(* Title: ZF/Perm.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
The theory underlying permutation groups
-- Composition of relations, the identity relation
-- Injections, surjections, bijections
-- Lemmas for the Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem
section\<open>Injections, Surjections, Bijections, Composition\<close>
theory Perm imports func begin
(*composition of relations and functions; NOT Suppes's relative product*)
comp :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr \<open>O\<close> 60) where
"r O s == {xz \ domain(s)*range(r) .
\<exists>x y z. xz=<x,z> & <x,y>:s & <y,z>:r}"
(*the identity function for A*)
id :: "i=>i" where
"id(A) == (\x\A. x)"
(*one-to-one functions from A to B*)
inj :: "[i,i]=>i" where
"inj(A,B) == { f \ A->B. \w\A. \x\A. f`w=f`x \ w=x}"
(*onto functions from A to B*)
surj :: "[i,i]=>i" where
"surj(A,B) == { f \ A->B . \y\B. \x\A. f`x=y}"
(*one-to-one and onto functions*)
bij :: "[i,i]=>i" where
"bij(A,B) == inj(A,B) \ surj(A,B)"
subsection\<open>Surjective Function Space\<close>
lemma surj_is_fun: "f \ surj(A,B) ==> f \ A->B"
apply (unfold surj_def)
apply (erule CollectD1)
lemma fun_is_surj: "f \ Pi(A,B) ==> f \ surj(A,range(f))"
apply (unfold surj_def)
apply (blast intro: apply_equality range_of_fun domain_type)
lemma surj_range: "f \ surj(A,B) ==> range(f)=B"
apply (unfold surj_def)
apply (best intro: apply_Pair elim: range_type)
text\<open>A function with a right inverse is a surjection\<close>
lemma f_imp_surjective:
"[| f \ A->B; !!y. y \ B ==> d(y): A; !!y. y \ B ==> f`d(y) = y |]
==> f \<in> surj(A,B)"
by (simp add: surj_def, blast)
lemma lam_surjective:
"[| !!x. x \ A ==> c(x): B;
!!y. y \<in> B ==> d(y): A;
!!y. y \<in> B ==> c(d(y)) = y
|] ==> (\<lambda>x\<in>A. c(x)) \<in> surj(A,B)"
apply (rule_tac d = d in f_imp_surjective)
apply (simp_all add: lam_type)
text\<open>Cantor's theorem revisited\<close>
lemma cantor_surj: "f \ surj(A,Pow(A))"
apply (unfold surj_def, safe)
apply (cut_tac cantor)
apply (best del: subsetI)
subsection\<open>Injective Function Space\<close>
lemma inj_is_fun: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> f \ A->B"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (erule CollectD1)
text\<open>Good for dealing with sets of pairs, but a bit ugly in use [used in AC]\<close>
lemma inj_equality:
"[| :f; :f; f \ inj(A,B) |] ==> a=c"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (blast dest: Pair_mem_PiD)
lemma inj_apply_equality: "[| f \ inj(A,B); f`a=f`b; a \ A; b \ A |] ==> a=b"
by (unfold inj_def, blast)
text\<open>A function with a left inverse is an injection\<close>
lemma f_imp_injective: "[| f \ A->B; \x\A. d(f`x)=x |] ==> f \ inj(A,B)"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: inj_def)
apply (blast intro: subst_context [THEN box_equals])
lemma lam_injective:
"[| !!x. x \ A ==> c(x): B;
!!x. x \<in> A ==> d(c(x)) = x |]
==> (\<lambda>x\<in>A. c(x)) \<in> inj(A,B)"
apply (rule_tac d = d in f_imp_injective)
apply (simp_all add: lam_type)
lemma bij_is_inj: "f \ bij(A,B) ==> f \ inj(A,B)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (erule IntD1)
