(* Title: ZF/UNITY/AllocImpl.thy
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2002 University of Cambridge
Single-client allocator implementation.
Charpentier and Chandy, section 7 (page 17).
theory AllocImpl imports ClientImpl begin
NbR :: i (*number of consumed messages*) where
"NbR == Var([succ(2)])"
available_tok :: i (*number of free tokens (T in paper)*) where
"available_tok == Var([succ(succ(2))])"
axiomatization where
alloc_type_assumes [simp]:
"type_of(NbR) = nat & type_of(available_tok)=nat" and
alloc_default_val_assumes [simp]:
"default_val(NbR) = 0 & default_val(available_tok)=0"
"alloc_giv_act ==
{<s, t> \<in> state*state.
\<exists>k. k = length(s`giv) &
t = s(giv := s`giv @ [nth(k, s`ask)],
available_tok := s`available_tok #- nth(k, s`ask)) &
k < length(s`ask) & nth(k, s`ask) \<le> s`available_tok}"
"alloc_rel_act ==
{<s, t> \<in> state*state.
t = s(available_tok := s`available_tok #+ nth(s`NbR, s`rel),
NbR := succ(s`NbR)) &
s`NbR < length(s`rel)}"
(*The initial condition s`giv=[] is missing from the
original definition: S. O. Ehmety *)
"alloc_prog ==
mk_program({s:state. s`available_tok=NbT & s`NbR=0 & s`giv=Nil},
{alloc_giv_act, alloc_rel_act},
\<Union>G \<in> preserves(lift(available_tok)) \<inter>
preserves(lift(NbR)) \<inter>
preserves(lift(giv)). Acts(G))"
lemma available_tok_value_type [simp,TC]: "s\state ==> s`available_tok \ nat"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = available_tok in apply_type, auto)
lemma NbR_value_type [simp,TC]: "s\state ==> s`NbR \ nat"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = NbR in apply_type, auto)
(** The Alloc Program **)
lemma alloc_prog_type [simp,TC]: "alloc_prog \ program"
by (simp add: alloc_prog_def)
declare alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Init, simp]
declare alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_AllowedActs, simp]
declare alloc_prog_def [program]
declare alloc_giv_act_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare alloc_rel_act_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
lemma alloc_prog_ok_iff:
"\G \ program. (alloc_prog ok G) \
(G \<in> preserves(lift(giv)) & G \<in> preserves(lift(available_tok)) &
G \<in> preserves(lift(NbR)) & alloc_prog \<in> Allowed(G))"
by (auto simp add: ok_iff_Allowed alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Allowed])
lemma alloc_prog_preserves:
"alloc_prog \ (\x \ var-{giv, available_tok, NbR}. preserves(lift(x)))"
apply (rule Inter_var_DiffI, force)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (rule preservesI, safety)
(* As a special case of the rule above *)
lemma alloc_prog_preserves_rel_ask_tok:
"alloc_prog \
preserves(lift(rel)) \<inter> preserves(lift(ask)) \<inter> preserves(lift(tok))"
apply auto
apply (insert alloc_prog_preserves)
apply (drule_tac [3] x = tok in Inter_var_DiffD)
apply (drule_tac [2] x = ask in Inter_var_DiffD)
apply (drule_tac x = rel in Inter_var_DiffD, auto)
lemma alloc_prog_Allowed:
"Allowed(alloc_prog) =
preserves(lift(giv)) \<inter> preserves(lift(available_tok)) \<inter> preserves(lift(NbR))"
apply (cut_tac v="lift(giv)" in preserves_type)
apply (auto simp add: Allowed_def client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Allowed]
cons_Int_distrib safety_prop_Acts_iff)
(* In particular we have *)
lemma alloc_prog_ok_client_prog: "alloc_prog ok client_prog"
apply (auto simp add: ok_iff_Allowed)
apply (cut_tac alloc_prog_preserves)
apply (cut_tac [2] client_prog_preserves)
apply (auto simp add: alloc_prog_Allowed client_prog_Allowed)
apply (drule_tac [6] B = "preserves (lift (NbR))" in InterD)
apply (drule_tac [5] B = "preserves (lift (available_tok))" in InterD)
apply (drule_tac [4] B = "preserves (lift (giv))" in InterD)
apply (drule_tac [3] B = "preserves (lift (tok))" in InterD)
apply (drule_tac [2] B = "preserves (lift (ask))" in InterD)
apply (drule_tac B = "preserves (lift (rel))" in InterD)
