* Copyright (c) 2003, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
#include "include/cds.h"
#include "logging/logLevel.hpp"
#include "oops/array.hpp"
#include "oops/compressedOops.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
// To understand the layout of the CDS archive file:
// java -Xlog:cds+map=info:file=cds.map:none:filesize=0
// java -Xlog:cds+map=debug:file=cds.map:none:filesize=0
// java -Xlog:cds+map=trace:file=cds.map:none:filesize=0
static const int JVM_IDENT_MAX = 256;
class BitMapView;
class CHeapBitMap;
class ClassFileStream;
class ClassLoaderData;
class ClassPathEntry;
class outputStream;
class SharedClassPathEntry {
enum {
void set_name(const char* name, TRAPS);
u1 _type;
bool _is_module_path;
bool _from_class_path_attr;
time_t _timestamp; // jar timestamp, 0 if is directory, modules image or other
int64_t _filesize; // jar/jimage file size, -1 if is directory, -2 if other
Array<char>* _name;
Array<u1>* _manifest;
void init(bool is_modules_image, bool is_module_path, ClassPathEntry* cpe, TRAPS);
void init_as_non_existent(const char* path, TRAPS);
void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it);
bool validate(bool is_class_path = true) const;
// The _timestamp only gets set for jar files.
bool has_timestamp() const {
return _timestamp != 0;
bool is_dir() const { return _type == dir_entry; }
bool is_modules_image() const { return _type == modules_image_entry; }
bool is_jar() const { return _type == jar_entry; }
bool is_signed() const { return _type == signed_jar_entry; }
void set_is_signed() {
_type = signed_jar_entry;
bool from_class_path_attr() { return _from_class_path_attr; }
time_t timestamp() const { return _timestamp; }
const char* name() const;
const char* manifest() const {
return (_manifest == NULL) ? NULL : (const char*)_manifest->data();
int manifest_size() const {
return (_manifest == NULL) ? 0 : _manifest->length();
void set_manifest(Array<u1>* manifest) {
_manifest = manifest;
bool check_non_existent() const;
void copy_from(SharedClassPathEntry* ent, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, TRAPS);
bool in_named_module() {
return is_modules_image() || // modules image doesn't contain unnamed modules
_is_module_path; // module path doesn't contain unnamed modules
struct ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo {
address _map; // bitmap for relocating embedded oops
size_t _bm_region_offset; // this bitmap is stored at this offset from the bottom of the BM region
size_t _size_in_bits;
size_t _size_in_bytes;
class SharedPathTable {
Array<u8>* _table;
int _size;
SharedPathTable() : _table(NULL), _size(0) {}
SharedPathTable(Array<u8>* table, int size) : _table(table), _size(size) {}
void dumptime_init(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, TRAPS);
void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it);
int size() {
return _size;
SharedClassPathEntry* path_at(int index) {
if (index < 0) {
return NULL;
assert(index < _size, "sanity");
char* p = (char*)_table->data();
p += sizeof(SharedClassPathEntry) * index;
return (SharedClassPathEntry*)p;
Array<u8>* table() {return _table;}
void set_table(Array<u8>* table) {_table = table;}
class FileMapRegion: private CDSFileMapRegion {
BitMapView bitmap_view(bool is_oopmap);
void assert_is_heap_region() const {
assert(_is_heap_region, "must be heap region");
void assert_is_not_heap_region() const {
assert(!_is_heap_region, "must not be heap region");
static FileMapRegion* cast(CDSFileMapRegion* p) {
return (FileMapRegion*)p;
// Accessors
int crc() const { return _crc; }
size_t file_offset() const { return _file_offset; }
size_t mapping_offset() const { return _mapping_offset; }
size_t mapping_end_offset() const { return _mapping_offset + used_aligned(); }
size_t used() const { return _used; }
size_t used_aligned() const; // aligned up to MetaspaceShared::core_region_alignment()
char* mapped_base() const { return _mapped_base; }
char* mapped_end() const { return mapped_base() + used_aligned(); }
bool read_only() const { return _read_only != 0; }
bool allow_exec() const { return _allow_exec != 0; }
bool mapped_from_file() const { return _mapped_from_file != 0; }
size_t oopmap_offset() const { assert_is_heap_region(); return _oopmap_offset; }
size_t oopmap_size_in_bits() const { assert_is_heap_region(); return _oopmap_size_in_bits; }
void set_file_offset(size_t s) { _file_offset = s; }
void set_read_only(bool v) { _read_only = v; }
void set_mapped_base(char* p) { _mapped_base = p; }
void set_mapped_from_file(bool v) { _mapped_from_file = v; }
void init(int region_index, size_t mapping_offset, size_t size, bool read_only,
bool allow_exec, int crc);
void init_bitmaps(ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo oopmap, ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo ptrmap);
BitMapView oopmap_view();
BitMapView ptrmap_view();
bool has_ptrmap() { return _ptrmap_size_in_bits != 0; }
void print(outputStream* st, int region_index);
class FileMapHeader: private CDSFileMapHeaderBase {
friend class CDSConstants;
friend class VMStructs;
// The following fields record the states of the VM during dump time.
