%%-------------------** Term Rewriting System (TRS) **------------------------
%% Authors : Andre Luiz Galdino
%% Universidade Federal de Goiás - Brasil
%% and
%% Mauricio Ayala Rincon
%% Universidade de Brasília - Brasil
%% Last Modified On: September 29, 2009
critical_pairs[variable:TYPE+, symbol: TYPE+, arity: [symbol -> nat]]: THEORY
IMPORTING variables_term[variable,symbol, arity],
var_countable: ASSUMPTION is_countably_infinite(V)
IMPORTING critical_pairs_aux[variable,symbol, arity],
reduction[variable,symbol, arity],
unification[variable,symbol, arity]
s, t, t1, t2: VAR term
sigma, sg1, sg2,
alpha, delta: VAR Sub
rho, rho1, rho2: VAR Ren
e1, e2, e2p: VAR rewrite_rule
E: VAR set[rewrite_rule]
R: VAR pred[[term, term]]
x: VAR (V)
%%%% Definition of Critical Pair (CP?) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
CP?(E)(t1, t2): bool =
EXISTS (sigma,rho,
(e1 | member(e1, E)),
(e2p | member(e2p, E)),
(p: positions?(lhs(e1)))):
LET e2 = (# lhs := ext(rho)(lhs(e2p)), rhs := ext(rho)(rhs(e2p)) #) IN
disjoint?(Vars(lhs(e1)),Vars(lhs(e2))) &
NOT vars?(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) &
mgu(sigma)(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p), lhs(e2)) &
t1 = ext(sigma)(rhs(e1)) &
t2 = replaceTerm(ext(sigma)(lhs(e1)), ext(sigma)(rhs(e2)), p)
%%%% The case critical overlap %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
CP_lemma_aux1a: LEMMA
FORALL E, (p: position), (e1 | member(e1, E)), (e2 | member(e2, E)):
( positionsOF(lhs(e1))(p) &
NOT vars?(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) &
ext(sg1)(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) = ext(sg2)(lhs(e2)) )
EXISTS alpha, rho:
disjoint?(Vars(lhs(e1)), Vars(ext(rho)(lhs(e2)))) &
ext(sg1)(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) = ext(comp(alpha, rho))(lhs(e2))
CP_lemma_aux1: LEMMA
FORALL E, (p: position), (e1 | member(e1, E)), (e2 | member(e2, E)):
( positionsOF(lhs(e1))(p) &
NOT vars?(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) &
ext(sg1)(subtermOF(lhs(e1), p)) = ext(sg2)(lhs(e2)) )
EXISTS t1, t2, delta:
CP?(E)(t1, t2) &
ext(delta)(t1) = ext(sg1)(rhs(e1)) &
ext(delta)(t2) = replaceTerm(ext(sg1)(lhs(e1)), ext(sg2)(rhs(e2)), p)
%%%% The case non-critical overlap %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
CP_lemma_aux2: LEMMA
FORALL R, t, x, sg1, sg2:
LET Posv = Pos_var(t, x),
seqv = set2seq(Posv) IN
comp_cont?(R) &
RSigma(R, sg1, sg2, x)
(FORALL (i: below[length(seqv)]):
RTC(R)(replace_pos(ext(sg1)(t), ext(sg2)(x), #(seqv(i))),ext(sg2)(t)))
RTC(R)(ext(sg1)(t), ext(sg2)(t))
%%%% Critical Pair Theorem %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
LET RRE = reduction?(E) IN
(FORALL t1, t2: CP?(E)(t1, t2) => joinable?(RRE)(t1,t2))
END critical_pairs
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