* Copyright (c) 2001, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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#include "runtime/globals_shared.hpp"
// Enable evacuation failure injector by default in non-product builds.
#error "EVAC_FAILURE_INJECTOR already defined"
#ifndef PRODUCT
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
constraint) \
product(bool, G1EvacuationFailureALot, false, \
"Force use of evacuation failure handling during certain " \
"evacuation pauses") \
product(uintx, G1EvacuationFailureALotCount, 1000, \
"Number of successful evacuations between evacuation failures " \
"occurring at object copying per thread") \
product(uintx, G1EvacuationFailureALotInterval, 5, \
"Total collections between forced triggering of evacuation " \
"failures") \
product(bool, G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringConcMark, true, \
"Force use of evacuation failure handling during evacuation " \
"pauses when marking is in progress") \
product(bool, G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringConcurrentStart, true, \
"Force use of evacuation failure handling during concurrent " \
"start evacuation pauses") \
product(bool, G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringYoungGC, true, \
"Force use of evacuation failure handling during young " \
"evacuation pauses") \
product(bool, G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringMixedGC, true, \
"Force use of evacuation failure handling during mixed " \
"evacuation pauses") \
product(uint, G1EvacuationFailureALotCSetPercent, 100, \
"The percentage of regions in the collection set starting " \
"from the beginning where the forced evacuation failure " \
"injection will be applied.") \
range(1, 100)
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
// Defines all globals flags used by the garbage-first compiler.
#define GC_G1_FLAGS(develop, \
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
constraint) \
product(bool, G1UseAdaptiveIHOP, true, \
"Adaptively adjust the initiating heap occupancy from the " \
"initial value of InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent. The policy " \
"attempts to start marking in time based on application " \
"behavior.") \
product(size_t, G1AdaptiveIHOPNumInitialSamples, 3, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"How many completed time periods from concurrent start to first " \
"mixed gc are required to use the input values for prediction " \
"of the optimal occupancy to start marking.") \
range(1, max_intx) \
product(uintx, G1ConfidencePercent, 50, \
"Confidence level for MMU/pause predictions") \
range(0, 100) \
product(intx, G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod, 0, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"The period (in number of GCs) at which we will generate " \
"update buffer processing info " \
"(0 means do not periodically generate this info); " \
"it also requires that logging is enabled on the trace" \
"level for gc+remset") \
range(0, max_intx) \
product(double, G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis, 10.0, \
"Target duration of individual concurrent marking steps " \
"in milliseconds.") \
range(1.0, DBL_MAX) \
product(uint, G1RefProcDrainInterval, 1000, \
"The number of discovered reference objects to process before " \
"draining concurrent marking work queues.") \
range(1, INT_MAX) \
product(bool, G1UseReferencePrecleaning, true, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Concurrently preclean java.lang.ref.references instances " \
"before the Remark pause.") \
product(double, G1LastPLABAverageOccupancy, 50.0, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"The expected average occupancy of the last PLAB in " \
"percent.") \
range(0.001, 100.0) \
product(size_t, G1SATBBufferSize, 1*K, \
"Number of entries in an SATB log buffer.") \
range(1, max_uintx) \
develop(intx, G1SATBProcessCompletedThreshold, 20, \
"Number of completed buffers that triggers log processing.") \
range(0, max_jint) \
product(uintx, G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent, 60, \
"Before enqueueing them, each mutator thread tries to do some " \
"filtering on the SATB buffers it generates. If post-filtering " \
"the percentage of retained entries is over this threshold " \
"the buffer will be enqueued for processing. A value of 0 " \
"specifies that mutator threads should not do such filtering.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(intx, G1ExpandByPercentOfAvailable, 20, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"When expanding, % of uncommitted space to claim.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(size_t, G1UpdateBufferSize, 256, \
"Size of an update buffer") \
range(1, NOT_LP64(32*M) LP64_ONLY(1*G)) \
product(intx, G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent, 10, \
"A target percentage of time that is allowed to be spend on " \
"processing remembered set update buffers during the collection " \
"pause.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(bool, G1UseConcRefinement, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Control whether concurrent refinement is performed. " \
"Disabling effectively ignores G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent") \
product(size_t, G1ConcRSLogCacheSize, 10, \
"Log base 2 of the length of conc RS hot-card cache.") \
range(0, 27) \
product(uintx, G1ConcRSHotCardLimit, 4, \
"The threshold that defines (>=) a hot card.") \
range(0, max_jubyte) \
develop(uint, G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntriesBase, 8, \
"Maximum number of entries per region in the Array of Cards " \
"card set container per MB of a heap region.") \
range(1, 65536) \
product(uint, G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries, 0, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Maximum number of entries per Array of Cards card set " \
"container. Will be set ergonomically by default.") \
range(0, 65536) \
constraint(G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntriesConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(uint, G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBuckets, 8, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Maximum number of buckets per Howl card set container. The " \
"default gives at worst bitmaps of size 8k. This showed to be a " \
"good tradeoff between bitmap size (waste) and cacheability of " \
"the bucket array. Must be a power of two.") \
range(1, 1024) \
constraint(G1RemSetHowlMaxNumBucketsConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(uint, G1RemSetHowlNumBuckets, 0, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Number of buckets per Howl card set container. Must be a power " \