lemma bij_is_surj: "f \ bij(A,B) ==> f \ surj(A,B)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (erule IntD2)
lemma bij_is_fun: "f \ bij(A,B) ==> f \ A->B"
by (rule bij_is_inj [THEN inj_is_fun])
lemma lam_bijective:
"[| !!x. x \ A ==> c(x): B;
!!y. y \<in> B ==> d(y): A;
!!x. x \<in> A ==> d(c(x)) = x;
!!y. y \<in> B ==> c(d(y)) = y
|] ==> (\<lambda>x\<in>A. c(x)) \<in> bij(A,B)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (blast intro!: lam_injective lam_surjective)
lemma RepFun_bijective: "(\y\x. \!y'. f(y') = f(y))
==> (\<lambda>z\<in>{f(y). y \<in> x}. THE y. f(y) = z) \<in> bij({f(y). y \<in> x}, x)"
apply (rule_tac d = f in lam_bijective)
apply (auto simp add: the_equality2)
subsection\<open>Identity Function\<close>
lemma idI [intro!]: "a \ A ==> \ id(A)"
apply (unfold id_def)
apply (erule lamI)
lemma idE [elim!]: "[| p \ id(A); !!x.[| x \ A; p= |] ==> P |] ==> P"
by (simp add: id_def lam_def, blast)
lemma id_type: "id(A) \ A->A"
apply (unfold id_def)
apply (rule lam_type, assumption)
lemma id_conv [simp]: "x \ A ==> id(A)`x = x"
apply (unfold id_def)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
lemma id_mono: "A<=B ==> id(A) \ id(B)"
apply (unfold id_def)
apply (erule lam_mono)
lemma id_subset_inj: "A<=B ==> id(A): inj(A,B)"
apply (simp add: inj_def id_def)
apply (blast intro: lam_type)
lemmas id_inj = subset_refl [THEN id_subset_inj]
lemma id_surj: "id(A): surj(A,A)"
apply (unfold id_def surj_def)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
lemma id_bij: "id(A): bij(A,A)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (blast intro: id_inj id_surj)
lemma subset_iff_id: "A \ B \ id(A) \ A->B"
apply (unfold id_def)
apply (force intro!: lam_type dest: apply_type)
text\<open>\<^term>\<open>id\<close> as the identity relation\<close>
lemma id_iff [simp]: " \ id(A) \ x=y & y \ A"
by auto
subsection\<open>Converse of a Function\<close>
lemma inj_converse_fun: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> converse(f) \ range(f)->A"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Pi_iff function_def)
apply (erule CollectE)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: apply_iff)
apply (blast dest: fun_is_rel)
text\<open>Equations for converse(f)\<close>
text\<open>The premises are equivalent to saying that f is injective...\<close>
lemma left_inverse_lemma:
"[| f \ A->B; converse(f): C->A; a \ A |] ==> converse(f)`(f`a) = a"
by (blast intro: apply_Pair apply_equality converseI)
lemma left_inverse [simp]: "[| f \ inj(A,B); a \ A |] ==> converse(f)`(f`a) = a"
by (blast intro: left_inverse_lemma inj_converse_fun inj_is_fun)
lemma left_inverse_eq:
"[|f \ inj(A,B); f ` x = y; x \ A|] ==> converse(f) ` y = x"
by auto
lemmas left_inverse_bij = bij_is_inj [THEN left_inverse]
lemma right_inverse_lemma:
"[| f \ A->B; converse(f): C->A; b \ C |] ==> f`(converse(f)`b) = b"
by (rule apply_Pair [THEN converseD [THEN apply_equality]], auto)
(*Should the premises be f \<in> surj(A,B), b \<in> B for symmetry with left_inverse?
