(* Author: Florian Haftmann, TUM
section \<open>Proof(s) of concept for algebraically founded lists of bits\<close>
theory Bit_Lists
"HOL-Library.Word" "HOL-Library.More_List"
subsection \<open>Fragments of algebraic bit representations\<close>
context comm_semiring_1
abbreviation (input) unsigned_of_bits :: "bool list \ 'a"
where "unsigned_of_bits \ horner_sum of_bool 2"
lemma unsigned_of_bits_replicate_False [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (replicate n False) = 0"
by (induction n) simp_all
context unique_euclidean_semiring_with_bit_shifts
lemma unsigned_of_bits_append [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (bs @ cs) = unsigned_of_bits bs
+ push_bit (length bs) (unsigned_of_bits cs)"
by (induction bs) (simp_all add: push_bit_double,
simp_all add: algebra_simps)
lemma unsigned_of_bits_take [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (take n bs) = take_bit n (unsigned_of_bits bs)"
proof (induction bs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons b bs)
then show ?case
by (cases n) (simp_all add: ac_simps take_bit_Suc)
lemma unsigned_of_bits_drop [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (drop n bs) = drop_bit n (unsigned_of_bits bs)"
proof (induction bs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons b bs)
then show ?case
by (cases n) (simp_all add: drop_bit_Suc)
lemma bit_unsigned_of_bits_iff:
\<open>bit (unsigned_of_bits bs) n \<longleftrightarrow> nth_default False bs n\<close>
proof (induction bs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons b bs)
then show ?case
by (cases n) (simp_all add: bit_Suc)
primrec n_bits_of :: "nat \ 'a \ bool list"
"n_bits_of 0 a = []"
| "n_bits_of (Suc n) a = odd a # n_bits_of n (a div 2)"
lemma n_bits_of_eq_iff:
"n_bits_of n a = n_bits_of n b \ take_bit n a = take_bit n b"
apply (induction n arbitrary: a b)
apply (auto elim!: evenE oddE simp add: take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd)
apply (metis dvd_triv_right even_plus_one_iff odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)
apply (metis dvd_triv_right even_plus_one_iff odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)
lemma take_n_bits_of [simp]:
"take m (n_bits_of n a) = n_bits_of (min m n) a"
proof -
define q and v and w where "q = min m n" and "v = m - q" and "w = n - q"
then have "v = 0 \ w = 0"
by auto
then have "take (q + v) (n_bits_of (q + w) a) = n_bits_of q a"
by (induction q arbitrary: a) auto
with q_def v_def w_def show ?thesis
by simp
lemma unsigned_of_bits_n_bits_of [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (n_bits_of n a) = take_bit n a"
by (induction n arbitrary: a) (simp_all add: ac_simps take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd)
subsection \<open>Syntactic bit representation\<close>
class bit_representation =
fixes bits_of :: "'a \ bool list"
and of_bits :: "bool list \ 'a"
assumes of_bits_of [simp]: "of_bits (bits_of a) = a"
text \<open>Unclear whether a \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> instantiation is needed or not\<close>
instantiation nat :: bit_representation
fun bits_of_nat :: "nat \ bool list"
where "bits_of (n::nat) =
(if n = 0 then [] else odd n # bits_of (n div 2))"
lemma bits_of_nat_simps [simp]:
"bits_of (0::nat) = []"
"n > 0 \ bits_of n = odd n # bits_of (n div 2)" for n :: nat
by simp_all
declare bits_of_nat.simps [simp del]
definition of_bits_nat :: "bool list \ nat"
where [simp]: "of_bits_nat = unsigned_of_bits"
\<comment> \<open>remove simp\<close>
instance proof
show "of_bits (bits_of n) = n" for n :: nat
by (induction n rule: nat_bit_induct) simp_all
lemma bit_of_bits_nat_iff:
\<open>bit (of_bits bs :: nat) n \<longleftrightarrow> nth_default False bs n\<close>
by (simp add: bit_unsigned_of_bits_iff)
lemma bits_of_Suc_0 [simp]:
"bits_of (Suc 0) = [True]"
by simp
lemma bits_of_1_nat [simp]:
"bits_of (1 :: nat) = [True]"
by simp
lemma bits_of_nat_numeral_simps [simp]:
"bits_of (numeral Num.One :: nat) = [True]" (is ?One)
