''))
val thm''' = @{thm expands_to_meta_eq_cong} OF [thm'', eq_thm]
val thm'''' =
case get_intyness (get_ctxt ectxt) c of
No_Nat =>
@{thm expands_to_exp_0_pull_out2} OF [thm''', get_basis_wf_thm basis']
| Nat nat_thm =>
@{thm expands_to_exp_0_pull_out2_nat} OF
[thm''', get_basis_wf_thm basis', nat_thm]
| Neg_Nat nat_thm =>
@{thm expands_to_exp_0_pull_out2_neg_nat} OF
[thm''', get_basis_wf_thm basis', nat_thm]
(thm'''', basis')
| (Trimmed (IsZero, _), [], _) =>
(* Expansion is empty, i.e. f(x) is identically zero *)
(@{thm expands_to_exp_MSLNil} OF [thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis], basis)
| (Trimmed (_, NONE), _, GREATER) =>
(* We could not determine whether f(x) grows faster than ln(b(x)) or not. *)
raise_trimming_error ectxt thm
| _ => raise Match
fun powr_expansion ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) =
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm1) of
SOME zero_thm =>
(@{thm expands_to_powr_0} OF
[zero_thm, Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) (get_expanded_fun thm2)),
get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis],
| NONE =>
val (thm1, _, SOME trimmed_thm) =
trim_expansion true (SOME Pos_Trim) ectxt (thm1, basis)
val (ln_thm, basis') = ln_expansion ectxt trimmed_thm thm1 basis
val thm2' = lift basis' thm2 |> simplify_expansion ectxt
val mult_thm = @{thm expands_to_mult} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis', ln_thm, thm2']
val (exp_thm, basis'') = exp_expansion ectxt mult_thm basis'
val thm = @{thm expands_to_powr} OF
[trimmed_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm1, exp_thm]
(thm, basis'')
fun powr_nat_expansion ectxt (thm1, thm2, basis) =
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm1) of
SOME zero_thm => (
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm2) of
SOME zero'_thm => (@{thm expands_to_powr_nat_0_0} OF
[zero_thm, zero'_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis], basis)
| NONE => (
case trim_expansion true (SOME Simple_Trim) ectxt (thm2, basis) of
(thm2, _, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
(@{thm expands_to_powr_nat_0} OF [zero_thm, thm2, trimmed_thm,
get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis], basis)))
| NONE =>
val (thm1, _, SOME trimmed_thm) =
trim_expansion true (SOME Pos_Trim) ectxt (thm1, basis)
val (ln_thm, basis') = ln_expansion ectxt trimmed_thm thm1 basis
val thm2' = lift basis' thm2 |> simplify_expansion ectxt
val mult_thm = @{thm expands_to_mult} OF [get_basis_wf_thm basis', ln_thm, thm2']
val (exp_thm, basis'') = exp_expansion ectxt mult_thm basis'
val thm = @{thm expands_to_powr_nat} OF
[trimmed_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm1, exp_thm]
(thm, basis'')
fun is_numeral t =
val _ = HOLogic.dest_number t
handle TERM _ => false
fun power_expansion ectxt (thm, n, basis) =
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm) of
SOME zero_thm => @{thm expands_to_power_0} OF
[zero_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis,
Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) n)]
| NONE => (
case trim_expansion true (SOME Simple_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis) of
(thm', _, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
val ctxt = get_ctxt ectxt
val thm =
if is_numeral n then @{thm expands_to_power[where abort = True]}
else @{thm expands_to_power[where abort = False]}
val thm =
Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, NONE, NONE, SOME (Thm.cterm_of ctxt n)] thm
thm OF [trimmed_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm']
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in power_expansion", []))
fun powr_const_expansion ectxt (thm, p, basis) =
val pthm = Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of (get_ctxt ectxt) p)
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm) of
SOME zero_thm => @{thm expands_to_powr_const_0} OF
[zero_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis, pthm]
| NONE =>
case trim_expansion true (SOME Pos_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis) of
(_, _, NONE) => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result for powr", [])
| (thm, _, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
(if is_numeral p then @{thm expands_to_powr_const[where abort = True]}
else @{thm expands_to_powr_const[where abort = False]})
OF [trimmed_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm, pthm]
fun sgn_expansion ectxt (thm, basis) =
val thms = [get_basis_wf_thm basis, mk_expansion_level_eq_thm basis]
case ev_zeroness_oracle ectxt (get_expanded_fun thm) of
SOME zero_thm => @{thm expands_to_sgn_zero} OF (zero_thm :: thms)
| NONE =>
case trim_expansion true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt (thm, basis) of
(thm, IsPos, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
@{thm expands_to_sgn_pos} OF ([trimmed_thm, thm] @ thms)
| (thm, IsNeg, SOME trimmed_thm) =>
@{thm expands_to_sgn_neg} OF ([trimmed_thm, thm] @ thms)
| _ => raise TERM ("Unexpected zeroness result in sgn_expansion", [])
Returns an expansion of the sine and cosine of the given expansion. Fails if that function
goes to infinity.
fun sin_cos_expansion _ thm SEmpty =
(thm RS @{thm expands_to_sin_real}, thm RS @{thm expands_to_cos_real})
| sin_cos_expansion ectxt thm basis =
val exp = get_expansion thm
val e = get_exponent exp
case zeroness_oracle true (SOME Sgn_Trim) ectxt e of
(IsPos, _) => raise THM ("sin_cos_expansion", 0, [thm])
| (IsNeg, SOME e_thm) =>
val [thm1, thm2] =
map (fn thm' => thm' OF [e_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm])
@{thms expands_to_sin_ms_neg_exp expands_to_cos_ms_neg_exp}
(thm1, thm2)
| (IsZero, SOME e_thm) =>
val (sin_thm, cos_thm) = (sin_cos_expansion ectxt (expands_to_hd thm) (tl_basis basis))
fun mk_thm thm' =
(thm' OF [e_thm, get_basis_wf_thm basis, thm, sin_thm, cos_thm]) |> solve_eval_eq
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