No: they would not imply that converse(f) was a function! *)
lemma right_inverse [simp]:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); b \ range(f) |] ==> f`(converse(f)`b) = b"
by (blast intro: right_inverse_lemma inj_converse_fun inj_is_fun)
lemma right_inverse_bij: "[| f \ bij(A,B); b \ B |] ==> f`(converse(f)`b) = b"
by (force simp add: bij_def surj_range)
subsection\<open>Converses of Injections, Surjections, Bijections\<close>
lemma inj_converse_inj: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> converse(f): inj(range(f), A)"
apply (rule f_imp_injective)
apply (erule inj_converse_fun, clarify)
apply (rule right_inverse)
apply assumption
apply blast
lemma inj_converse_surj: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> converse(f): surj(range(f), A)"
by (blast intro: f_imp_surjective inj_converse_fun left_inverse inj_is_fun
range_of_fun [THEN apply_type])
text\<open>Adding this as an intro! rule seems to cause looping\<close>
lemma bij_converse_bij [TC]: "f \ bij(A,B) ==> converse(f): bij(B,A)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (fast elim: surj_range [THEN subst] inj_converse_inj inj_converse_surj)
subsection\<open>Composition of Two Relations\<close>
text\<open>The inductive definition package could derive these theorems for \<^term>\<open>r O s\<close>\<close>
lemma compI [intro]: "[| :s; :r |] ==> \ r O s"
by (unfold comp_def, blast)
lemma compE [elim!]:
"[| xz \ r O s;
!!x y z. [| xz=<x,z>; <x,y>:s; <y,z>:r |] ==> P |]
==> P"
by (unfold comp_def, blast)
lemma compEpair:
"[| \ r O s;
!!y. [| <a,y>:s; <y,c>:r |] ==> P |]
==> P"
by (erule compE, simp)
lemma converse_comp: "converse(R O S) = converse(S) O converse(R)"
by blast
subsection\<open>Domain and Range -- see Suppes, Section 3.1\<close>
text\<open>Boyer et al., Set Theory in First-Order Logic, JAR 2 (1986), 287-327\<close>
lemma range_comp: "range(r O s) \ range(r)"
by blast
lemma range_comp_eq: "domain(r) \ range(s) ==> range(r O s) = range(r)"
by (rule range_comp [THEN equalityI], blast)
lemma domain_comp: "domain(r O s) \ domain(s)"
by blast
lemma domain_comp_eq: "range(s) \ domain(r) ==> domain(r O s) = domain(s)"
by (rule domain_comp [THEN equalityI], blast)
lemma image_comp: "(r O s)``A = r``(s``A)"
by blast
lemma inj_inj_range: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> f \ inj(A,range(f))"
by (auto simp add: inj_def Pi_iff function_def)
lemma inj_bij_range: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> f \ bij(A,range(f))"
by (auto simp add: bij_def intro: inj_inj_range inj_is_fun fun_is_surj)
subsection\<open>Other Results\<close>
lemma comp_mono: "[| r'<=r; s'<=s |] ==> (r' O s') \ (r O s)"
by blast
text\<open>composition preserves relations\<close>
lemma comp_rel: "[| s<=A*B; r<=B*C |] ==> (r O s) \ A*C"
by blast
text\<open>associative law for composition\<close>
lemma comp_assoc: "(r O s) O t = r O (s O t)"
by blast
(*left identity of composition; provable inclusions are
id(A) O r \<subseteq> r
and [| r<=A*B; B<=C |] ==> r \<subseteq> id(C) O r *)
lemma left_comp_id: "r<=A*B ==> id(B) O r = r"
by blast
(*right identity of composition; provable inclusions are
r O id(A) \<subseteq> r
and [| r<=A*B; A<=C |] ==> r \<subseteq> r O id(C) *)
lemma right_comp_id: "r<=A*B ==> r O id(A) = r"
by blast
subsection\<open>Composition Preserves Functions, Injections, and Surjections\<close>
lemma comp_function: "[| function(g); function(f) |] ==> function(f O g)"
by (unfold function_def, blast)
text\<open>Don't think the premises can be weakened much\<close>