"bits_of (numeral (Num.Bit0 n) :: nat) = False # bits_of (numeral n :: nat)" (is ?Bit0)
"bits_of (numeral (Num.Bit1 n) :: nat) = True # bits_of (numeral n :: nat)" (is ?Bit1)
proof -
show ?One
by simp
define m :: nat where "m = numeral n"
then have "m > 0" and *: "numeral n = m" "numeral (Num.Bit0 n) = 2 * m" "numeral (Num.Bit1 n) = Suc (2 * m)"
by simp_all
from \<open>m > 0\<close> show ?Bit0 ?Bit1
by (simp_all add: *)
lemma unsigned_of_bits_of_nat [simp]:
"unsigned_of_bits (bits_of n) = n" for n :: nat
using of_bits_of [of n] by simp
instantiation int :: bit_representation
fun bits_of_int :: "int \ bool list"
where "bits_of_int k = odd k #
(if k = 0 \<or> k = - 1 then [] else bits_of_int (k div 2))"
lemma bits_of_int_simps [simp]:
"bits_of (0 :: int) = [False]"
"bits_of (- 1 :: int) = [True]"
"k \ 0 \ k \ - 1 \ bits_of k = odd k # bits_of (k div 2)" for k :: int
by simp_all
lemma bits_of_not_Nil [simp]:
"bits_of k \ []" for k :: int
by simp
declare bits_of_int.simps [simp del]
definition of_bits_int :: "bool list \ int"
where "of_bits_int bs = (if bs = [] \ \ last bs then unsigned_of_bits bs
else unsigned_of_bits bs - 2 ^ length bs)"
lemma of_bits_int_simps [simp]:
"of_bits [] = (0 :: int)"
"of_bits [False] = (0 :: int)"
"of_bits [True] = (- 1 :: int)"
"of_bits (bs @ [b]) = (unsigned_of_bits bs :: int) - (2 ^ length bs) * of_bool b"
"of_bits (False # bs) = 2 * (of_bits bs :: int)"
"bs \ [] \ of_bits (True # bs) = 1 + 2 * (of_bits bs :: int)"
by (simp_all add: of_bits_int_def push_bit_of_1)
instance proof
show "of_bits (bits_of k) = k" for k :: int
by (induction k rule: int_bit_induct) simp_all
lemma bits_of_1_int [simp]:
"bits_of (1 :: int) = [True, False]"
by simp
lemma bits_of_int_numeral_simps [simp]:
"bits_of (numeral Num.One :: int) = [True, False]" (is ?One)
"bits_of (numeral (Num.Bit0 n) :: int) = False # bits_of (numeral n :: int)" (is ?Bit0)
"bits_of (numeral (Num.Bit1 n) :: int) = True # bits_of (numeral n :: int)" (is ?Bit1)
"bits_of (- numeral (Num.Bit0 n) :: int) = False # bits_of (- numeral n :: int)" (is ?nBit0)
"bits_of (- numeral (Num.Bit1 n) :: int) = True # bits_of (- numeral (Num.inc n) :: int)" (is ?nBit1)
proof -
show ?One
by simp
define k :: int where "k = numeral n"
then have "k > 0" and *: "numeral n = k" "numeral (Num.Bit0 n) = 2 * k" "numeral (Num.Bit1 n) = 2 * k + 1"
"numeral (Num.inc n) = k + 1"
by (simp_all add: add_One)
have "- (2 * k) div 2 = - k" "(- (2 * k) - 1) div 2 = - k - 1"
by simp_all
with \<open>k > 0\<close> show ?Bit0 ?Bit1 ?nBit0 ?nBit1
by (simp_all add: *)
lemma bit_of_bits_int_iff:
\<open>bit (of_bits bs :: int) n \<longleftrightarrow> nth_default (bs \<noteq> [] \<and> last bs) bs n\<close>
proof (induction bs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons b bs)
then show ?case
by (cases n; cases b; cases bs) (simp_all add: bit_Suc)
lemma of_bits_append [simp]:
"of_bits (bs @ cs) = of_bits bs + push_bit (length bs) (of_bits cs :: int)"
if "bs \ []" "\ last bs"
using that proof (induction bs rule: list_nonempty_induct)
case (single b)
then show ?case
by simp
case (cons b bs)
then show ?case
by (cases b) (simp_all add: push_bit_double)
lemma of_bits_replicate_False [simp]:
"of_bits (replicate n False) = (0 :: int)"
by (auto simp add: of_bits_int_def)
lemma of_bits_drop [simp]:
"of_bits (drop n bs) = drop_bit n (of_bits bs :: int)"
if "n < length bs"
using that proof (induction bs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons b bs)
show ?case
proof (cases n)
case 0
then show ?thesis
by simp
case (Suc n)
with Cons.prems have "bs \ []"
by auto
with Suc Cons.IH [of n] Cons.prems show ?thesis
by (cases b) (simp_all add: drop_bit_Suc)
lemma unsigned_of_bits_eq_of_bits:
"unsigned_of_bits bs = (of_bits (bs @ [False]) :: int)"
by (simp add: of_bits_int_def)
unbundle word.lifting
instantiation word :: (len) bit_representation
lift_definition bits_of_word :: "'a word \ bool list"
is "n_bits_of LENGTH('a)"
by (simp add: n_bits_of_eq_iff)
lift_definition of_bits_word :: "bool list \ 'a word"
is unsigned_of_bits .