apply auto
(** Safety property: (28) **)
lemma alloc_prog_Increasing_giv: "alloc_prog \ program guarantees Incr(lift(giv))"
apply (auto intro!: increasing_imp_Increasing simp add: guar_def
Increasing.increasing_def alloc_prog_ok_iff alloc_prog_Allowed, safety+)
apply (auto dest: ActsD)
apply (drule_tac f = "lift (giv) " in preserves_imp_eq)
apply auto
lemma giv_Bounded_lamma1:
"alloc_prog \ stable({s\state. s`NbR \ length(s`rel)} \
{s\<in>state. s`available_tok #+ tokens(s`giv) =
NbT #+ tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel))})"
apply safety
apply auto
apply (simp add: diff_add_0 add_commute diff_add_inverse add_assoc add_diff_inverse)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: take_succ)
lemma giv_Bounded_lemma2:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G; alloc_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(rel)) |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Stable({s\<in>state. s`NbR \<le> length(s`rel)} \<inter>
{s\<in>state. s`available_tok #+ tokens(s`giv) =
NbT #+ tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel))})"
apply (cut_tac giv_Bounded_lamma1)
apply (cut_tac alloc_prog_preserves_rel_ask_tok)
apply (auto simp add: Collect_conj_eq [symmetric] alloc_prog_ok_iff)
apply (subgoal_tac "G \ preserves (fun_pair (lift (available_tok), fun_pair (lift (NbR), lift (giv))))")
apply (rotate_tac -1)
apply (cut_tac A = "nat * nat * list(nat)"
and P = "% y. n \ length(y) &
m #+ tokens(l) = NbT #+ tokens(take(n,y))"
and g = "lift(rel)" and F = alloc_prog
in stable_Join_Stable)
prefer 3 apply assumption
apply (auto simp add: Collect_conj_eq)
apply (frule_tac g = length in imp_Increasing_comp)
apply (blast intro: mono_length)
apply (auto simp add: refl_prefix)
apply (drule_tac a=xa and f = "length comp lift(rel)" in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply assumption
apply (auto simp add: Le_def length_type)
apply (auto dest: ActsD simp add: Stable_def Constrains_def constrains_def)
apply (drule_tac f = "lift (rel) " in preserves_imp_eq)
apply assumption+
apply (force dest: ActsD)
apply (erule_tac V = "\x \ Acts (alloc_prog) \ Acts (G). P(x)" for P in thin_rl)
apply (erule_tac V = "alloc_prog \ stable (u)" for u in thin_rl)
apply (drule_tac a = "xc`rel" and f = "lift (rel)" in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply (auto simp add: Stable_def Constrains_def constrains_def)
apply (drule bspec, force)
apply (drule subsetD)
apply (rule imageI, assumption)
apply (auto simp add: prefix_take_iff)
apply (rotate_tac -1)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (auto simp add: take_take min_def)
(*Property (29), page 18:
the number of tokens in circulation never exceeds NbT*)
lemma alloc_prog_giv_Bounded: "alloc_prog \ Incr(lift(rel))
guarantees Always({s\<in>state. tokens(s`giv) \<le> NbT #+ tokens(s`rel)})"
apply (cut_tac NbT_pos)
apply (auto simp add: guar_def)
apply (rule Always_weaken)
apply (rule AlwaysI)
apply (rule_tac [2] giv_Bounded_lemma2, auto)
apply (rule_tac j = "NbT #+ tokens(take (x` NbR, x`rel))" in le_trans)
apply (erule subst)
apply (auto intro!: tokens_mono simp add: prefix_take_iff min_def length_take)
(*Property (30), page 18: the number of tokens given never exceeds the number
asked for*)
lemma alloc_prog_ask_prefix_giv:
"alloc_prog \ Incr(lift(ask)) guarantees
Always({s\<in>state. <s`giv, s`ask> \<in> prefix(tokbag)})"
apply (auto intro!: AlwaysI simp add: guar_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "G \ preserves (lift (giv))")
prefer 2 apply (simp add: alloc_prog_ok_iff)
apply (rule_tac P = "%x y. \ prefix(tokbag)" and A = "list(nat)"
in stable_Join_Stable)
apply safety
prefer 2 apply (simp add: lift_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac a = k in Increasing_imp_Stable, auto)
subsection\<open>Towards proving the liveness property, (31)\<close>