lemma comp_fun: "[| g \ A->B; f \ B->C |] ==> (f O g) \ A->C"
apply (auto simp add: Pi_def comp_function Pow_iff comp_rel)
apply (subst range_rel_subset [THEN domain_comp_eq], auto)
(*Thanks to the new definition of "apply", the premise f \<in> B->C is gone!*)
lemma comp_fun_apply [simp]:
"[| g \ A->B; a \ A |] ==> (f O g)`a = f`(g`a)"
apply (frule apply_Pair, assumption)
apply (simp add: apply_def image_comp)
apply (blast dest: apply_equality)
text\<open>Simplifies compositions of lambda-abstractions\<close>
lemma comp_lam:
"[| !!x. x \ A ==> b(x): B |]
==> (\<lambda>y\<in>B. c(y)) O (\<lambda>x\<in>A. b(x)) = (\<lambda>x\<in>A. c(b(x)))"
apply (subgoal_tac "(\x\A. b(x)) \ A -> B")
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (blast intro: comp_fun lam_funtype)
apply (rule lam_funtype)
apply simp
apply (simp add: lam_type)
lemma comp_inj:
"[| g \ inj(A,B); f \ inj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g) \ inj(A,C)"
apply (frule inj_is_fun [of g])
apply (frule inj_is_fun [of f])
apply (rule_tac d = "%y. converse (g) ` (converse (f) ` y)" in f_imp_injective)
apply (blast intro: comp_fun, simp)
lemma comp_surj:
"[| g \ surj(A,B); f \ surj(B,C) |] ==> (f O g) \ surj(A,C)"
apply (unfold surj_def)
apply (blast intro!: comp_fun comp_fun_apply)
lemma comp_bij:
"[| g \ bij(A,B); f \ bij(B,C) |] ==> (f O g) \ bij(A,C)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (blast intro: comp_inj comp_surj)
subsection\<open>Dual Properties of \<^term>\<open>inj\<close> and \<^term>\<open>surj\<close>\<close>
text\<open>Useful for proofs from
D Pastre. Automatic theorem proving in set theory.
Artificial Intelligence, 10:1--27, 1978.\<close>
lemma comp_mem_injD1:
"[| (f O g): inj(A,C); g \ A->B; f \ B->C |] ==> g \ inj(A,B)"
by (unfold inj_def, force)
lemma comp_mem_injD2:
"[| (f O g): inj(A,C); g \ surj(A,B); f \ B->C |] ==> f \ inj(B,C)"
apply (unfold inj_def surj_def, safe)
apply (rule_tac x1 = x in bspec [THEN bexE])
apply (erule_tac [3] x1 = w in bspec [THEN bexE], assumption+, safe)
apply (rule_tac t = "(`) (g) " in subst_context)
apply (erule asm_rl bspec [THEN bspec, THEN mp])+
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
lemma comp_mem_surjD1:
"[| (f O g): surj(A,C); g \ A->B; f \ B->C |] ==> f \ surj(B,C)"
apply (unfold surj_def)
apply (blast intro!: comp_fun_apply [symmetric] apply_funtype)
lemma comp_mem_surjD2:
"[| (f O g): surj(A,C); g \ A->B; f \ inj(B,C) |] ==> g \ surj(A,B)"
apply (unfold inj_def surj_def, safe)
apply (drule_tac x = "f`y" in bspec, auto)
apply (blast intro: apply_funtype)
subsubsection\<open>Inverses of Composition\<close>
text\<open>left inverse of composition; one inclusion is
\<^term>\<open>f \<in> A->B ==> id(A) \<subseteq> converse(f) O f\<close>\<close>
lemma left_comp_inverse: "f \ inj(A,B) ==> converse(f) O f = id(A)"
apply (unfold inj_def, clarify)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (auto simp add: apply_iff, blast)
text\<open>right inverse of composition; one inclusion is
\<^term>\<open>f \<in> A->B ==> f O converse(f) \<subseteq> id(B)\<close>\<close>
lemma right_comp_inverse:
"f \ surj(A,B) ==> f O converse(f) = id(B)"
apply (simp add: surj_def, clarify)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (best elim: domain_type range_type dest: apply_equality2)
apply (blast intro: apply_Pair)
subsubsection\<open>Proving that a Function is a Bijection\<close>
lemma comp_eq_id_iff:
"[| f \ A->B; g \ B->A |] ==> f O g = id(B) \ (\y\B. f`(g`y)=y)"
apply (unfold id_def, safe)
apply (drule_tac t = "%h. h`y " in subst_context)
apply simp
