<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appendix id="macro-index">
<title>Macros Included With jEdit</title>
<!-- jEdit 4.0 Macro Guide, (C) 2001 John Gellene -->
<!-- jEdit 4.4 Macro Guide, (C) 2010 jedit-devs -->
<!-- jEdit buffer-local properties: -->
<!-- :indentSize=2:noTabs=yes:maxLineLen=90:tabSize=2: -->
<!-- :xml.root=users-guide.xml: -->
<!-- covers index to installed macro set -->
<para>jEdit comes with a large number of sample macros that perform a
variety of tasks. The following index provides short descriptions of each
macro, in some cases accompanied by usage notes.</para>
<para>In addition to the macros included with jEdit, a very large collection
of user-contributed macros is available in the <quote>Downloads</quote>
section of the <ulink
url="http://community.jedit.org">community.jedit.org</ulink> web site. There
are detailed descriptions for each macro as well as a search
<section id="macros-c" >
<title>C/C++ macros </title>
<para> These macros are useful for C/C++ programming. </para>
<listitem><para> <filename>Include_Guard.bsh</filename> </para>
<para> Inserts conditional preprocessor directives around a header
file, to prevent it from being included multiple times. </para>
<para>The name of the generated preprocessor macro is based on the
buffer's name.
<listitem><para><filename> Toggle_Header_Source</filename></para>
<para> Toggles between the header and the implementation file. Works for .c, .cxx, and .cpp extensions. </para>
<section id="macros-clipboard">
<title>Clipboard Macros</title>
<para>These macros copy or cut text to the clipboard.</para>
<para>Copies all lines from the current buffer, containing a
user-supplied string, to the clipboard.</para>
<para>Cuts all lines from the current buffer, containing a
user-supplied string, to the clipboard.</para>
<para>If no text is selected, the current line is copied to the
clipboard, otherwise the selected text is copied to the
clipboard. Some editors have this has the default copy behavior.
To achieve the same effect in jEdit, bind this macro to
<keycap>C+c</keycap> in the <guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton>
pane of the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
<guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> dialog box.</para>
<para>If no text is selected, the current line is cut to the
clipboard, otherwise the selected text is cut to the clipboard.
Some editors have this has the default cut behavior. To achieve
the same effect in jEdit, bind this macro to
<keycap>C+x</keycap> in the <guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton>
pane of the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
<guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> dialog box.</para>
<para>Copies the visible lines from the current buffer to the
Clipboard. Lines that are not visible becuase they are folded
are not copied.</para>
<para>Pastes the content of the clipboard and indents it.</para>
<section id="macros-editing">
<title>Editing Macros</title>
<para>These macros automate various text editing tasks.</para>
<para>Duplicates current/selected line(s) upward.</para>
<para>Duplicates current/selected line(s) downward.</para>
<para>Cuts and appends text, from the cursor to the end of the
line, into the copy buffer.</para>
<para>Moves the cursor to the next line, centering the current
line in the middle of the text area if the cursor is at the
bottom of the text area.</para>
<para>Moves the cursor to the previous line, centering the
current line in the middle of the text area if the cursor is at
the top of the text area.</para>
<para>Prompts the user for a column position on the current
line, then moves the caret there.</para>
<para>If buffer is using soft tabs, this macro will backspace to
the previous tab stop, if all characters between the caret and
the tab stop are spaces. In all other cases a single character
is removed.</para>
<para>If a buffer is using soft tabs, this macro will delete
tabSize number of spaces, if all the characters between the
caret and the next tab stop are spaces. In all other cases a
single character is deleted.</para>
<para>If a buffer is using soft tabs, this macro will move the
caret tabSize spaces to the left, if all the characters between
the caret and the previous tab stop are all spaces. In all other
cases, the caret is moved a single character to the left.</para>
<para>If a buffer is using soft tabs, this macro will move the
caret tabSize spaces to the right, if all the characters between
the caret and the next tab stop are all spaces. In all other
cases, the caret is moved a single character to the
<para>Converts all keywords in the current buffer to upper
<para>Displays a modal dialog with the current buffer's mode in
a text field, allowing one to change the mode by typing in its
<para><keycap>ENTER</keycap> selects the current mode; if the
text is not a valid mode, the dialog still dismisses, but a
warning is logged to the activity log. <keycap>ESACPE</keycap>
closes the dialog with no further action. <keycap>TAB</keycap>
attempts to auto-complete the mode name. Pressing
<keycap>TAB</keycap> repeatedly cycles through the possible
completions. <keycap>SHIFT-TAB</keycap> cycles through the
completions in reverse.</para>
<para>Moves the current line down one, with automatic
<para>Moves the current line up one, with automatic
<para>Adds a new blank line before the current/selected line(s).</para>
<para>Adds a new blank line after the current/selected line(s).</para>
<para>Toggles visibility of current fold.</para>
<para>This is especially useful for fold toggling via keyboard.</para>
<section id="macros-files">
<title>File Management Macros</title>
<para>These macros automate the opening and closing of files.</para>
<para>Opens a the current buffer's directory in the file system
<para>Opens a directory supplied by the user in the file system
<para>Displays a modal dialog listing all open buffers, allowing
one to switch to and/or close buffers. <keycap>ENTER</keycap>
switches to a buffer and closes the dialog,
<keycap>DELETE</keycap> closes a buffer, <keycap>SPACE</keycap>
switches to a buffer but does not close the dialog.</para>
<para>Closes all files except the current buffer.</para>
<para>Prompts the user to save any buffer containing unsaved
<para>Copies the current buffer's path to the clipboard.