// They are compared with the runtime states to see if the archive
// can be used.
size_t _core_region_alignment; // how shared archive should be aligned
int _obj_alignment; // value of ObjectAlignmentInBytes
address _narrow_oop_base; // compressed oop encoding base
int _narrow_oop_shift; // compressed oop encoding shift
bool _compact_strings; // value of CompactStrings
uintx _max_heap_size; // java max heap size during dumping
CompressedOops::Mode _narrow_oop_mode; // compressed oop encoding mode
int _narrow_klass_shift; // save narrow klass base and shift
bool _compressed_oops; // save the flag UseCompressedOops
bool _compressed_class_ptrs; // save the flag UseCompressedClassPointers
size_t _cloned_vtables_offset; // The address of the first cloned vtable
size_t _serialized_data_offset; // Data accessed using {ReadClosure,WriteClosure}::serialize()
address _heap_begin; // heap begin at dump time.
address _heap_end; // heap end at dump time.
bool _has_non_jar_in_classpath; // non-jar file entry exists in classpath
unsigned int _common_app_classpath_prefix_size; // size of the common prefix of app class paths
// 0 if no common prefix exists
// The following fields are all sanity checks for whether this archive
// will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
// invoked with.
char _jvm_ident[JVM_IDENT_MAX]; // identifier string of the jvm that created this dump
// The following is a table of all the boot/app/module path entries that were used
// during dumping. At run time, we validate these entries according to their
// SharedClassPathEntry::_type. See:
// check_nonempty_dir_in_shared_path_table()
// validate_shared_path_table()
// validate_non_existent_class_paths()
size_t _shared_path_table_offset;
int _shared_path_table_size;
jshort _app_class_paths_start_index; // Index of first app classpath entry
jshort _app_module_paths_start_index; // Index of first module path entry
jshort _num_module_paths; // number of module path entries
jshort _max_used_path_index; // max path index referenced during CDS dump
bool _verify_local; // BytecodeVerificationLocal setting
bool _verify_remote; // BytecodeVerificationRemote setting
bool _has_platform_or_app_classes; // Archive contains app classes
char* _requested_base_address; // Archive relocation is not necessary if we map with this base address.
char* _mapped_base_address; // Actual base address where archive is mapped.
bool _allow_archiving_with_java_agent; // setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent option
bool _use_optimized_module_handling;// No module-relation VM options were specified, so we can skip
// some expensive operations.
bool _use_full_module_graph; // Can we use the full archived module graph?
