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<chapter id="basics">
<title>jEdit Basics</title>
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<section id="overview">
<title>Interface Overview</title>
<para>A <firstterm>View</firstterm> is the jEdit term for an editor main
window. It is possible to have multiple views open at once, and each
View can be split into multiple panes. jEdit remembers the state of open
views between editing sessions.</para>
<para>An open file is referred to as a <firstterm>Buffer</firstterm>.
Unlike some editors where each buffer gets its own View, jEdit
completely separates the two concepts. A buffer might be visible in
several views, or none at all.</para>
<para>A <firstterm>TextArea</firstterm> is an editor for a buffer. An
<firstterm>EditPane</firstterm> contains a TextArea plus optional buffer switcher.
A View contains one EditPane by default, and additional panes are created whenever
the View is split. </para>
<para>The drop-down buffer switcher list at the top of each EditPane shows
a BufferSet, or a set of open buffers (see <xref linkend="buffersets" />).
Selecting a buffer on this list will make it visible in the TextArea. Different
emblems are displayed next to buffer names in the list, depending the
buffer's state; a red disk is shown for buffers with unsaved changes, a
lock is shown for read-only buffers, and a spark is shown for new
buffers which don't yet exist on disk.
<para>With the new Tango icon theme, these symbols are slightly different,
a red square is shown for buffers with unsaved changes, a lock is shown for
read-only buffers, and a yellow square is shown for new buffers which don't
yet exist on disk.</para>
<para>As with most other graphical applications, there is a tool bar at
the top of the View which provides quick access to frequently-used
commands. Also, clicking the TextArea with the right mouse button
displays a popup menu which also facilitates quick access to various
commands. Both the tool bar and the right-click menu can be completely
customized to suit your tastes in the
dialog box; see <xref linkend="context-pane" />
and <xref linkend="toolbar-pane" />.</para>
<para>Most of the View is taken up by the TextArea. If you've ever used
a graphical user interface before, the TextArea will be instantly
familiar. Text can be inserted simply by typing. More details on text
insertion and deletion can be found in <xref
linkend="entering-text" />.</para>
<para>The strip on the left of the TextArea is called a
<firstterm>gutter</firstterm>. The gutter displays marker and register
locations, as well as folding arrows; it will also display line numbers
if the <guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Line
Numbers</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+t</keycap>) command is
invoked. Note this menu toggle action has the side-effect of changing the
persistent jEdit properties for the Gutter, which can also
be set from the <guilabel>Gutter</guilabel> pane of the
dialog box.</para>
<para> The gutter is divided into two sections. Right-clicking on the left side
gives you a context menu, while right-clicking on the right side (where line
numbers might be) toggles a marker at that position. Text can be selected by
left-clicking and dragging on right side of the gutter, over the range of lines
you wish to select. </para>
<section id="views">
<title>Multiple Views</title>
<para>As documented at the beginning of this chapter, multiple Views
(main windows) can be open at once.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>New View</guimenuitem>
creates a new View, or main window.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>New Plain
View</guimenuitem> creates a new View but without any tool bars or
dockable windows. This can be used to open a small window for taking notes
and so on.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Close View</guimenuitem>
closes the current View. If only one View is open, closing it will exit
jEdit, unless background mode is on; see <xref linkend="starting" /> for
information about starting jEdit in background mode.</para>
Horizontally</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+2</keycap>) splits the
View into two TextAreas, placed above each other.</para>
Vertically</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+3</keycap>) splits the
View into two TextAreas, placed next to each other.</para>
<guimenu>Splitpane Grow</guimenu> grows the size of the currently focused
TextArea. </para>
Current</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+0</keycap>) removes the split
containing the current TextArea only.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Unsplit All</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+1</keycap>) removes all splits from the View.</para>
<para>When a View is split, editing commands operate on the TextArea
that has keyboard focus. To give a TextArea keyboard focus, click in it
with the mouse, or use the following commands.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Previous Text
