(* Title: Pure/Isar/spec_rules.ML
Author: Makarius
Rules that characterize specifications, with optional name and
rough classification.
NB: In the face of arbitrary morphisms, the original shape of
specifications may get lost.
signature SPEC_RULES =
datatype recursion =
Primrec of string list | Recdef | Primcorec of string list | Corec | Unknown_Recursion
val recursion_ord: recursion ord
val encode_recursion: recursion XML.Encode.T
datatype rough_classification = Equational of recursion | Inductive | Co_Inductive | Unknown
val rough_classification_ord: rough_classification ord
val equational_primrec: string list -> rough_classification
val equational_recdef: rough_classification
val equational_primcorec: string list -> rough_classification
val equational_corec: rough_classification
val equational: rough_classification
val is_equational: rough_classification -> bool
val is_inductive: rough_classification -> bool
val is_co_inductive: rough_classification -> bool
val is_relational: rough_classification -> bool
val is_unknown: rough_classification -> bool
val encode_rough_classification: rough_classification XML.Encode.T
type spec_rule =
{pos: Position.T,
name: string,
rough_classification: rough_classification,
terms: term list,
rules: thm list}
val get: Proof.context -> spec_rule list
val get_global: theory -> spec_rule list
val dest_theory: theory -> spec_rule list
val retrieve: Proof.context -> term -> spec_rule list
val retrieve_global: theory -> term -> spec_rule list
val add: binding -> rough_classification -> term list -> thm list -> local_theory -> local_theory
val add_global: binding -> rough_classification -> term list -> thm list -> theory -> theory
structure Spec_Rules: SPEC_RULES =
(* recursion *)
datatype recursion =
Primrec of string list | Recdef | Primcorec of string list | Corec | Unknown_Recursion;
val recursion_index =
fn Primrec _ => 0 | Recdef => 1 | Primcorec _ => 2 | Corec => 3 | Unknown_Recursion => 4;
fun recursion_ord (Primrec Ts1, Primrec Ts2) = list_ord fast_string_ord (Ts1, Ts2)
| recursion_ord (Primcorec Ts1, Primcorec Ts2) = list_ord fast_string_ord (Ts1, Ts2)
| recursion_ord rs = int_ord (apply2 recursion_index rs);
val encode_recursion =
let open XML.Encode in
[fn Primrec a => ([], list string a),
fn Recdef => ([], []),
fn Primcorec a => ([], list string a),
fn Corec => ([], []),
fn Unknown_Recursion => ([], [])]
(* rough classification *)
datatype rough_classification = Equational of recursion | Inductive | Co_Inductive | Unknown;
fun rough_classification_ord (Equational r1, Equational r2) = recursion_ord (r1, r2)
| rough_classification_ord cs =
int_ord (apply2 (fn Equational _ => 0 | Inductive => 1 | Co_Inductive => 2 | Unknown => 3) cs);
val equational_primrec = Equational o Primrec;
val equational_recdef = Equational Recdef;
val equational_primcorec = Equational o Primcorec;
val equational_corec = Equational Corec;
val equational = Equational Unknown_Recursion;
val is_equational = fn Equational _ => true | _ => false;
val is_inductive = fn Inductive => true | _ => false;
val is_co_inductive = fn Co_Inductive => true | _ => false;
val is_relational = is_inductive orf is_co_inductive;
val is_unknown = fn Unknown => true | _ => false;
val encode_rough_classification =
let open XML.Encode in
[fn Equational r => ([], encode_recursion r),
fn Inductive => ([], []),
fn Co_Inductive => ([], []),
fn Unknown => ([], [])]
(* rules *)
type spec_rule =
{pos: Position.T,
name: string,
rough_classification: rough_classification,
terms: term list,
rules: thm list};
fun eq_spec (specs: spec_rule * spec_rule) =
(op =) (apply2 #name specs) andalso
is_equal (rough_classification_ord (apply2 #rough_classification specs)) andalso
eq_list (op aconv) (apply2 #terms specs) andalso
eq_list Thm.eq_thm_prop (apply2 #rules specs);
fun map_spec_rules f ({pos, name, rough_classification, terms, rules}: spec_rule) : spec_rule =
{pos = pos, name = name, rough_classification = rough_classification, terms = terms,
rules = map f rules};
structure Rules = Generic_Data
type T = spec_rule Item_Net.T;
val empty : T = Item_Net.init eq_spec #terms;
val extend = I;
val merge = Item_Net.merge;
(* get *)
fun get_generic imports context =
val thy = Context.theory_of context;
val transfer = Global_Theory.transfer_theories thy;
fun imported spec =
imports |> exists (fn thy => Item_Net.member (Rules.get (Context.Theory thy)) spec);
Item_Net.content (Rules.get context)
|> filter_out imported
|> (map o map_spec_rules) transfer
val get = get_generic [] o Context.Proof;
val get_global = get_generic [] o Context.Theory;
fun dest_theory thy = rev (get_generic (Theory.parents_of thy) (Context.Theory thy));
(* retrieve *)
fun retrieve_generic context =
Item_Net.retrieve (Rules.get context)
#> (map o map_spec_rules) (Thm.transfer'' context);
val retrieve = retrieve_generic o Context.Proof;
val retrieve_global = retrieve_generic o Context.Theory;
(* add *)
fun add b rough_classification terms rules lthy =
let val thms0 = map Thm.trim_context (map (Drule.mk_term o Thm.cterm_of lthy) terms @ rules) in
lthy |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = true}
(fn phi => fn context =>
val pos = Position.thread_data ();
val name = Name_Space.full_name (Name_Space.naming_of context) (Morphism.binding phi b);
val (terms', rules') =
map (Thm.transfer (Context.theory_of context)) thms0
|> Morphism.fact phi
|> chop (length terms)
|>> map (Thm.term_of o Drule.dest_term)
||> map Thm.trim_context;
context |> (Rules.map o Item_Net.update)
{pos = pos, name = name, rough_classification = rough_classification,
terms = terms', rules = rules'}
fun add_global b rough_classification terms rules thy =
thy |> (Context.theory_map o Rules.map o Item_Net.update)
{pos = Position.thread_data (),
name = Sign.full_name thy b,
rough_classification = rough_classification,
terms = terms,
rules = map Thm.trim_context rules};
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.14 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.