size_t _ptrmap_size_in_bits; // Size of pointer relocation bitmap
char* from_mapped_offset(size_t offset) const {
return mapped_base_address() + offset;
void set_as_offset(char* p, size_t *offset);
// Accessors -- fields declared in GenericCDSFileMapHeader
unsigned int magic() const { return _generic_header._magic; }
int crc() const { return _generic_header._crc; }
int version() const { return _generic_header._version; }
unsigned int header_size() const { return _generic_header._header_size; }
unsigned int base_archive_name_offset() const { return _generic_header._base_archive_name_offset; }
unsigned int base_archive_name_size() const { return _generic_header._base_archive_name_size; }
unsigned int common_app_classpath_prefix_size() const { return _common_app_classpath_prefix_size; }
void set_magic(unsigned int m) { _generic_header._magic = m; }
void set_crc(int crc_value) { _generic_header._crc = crc_value; }
void set_version(int v) { _generic_header._version = v; }
void set_header_size(unsigned int s) { _generic_header._header_size = s; }
void set_base_archive_name_offset(unsigned int s) { _generic_header._base_archive_name_offset = s; }
void set_base_archive_name_size(unsigned int s) { _generic_header._base_archive_name_size = s; }
void set_common_app_classpath_prefix_size(unsigned int s) { _common_app_classpath_prefix_size = s; }
size_t core_region_alignment() const { return _core_region_alignment; }
int obj_alignment() const { return _obj_alignment; }
address narrow_oop_base() const { return _narrow_oop_base; }
int narrow_oop_shift() const { return _narrow_oop_shift; }
bool compact_strings() const { return _compact_strings; }
uintx max_heap_size() const { return _max_heap_size; }
CompressedOops::Mode narrow_oop_mode() const { return _narrow_oop_mode; }
int narrow_klass_shift() const { return _narrow_klass_shift; }
address narrow_klass_base() const { return (address)mapped_base_address(); }
char* cloned_vtables() const { return from_mapped_offset(_cloned_vtables_offset); }
char* serialized_data() const { return from_mapped_offset(_serialized_data_offset); }
address heap_begin() const { return _heap_begin; }
address heap_end() const { return _heap_end; }
const char* jvm_ident() const { return _jvm_ident; }
char* requested_base_address() const { return _requested_base_address; }
char* mapped_base_address() const { return _mapped_base_address; }
bool has_platform_or_app_classes() const { return _has_platform_or_app_classes; }
bool has_non_jar_in_classpath() const { return _has_non_jar_in_classpath; }
size_t ptrmap_size_in_bits() const { return _ptrmap_size_in_bits; }
bool compressed_oops() const { return _compressed_oops; }
bool compressed_class_pointers() const { return _compressed_class_ptrs; }
// FIXME: These should really return int
jshort max_used_path_index() const { return _max_used_path_index; }
jshort app_module_paths_start_index() const { return _app_module_paths_start_index; }
jshort app_class_paths_start_index() const { return _app_class_paths_start_index; }
jshort num_module_paths() const { return _num_module_paths; }
void set_has_platform_or_app_classes(bool v) { _has_platform_or_app_classes = v; }
void set_cloned_vtables(char* p) { set_as_offset(p, &_cloned_vtables_offset); }
void set_serialized_data(char* p) { set_as_offset(p, &_serialized_data_offset); }
void set_ptrmap_size_in_bits(size_t s) { _ptrmap_size_in_bits = s; }
void set_mapped_base_address(char* p) { _mapped_base_address = p; }
void copy_base_archive_name(const char* name);
void set_shared_path_table(SharedPathTable table) {
set_as_offset((char*)table.table(), &_shared_path_table_offset);
_shared_path_table_size = table.size();
void set_requested_base(char* b) {
_requested_base_address = b;
_mapped_base_address = 0;
SharedPathTable shared_path_table() const {
return SharedPathTable((Array<u8>*)from_mapped_offset(_shared_path_table_offset),
bool validate();
int compute_crc();
FileMapRegion* region_at(int i) {
assert(is_valid_region(i), "invalid region");
return FileMapRegion::cast(&_regions[i]);
void populate(FileMapInfo *info, size_t core_region_alignment, size_t header_size,
size_t base_archive_name_size, size_t base_archive_name_offset,
size_t common_app_classpath_size);
static bool is_valid_region(int region) {
return (0 <= region && region < NUM_CDS_REGIONS);
void print(outputStream* st);
class FileMapInfo : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
friend class ManifestStream;
friend class VMStructs;
friend class ArchiveBuilder;
friend class CDSOffsets;
friend class FileMapHeader;
bool _is_static;
bool _file_open;
bool _is_mapped;
int _fd;
size_t _file_offset;
const char* _full_path;
const char* _base_archive_name;
FileMapHeader* _header;
// TODO: Probably change the following to be non-static
static SharedPathTable _shared_path_table;
static SharedPathTable _saved_shared_path_table;
static Array<u8>* _saved_shared_path_table_array; // remember the table array for cleanup
static bool _validating_shared_path_table;
// FileMapHeader describes the shared space data in the file to be
// mapped. This structure gets written to a file. It is not a class, so
// that the compilers don't add any compiler-private data to it.