Area</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+PAGE_UP</keycap>) shifts
keyboard focus to the previous TextArea.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Next Text
Area</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+PAGE_DOWN</keycap>) shifts
keyboard focus to the next TextArea.</para>
<section id="buffers">
<title>Switching Buffers</title>
<para>Each EditPane has an optional drop-down BufferSwitcher at the top. The
BufferSwitcher shows the current buffer and can also be used to switch the current
buffer, using menu item commands and their keyboard shortcuts.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Previous
Buffer</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut: <keycap>C+PAGE_UP</keycap>)
switches to the previous buffer in the list.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Next
Buffer</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut: <keycap>C+PAGE_DOWN</keycap>)
switches to the next buffer in the list.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Recent
Buffer</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut: <keycap>C+BACK_QUOTE</keycap>)
flips between the two most recently edited buffers.</para>
<para><guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Show Buffer
Switcher</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut:
<keycap>A+BACK_QUOTE</keycap>) has the same effect as clicking on the
buffer switcher combo box.</para>
<para>If you prefer an alternative graphical paradigm for switching
buffers, take a look at one of these plugins:</para>
<para>If you decide to use one of these plugins, you can hide the popup
menu buffer switcher in the <guilabel>View</guilabel> pane of the
dialog box.</para>
<para>A number of plugins that implement fast keyboard-based buffer
switching are available as well:</para>
<section id="buffersets">
<title>Buffer Sets and closing buffers</title>
<para> The <firstterm>Buffer Sets</firstterm> feature helps keep the buffer lists
local and manageable when using jEdit in a multiple-View and multiple-EditPane environment. </para>
<para> As mentioned in the previous section, each Edit Pane can show a Buffer
Switcher, which displays the contents of a Buffer Set. In jEdit 4.2, all EditPane
buffer switchers showed the same BufferSet: a global list of all buffers that were
opened from any EditPane in any View. When using many Views and EditPanes, this
resulted in large lists of buffers, and made the next/previous buffer actions
useless with many Views, EditPanes and Buffers. </para>
<para> Since jEdit 4.3, it is possible to have more narrow scopes for the Buffer
Sets of an Edit Pane. This makes the 'next-buffer' and 'previous-buffer' actions
switch between buffers that are local to the view or pane. </para>
The three <firstterm>BufferSet scopes</firstterm> are: </para>
<listitem><para> <guilabel>Global</guilabel>: Includes all buffers
open from any EditPane. </para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <guilabel>View</guilabel>: EditPanes in the same View
share the same BufferSet. Opening a buffer in one View will not affect the other
views. </para></listitem>
<listitem><para><guilabel>EditPane</guilabel>: Each EditPane can have
its own independent BufferSet. </para></listitem> </orderedlist>
<para> <guimenu>File</guimenu> > <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> removes the
current buffer from the EditPane's BufferSet only. If it was the last BufferSet to
contain that buffer, the buffer is also closed. </para>
<para> The <guimenu> File </guimenu> > <guimenuitem>Close
(global)</guimenuitem> action closes the buffer in all EditPanes, as the jEdit 4.2
<guimenu> File </guimenu> > <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> action did before.
<para> When <guimenuitem>Exclusive Buffersets</guimenuitem> are enabled, any time
a buffer is visited in one EditPane, it should be automatically closed in other
EditPanes which use a disjoint (non-intersecting) BufferSet. </para>
<para> <guimenuitem>Close Others</guimenuitem> will clear the BufferSet of the
current EditPane by performing a <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> on all items
except those buffers which are displayed in another active EditPane. </para>
<bridgehead> Switching Bufferset Scopes </bridgehead>
<para> Bufferset Scope can be set from <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>
><guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> >
<guimenuitem>View</guimenuitem> >
<guilabel>BufferSet scope:</guilabel>.
<para> The statusbar shows you which <firstterm>BufferSet scope</firstterm> is
active (look for the letter "G", "E" or "V"). Double-clicking on that will allow
you to change the scope without going into global options.</para>
<para> The BufferSet Scope can also be changed from
<guimenu>View</guimenu>><guimenu>Buffer Sets</guimenu> >
<guimenu>(Global|View|EditPane) Buffer Set</guimenu>.
A change to the bufferset scope affects all editpanes immediately.