subsubsection\<open>First, we lead up to a proof of Lemma 49, page 28.\<close>
lemma alloc_prog_transient_lemma:
"[|G \ program; k\nat|]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
transient({s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`rel)} \<inter>
{s\<in>state. succ(s`NbR) = k})"
apply auto
apply (erule_tac V = "G\u" for u in thin_rl)
apply (rule_tac act = alloc_rel_act in transientI)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts])
apply (simp (no_asm) add: alloc_rel_act_def [THEN def_act_eq, THEN act_subset])
apply (auto simp add: alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts] domain_def)
apply (rule ReplaceI)
apply (rule_tac x = "x (available_tok:= x`available_tok #+ nth (x`NbR, x`rel),
NbR:=succ (x`NbR))"
in exI)
apply (auto intro!: state_update_type)
lemma alloc_prog_rel_Stable_NbR_lemma:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G; k\nat |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Stable({s\<in>state . k \<le> succ(s ` NbR)})"
apply (auto intro!: stable_imp_Stable simp add: alloc_prog_ok_iff, safety, auto)
apply (blast intro: le_trans leI)
apply (drule_tac f = "lift (NbR)" and A = nat in preserves_imp_increasing)
apply (drule_tac [2] g = succ in imp_increasing_comp)
apply (rule_tac [2] mono_succ)
apply (drule_tac [4] x = k in increasing_imp_stable)
prefer 5 apply (simp add: Le_def comp_def, auto)
lemma alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G;
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Incr(lift(rel)); k\<in>nat |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`rel)} \<inter> {s\<in>state. succ(s`NbR) = k}
\<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k \<le> s`NbR}"
apply (subgoal_tac "alloc_prog \ G \ Stable ({s\state. k \ length (s`rel)})")
apply (drule_tac [2] a = k and g1 = length in imp_Increasing_comp [THEN Increasing_imp_Stable])
apply (rule_tac [2] mono_length)
prefer 3 apply simp
apply (simp_all add: refl_prefix Le_def comp_def length_type)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule PSP_Stable)
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (rule PSP_Stable)
apply (rule_tac [2] alloc_prog_rel_Stable_NbR_lemma)
apply (rule alloc_prog_transient_lemma [THEN transient_imp_leadsTo, THEN leadsTo_imp_LeadsTo], assumption+)
apply (auto dest: not_lt_imp_le elim: lt_asym simp add: le_iff)
lemma alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma2 [rule_format]:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G; alloc_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(rel));
k\<in>nat; n \<in> nat; n < k |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state . k \<le> length(s ` rel)} \<inter> {s\<in>state . s ` NbR = n}
\<longmapsto>w {x \<in> state. k \<le> length(x`rel)} \<inter>
(\<Union>m \<in> greater_than(n). {x \<in> state. x ` NbR=m})"
apply (unfold greater_than_def)
apply (rule_tac A' = "{x \ state. k \ length(x`rel)} \ {x \ state. n < x`NbR}"
in LeadsTo_weaken_R)
apply safe
apply (subgoal_tac "alloc_prog \ G \ Stable ({s\state. k \ length (s`rel) }) ")
apply (drule_tac [2] a = k and g1 = length in imp_Increasing_comp [THEN Increasing_imp_Stable])
apply (rule_tac [2] mono_length)
prefer 3 apply simp
apply (simp_all add: refl_prefix Le_def comp_def length_type)
apply (subst Int_commute [of _ "{x \ state . n < x ` NbR}"])
apply (rule_tac A = "({s \ state . k \ length (s ` rel) } \
{s\<in>state . s ` NbR = n}) \<inter> {s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`rel)}"
in LeadsTo_weaken_L)
apply (rule PSP_Stable, safe)
apply (rule_tac B = "{x \ state . n < length (x ` rel) } \ {s\state . s ` NbR = n}" in LeadsTo_Trans)
apply (rule_tac [2] LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac [2] k = "succ (n)" in alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma)
apply simp_all
apply (rule subset_imp_LeadsTo, auto)
apply (blast intro: lt_trans2)
