(* Title: Pure/Isar/proof_display.ML
Author: Makarius
Printing of theorems, goals, results etc.
signature PROOF_DISPLAY =
val pp_context: Proof.context -> Pretty.T
val pp_thm: (unit -> theory) -> thm -> Pretty.T
val pp_typ: (unit -> theory) -> typ -> Pretty.T
val pp_term: (unit -> theory) -> term -> Pretty.T
val pp_ctyp: (unit -> theory) -> ctyp -> Pretty.T
val pp_cterm: (unit -> theory) -> cterm -> Pretty.T
val pretty_theory: bool -> Proof.context -> Pretty.T
val pretty_definitions: bool -> Proof.context -> Pretty.T
val pretty_theorems_diff: bool -> theory list -> Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_theorems: bool -> Proof.context -> Pretty.T list
val string_of_rule: Proof.context -> string -> thm -> string
val pretty_goal_header: thm -> Pretty.T
val string_of_goal: Proof.context -> thm -> string
val pretty_goal_facts: Proof.context -> string -> thm list -> Pretty.T
val method_error: string -> Position.T ->
{context: Proof.context, facts: thm list, goal: thm} -> 'a Seq.result
val print_results: bool -> Position.T -> Proof.context ->
((string * string) * (string * thm list) list) -> unit
val print_consts: bool -> Position.T -> Proof.context ->
(string * typ -> bool) -> (string * typ) list -> unit
structure Proof_Display: PROOF_DISPLAY =
(** toplevel pretty printing **)
fun pp_context ctxt =
(if Config.get ctxt Proof_Context.debug then
Pretty.quote (Pretty.big_list "proof context:" (Proof_Context.pretty_context ctxt))
else Pretty.str "");
fun default_context mk_thy =
(case Context.get_generic_context () of
SOME (Context.Proof ctxt) => ctxt
| SOME (Context.Theory thy) =>
(case try Syntax.init_pretty_global thy of
SOME ctxt => ctxt
| NONE => Syntax.init_pretty_global (mk_thy ()))
| NONE => Syntax.init_pretty_global (mk_thy ()));
fun pp_thm mk_thy th =
Thm.pretty_thm_raw (default_context mk_thy) {quote = true, show_hyps = false} th;
fun pp_typ mk_thy T = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ (default_context mk_thy) T);
fun pp_term mk_thy t = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term (default_context mk_thy) t);
fun pp_ctyp mk_thy cT = pp_typ mk_thy (Thm.typ_of cT);
fun pp_cterm mk_thy ct = pp_term mk_thy (Thm.term_of ct);
(** theory content **)
fun pretty_theory verbose ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
fun prt_cls c = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt [c];
fun prt_sort S = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt S;
fun prt_arity t (c, Ss) = Syntax.pretty_arity ctxt (t, Ss, [c]);
fun prt_typ ty = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt ty);
val prt_typ_no_tvars = prt_typ o Logic.unvarifyT_global;
fun prt_term t = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t);
val prt_term_no_vars = prt_term o Logic.unvarify_global;
fun prt_const (c, ty) = [Pretty.mark_str c, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1, prt_typ_no_tvars ty];
fun pretty_classrel (c, []) = prt_cls c
| pretty_classrel (c, cs) = Pretty.block
(prt_cls c :: Pretty.str " <" :: Pretty.brk 1 :: Pretty.commas (map prt_cls cs));
fun pretty_default S = Pretty.block
[Pretty.str "default sort:", Pretty.brk 1, prt_sort S];
val tfrees = map (fn v => TFree (v, []));
fun pretty_type syn (t, Type.LogicalType n) =
if syn then NONE
else SOME (prt_typ (Type (t, tfrees (Name.invent Name.context Name.aT n))))
| pretty_type syn (t, Type.Abbreviation (vs, U, syn')) =
if syn <> syn' then NONE
else SOME (Pretty.block
[prt_typ (Type (t, tfrees vs)), Pretty.str " =", Pretty.brk 1, prt_typ U])
| pretty_type syn (t, Type.Nonterminal) =
if not syn then NONE
else SOME (prt_typ (Type (t, [])));
val pretty_arities = maps (fn (t, ars) => map (prt_arity t) ars);
fun pretty_abbrev (c, (ty, t)) = Pretty.block
(prt_const (c, ty) @ [Pretty.str " \", Pretty.brk 1, prt_term_no_vars t]);