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (blast intro: comp_fun lam_type)
apply auto
lemma fg_imp_bijective:
"[| f \ A->B; g \ B->A; f O g = id(B); g O f = id(A) |] ==> f \ bij(A,B)"
apply (unfold bij_def)
apply (simp add: comp_eq_id_iff)
apply (blast intro: f_imp_injective f_imp_surjective apply_funtype)
lemma nilpotent_imp_bijective: "[| f \ A->A; f O f = id(A) |] ==> f \ bij(A,A)"
by (blast intro: fg_imp_bijective)
lemma invertible_imp_bijective:
"[| converse(f): B->A; f \ A->B |] ==> f \ bij(A,B)"
by (simp add: fg_imp_bijective comp_eq_id_iff
left_inverse_lemma right_inverse_lemma)
subsubsection\<open>Unions of Functions\<close>
text\<open>See similar theorems in func.thy\<close>
text\<open>Theorem by KG, proof by LCP\<close>
lemma inj_disjoint_Un:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); g \ inj(C,D); B \ D = 0 |]
==> (\<lambda>a\<in>A \<union> C. if a \<in> A then f`a else g`a) \<in> inj(A \<union> C, B \<union> D)"
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. if z \ B then converse (f) `z else converse (g) `z"
in lam_injective)
apply (auto simp add: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
lemma surj_disjoint_Un:
"[| f \ surj(A,B); g \ surj(C,D); A \ C = 0 |]
==> (f \<union> g) \<in> surj(A \<union> C, B \<union> D)"
apply (simp add: surj_def fun_disjoint_Un)
apply (blast dest!: domain_of_fun
intro!: fun_disjoint_apply1 fun_disjoint_apply2)
text\<open>A simple, high-level proof; the version for injections follows from it,
using \<^term>\<open>f \<in> inj(A,B) \<longleftrightarrow> f \<in> bij(A,range(f))\<close>\<close>
lemma bij_disjoint_Un:
"[| f \ bij(A,B); g \ bij(C,D); A \ C = 0; B \ D = 0 |]
==> (f \<union> g) \<in> bij(A \<union> C, B \<union> D)"
apply (rule invertible_imp_bijective)
apply (subst converse_Un)
apply (auto intro: fun_disjoint_Un bij_is_fun bij_converse_bij)
subsubsection\<open>Restrictions as Surjections and Bijections\<close>
lemma surj_image:
"f \ Pi(A,B) ==> f \ surj(A, f``A)"
apply (simp add: surj_def)
apply (blast intro: apply_equality apply_Pair Pi_type)
lemma surj_image_eq: "f \ surj(A, B) ==> f``A = B"
by (auto simp add: surj_def image_fun) (blast dest: apply_type)
lemma restrict_image [simp]: "restrict(f,A) `` B = f `` (A \ B)"
by (auto simp add: restrict_def)
lemma restrict_inj:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); C<=A |] ==> restrict(f,C): inj(C,B)"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (safe elim!: restrict_type2, auto)
lemma restrict_surj: "[| f \ Pi(A,B); C<=A |] ==> restrict(f,C): surj(C, f``C)"
apply (insert restrict_type2 [THEN surj_image])
apply (simp add: restrict_image)
lemma restrict_bij:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); C<=A |] ==> restrict(f,C): bij(C, f``C)"
apply (simp add: inj_def bij_def)
apply (blast intro: restrict_surj surj_is_fun)
subsubsection\<open>Lemmas for Ramsey's Theorem\<close>
lemma inj_weaken_type: "[| f \ inj(A,B); B<=D |] ==> f \ inj(A,D)"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (blast intro: fun_weaken_type)
lemma inj_succ_restrict:
"[| f \ inj(succ(m), A) |] ==> restrict(f,m) \ inj(m, A-{f`m})"
apply (rule restrict_bij [THEN bij_is_inj, THEN inj_weaken_type], assumption, blast)
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (fast elim: range_type mem_irrefl dest: apply_equality)
lemma inj_extend:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); a\A; b\B |]
==> cons(<a,b>,f) \<in> inj(cons(a,A), cons(b,B))"
apply (unfold inj_def)
apply (force intro: apply_type simp add: fun_extend)
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