"of two. Will be set ergonomically by default.") \
range(0, 1024) \
constraint(G1RemSetHowlNumBucketsConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(uint, G1RemSetCoarsenHowlBitmapToHowlFullPercent, 90, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Percentage at which to coarsen a Howl bitmap to Howl full card " \
"set container.") \
range(1, 100) \
product(uint, G1RemSetCoarsenHowlToFullPercent, 90, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Percentage at which to coarsen a Howl card set to Full card " \
"set container.") \
range(1, 100) \
develop(intx, G1MaxVerifyFailures, -1, \
"The maximum number of verification failures to print. " \
"-1 means print all.") \
range(-1, max_jint) \
product(uintx, G1ReservePercent, 10, \
"It determines the minimum reserve we should have in the heap " \
"to minimize the probability of promotion failure.") \
range(0, 50) \
product(size_t, G1HeapRegionSize, 0, \
"Size of the G1 regions.") \
range(0, NOT_LP64(32*M) LP64_ONLY(512*M)) \
constraint(G1HeapRegionSizeConstraintFunc,AfterMemoryInit) \
product(uint, G1ConcRefinementThreads, 0, \
"The number of parallel remembered set update threads. " \
"Will be set ergonomically by default.") \
range(0, (max_jint-1)/wordSize) \
develop(bool, G1VerifyCTCleanup, false, \
"Verify card table cleanup.") \
develop(uintx, G1DummyRegionsPerGC, 0, \
"The number of dummy regions G1 will allocate at the end of " \
"each evacuation pause in order to artificially fill up the " \
"heap and stress the marking implementation.") \
develop(bool, G1ExitOnExpansionFailure, false, \
"Raise a fatal VM exit out of memory failure in the event " \
" that heap expansion fails due to running out of swap.") \
product(uintx, G1MaxNewSizePercent, 60, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Percentage (0-100) of the heap size to use as default " \
" maximum young gen size.") \
range(0, 100) \
constraint(G1MaxNewSizePercentConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(uintx, G1NewSizePercent, 5, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Percentage (0-100) of the heap size to use as default " \
"minimum young gen size.") \
range(0, 100) \
constraint(G1NewSizePercentConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(uintx, G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent, 85, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Threshold for regions to be considered for inclusion in the " \
"collection set of mixed GCs. " \
"Regions with live bytes exceeding this will not be collected.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(uintx, G1HeapWastePercent, 5, \
"Amount of space, expressed as a percentage of the heap size, " \
"that G1 is willing not to collect to avoid expensive GCs.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(uintx, G1MixedGCCountTarget, 8, \
"The target number of mixed GCs after a marking cycle.") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(uint, G1EagerReclaimRemSetThreshold, 0, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Maximum number of remembered set entries a humongous region " \
"otherwise eligible for eager reclaim may have to be a candidate "\
"for eager reclaim. Will be selected ergonomically by default.") \
product(size_t, G1RebuildRemSetChunkSize, 256 * K, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Chunk size used for rebuilding the remembered set.") \
range(4 * K, 32 * M) \
product(uintx, G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent, 10, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"An upper bound for the number of old CSet regions expressed " \
"as a percentage of the heap size.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(bool, G1VerifyRSetsDuringFullGC, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"If true, perform verification of each heap region's " \
"remembered set when verifying the heap during a full GC.") \
product(bool, G1VerifyHeapRegionCodeRoots, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Verify the code root lists attached to each heap region.") \
develop(bool, G1VerifyBitmaps, false, \
"Verifies the consistency of the marking bitmaps") \
product(uintx, G1PeriodicGCInterval, 0, MANAGEABLE, \
"Number of milliseconds after a previous GC to wait before " \
"triggering a periodic gc. A value of zero disables periodically "\
"enforced gc cycles.") \
product(bool, G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent, true, \
"Determines the kind of periodic GC. Set to true to have G1 " \
"perform a concurrent GC as periodic GC, otherwise use a STW " \
"Full GC.") \
product(double, G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold, 0.0, MANAGEABLE, \
"Maximum recent system wide load as returned by the 1m value " \
"of getloadavg() at which G1 triggers a periodic GC. A load " \
"above this value cancels a given periodic GC. A value of zero " \
"disables this check.") \
range(0.0, (double)max_uintx) \
product(uint, G1RemSetFreeMemoryRescheduleDelayMillis, 10, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Time after which the card set free memory task reschedules " \
"itself if there is work remaining.") \
range(1, UINT_MAX) \
product(double, G1RemSetFreeMemoryStepDurationMillis, 1, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"The amount of time that the free memory task should spend " \
"before a pause of G1RemSetFreeMemoryRescheduleDelayMillis " \
"length.") \
range(1e-3, 1e+6) \
product(double, G1RemSetFreeMemoryKeepExcessRatio, 0.1, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"The percentage of free card set memory that G1 should keep as " \
"percentage of the currently used memory.") \
range(0.0, 1.0) \
product(bool, G1UsePreventiveGC, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Allows collections to be triggered proactively based on the \
number of free regions and the expected survival rates in each \
section of the heap.") \
product(uint, G1RestoreRetainedRegionChunksPerWorker, 16, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"The number of chunks assigned per worker thread for " \
"retained region restore purposes.") \
range(1, 256) \
product(uint, G1NumCardsCostSampleThreshold, 1000, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Threshold for the number of cards when reporting card cost " \
"related prediction sample. That sample must involve the same or "\
"more than that number of cards to be used.") \
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
// end of GC_G1_FLAGS
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