fun pretty_axm (a, t) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.mark_str a, Pretty.str ":", Pretty.brk 1, prt_term_no_vars t];
val tsig = Sign.tsig_of thy;
val consts = Sign.consts_of thy;
val {const_space, constants, constraints} = Consts.dest consts;
val {classes, default, types, ...} = Type.rep_tsig tsig;
val type_space = Type.type_space tsig;
val (class_space, class_algebra) = classes;
val classes = Sorts.classes_of class_algebra;
val arities = Sorts.arities_of class_algebra;
val clsses =
Name_Space.extern_entries verbose ctxt class_space
(map (fn ((c, _), cs) => (c, Sign.minimize_sort thy cs)) (Graph.dest classes))
|> map (apfst #1);
val tdecls = Name_Space.extern_table verbose ctxt types |> map (apfst #1);
val arties =
Name_Space.extern_entries verbose ctxt type_space (Symtab.dest arities)
|> map (apfst #1);
val cnsts = Name_Space.markup_entries verbose ctxt const_space constants;
val log_cnsts = map_filter (fn (c, (ty, NONE)) => SOME (c, ty) | _ => NONE) cnsts;
val abbrevs = map_filter (fn (c, (ty, SOME t)) => SOME (c, (ty, t)) | _ => NONE) cnsts;
val cnstrs = Name_Space.markup_entries verbose ctxt const_space constraints;
[Pretty.big_list "classes:" (map pretty_classrel clsses),
pretty_default default,
Pretty.big_list "syntactic types:" (map_filter (pretty_type true) tdecls),
Pretty.big_list "logical types:" (map_filter (pretty_type false) tdecls),
Pretty.big_list "type arities:" (pretty_arities arties),
Pretty.big_list "logical consts:" (map (Pretty.block o prt_const) log_cnsts),
Pretty.big_list "abbreviations:" (map pretty_abbrev abbrevs),
Pretty.big_list "constraints:" (map (Pretty.block o prt_const) cnstrs),
(Pretty.breaks (Pretty.str "oracles:" ::
map Pretty.mark_str (Thm.extern_oracles verbose ctxt)))]
(* theorems *)
fun pretty_theorems_diff verbose prev_thys ctxt =
val pretty_fact = Proof_Context.pretty_fact ctxt;
val facts = Global_Theory.facts_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt);
val thmss = Facts.dest_static verbose (map Global_Theory.facts_of prev_thys) facts;
val prts = map #1 (sort_by (#1 o #2) (map (`pretty_fact) thmss));
in if null prts then [] else [Pretty.big_list "theorems:" prts] end;
fun pretty_theorems verbose ctxt =
pretty_theorems_diff verbose (Theory.parents_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) ctxt;
(* definitions *)
fun pretty_definitions verbose ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val context = Proof_Context.defs_context ctxt;
val const_space = Proof_Context.const_space ctxt;
val type_space = Proof_Context.type_space ctxt;
val item_space = fn Defs.Const => const_space | Defs.Type => type_space;
fun prune_item (k, c) = not verbose andalso Name_Space.is_concealed (item_space k) c;
fun extern_item (kind, name) =
let val xname = Name_Space.extern ctxt (item_space kind) name
in (xname, (kind, name)) end;
fun extern_item_ord ((xname1, (kind1, _)), (xname2, (kind2, _))) =
(case Defs.item_kind_ord (kind1, kind2) of
EQUAL => string_ord (xname1, xname2)
| ord => ord);
fun sort_items f = sort (extern_item_ord o apply2 f);
fun pretty_entry ((_: string, item), args) = Defs.pretty_entry context (item, args);
fun pretty_reduct (lhs, rhs) = Pretty.block
([pretty_entry lhs, Pretty.str " ->", Pretty.brk 2] @
Pretty.commas (map pretty_entry (sort_items fst rhs)));
fun pretty_restrict (entry, name) =
Pretty.block ([pretty_entry entry, Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str ("(from " ^ quote name ^ ")")]);
val defs = Theory.defs_of thy;
val {restricts, reducts} = Defs.dest defs;
val (reds1, reds2) =
filter_out (prune_item o #1 o #1) reducts
|> map (fn (lhs, rhs) =>
(apfst extern_item lhs, map (apfst extern_item) (filter_out (prune_item o fst) rhs)))
|> sort_items (#1 o #1)
|> filter_out (null o #2)
|> List.partition (Defs.plain_args o #2 o #1);
