(* Title: HOL/Tools/try0.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
Try a combination of proof methods.
signature TRY0 =
val try0N : string
val noneN : string
val silence_methods : bool -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val try0 : Time.time option -> string list * string list * string list * string list ->
Proof.state -> bool
structure Try0 : TRY0 =
val try0N = "try0";
val noneN = "none";
datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal;
val default_timeout = seconds 5.0;
fun can_apply timeout_opt pre post tac st =
let val {goal, ...} = Proof.goal st in
(case (case timeout_opt of
SOME timeout => Timeout.apply timeout
| NONE => fn f => fn x => f x) (Seq.pull o tac) (pre st) of
SOME (x, _) => Thm.nprems_of (post x) < Thm.nprems_of goal
| NONE => false)
fun apply_generic timeout_opt name command pre post apply st =
let val timer = Timer.startRealTimer () in
if try (can_apply timeout_opt pre post apply) st = SOME true then
SOME (name, command, Time.toMilliseconds (Timer.checkRealTimer timer))
fun parse_method keywords s =
enclose "(" ")" s
|> Token.explode keywords Position.start
|> filter Token.is_proper
|> Scan.read Token.stopper Method.parse
|> (fn SOME (Method.Source src, _) => src | _ => raise Fail "expected Source");
fun apply_named_method_on_first_goal ctxt =
parse_method (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt)
#> Method.method_cmd ctxt
#> Method.Basic
#> (fn m => Method.Combinator (Method.no_combinator_info, Method.Select_Goals 1, [m]))
#> Proof.refine;
fun add_attr_text (NONE, _) s = s
| add_attr_text (_, []) s = s
| add_attr_text (SOME x, fs) s =
s ^ " " ^ (if x = "" then "" else x ^ ": ") ^ space_implode " " fs;
fun attrs_text (sx, ix, ex, dx) (ss, is, es, ds) =
"" |> fold add_attr_text [(sx, ss), (ix, is), (ex, es), (dx, ds)];
fun apply_named_method (name, ((all_goals, run_if_auto_try), attrs)) mode timeout_opt quad st =
if mode <> Auto_Try orelse run_if_auto_try then
let val attrs = attrs_text attrs quad in
apply_generic timeout_opt name
((name ^ attrs |> attrs <> "" ? enclose "(" ")") ^
(if all_goals andalso Thm.nprems_of (#goal (Proof.goal st)) > 1 then "[1]" else ""))
I (#goal o Proof.goal)
(apply_named_method_on_first_goal (Proof.context_of st) (name ^ attrs)
#> Seq.filter_results) st
val full_attrs = (SOME "simp", SOME "intro", SOME "elim", SOME "dest");
val clas_attrs = (NONE, SOME "intro", SOME "elim", SOME "dest");
val simp_attrs = (SOME "add", NONE, NONE, NONE);
val metis_attrs = (SOME "", SOME "", SOME "", SOME "");
val no_attrs = (NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE);
(* name * ((all_goals, run_if_auto_try), (simp, intro, elim, dest) *)
val named_methods =
[("simp", ((false, true), simp_attrs)),
("auto", ((true, true), full_attrs)),
("blast", ((false, true), clas_attrs)),
("metis", ((false, true), metis_attrs)),
("argo", ((false, true), no_attrs)),
("linarith", ((false, true), no_attrs)),
("presburger", ((false, true), no_attrs)),
("algebra", ((false, true), no_attrs)),
("fast", ((false, false), clas_attrs)),
("fastforce", ((false, false), full_attrs)),
("force", ((false, false), full_attrs)),
("meson", ((false, false), metis_attrs)),
("satx", ((false, false), no_attrs))];
val apply_methods = map apply_named_method named_methods;
fun time_string ms = string_of_int ms ^ " ms";
fun tool_time_string (s, ms) = s ^ ": " ^ time_string ms;
(* Makes reconstructor tools as silent as possible. The "set_visible" calls suppresses "Unification