<bridgehead>Sorting of Buffer Sets and Buffer Switchers</bridgehead>
<para>Buffer Switchers and Buffer Sets can be sorted independently. Both can be
sorted by name or by path. Both can be left unsorted. Possibly the most useful
combination is to sort the Buffer Switchers and leave the Buffer Sets unsorted. In
this case, it is easy to find the buffer to work with in the Buffer Switcher since
the buffer names are sorted alphabetically, and leaving the Buffer Set unsorted
means the "go to previous" and "go to next" actions follow the order in which the
buffers were last used rather than by name. However, some users prefer Buffer Sets
to also be sorted by name or path, so jEdit supports multiple sorting
<section id="docking">
<title>Window Docking Layouts</title>
<para> A docking layout is similar to an Eclipse "Perspective" in that it
describes a set of dockable windows that are visible to the user at any given
time, hiding the rest. </para>
<para>Various jEdit and plugin windows can be docked into the View for
convenience. Dockable windows have a popup button in their top-left
corner. Clicking this button displays a menu with commands for docking
the window in one of four sides of the View.</para>
<para>On each side of the TextArea where there are docked windows, a
strip of buttons is shown. There is a button for activating each docked
window, as well as a close box and a popup menu button, which when
clicked shows a menu for moving or undocking the currently selected
window. The popup menu also contains a command for opening a new
floating instance of the current window.</para>
<para>The commands in the
<guimenu>View</guimenu>><guisubmenu>Docking</guisubmenu> menu move keyboard
focus between docking areas.</para>
<para> After you have customized the layout of your dockables and wish to save it
for export/import, use the actions <guimenu>View</guimenu> -
<guimenu>Docking</guimenu> - <guimenuitem>Save/Load Docking Layout</guimenuitem>.
<para> It is possible to configure a Dockable layout for just one or a handful of
edit modes. This makes it possible to save or load your dockable layout with the
same keyboard shortcut (or automatically) based on the edit mode of your current
buffer. </para>
<para> It is also possible to save/load a layout for a particular edit mode. The
loading and saving can be done automatically, as configured in the global options
docking pane when the mode of the buffer changes, or manually in response to
invoking <guimenu>View</guimenu> - <guimenu>Docking</guimenu> -
<guimenuitem>Save/Load Docking Layout for current mode.</guimenuitem> </para>
<para>Dockable windows can be further configured in the
<guilabel>Docking</guilabel> pane of the
<guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Global Options</guimenuitem> dialog
box. See <xref linkend="docking-pane"/> for details. </para>
<title>For keyboard/power users</title>
<para>Each dockable has three commands associated with it; one is part of the
menu bar and opens the dockable. The other two commands are:</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Window Name (Toggle)</guimenuitem> -
opens the dockable window if it is hidden, and hide it if
its already open.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Window Name (New Floating
Instance)</guimenuitem> - opens a new instance of the
dockable in a floating window, regardless of the docking
configuration. For example, this can be used to view two
different directories side-by-side in two file system
browser windows.</para>
<para>A new floating instance can also be opened from the
dockable window's popup menu.
<para>These commands cannot be invoked from the menu bar. However,
they can be added to the tool bar or context menu, and given
keyboard shortcuts; see <xref linkend="global-opts" />.</para>
<section id="status-bar">
<title>The Status Bar</title>
<para>The <firstterm>status bar</firstterm> at the bottom of the View
consists of the following components, from left to right:</para>
<para>Caret position information:</para>
<para>The offset of the caret from the beginning of the file</para>
<para>The line number containing the caret</para>
<para>The column position of the caret, with the leftmost column
being 1.</para>
<para>If the line contains tabs, the <firstterm>file</firstterm>
position (where a hard tab is counted as one column) is shown
first, followed by the <firstterm>screen</firstterm> position
(where each tab counts for the number of columns until the next
tab stop).</para>
<para>The percent offset of the caret from the start of the file.
This is based on the line number of the caret and the total number
of lines in the file, so this is the same as the relative position
of the right scroll bar in the main text area.</para>
<para>Double-clicking on the caret location indicator displays
the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to
Line</guimenuitem> dialog box; see <xref
linkend="lines" />.