<para>Copies the current buffer's filename to the
<para>Duplicates the current buffer into a new one.</para>
<para>Deletes the current buffer's file on disk, but doesn't
close the buffer.</para>
<para>Closes all open buffers matching a given glob
<para>Assumes the current selection is file path and tries
replaces the selection with the contents of the file. Does
nothing if no text is selected or the selection spans multiple
<para>Switches to the next dirty buffer, if there is one.</para>
<para>Opens the file supplied by the user in an input
<para>Opens the file named by the current buffer's selected
text. Current VFS browser directory is also tried as
a parent of the filename, but only as a local path.</para>
<para>Opens the file named by the current buffer's selected
text using <code>Desktop</code>. That is opens the file
using operating system's default application.
If a link is selected, it is browsed instead, using default
web browser. If no selection is active, the path
under caret is used.</para>
<para>If bufferset scope is set to EditPane, the current buffer
is added to the next Editpane's bufferset.
<para>Toggles a local file's read-only flag. Uses
platform-specific commands, so it only works on Windows, Unix
and MacOS X.</para>
<section id="macros-interface">
<title>User Interface Macros</title>
<para>Decreases the font size in the gutter and text area by 1
<para>Increases the font size in the gutter and text area by 1
<para>Opens the text area context menu just below and to the
right of the caret.</para>
<para><filename>Reset_TextArea.bsh</filename> </para>
<para>Performs a split and an unsplit of the current TextArea.
Useful for those occasions when your textarea is corrupt
(painting the incorrect characters on the screen).</para>
<para><filename>Splitpane_Grow.bsh</filename> </para>
<para>When inside a split EditPane, this macro moves the
splitter away from the cursor, effectively increasing the size of
the currently active split pane.</para>
<para>Expands or collapses the bottom docking area, depending on
it's current state.
<para>Expands or collapses the left docking area, depending on
it's current state.
<para>Expands or collapses the right docking area, depending on
it's current state.
<para>Expands or collapses the top docking area, depending on
it's current state.
<section id="macros-java">
<title>Java Code Macros</title>
<para>These macros handle text formatting and generation tasks that are
particularly useful in writing Java code.</para>
<para>Inserts constructor for the class at the current caret
<para>Inserts a Java class name based upon the buffer's file
<para>Inserts a plausible Java package name for the current
<para>The macro compares the buffer's path name with the
elements of the classpath being used by the jEdit session. An
error message will be displayed if no suitable package name is
found. This macro will not work if jEdit is being run as a JAR
file without specifying a classpath; in that case the classpath
seen by the macro consists solely of the JAR file.</para>
<para>Acts as a wrapper script to the Save As action. If the
buffer is a new file, it scans the first 250 lines for a
Java class or interface declaration. On finding one, it
extracts the appropriate filename to be used in the Save As
<para>Creates <function>getXXX()</function> or
<function>setXXX()</function> methods that can be pasted into
the buffer text.</para>
<para>This macro presents a dialog that will <quote>grab</quote>
the names of instance variables from the caret line of the
current buffer and paste a corresponding
<function>getXXX()</function> or <function>setXXX()</function>
method to one of two text areas in the dialog. The text can be
edited in the dialog and then pasted into the current buffer
using the <guilabel>Insert...</guilabel> buttons. If the caret
is set to a line containing something other than an instance
variable, the text grabbing routine is likely to generate
<para>As explained in the notes accompanying the source code,
the macro uses a global variable which can be set to configure
the macro to work with either Java or C++ code. When set for use
with C++ code, the macro will also write (in commented text)
definitions of <function>getXXX()</function> or
<function>setXXX()</function> suitable for inclusion in a header
<para>Create and display API documentation for the current
<para>The macro includes various configuration variables you can
change; see the comment at the beginning of the macro source for
<section id="macros-misc">
<title>Miscellaneous Macros</title>
<para>While these macros do not fit easily into the other categories,
they all provide interesting and useful functions.</para>
<para>Reads HyperSearch results from a buffer that was
previously created by the HyperSearch_Results_to_Buffer macro and possibly
filtered manually, and imports them into the HyperSearch Results dockable.</para>
<para>Display int and hex values for the character at the caret,
in the status bar.</para>
<para>Displays the abbreviations registered for each of jEdit's
editing modes.</para>
<para>The macro provides a read-only view of the abbreviations
contained in the <quote>Abbreviations</quote> option pane.