instance proof
fix a :: "'a word"
show "of_bits (bits_of a) = a"
by transfer simp
lifting_update word.lifting
lifting_forget word.lifting
subsection \<open>Bit representations with bit operations\<close>
class semiring_bit_representation = semiring_bit_operations + bit_representation +
assumes and_eq: "length bs = length cs \
of_bits bs AND of_bits cs = of_bits (map2 (\<and>) bs cs)"
and or_eq: "length bs = length cs \
of_bits bs OR of_bits cs = of_bits (map2 (\<or>) bs cs)"
and xor_eq: "length bs = length cs \
of_bits bs XOR of_bits cs = of_bits (map2 (\<noteq>) bs cs)"
and push_bit_eq: "push_bit n a = of_bits (replicate n False @ bits_of a)"
and drop_bit_eq: "n < length (bits_of a) \ drop_bit n a = of_bits (drop n (bits_of a))"
class ring_bit_representation = ring_bit_operations + semiring_bit_representation +
assumes not_eq: "not = of_bits \ map Not \ bits_of"
instance nat :: semiring_bit_representation
by standard (simp_all add: bit_eq_iff bit_unsigned_of_bits_iff nth_default_map2 [of _ _ _ False False]
bit_and_iff bit_or_iff bit_xor_iff)
instance int :: ring_bit_representation
fix bs cs :: \<open>bool list\<close>
assume \<open>length bs = length cs\<close>
then have \<open>cs = [] \<longleftrightarrow> bs = []\<close>
by auto
with \<open>length bs = length cs\<close> have \<open>zip bs cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last (map2 (\<and>) bs cs) \<longleftrightarrow> (bs \<noteq> [] \<and> last bs) \<and> (cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last cs)\<close>
and \<open>zip bs cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last (map2 (\<or>) bs cs) \<longleftrightarrow> (bs \<noteq> [] \<and> last bs) \<or> (cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last cs)\<close>
and \<open>zip bs cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last (map2 (\<noteq>) bs cs) \<longleftrightarrow> ((bs \<noteq> [] \<and> last bs) \<noteq> (cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last cs))\<close>
by (auto simp add: last_map last_zip zip_eq_Nil_iff prod_eq_iff)
then show \<open>of_bits bs AND of_bits cs = (of_bits (map2 (\<and>) bs cs) :: int)\<close>
and \<open>of_bits bs OR of_bits cs = (of_bits (map2 (\<or>) bs cs) :: int)\<close>
and \<open>of_bits bs XOR of_bits cs = (of_bits (map2 (\<noteq>) bs cs) :: int)\<close>
by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff bit_eq_iff bit_and_iff bit_or_iff bit_xor_iff bit_not_iff bit_of_bits_int_iff \<open>length bs = length cs\<close> nth_default_map2 [of bs cs _ \<open>bs \<noteq> [] \<and> last bs\<close> \<open>cs \<noteq> [] \<and> last cs\<close>])
show \<open>push_bit n k = of_bits (replicate n False @ bits_of k)\<close>
for k :: int and n :: nat
by (cases "n = 0") simp_all
show \<open>drop_bit n k = of_bits (drop n (bits_of k))\<close>
if \<open>n < length (bits_of k)\<close> for k :: int and n :: nat
using that by simp
show \<open>(not :: int \<Rightarrow> _) = of_bits \<circ> map Not \<circ> bits_of\<close>
proof (rule sym, rule ext)
fix k :: int
show \<open>(of_bits \<circ> map Not \<circ> bits_of) k = NOT k\<close>
by (induction k rule: int_bit_induct) (simp_all add: not_int_def)
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