(* Title: HOL/Tools/Function/fun_cases.ML
Author: Manuel Eberl, TU Muenchen
The fun_cases command for generating specialised elimination rules for
function package functions.
signature FUN_CASES =
val mk_fun_cases: Proof.context -> term -> thm
val fun_cases: (Attrib.binding * term list) list -> local_theory ->
(string * thm list) list * local_theory
val fun_cases_cmd: (Attrib.binding * string list) list -> local_theory ->
(string * thm list) list * local_theory
structure Fun_Cases : FUN_CASES =
fun mk_fun_cases ctxt prop =
fun err () =
error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
[Pretty.str "Proposition is not a function equation:",
Pretty.fbrk, Syntax.pretty_term ctxt prop]));
val ((f, _), _) =
Function_Elims.dest_funprop (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop prop)
handle TERM _ => err ();
val info = Function.get_info ctxt f handle List.Empty => err ();
val {elims, pelims, is_partial, ...} = info;
val elims = if is_partial then pelims else the elims;
val cprop = Thm.cterm_of ctxt prop;
fun mk_elim rl =
Thm.implies_intr cprop
(Tactic.rule_by_tactic ctxt (Inductive.mk_cases_tac ctxt) (Thm.assume cprop RS rl))
|> singleton (Proof_Context.export (Proof_Context.augment prop ctxt) ctxt);
(case get_first (try mk_elim) (flat elims) of
SOME r => r
| NONE => err ())
fun gen_fun_cases prep_att prep_prop args lthy =
val thmss =
map snd args
|> burrow (grouped 10 Par_List.map_independent (mk_fun_cases lthy o prep_prop lthy));
val facts =
map2 (fn ((a, atts), _) => fn thms => ((a, map (prep_att lthy) atts), [(thms, [])]))
args thmss;
in lthy |> Local_Theory.notes facts end;
val fun_cases = gen_fun_cases (K I) Syntax.check_prop;
val fun_cases_cmd = gen_fun_cases Attrib.check_src Syntax.read_prop;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.local_theory \<^command_keyword>\<open>fun_cases\<close>
"create simplified instances of elimination rules for function equations"
(Parse.and_list1 Parse_Spec.simple_specs >> (snd oo fun_cases_cmd));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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