static FileMapInfo* _current_info;
static FileMapInfo* _dynamic_archive_info;
static bool _heap_pointers_need_patching;
static bool _memory_mapping_failed;
static GrowableArray<const char*>* _non_existent_class_paths;
FileMapHeader *header() const { return _header; }
static bool get_base_archive_name_from_header(const char* archive_name,
char** base_archive_name);
static SharedPathTable shared_path_table() {
return _shared_path_table;
static SharedPathTable saved_shared_path_table() {
assert(_saved_shared_path_table.size() >= 0, "Sanity check");
return _saved_shared_path_table;
bool init_from_file(int fd);
static void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it, bool use_copy = true);
void log_paths(const char* msg, int start_idx, int end_idx);
FileMapInfo(const char* full_apth, bool is_static);
// Accessors
int compute_header_crc() const { return header()->compute_crc(); }
void set_header_crc(int crc) { header()->set_crc(crc); }
int region_crc(int i) const { return region_at(i)->crc(); }
void populate_header(size_t core_region_alignment);
bool validate_header();
void invalidate();
int crc() const { return header()->crc(); }
int version() const { return header()->version(); }
unsigned int magic() const { return header()->magic(); }
address narrow_oop_base() const { return header()->narrow_oop_base(); }
int narrow_oop_shift() const { return header()->narrow_oop_shift(); }
uintx max_heap_size() const { return header()->max_heap_size(); }
address narrow_klass_base() const { return header()->narrow_klass_base(); }
int narrow_klass_shift() const { return header()->narrow_klass_shift(); }
size_t core_region_alignment() const { return header()->core_region_alignment(); }
CompressedOops::Mode narrow_oop_mode() const { return header()->narrow_oop_mode(); }
jshort app_module_paths_start_index() const { return header()->app_module_paths_start_index(); }
jshort app_class_paths_start_index() const { return header()->app_class_paths_start_index(); }
char* cloned_vtables() const { return header()->cloned_vtables(); }
void set_cloned_vtables(char* p) const { header()->set_cloned_vtables(p); }
char* serialized_data() const { return header()->serialized_data(); }
void set_serialized_data(char* p) const { header()->set_serialized_data(p); }
bool is_file_position_aligned() const;
void align_file_position();
bool is_static() const { return _is_static; }
bool is_mapped() const { return _is_mapped; }
void set_is_mapped(bool v) { _is_mapped = v; }
const char* full_path() const { return _full_path; }
void set_requested_base(char* b) { header()->set_requested_base(b); }
char* requested_base_address() const { return header()->requested_base_address(); }
class DynamicArchiveHeader* dynamic_header() const {
assert(!is_static(), "must be");
return (DynamicArchiveHeader*)header();
void set_has_platform_or_app_classes(bool v) {
bool has_platform_or_app_classes() const {
return header()->has_platform_or_app_classes();
static FileMapInfo* current_info() {
CDS_ONLY(return _current_info;)
NOT_CDS(return NULL;)
static void set_current_info(FileMapInfo* info) {
CDS_ONLY(_current_info = info;)
static FileMapInfo* dynamic_info() {
CDS_ONLY(return _dynamic_archive_info;)
NOT_CDS(return NULL;)
static void assert_mark(bool check);
// File manipulation.
bool initialize() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
bool open_for_read();
void open_for_write();
void write_header();
void write_region(int region, char* base, size_t size,
bool read_only, bool allow_exec);
char* write_bitmap_region(const CHeapBitMap* ptrmap,
GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo>* closed_bitmaps,
GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo>* open_bitmaps,
size_t &size_in_bytes);
size_t write_heap_regions(GrowableArray<MemRegion>* regions,
GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo>* bitmaps,
int first_region_id, int max_num_regions);
void write_bytes(const void* buffer, size_t count);
void write_bytes_aligned(const void* buffer, size_t count);
size_t read_bytes(void* buffer, size_t count);
MapArchiveResult map_regions(int regions[], int num_regions, char* mapped_base_address, ReservedSpace rs);
void unmap_regions(int regions[], int num_regions);
void map_or_load_heap_regions() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
void fixup_mapped_heap_regions() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
void patch_heap_embedded_pointers() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
void patch_heap_embedded_pointers(MemRegion* regions, int num_regions,
int first_region_idx) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
bool has_heap_regions() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
MemRegion get_heap_regions_requested_range() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(MemRegion());
bool read_region(int i, char* base, size_t size, bool do_commit);
char* map_bitmap_region();
void unmap_region(int i);
bool verify_region_checksum(int i);
void close();
bool is_open() { return _file_open; }
ReservedSpace reserve_shared_memory();
// JVM/TI RedefineClasses() support:
// Remap the shared readonly space to shared readwrite, private.
bool remap_shared_readonly_as_readwrite();
// Errors.