lemma Collect_vimage_eq: "u\nat ==> {. s \ A} -`` u = {s\A. f(s) < u}"
by (force simp add: lt_def)
(* Lemma 49, page 28 *)
lemma alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma3:
"[|G \ program; alloc_prog ok G; alloc_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(rel));
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`rel)} \<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k \<le> s`NbR}"
(* Proof by induction over the difference between k and n *)
apply (rule_tac f = "\s\state. k #- s`NbR" in LessThan_induct)
apply (simp_all add: lam_def, auto)
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I, auto)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Collect_vimage_eq)
apply (rename_tac "s0")
apply (case_tac "s0`NbR < k")
apply (rule_tac [2] subset_imp_LeadsTo, safe)
apply (auto dest!: not_lt_imp_le)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac n = "s0`NbR" in alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma2, safe)
prefer 3 apply assumption
apply (auto split: nat_diff_split simp add: greater_than_def not_lt_imp_le not_le_iff_lt)
apply (blast dest: lt_asym)
apply (force dest: add_lt_elim2)
subsubsection\<open>Towards proving lemma 50, page 29\<close>
lemma alloc_prog_giv_Ensures_lemma:
"[| G \ program; k\nat; alloc_prog ok G;
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Incr(lift(ask)) |] ==>
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. nth(length(s`giv), s`ask) \<le> s`available_tok} \<inter>
{s\<in>state. k < length(s`ask)} \<inter> {s\<in>state. length(s`giv)=k}
Ensures {s\<in>state. ~ k <length(s`ask)} \<union> {s\<in>state. length(s`giv) \<noteq> k}"
apply (rule EnsuresI, auto)
apply (erule_tac [2] V = "G\u" for u in thin_rl)
apply (rule_tac [2] act = alloc_giv_act in transientI)
prefer 2
apply (simp add: alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts])
apply (simp add: alloc_giv_act_def [THEN def_act_eq, THEN act_subset])
apply (auto simp add: alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts] domain_def)
apply (erule_tac [2] swap)
apply (rule_tac [2] ReplaceI)
apply (rule_tac [2] x = "x (giv := x ` giv @ [nth (length(x`giv), x ` ask) ], available_tok := x ` available_tok #- nth (length(x`giv), x ` ask))" in exI)
apply (auto intro!: state_update_type simp add: app_type)
apply (rule_tac A = "{s\state . nth (length(s ` giv), s ` ask) \ s ` available_tok} \ {s\state . k < length(s ` ask) } \ {s\state. length(s`giv) =k}" and A' = "{s\state . nth (length(s ` giv), s ` ask) \ s ` available_tok} \ {s\state. ~ k < length(s`ask) } \ {s\state . length(s ` giv) \ k}" in Constrains_weaken)
apply (auto dest: ActsD simp add: Constrains_def constrains_def alloc_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts] alloc_prog_ok_iff)
apply (subgoal_tac "length(xa ` giv @ [nth (length(xa ` giv), xa ` ask) ]) = length(xa ` giv) #+ 1")
apply (rule_tac [2] trans)
apply (rule_tac [2] length_app, auto)
apply (rule_tac j = "xa ` available_tok" in le_trans, auto)
apply (drule_tac f = "lift (available_tok)" in preserves_imp_eq)
apply assumption+
apply auto
apply (drule_tac a = "xa ` ask" and r = "prefix(tokbag)" and A = "list(tokbag)"
in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply (auto simp add: prefix_iff)
apply (drule StableD)
apply (auto simp add: Constrains_def constrains_def, force)
lemma alloc_prog_giv_Stable_lemma:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G; k\nat |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Stable({s\<in>state . k \<le> length(s`giv)})"
apply (auto intro!: stable_imp_Stable simp add: alloc_prog_ok_iff, safety)
apply (auto intro: leI)
apply (drule_tac f = "lift (giv)" and g = length in imp_preserves_comp)
apply (drule_tac f = "length comp lift (giv)" and A = nat and r = Le in preserves_imp_increasing)
apply (drule_tac [2] x = k in increasing_imp_stable)
prefer 3 apply (simp add: Le_def comp_def)
