(* Title: Pure/Tools/plugin.ML
Author: Makarius
Author: Jasmin Blanchette
Named plugins for definitional packages.
(** plugin name **)
signature PLUGIN_NAME =
val check: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> string
val define: binding -> string list -> theory -> string * theory
val define_setup: binding -> string list -> string
val declare: binding -> theory -> string * theory
val declare_setup: binding -> string
type filter = string -> bool
val default_filter: filter
val make_filter: Proof.context -> (Proof.context -> filter) -> filter
val parse_filter: (Proof.context -> filter) parser
structure Plugin_Name: PLUGIN_NAME =
(* theory data *)
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = string list Name_Space.table;
val empty: T = Name_Space.empty_table "plugin";
val extend = I;
val merge = Name_Space.merge_tables;
(* check *)
fun check ctxt =
#1 o Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) (Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt));
val _ = Theory.setup
(ML_Antiquotation.inline_embedded \<^binding>\<open>plugin\<close>
(Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.embedded_position >> (ML_Syntax.print_string o uncurry check)));
(* indirections *)
fun resolve thy = maps (fn name =>
(case Name_Space.get (Data.get thy) name of
[] => [name]
| names => resolve thy names));
fun define binding rhs thy =
val context = Context.Theory thy |> Name_Space.map_naming (K Name_Space.global_naming);
val (name, data') = Name_Space.define context true (binding, resolve thy rhs) (Data.get thy);
val thy' = Data.put data' thy;
in (name, thy') end;
fun define_setup binding rhs = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result (define binding rhs));
(* immediate entries *)
fun declare binding thy = define binding [] thy;
fun declare_setup binding = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result (declare binding));
(* filter *)
type filter = string -> bool;
val default_filter: filter = K true;
fun make_filter (ctxt: Proof.context) f : filter = f ctxt;
val parse_filter =
Parse.position (Parse.reserved "plugins") --
Parse.position (Parse.reserved "only" >> K I || Parse.reserved "del" >> K not) --
(Parse.$$$ ":" |-- Scan.repeat Parse.name_position) >>
(fn (((_, pos1), (modif, pos2)), args) => fn ctxt =>
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (map (rpair Markup.quasi_keyword) [pos1, pos2]);
val basic_names = resolve thy (map (check ctxt) args);
in modif o member (op =) basic_names end);
(** plugin content **)
signature PLUGIN =
type T
val data: Plugin_Name.filter -> T -> local_theory -> local_theory
val data_default: T -> local_theory -> local_theory
val interpretation: string -> (T -> local_theory -> local_theory) -> theory -> theory
functor Plugin(type T): PLUGIN =
type T = T;
(* data with interpretation *)
type data = {filter: Plugin_Name.filter, naming: Name_Space.naming, value: T, id: serial};
type interp = {name: string, apply: T -> local_theory -> local_theory, id: serial};
val eq_data: data * data -> bool = op = o apply2 #id;
val eq_interp: interp * interp -> bool = op = o apply2 #id;
fun mk_data filter naming x : data = {filter = filter, naming = naming, value = x, id = serial ()};
fun mk_interp name f : interp = {name = name, apply = f, id = serial ()};
(* theory data *)
structure Plugin_Data = Theory_Data
type T = data list * (interp * data list) list;
val empty : T = ([], []);
val extend = I;
val merge_data = merge eq_data;
fun merge ((data1, interps1), (data2, interps2)) : T =
(merge_data (data1, data2), AList.join eq_interp (K merge_data) (interps1, interps2));
(* consolidate data wrt. interpretations *)
fun apply change_naming (interp: interp) (data: data) lthy =
|> change_naming ? Local_Theory.map_background_naming (K (#naming data))
|> #apply interp (#value data)
|> Local_Theory.restore_background_naming lthy;
fun unfinished data (interp: interp, data') =
if eq_list eq_data (data, data') then []
else data |> filter (fn d => #filter d (#name interp) andalso not (member eq_data data' d)));
fun unfinished_data thy =
val (data, interps) = Plugin_Data.get thy;
val finished = map (apsnd (K data)) interps;
val thy' = Plugin_Data.put (data, finished) thy;
in (map (unfinished data) interps, thy') end;
val consolidate =
Local_Theory.raw_theory_result unfinished_data
#-> fold_rev (fn (interp, data) => fold_rev (apply false interp) data);
val consolidate' =
unfinished_data #> (fn (unfinished, thy) =>
if forall (null o #2) unfinished then NONE
SOME (Named_Target.theory_map
(fold_rev (fn (interp, data) => fold_rev (apply true interp) data) unfinished) thy));
val _ = Theory.setup (Theory.at_begin consolidate');
(* add content *)
fun data filter x =
Local_Theory.background_theory (fn thy =>
Plugin_Data.map (apfst (cons (mk_data filter (Sign.naming_of thy) x))) thy)
#> consolidate;
val data_default = data Plugin_Name.default_filter;
fun interpretation name f =
Plugin_Data.map (apsnd (cons (mk_interp name f, [])))
#> perhaps consolidate';
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