bound exceeded" warnings and the like. *)
fun silence_methods debug =
Config.put Metis_Tactic.verbose debug
#> not debug ? (fn ctxt =>
|> Simplifier_Trace.disable
|> Context_Position.set_visible false
|> Config.put Unify.trace_bound (Config.get ctxt Unify.search_bound)
|> Config.put Argo_Tactic.trace "none"
|> Proof_Context.background_theory (fn thy =>
|> Context_Position.set_visible_global false
|> Config.put_global Unify.trace_bound (Config.get_global thy Unify.search_bound)));
fun generic_try0 mode timeout_opt quad st =
val st = Proof.map_contexts (silence_methods false) st;
fun trd (_, _, t) = t;
fun try_method method = method mode timeout_opt quad st;
fun get_message (_, command, ms) = "Found proof: " ^ Active.sendback_markup_command
((if Thm.nprems_of (#goal (Proof.goal st)) = 1 then "by" else "apply") ^ " " ^ command) ^
" (" ^ time_string ms ^ ")";
val print_step = Option.map (tap (writeln o get_message));
val get_results =
if mode = Normal
then Par_List.map (try_method #> print_step) #> map_filter I #> sort (int_ord o apply2 trd)
else Par_List.get_some try_method #> the_list;
if mode = Normal then
"Trying " ^ space_implode " " (Try.serial_commas "and" (map (quote o fst) named_methods)) ^
|> writeln
(case get_results apply_methods of
[] =>
(if mode = Normal then writeln "No proof found" else (); (false, (noneN, [])))
| xs as (name, command, _) :: _ =>
val xs = xs |> map (fn (name, _, n) => (n, name))
|> AList.coalesce (op =)
|> map (swap o apsnd commas);
val message =
(case mode of
Auto_Try => "Auto Try0 found a proof"
| Try => "Try0 found a proof"
| Normal => "Try this") ^ ": " ^
((if Thm.nprems_of (#goal (Proof.goal st)) = 1 then "by"
else "apply") ^ " " ^ command) ^
(case xs of
[(_, ms)] => " (" ^ time_string ms ^ ")"
| xs => "\n(" ^ space_implode "; " (map tool_time_string xs) ^ ")");
(true, (name, if mode = Auto_Try then [message] else (writeln message; [])))
fun try0 timeout_opt = fst oo generic_try0 Normal timeout_opt;
fun try0_trans quad =
(ignore o generic_try0 Normal (SOME default_timeout) quad o Toplevel.proof_of);
fun merge_attrs (s1, i1, e1, d1) (s2, i2, e2, d2) = (s1 @ s2, i1 @ i2, e1 @ e2, d1 @ d2);
fun string_of_xthm (xref, args) =
Facts.string_of_ref xref ^
implode (map (enclose "[" "]" o Pretty.unformatted_string_of o Token.pretty_src \<^context>) args);
val parse_fact_refs =
Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless (Parse.name -- Args.colon) (Parse.thm >> string_of_xthm));
val parse_attr =
Args.$$$ "simp" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs >> (fn ss => (ss, [], [], []))
|| Args.$$$ "intro" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs >> (fn is => ([], is, [], []))
|| Args.$$$ "elim" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs >> (fn es => ([], [], es, []))
|| Args.$$$ "dest" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs >> (fn ds => ([], [], [], ds));
fun parse_attrs x =
(Args.parens parse_attrs
|| Scan.repeat parse_attr >> (fn quad => fold merge_attrs quad ([], [], [], []))) x;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>try0\<close> "try a combination of proof methods"
(Scan.optional parse_attrs ([], [], [], []) #>> try0_trans);
fun try_try0 auto = generic_try0 (if auto then Auto_Try else Try) NONE ([], [], [], []);
val _ = Try.tool_setup (try0N, (30, \<^system_option>\<open>auto_methods\<close>, try_try0));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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