static void fail_stop(const char *msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(1, 2);
static void fail_continue(const char *msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(1, 2);
static void fail_continue(LogLevelType level, const char *msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3);
static void fail_continue_impl(LogLevelType level, const char *msg, va_list ap) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
static bool memory_mapping_failed() {
CDS_ONLY(return _memory_mapping_failed;)
NOT_CDS(return false;)
// Stop CDS sharing and unmap CDS regions.
static void stop_sharing_and_unmap(const char* msg);
static void allocate_shared_path_table(TRAPS);
static void copy_shared_path_table(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, TRAPS);
static void clone_shared_path_table(TRAPS);
static int add_shared_classpaths(int i, const char* which, ClassPathEntry *cpe, TRAPS);
static void check_nonempty_dir_in_shared_path_table();
bool check_module_paths();
bool validate_shared_path_table();
void validate_non_existent_class_paths();
static void set_shared_path_table(FileMapInfo* info) {
_shared_path_table = info->header()->shared_path_table();
static void update_jar_manifest(ClassPathEntry *cpe, SharedClassPathEntry* ent, TRAPS);
static int num_non_existent_class_paths();
static void record_non_existent_class_path_entry(const char* path);
static ClassFileStream* open_stream_for_jvmti(InstanceKlass* ik, Handle class_loader, TRAPS);
static SharedClassPathEntry* shared_path(int index) {
return _shared_path_table.path_at(index);
static const char* shared_path_name(int index) {
assert(index >= 0, "Sanity");
return shared_path(index)->name();
static int get_number_of_shared_paths() {
return _shared_path_table.size();
static int get_module_shared_path_index(Symbol* location) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(-1);
char* region_addr(int idx);
// The offset of the first core region in the archive, relative to SharedBaseAddress
size_t mapping_base_offset() const { return first_core_region()->mapping_offset(); }
// The offset of the (exclusive) end of the last core region in this archive, relative to SharedBaseAddress
size_t mapping_end_offset() const { return last_core_region()->mapping_end_offset(); }
char* mapped_base() const { return first_core_region()->mapped_base(); }
char* mapped_end() const { return last_core_region()->mapped_end(); }
// Non-zero if the archive needs to be mapped a non-default location due to ASLR.
intx relocation_delta() const {
return header()->mapped_base_address() - header()->requested_base_address();
FileMapRegion* first_core_region() const;
FileMapRegion* last_core_region() const;
FileMapRegion* region_at(int i) const {
return header()->region_at(i);
void print(outputStream* st) {
const char* vm_version() {
return header()->jvm_ident();
void seek_to_position(size_t pos);
char* skip_first_path_entry(const char* path) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
int num_paths(const char* path) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(0);
bool check_paths_existence(const char* paths) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
GrowableArray<const char*>* create_dumptime_app_classpath_array() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
GrowableArray<const char*>* create_path_array(const char* path) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
bool classpath_failure(const char* msg, const char* name) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
unsigned int longest_common_app_classpath_prefix_len(int num_paths,
GrowableArray<const char*>* rp_array)
bool check_paths(int shared_path_start_idx, int num_paths,
GrowableArray<const char*>* rp_array,
unsigned int dumptime_prefix_len,
unsigned int runtime_prefix_len) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
bool validate_boot_class_paths() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
bool validate_app_class_paths(int shared_app_paths_len) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
bool map_heap_regions(int first, int max, bool is_open_archive,
MemRegion** regions_ret, int* num_regions_ret) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
bool region_crc_check(char* buf, size_t size, int expected_crc) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
void dealloc_heap_regions(MemRegion* regions, int num) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
bool can_use_heap_regions();
bool load_heap_regions() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
bool map_heap_regions() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
void map_heap_regions_impl() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
MapArchiveResult map_region(int i, intx addr_delta, char* mapped_base_address, ReservedSpace rs);
bool relocate_pointers_in_core_regions(intx addr_delta);
static size_t set_bitmaps_offset(GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo> *bitmaps, size_t curr_size);
static size_t write_bitmaps(GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo> *bitmaps, size_t curr_offset, char* buffer);
address heap_region_dumptime_address(FileMapRegion* r) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(NULL);
address heap_region_requested_address(FileMapRegion* r) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(NULL);
address heap_region_mapped_address(FileMapRegion* r) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(NULL);
static ClassPathEntry** _classpath_entries_for_jvmti;
static ClassPathEntry* get_classpath_entry_for_jvmti(int i, TRAPS);
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