apply (auto simp add: length_type)
(* Lemma 50, page 29 *)
lemma alloc_prog_giv_LeadsTo_lemma:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G;
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Incr(lift(ask)); k\<in>nat |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. nth(length(s`giv), s`ask) \<le> s`available_tok} \<inter>
{s\<in>state. k < length(s`ask)} \<inter>
{s\<in>state. length(s`giv) = k}
\<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k < length(s`giv)}"
apply (subgoal_tac "alloc_prog \ G \ {s\state. nth (length(s`giv), s`ask) \ s`available_tok} \ {s\state. k < length(s`ask) } \ {s\state. length(s`giv) = k} \w {s\state. ~ k {s\state. length(s`giv) \ k}")
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: alloc_prog_giv_Ensures_lemma [THEN LeadsTo_Basis])
apply (subgoal_tac "alloc_prog \ G \ Stable ({s\state. k < length(s`ask) }) ")
apply (drule PSP_Stable, assumption)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule PSP_Stable)
apply (rule_tac [2] k = k in alloc_prog_giv_Stable_lemma)
apply (auto simp add: le_iff)
apply (drule_tac a = "succ (k)" and g1 = length in imp_Increasing_comp [THEN Increasing_imp_Stable])
apply (rule mono_length)
prefer 2 apply simp
apply (simp_all add: refl_prefix Le_def comp_def length_type)
text\<open>Lemma 51, page 29.
This theorem states as invariant that if the number of
tokens given does not exceed the number returned, then the upper limit
(\<^term>\<open>NbT\<close>) does not exceed the number currently available.\<close>
lemma alloc_prog_Always_lemma:
"[| G \ program; alloc_prog ok G;
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Incr(lift(ask));
alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Incr(lift(rel)) |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
Always({s\<in>state. tokens(s`giv) \<le> tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel)) \<longrightarrow>
NbT \<le> s`available_tok})"
apply (subgoal_tac
"alloc_prog \ G
\<in> Always ({s\<in>state. s`NbR \<le> length(s`rel) } \<inter>
{s\<in>state. s`available_tok #+ tokens(s`giv) =
NbT #+ tokens(take (s`NbR, s`rel))})")
apply (rule_tac [2] AlwaysI)
apply (rule_tac [3] giv_Bounded_lemma2, auto)
apply (rule Always_weaken, assumption, auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "0 \ tokens(take (x ` NbR, x ` rel)) #- tokens(x`giv) ")
prefer 2 apply (force)
apply (subgoal_tac "x`available_tok =
NbT #+ (tokens(take(x`NbR,x`rel)) #- tokens(x`giv))")
apply (simp add: )
apply (auto split: nat_diff_split dest: lt_trans2)
subsubsection\<open>Main lemmas towards proving property (31)\<close>
lemma LeadsTo_strength_R:
"[| F \ C \w B'; F \ A-C \w B; B'<=B |] ==> F \ A \w B"
by (blast intro: LeadsTo_weaken LeadsTo_Un_Un)
lemma PSP_StableI:
"[| F \ Stable(C); F \ A - C \w B;
F \<in> A \<inter> C \<longmapsto>w B \<union> (state - C) |] ==> F \<in> A \<longmapsto>w B"
apply (rule_tac A = " (A-C) \ (A \ C)" in LeadsTo_weaken_L)
prefer 2 apply blast
apply (rule LeadsTo_Un, assumption)
apply (blast intro: LeadsTo_weaken dest: PSP_Stable)
lemma state_compl_eq [simp]: "state - {s\state. P(s)} = {s\state. ~P(s)}"
by auto
lemma single_state_Diff_eq [simp]: "{s}-{x \ state. P(x)} = (if s\state & P(s) then 0 else {s})"
by auto
locale alloc_progress =
fixes G
assumes Gprog [intro,simp]: "G \ program"
and okG [iff]: "alloc_prog ok G"
and Incr_rel [intro]: "alloc_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(rel))"
and Incr_ask [intro]: "alloc_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(ask))"
and safety: "alloc_prog \ G
\<in> Always(\<Inter>k \<in> nat. {s\<in>state. nth(k, s`ask) \<le> NbT})"
and progress: "alloc_prog \ G
\<in> (\<Inter>k\<in>nat. {s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(s`giv)} \<longmapsto>w
{s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(s`rel)})"
(*First step in proof of (31) -- the corrected version from Charpentier.