<para>A message area where various prompts and status messages
are shown.</para>
<para>The current buffer's edit mode, fold mode, and character
encoding. Double-clicking one of these displays the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. For more information about
these settings, see:</para>
<para><xref linkend="buffer-opts" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="modes" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="folding" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="encodings" /></para>
<para>A set of flags which indicate various editor features and
settings. Clicking each flag will toggle the feature in
question; hovering the mouse over a flag will show a tool tip
with an explanation:</para>
<para>Word wrap - see <xref
linkend="word-wrap" />.</para>
<para>Multiple selection - see <xref
linkend="multi-select" />.</para>
<para>Rectangular selection - see <xref
linkend="rect-select" />.</para>
<para>Overwrite mode - see <xref
linkend="entering-text" />.</para>
<para>Line separator - see <xref
linkend="line-separators" />.</para>
<para>Buffer Set Scope - see <xref
linkend="buffersets" />.</para>
A <guimenuitem>Task Monitor</guimenuitem> widget, which spins with
activity when a background task is running, and also lists how many
tasks are running. Clicking on this will open the Task Monitor dockable (<xref linkend="task-monitor"/>). </para></listitem>
<para>A Java heap memory usage indicator, that shows used and
total heap memory, in megabytes. Double-clicking this indicator
opens the
Status</guimenuitem> dialog box.</para>
<para>The order and visibility of each of the above items can be controlled in the
<guibutton>Status Bar</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="status-bar-pane" />.</para>
<section id="action-bar">
<title>The Action Bar</title>
<para>The action bar allows almost any editor feature to be accessed
from the keyboard.</para>
Bar</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+ENTER</keycap>) displays the
action bar at the bottom of the View and gives it keyboard focus. The
action bar remembers previously entered strings; see <xref
linkend="history" /> for details.</para>
<para>To use the action bar, input a command and press
<keycap>Enter</keycap>. To see a list of all actions, evaluate the
BeanShell expression <literal>jEdit.getActionNames()</literal> (in
a BeanShell interpreter, not in the action bar). </para>
<bridgehead>Action invocations</bridgehead>
<para>Each menu item and tool bar button is bound to an
<firstterm>action</firstterm>. To find out the name of an action, invoke
the menu item or click the tool bar button, and look in the action bar's
<para>If a substring or an action name is entered, pressing
<keycap>Tab</keycap> shows a popup listing matching actions. An action
can be selected using the <keycap>Up</keycap> and <keycap>Down</keycap>
arrow keys, or by entering more characters of its name.</para>
<para>Pressing <keycap>Enter</keycap> with an incomplete substring
invokes the action that would be first in the completion popup's
<para>For example, entering <userinput>d-o</userinput> will invoke
<userinput>combined-options</userinput>, which has the same effect as
invoking <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
<bridgehead>Buffer-local properties</bridgehead>
<para>Entering <userinput>buffer.property=value</userinput> sets the
value of the buffer-local property named <userinput>property</userinput>
to <userinput>value</userinput>. Buffer-local properties are documented
in <xref linkend="buffer-local" />.</para>
<para>For example, entering <userinput>buffer.tabSize=4</userinput>
changes the current buffer's tab size to 4.
<para>See <xref linkend="buffer-local" /> for information about
buffer-local properties.</para>
<bridgehead>Global properties</bridgehead>
<para>Entering <userinput>property=value</userinput> sets the value of
the global property named <userinput>property</userinput> to
<userinput>value</userinput>. This feature is primarily intended to help
plugin developers, since the properties jEdit uses to store its settings
are not currently documented.</para>
<bridgehead>Command repetition</bridgehead>
<para>To repeat a command multiple times, enter a number in the action
bar, then press the key-combination that invokes the command.
For example,
<quote><keycap>C+ENTER</keycap> <keycap>1</keycap> <keycap>4</keycap>
<keycap>C+d</keycap></quote> will delete 14 lines;
<quote><keycap>C+ENTER</keycap> <keycap>9</keycap>
<keycap>#</keycap></quote> will insert <quote>#########</quote> in the
Note: The space characters in these examples should not be typed;
they are only here to visually separate the keys to be typed.</para>
<para>If you specify a repeat count greater than 20, a confirmation
dialog box will be displayed, asking if you really want to perform the
action. This prevents you from hanging jEdit by executing a command too
many times.</para>
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