val rests = restricts |> map (apfst (apfst extern_item)) |> sort_items (#1 o #1);
Pretty.big_list "definitions:"
(map (Pretty.text_fold o single)
[Pretty.big_list "non-overloaded LHS:" (map pretty_reduct reds1),
Pretty.big_list "overloaded LHS:" (map pretty_reduct reds2),
Pretty.big_list "pattern restrictions due to incomplete LHS:" (map pretty_restrict rests)])
(** proof items **)
(* refinement rule *)
fun pretty_rule ctxt s thm =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str (s ^ " attempt to solve goal by exported rule:"),
Pretty.fbrk, Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm];
val string_of_rule = Pretty.string_of ooo pretty_rule;
(* goals *)
fun subgoals 0 = []
| subgoals 1 = [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "(1 subgoal)"]
| subgoals n = [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str ("(" ^ string_of_int n ^ " subgoals)")];
fun pretty_goal_header goal =
Pretty.block ([Pretty.keyword1 "goal"] @ subgoals (Thm.nprems_of goal) @ [Pretty.str ":"]);
fun string_of_goal ctxt goal =
Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks [pretty_goal_header goal, Goal_Display.pretty_goal ctxt goal]);
(* goal facts *)
fun pretty_goal_facts ctxt s ths =
(Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks)
[if s = "" then Pretty.str "this:"
else Pretty.block [Pretty.keyword1 s, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "this:"],
Proof_Context.pretty_fact ctxt ("", ths)];
(* method_error *)
fun method_error kind pos {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Seq.Error (fn () =>
val pr_header =
"Failed to apply " ^ (if kind = "" then "" else kind ^ " ") ^
"proof method" ^ Position.here pos ^ ":\n";
val pr_facts =
if null facts then ""
else Pretty.string_of (pretty_goal_facts ctxt "using" facts) ^ "\n";
val pr_goal = string_of_goal ctxt goal;
in pr_header ^ pr_facts ^ pr_goal end);
(* results *)
fun position_markup pos = Pretty.mark (Position.markup pos Markup.position);
fun pretty_fact_name pos (kind, "") = position_markup pos (Pretty.keyword1 kind)
| pretty_fact_name pos (kind, name) =
Pretty.block [position_markup pos (Pretty.keyword1 kind), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str (Long_Name.base_name name), Pretty.str ":"];
fun pretty_facts ctxt =
flat o (separate [Pretty.fbrk, Pretty.keyword2 "and", Pretty.str " "]) o
map (single o Proof_Context.pretty_fact ctxt);
fun print_results do_print pos ctxt ((kind, name), facts) =
if not do_print orelse kind = "" then ()
else if name = "" then
(Output.state o Pretty.string_of)
(Pretty.block (position_markup pos (Pretty.keyword1 kind) :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
pretty_facts ctxt facts))
(Output.state o Pretty.string_of)
(case facts of
[fact] => Pretty.blk (1, [pretty_fact_name pos (kind, name), Pretty.fbrk,
Proof_Context.pretty_fact ctxt fact])
| _ => Pretty.blk (1, [pretty_fact_name pos (kind, name), Pretty.fbrk,
Pretty.blk (1, Pretty.str "(" :: pretty_facts ctxt facts @ [Pretty.str ")"])]));
(* consts *)
fun pretty_var ctxt (x, T) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str x, Pretty.str " ::", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T)];
fun pretty_vars pos ctxt kind vs =
(Pretty.fbreaks (position_markup pos (Pretty.mark_str kind) :: map (pretty_var ctxt) vs));
val fixes = (Markup.keyword2, "fixes");
val consts = (Markup.keyword1, "consts");
fun pretty_consts pos ctxt pred cs =
(case filter pred (#1 (Proof_Context.inferred_fixes ctxt)) of
[] => pretty_vars pos ctxt consts cs
| ps => Pretty.chunks [pretty_vars pos ctxt fixes ps, pretty_vars pos ctxt consts cs]);
fun print_consts do_print pos ctxt pred cs =
if not do_print orelse null cs then ()
else Output.state (Pretty.string_of (pretty_consts pos ctxt pred cs));
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