This lemma implies that if a client releases some tokens then the Allocator
will eventually recognize that they've been released.*)
lemma (in alloc_progress) tokens_take_NbR_lemma:
"k \ tokbag
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(s`rel)}
\<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel))}"
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I, safe)
apply (rule_tac a1 = "s`rel" in Increasing_imp_Stable [THEN PSP_StableI])
apply (rule_tac [4] k1 = "length(s`rel)" in alloc_prog_NbR_LeadsTo_lemma3 [THEN LeadsTo_strength_R])
apply (rule_tac [8] subset_imp_LeadsTo)
apply (auto intro!: Incr_rel)
apply (rule_tac j = "tokens(take (length(s`rel), x`rel))" in le_trans)
apply (rule_tac j = "tokens(take (length(s`rel), s`rel))" in le_trans)
apply (auto intro!: tokens_mono take_mono simp add: prefix_iff)
(*** Rest of proofs done by lcp ***)
(*Second step in proof of (31): by LHS of the guarantee and transivity of
\<longmapsto>w *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) tokens_take_NbR_lemma2:
"k \ tokbag
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. tokens(s`giv) = k}
\<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel))}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_Trans)
apply (rule_tac [2] tokens_take_NbR_lemma)
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (insert progress)
apply (blast intro: LeadsTo_weaken_L progress nat_into_Ord)
(*Third step in proof of (31): by PSP with the fact that giv increases *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) length_giv_disj:
"[| k \ tokbag; n \ nat |]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`giv) = n & tokens(s`giv) = k}
{s\<in>state. (length(s`giv) = n & tokens(s`giv) = k &
k \<le> tokens(take(s`NbR, s`rel))) | n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I, safe)
apply (rule_tac a1 = "s`giv" in Increasing_imp_Stable [THEN PSP_StableI])
apply (rule alloc_prog_Increasing_giv [THEN guaranteesD])
apply (simp_all add: Int_cons_left)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac k = "tokens(s`giv)" in tokens_take_NbR_lemma2)
apply auto
apply (force dest: prefix_length_le [THEN le_iff [THEN iffD1]])
apply (simp add: not_lt_iff_le)
apply (force dest: prefix_length_le_equal)
(*Fourth step in proof of (31): we apply lemma (51) *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) length_giv_disj2:
"[|k \ tokbag; n \ nat|]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`giv) = n & tokens(s`giv) = k}
{s\<in>state. (length(s`giv) = n & NbT \<le> s`available_tok) |
n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken_R)
apply (rule Always_LeadsToD [OF alloc_prog_Always_lemma length_giv_disj], auto)
(*Fifth step in proof of (31): from the fourth step, taking the union over all
k\<in>nat *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) length_giv_disj3:
"n \ nat
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`giv) = n}
{s\<in>state. (length(s`giv) = n & NbT \<le> s`available_tok) |
n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken_L)
apply (rule_tac I = nat in LeadsTo_UN)
apply (rule_tac k = i in length_giv_disj2)
apply (simp_all add: UN_conj_eq)
(*Sixth step in proof of (31): from the fifth step, by PSP with the
assumption that ask increases *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) length_ask_giv:
"[|k \ nat; n < k|]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`ask) = k & length(s`giv) = n}
{s\<in>state. (NbT \<le> s`available_tok & length(s`giv) < length(s`ask) &
length(s`giv) = n) |
n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I, safe)
apply (rule_tac a1 = "s`ask" and f1 = "lift(ask)"
in Increasing_imp_Stable [THEN PSP_StableI])
apply (rule Incr_ask, simp_all)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac n = "length(s ` giv)" in length_giv_disj3)
apply simp_all
apply blast
apply clarify
apply simp
apply (blast dest!: prefix_length_le intro: lt_trans2)
(*Seventh step in proof of (31): no request (ask[k]) exceeds NbT *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) length_ask_giv2:
"[|k \ nat; n < k|]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`ask) = k & length(s`giv) = n}
{s\<in>state. (nth(length(s`giv), s`ask) \<le> s`available_tok &
length(s`giv) < length(s`ask) & length(s`giv) = n) |
n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken_R)
apply (rule Always_LeadsToD [OF safety length_ask_giv], assumption+, clarify)
apply (simp add: INT_iff)
apply (drule_tac x = "length(x ` giv)" and P = "%x. f (x) \ NbT" for f in bspec)
apply simp
apply (blast intro: le_trans)
(*Eighth step in proof of (31): by 50, we get |giv| > n. *)
lemma (in alloc_progress) extend_giv:
"[| k \ nat; n < k|]
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. length(s`ask) = k & length(s`giv) = n}
\<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. n < length(s`giv)}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_Un_duplicate)
apply (rule LeadsTo_cancel1)
apply (rule_tac [2] alloc_prog_giv_LeadsTo_lemma)
apply (simp_all add: Incr_ask lt_nat_in_nat)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken_R)
apply (rule length_ask_giv2, auto)
(*Ninth and tenth steps in proof of (31): by 50, we get |giv| > n.