Pressing a letter key will scroll the table to the first entry
beginning with that letter. A further option is provided to
write a selected mode's abbreviations or all abbreviations in a
text buffer for printing as a reference. Notes in the source
code listing point out some display options that are configured
by modifying global variables.</para>
<para>Displays a list of all the actions known to jEdit
categorised by their action set.</para>
<para>This macro can be a useful reference if you want to use
the jEdit 4.2 action bar.</para>
<para>Display int and hex values for the character at the caret,
in the status bar.</para>
<para>Displays a sorted list of the keyboard shortcuts currently
in effect.</para>
<para>The macro provides a combined read-only view of command,
macro and plugin shortcuts. Pressing a letter key will scroll
the table to the first entry beginning with that letter. A
further option is provided to write the shortcut assignments in
a text buffer for printing as a reference. Notes in the source
code listing point out some display options that are configured
by modifying global variables.</para>
<para>Evaluates contents of current buffer as a BeanShell
script, and opens a new buffer to receive any text
<para>This is a quick way to test a macro script even before its
text is saved to a file. Opening a new buffer for output is a
precaution to prevent the macro from inadvertently erasing or
overwriting itself. BeanShell scripts that operate on the
contents of the current buffer will not work meaningfully when
tested using this macro.</para>
<para>Converts byte characters to their hex equivalent, and vice
<para>Writes HyperSeach results to a new buffer.</para>
<para>This buffer can be re-imported to the HyperSearch Results dockable
by the Buffer_to_HyperSearch_Results macro.</para>
<para>Creates a new buffer with installation and error
information extracted from the activity log.</para>
<para>The macro extracts initial messages written to the
activity log describing the user's operating system, JDK, jEdit
version and installed plugins. It then appends the last set of
error messages written to the activity log. The new text buffer
can be saved and attached to an email message or a bug report
made on SourceForge.</para>
<para>Runs script using interpreter based upon buffer's editing
mode (by default, determined using file extension). You must
have the appropriate interpreter (such as Perl, Python, or
Windows Script Host) installed on your system.</para>
<para>Displays in a tree format all running Java threads of the
current Java Virtual Machine.</para>
<section id="macros-properties">
<title>Property Macros</title>
<para>These macros produce lists or tables containing properties used by
the Java platform or jEdit itself.</para>
<para>Creates an announcement for the Plugin Central Submission Tracker
based on the plugins *.props and description.html files.</para>
<para>Inserts buffer-local properties into the current
<para>If the buffer's mode has a line comment defined, or
comment start and end defined, the inserted properties will be
commented out.</para>
<para>Writes an unsorted list of jEdit properties in a new
<para>Writes an unsorted list of the names of Java Look and Feel
properties in a new buffer.</para>
<para>Writes an unsorted list of all Java system properties in a
new buffer.</para>
<section id="macros-text">
<title>Text Macros</title>
<para>These macros generate various forms of formatted text.</para>
<para>Adds user-supplied <quote>prefix</quote> and
<quote>suffix</quote> text to each line in a group of selected
<para>Text is added after leading whitespace and before trailing
whitespace. A dialog window receives input and
<quote>remembers</quote> past entries.</para>
<para>Displays a color picker and inserts the selected color in
hexadecimal format, prefixed with a <quote>#</quote>.</para>
<para>The selection is taken as tag name and replaced with a full xml tag.</para>
<para>Duplicates the line on which the caret lies immediately
beneath it and moves the caret to the new line.</para>
<para>Inserts the current date and time in the current
<para>The inserted text includes a representation of the time in
the <quote>Internet Time</quote> format.</para>
<para>Inserts a balanced pair of HTML/SGML/XML markup tags as
supplied in an input dialog. The tags will surround any selected
<para>Filters lines of the current buffer due to a provided regular expression.
The resulting set of lines can be either removed from the buffer or written to a new buffer.</para>
<para>The filter works on a multiline selection (if there is one) otherwise on the whole buffer.
The resulting set of lines includes those lines that either match or not match the regular expression.
<para>Finds next occurrence of character on current line.</para>
<para>The macro takes the next character typed after macro
execution as the character being searched. That character is not
displayed. If the character does not appear in the balance of
the current line, no action occurs.</para>
<para>This macro illustrates the use of
<function>InputHandler.readNextChar()</function> as a means of
obtaining user input. See <xref
linkend="macro-tips-single-char" />.</para>
<para>Reverses the selected lines or the entire buffer if no
lines are selected. Does not support Rectangular
<para>Removes every second line, if they are all blank.</para>
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