The report has an error: putting |ask|=k for the precondition fails because
we can't expect |ask| to remain fixed until |giv| increases.*)
lemma (in alloc_progress) alloc_prog_ask_LeadsTo_giv:
"k \ nat
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`ask)} \<longmapsto>w {s\<in>state. k \<le> length(s`giv)}"
(* Proof by induction over the difference between k and n *)
apply (rule_tac f = "\s\state. k #- length(s`giv)" in LessThan_induct)
apply (auto simp add: lam_def Collect_vimage_eq)
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I, auto)
apply (rename_tac "s0")
apply (case_tac "length(s0 ` giv) < length(s0 ` ask) ")
apply (rule_tac [2] subset_imp_LeadsTo)
apply (auto simp add: not_lt_iff_le)
prefer 2 apply (blast dest: le_imp_not_lt intro: lt_trans2)
apply (rule_tac a1 = "s0`ask" and f1 = "lift (ask)"
in Increasing_imp_Stable [THEN PSP_StableI])
apply (rule Incr_ask, simp)
apply (force)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac n = "length(s0 ` giv)" and k = "length(s0 ` ask)"
in extend_giv)
apply (auto dest: not_lt_imp_le simp add: leI diff_lt_iff_lt)
apply (blast dest!: prefix_length_le intro: lt_trans2)
(*Final lemma: combine previous result with lemma (30)*)
lemma (in alloc_progress) final:
"h \ list(tokbag)
==> alloc_prog \<squnion> G
\<in> {s\<in>state. <h, s`ask> \<in> prefix(tokbag)} \<longmapsto>w
{s\<in>state. <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(tokbag)}"
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I)
prefer 2 apply simp
apply (rename_tac s0)
apply (rule_tac a1 = "s0`ask" and f1 = "lift (ask)"
in Increasing_imp_Stable [THEN PSP_StableI])
apply (rule Incr_ask)
apply (simp_all add: Int_cons_left)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken)
apply (rule_tac k1 = "length(s0 ` ask)"
in Always_LeadsToD [OF alloc_prog_ask_prefix_giv [THEN guaranteesD]
apply (auto simp add: Incr_ask)
apply (blast intro: length_le_prefix_imp_prefix prefix_trans prefix_length_le
(** alloc_prog liveness property (31), page 18 **)
theorem alloc_prog_progress:
"alloc_prog \
Incr(lift(ask)) \<inter> Incr(lift(rel)) \<inter>
Always(\<Inter>k \<in> nat. {s\<in>state. nth(k, s`ask) \<le> NbT}) \<inter>
(\<Inter>k\<in>nat. {s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(s`giv)} \<longmapsto>w
{s\<in>state. k \<le> tokens(s`rel)})
guarantees (\<Inter>h \<in> list(tokbag).
{s\<in>state. <h, s`ask> \<in> prefix(tokbag)} \<longmapsto>w
{s\<in>state. <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(tokbag)})"
apply (rule guaranteesI)
apply (rule INT_I)
apply (rule alloc_progress.final)
apply (auto simp add: alloc_progress_def)
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